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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. Because she looks somewhat like her. But she also looks like one of Ruby’s sister.
  2. This is the lady who some say is Mrs. Reid with Leavelle. This is on November 24. I only know of her visit on November 23. I've just done a screen capture of the film showing the lady.
  3. Can you expend on this? "There's more proof than this that the Craven film was not ruined, and Gary became aware of it before he passed away." What I found in Trask's The Pictures of the Pain: https://postimg.cc/Mnd1wQdG https://postimg.cc/Ty1g334J https://postimg.cc/HJN5cCGD
  4. There is nothing like being in Washington or Texas to do jfk assassination research. That’s where they have the best archives.
  5. I'll try to find an index for the Oak Cliff Tribune. They may have done 1963 interviews with people living in the Tippit shooting and Texas Theater area.
  6. Thanks, Steve. And what a show of braveness to print a paper in Texas in the 19th Century reporting violence against blacks that were not always reported in the white press. A true hero. Wondering how he and his colleagues stayed alive.
  7. I’ve just asked a friend of mine. When I’m semi-retired in 5 years, I’m counting on spending 2 or 3 months in Dallas pouring through the several archives that just a handful of us will ever have the chance to visit. “Denis, I believe the Oak Cliff Tribune has not been digitized. I checked with Dallas Library and they have it on microfilm. It would probably be a good source. I’m sure they covered the assassination.”
  8. Ed Shields told The hsca about the Reid and Oswald encounter. Unfortunately, Shields was not an articulate person.
  9. Who “determined” that one of the ladies in the Wiegman film is Mrs. Reid??? Was it a process of elimination? I doubt that this lady is in the color photo made public by a certain banned member. I’m not allowed to mention his name and I cannot post the color photo since I don’t have the permission of that banned individual.
  10. In Wiegman she’s watching the parade from the front of the TSBD with Truly. I don’t think that woman looks so much like the woman in a color photo of her some years later.
  11. Mrs Robert Reid seems to be Jeraldean Reid. She testified to the WC on the same day as Luke Mooney, Gene Boone and M.N. McDonald. Two photos show all three after their testimony. Maybe there is one of her in some photographer’s file.
  12. I mention the water (pressure?) damage in my blog about the Craven Film. One or two reels were allegedly ruined. Back to you. How do you know that It came through the developing process in pristine condition? https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2016/05/14/the-destroyed-craven-film-taken-in-dealey-plaza/ Gary Mack told me about it. Email 1: “Tom Craven’s film never got on the air; it was damaged during processing at CBS’s Dallas affiliate, KRLD-TV. I interviewed the station’s film processor operator, Henk Dewitt, who said a few reels were damaged early that afternoon due to low water pressure at the building. Craven’s film was apparently one of them” Email 2: “Craven’s film was apparently misidentified. Some years ago, Henk DeWitt, the man who operated KRLD’s film processor, told me he had mechanical problems that day and the first one or two reels were ruined. There was a problem with very low water pressure and the heat of the dryer or something damaged the films.
  13. You must be a Democrat who tries to bring racism in any political conversation. I understand that this a strategy that brings a lot of votes for the Democratic Party. I would be ashamed to use the non-White for political gains.
  14. Beto is a POS. He is that nowadays Democrat that you're not sure if he is pro-America.
  15. Here Dan say he was just beyond the overpass. He did not hear any shots. Was not sure the car he had seen was the President's limo. Ran back to Dealey Plaza. I thought he was beyond the overpass with a cab driver waiting for a film that he would bring to KRLD.
  16. At least 4 photographers are seen with cameras in Dealey Plaza. Their photos or films are still unseen by researchers.
  17. Tom Craven of CBS has his camera to his face right on the corner of Main and Houston in a color Skaggs photo. He filmed the Newmans. He was side by side with Tom Atkins in the only color photo that Art Rickerby took in Dealey Plaza. The film was allegedly ruined during its development at KRLD. All of his other films survived.
  18. He was waiting to grab a film from one of the cameraman. I was told this is the most likely place for him to be. According to you, what is the correct answer? And what error did I make regarding Craven and Underwood?
  19. My new blog: List of as many Dallas TV and radio personalities as I can remember who were active on the weekend of the assassination. I will included the places where they were and photos and films of them or taken by them when possible. I probably forgot a few of those personalities. I included live broadcasts of several of those TV and radio stations, and TV and newspaper reports on them.Updates will be done when required. https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2019/09/01/tv-and-radio-people-present-at-parkland-on-november-22-1963/
  20. Two articles about Reed: https://postimg.cc/k6XwY22G https://postimg.cc/67BhT8Lc His photos: https://postimg.cc/dZZ2grws
  21. The most simple explanation is most of the times the correct one.
  22. I will update the blog with names of radio and TV people present that afternoon, when during the day they were present, their photos so we can spot them in images and what equipment they carried. The Who, When and What.
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