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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. The first four are all Mausers. They have that V-shape whereas Carcanno don't. The one laying on the floor does not have that V-shape.
  2. Never saw that one. I did not ask Day anything other than how many rifles and what types they were. He said Carcanno. He would remember finding a second rifle, unless you're going to claim he is part of the conspiracy.
  3. I'll look at it if I have time. If anyone determines the rifle, let us know! If it turned out to be a Mauser, then we have a huge problem. Carl Day handled two rifles, something he denied to me when I visited him in Dallas. Do you know anyone who remembers 2 rifles found? Write his name here _______
  4. I'm not seeing a Mauser in this video. How did Alyea miss filming it when he was there?
  5. True that we don't have and will probably never have the whole interview. CBS told me they're not interested in making the whole interviews available. So I'll leave it at that.
  6. The Carcanno was filmed by WFAA cameraman Alyea. Several films and photos inside and outside the building of it exist. Craig said the police photographed the Mauser. Where are those photos? Did you contact the City of Dallas or NARA so they locate those photos or are you just reading CT books and read on the Internet? Did you see my list of questions that I posted? Do you have answers to them?
  7. Had Weitzman wanted to, he could have told CBS in 1967 that he read MAUSER on the rifle. But he did not. That's an extreme strong indication that he did not read Mauser. "Of course, it was a Mauser! It was written on it!"
  8. Craig said in 1968 he did not know the rifle model. It's possible that Craig got confused later thinking the rifle found was the Mauser found on the roof.
  9. Would you be able to read this from a distance of a few feet? From what maximum distance would a normal person be able to read it?
  10. I doubt Worrell was where he claimed to be. Films of his location does not show him there.
  11. A few questions: 1) Craig said that the police took photos of the Mauser? Where are those photos? Has any of you contacted the DPD, City of Dallas, NARA, etc asking them to locate them or examine their negatives to see if there are such photos? 2) Alyea filmed the Carcanno. Why did not he film the Mauser too? 3) If Boone found the Mauser, then who found the Carcanno? 4) Since two rifles, including the Carcanno were found, then why doesn't any of those on the 6th floor remember seeing 2 rifles? 5) Why did Day always said that only one rifle was found since he is the one who would have been called for identification? 6) Where was the Mauser found on the 6th floor? 7) Any photos or films of that Mauser inside or outside the building, or at the DPD offices? 😎 Had the Mauser been brought outside, don't you think that all the press photographers been all over the person carrying it as they were on Day when he was carrying the Carcanno? Sorry, but not sorry for deflating people's balloon.
  12. Not only what you did does not help the the case but it makes this forum even worse.
  13. How does this help with the JFK assassination case?
  14. Written in 1975. I have it, but have not finished it yet. I think he was neighbor with one of the Clark Panel members and talked to him. Don't know yet if he told him anything valuable as I have yet to finish the book.
  15. All Craig's colleagues I've talked to thought Craig was a nut. Eugene Boone was sad that Craig would lie so much.
  16. And there was only one rifle found on the 6th floor: A Carcanno. This was resolved decades ago. Some of us were in diapers when it was settled.
  17. I'm destroying Roger Craig in this blog. https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/roger-craig/
  18. How does it matter that he was the Man of the Year. Does it prove he was honest? He was just doing his job when he did the thing he won that award. I think it was a jewerly thief that Craig arrested by chance when the thief got into a car accident.
  19. McIntire photo. Oh yeah. Warehouse, no doubt! https://ibb.co/B2XvKd7
  20. Best I can do. You can ask Groden since he had the original. Looking at your screen from a distance may help. Warehouse makes sense!
  21. Ah ok. I think there is a word above « book » as you said.
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