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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. Ellsworth was probably confused. He’s the only one saying that. The gun filmed: It’s probably one of the officers walking with a shotgun as seen in the Alyea film.
  2. Dr. Mantik has replied: https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/dr-david-mantik-admits-elmer-todd-s-initials-are-on-ce-399
  3. Joe, what’s your issue with Caster’s Mauser? Was he part of the conspiracy too? Did the conspirators steal Caster’s Mauser from his home? For what reason? And where are the photos of the Mauser that Craig claim the police took? You really have nothing that it hurts. Don’t let yourself influenced by people who are making money out of the assassination. Use your own brain.
  4. James D., if Weitzman found the Mauser, then who found the Carcano? Where was the Mauser found? At what time? Who reported 2 rifles found on the 6th floor? Where are the photos of the Mauser that Craig said the police took? Who took the Mauser out of the building and where did he go with it? And when? I’m guess you have no idea.
  5. I mean that during the search for rifles, nobody stated that 2 rifles were found. If one did, type his name. I can’t pretend I know everything, but surprise me!
  6. Deputy Sheriff Jack Faulkner who was with the group looking at the rifle told me “A Carcano is a Mauser. Right?” Boone and Weitzman probably meant Mauser as the general term like Frigidaire is for fridges. One of them wrote “Mauser bolt-type” in his affidavit. I think it’s more what both originally had in mind. Had Weitzman been alive in the 90s, I would have clarified all this mess.
  7. In his 70s interview Craig says Mauser was readable on the rifle. But he doesn’t say if it is he who read or someone else told him. The interviewer didn’t probe.
  8. I don’t find it suspicious at all. Why would anyone do? Caster brought it back home on 11/20, so it has nothing to do with 11/22. You’re just trying to come up with fun stuff. You should be more worried about having zero image of a Mauser and have zero witness who saw 2 rifles. Everybody, including Weitzman and Craig, remember 2 rifles. The only rifle photographed is a Carcano.
  9. Are you open to the possibility of 3 or 4 rifles found? The rifle had a scope. Can you provide a Mauser with a scope and still showing Mauser?
  10. There are police photos of the Carcano, I’m sure you know. But none of the Mauser. There are photos and films of the Carcano inside and outside the TSBD. But none of the Mauser. Do you admit there was a Carcano found?
  11. Joe: Roger Craig said the police took photos of the Mauser. Where can I see those photos?
  12. If the person who has Hunt’s photos and they show the initials, I think that they will stay suppressed.
  13. Thanks for the clarification! We’ll wait until 2045 to see Hunt’s photos.
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