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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. No Problem Ray He is just another Cinque wanabee. pushing the Alteration Agenda, and regurgetating Cinque's old posts from the O.I.P Which were long ago disproven and asigned to the garbage bin.
  2. The Moron never learns. He sent me another Email today. after i explicitly told him i would post any Emails he sent to me in this thread. HE MUST BE DESPERATE He wants to call a truce From: "firsk2@mailinator.com" <firsk2@mailinator.com> To: quaneeri2@yahoo.com Sent: Friday, 15 March 2013 6:54 PM Subject: post this on the EF if you have any integrity you will post this pic on the forum for me since i'm moderated. if you do i'll leave you alone and overlook your attacks on me. deal? just tell the forum you agree with something on Oswald otherwise i will spread everywhere the fraud you are My reply. No Deal I don't take kindly to being blackmailed. Get Fetzer to do it
  3. I believe the top of the pocket can be seen, where the vertical white stipes appear to kink ( are not alighned ) Click on the image to see full size:
  4. Lee I think this crystal clear stabilized GIF from Chris Davidson is the last nail in the coffin for Cinque and co, regarding the whole Robert De Niro scenario. Click on thumbnail to start the animation Robin, Chris, Lee-- In Chris' GIF crystal clear "attached thumbnail" animated video in post #122, it looks like the edge of Lovelady's shirt is sticking out a bit from his collar to his chest, indicating that it might be unbuttoned (although his t-shirt isn't quite visible at that angle). Any way to look at this "frame by frame"? Thanks, --Tommy quote: Any way to look at this "frame by frame"? http://www.jfkassass...pic,5650.0.html
  5. Lee I think this crystal clear stabilized GIF from Chris Davidson is the last nail in the coffin for Cinque and co, regarding the whole Robert De Niro scenario. Click on thumbnail to start the animation
  6. Hicks Click on image to view full size
  7. Credit: James Richards Click on images to view full size:
  8. I always appreciate the way that Martin Hinrichs was able to come up with this Croft / Altgens6 Composite He had a very good eye for perspective, as did Gerda Dunckel
  9. Modern day photo Looking across to the concrete island from what appears to be the top step area of the TSBD gives us a good idea, of the distance in between Click on image to view FULL SIZE TSBD workers lined up from the concrete island all the way across to the doorway area Click on image to view FULL SIZE
  10. Cheers Thanks Larry As i understand it, this is supposedly Hicks. Seen in Willis 7 the man closest to the camera Click on the image to view FULL SIZE
  11. Cinque knows we are kicking his ass, in every thread where he has posted his bat xxxx crazy Alteration claims. That is why he keeps sending me abusive Emails. Telling me to stay the hell out of his threads In future any abusive Email i get from Cinque will be posted RIGHT HERE
  12. Thanks Lee I needed a good laugh. Cinque is back pedelling BIG TIME trying to distance himself from that thread. I know you are correct, because i was part of that whole Robert De Niro substituting an actor for Lovelady thread This was one of the slow motion GIF's that i made to demonstrate that Lovelady was sitting down at the desk, left arm resting on top of the desk as Oswald is paraded past him.
  13. Ralph says has found the whole arrow and it proves Oswald was doorman so why post here instead of doing something about it ! I just went to his facebook page and reported 5 - more Posts to facebook.
  14. Email sent to me from Ralph Cinque From: firsk@mailinator.com [mailto:firsk@mailinator.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:33 PM To: quaneeri2@yahoo.com Subject: Back Off you know who this is. created backup email as to not incriminate myself if you use it against me later on basically i'm not going to warn you again but back the hell off from me in the JFK forums and stop trying to get me banned. you're not a photographic expert and you got no valid points describing doorman photo. go back to your kitchen ok mac? I know your strategy Unger, to divide and conquer, to take over the CT movement and make sure it doesn't venture into dangerous territory- and I mean dangerous to the big lie. You have got the blood of JFK on your hands. YOu're shooting him dead every day try to hamper the truth coming out
  15. Email sent to me from Ralph Cinque From: Mark S. Cinque [mailto:markcinque@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 1:24 PM To: quaneeri2@yahoo.com Subject: good riddance and don't comment on my Lovelady threads again in the forum again! Clearly you don't know jack crap about anything Kennedy Killer from down under
  16. I think the guy standing next to the man with the hat, appears to be a hicks look alike.when compared to Bond This man i believe is also visible in Betzner3 Don's plat appears to have Hicks on the other side of the road ?
  17. I hadn't seen that "Very Large" (50MB) Thompson Moorman drumscan for a couple of years http://www.craiglams...MOORMAN8000.png Since the last time Craig made it available online, at that time i reduced the size, to make it more managable, so that i could upload it to my image gallery My appreciation to Josiah & Craig for providing it to the Research Community Click on image to view full size:
  18. Lindsay I haven't invited Cinque back on this forum I asked that he retract the disinformation that he has posted on his facebook page. Now, i know full well that i will NEVER get an apology from EITHER Fetzer or Cinque because in there Altered Universe, they don't see things the way we do. (Up is down and down is up)
  19. I see you lurking there in the shadows Cinque. I now expect a complete retraction of your postings regarding this topic that you made about myself and Thomas on your facebook page. it's amazing the mental gymnastics that people play. Robin Unger: "Billy Nolan Lovelady appeared at the Dallas FBI Office at which time he consented to be photographed. I may be reading this wrong, but as i understand it, this paragraph appears to be saying that Billy Lovelady arrived at the FBI OFFICE and it was only THEN that he consented to be photographed. What choice did he have, so of course he consented to be photographed." Thomas Graves: "Robin, I agree. What the memo suggests is that the FBI didn't "ask" him if they could photograph him until he'd already arrived at their office." "This implies that he didn't know he was going to be photographed until he got there, so he wore his short sleeved, red and white vertically-striped shirt (his favorite one?) and a t-shirt probably because it was a comfortable combination for that March day." "Since it would have been an inconvenience for all parties concerned for Lovelady to go home and return to the FBI office with his heavy, long sleeved, checkered "doorman" shirt (which he wore with a t-shirt on 11/22/63), either he or the FBI agents (as you suggest) lied about it and falsely claimed that the lighter, short sleeved, red and white vertically-striped shirt was the one he'd worn to work on 11/22/63." "However, when Lovelady went to work early in the morning on 11/22/63, it was a cold, gusty, potentially rainy day." "A check of the kind of upper garment most men were wearing in Dallas on 11/22/63 reveals that very few of them were wearing short sleeved shirts. The vast majority of the men were wearing something a bit warmer like a suit coat, a sport coat, a long sleeved shirt (most likely with a t-shirt underneath it), a casual "sports" jacket, a windbreaker, or a raincoat." Cinque: So, the FBI lied about which shirt he wore just for convenience? Wasn't the sesssion with Lovelady planned? Wasn't it arranged for a photographer to be there? Or, are you suggesting that it was more like: "Hey! I've got a cool idea! Let's take his picture! There is a camera around here somewhere, isn't there?" Or, are you saying it was more like: "We had it planned to photograph Lovelady for being Doorway Man but too bad we didn't think of asking him to wear the same clothes. I know! We'll lie and say he wore the clothes he has on. Why not? Who's going to care?" This is the FBI we're talking about. No this is just more of Cinque crackpot theories we are talking about
  20. Jim Fetzer If you have any integrity i will now expect an apology posted in this thread The report issued by the House Select Committee on Assassinations states: The widely publicized photograph taken by Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens within a few seconds after President Kennedy was first shot shows a spectator who bears a strong physical resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald standing at the west end of the Texas School Book Depository entranceway. Altgens has stated that he took the picture of the presidential limousine, with the Texas School Book Depository entranceway in the background, just after he heard a noise "which sounded like the popping of a firecracker." This issue has also persisted because of reported discrepancies in connection with the clothing worn by the Altgens figure and Billy Lovelady on November 22, 1963. In media prints of the Altgens photograph, the man appears to be wearing a long-sleeved shirt similar to the one in which Oswald was arrested. According to a memo written by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to the Warren Commission after Lovelady had been interviewed and photographed in 1964 by FBI agents, Lovelady was reported to have been wearing a short-sleeved red and white, vertically striped shirt. Lovelady later explained that when he was interviewed and photographed by the FBI, he had not been told to wear the same shirt he had worn on the day of the assassination and that, in fact, he had been wearing a long-sleeved, plaid shirt when he was standing in the Texas School Book Depository doorway. (HSCA, Vol. VI, p. 287) http://www.jfklancer...lady/index.html Click on image to view FULL SIZE:
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