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Thomas H. Purvis

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Everything posted by Thomas H. Purvis

  1. Yes but! You are attempting to extrapolate Z-frame numbers based on an "assumed" vehicle speed that is in fact inaccurate. The Presidential Limo most assuredly began to slow down, and especially so just prior to and after the headshot at Z313. The surveyed in impact location for "K2" on the Time/Life Survey plat is the impact for the Z313 impact location, which of course is completely obvious in the frames of the Zapruder film. Rifle to target (slant) distance for "K2" on the Time/Life survey was 260 feet, and if you will check the WC then you will find that they have it at 265.3 feet, which is definitively the most accurate. In fact: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/simmons.htm Mr. SIMMONS. The marksmen were instructed to take as much time as they desired at the first target, and then to fire--at the first target, being at 175 feet--to then fire at the target emplaced at 240 feet, and then at the one at 265 feet. Mr. EISENBERG. Can you state where you derived these distances? Mr. SIMMONS. These distances were the values given on the survey map which were given to us. Mr. EISENBERG. Are you sure they were not the values I gave to you myself? Mr. SIMMONS. I stand corrected. These are values--we were informed that the numbers on the survey map were possibly in error. The distances are very close, however. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The "265 feet" given here is from the SS Survey Plat of 12/63., as the actual FBI Survey Plat of 2/7/64 (which now supposedly represents the SS plat of 12/63 (CE585) does not have a slant distance of 265 feet on it. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14163 Ronald Simmons was given the 265-foot distance as the last shot fired, when in fact the SS Survey Plat as well as the FBI Survey Plat (CE585) demonstrate a slant/slope distance of 294 feet for the last shot fired. Which by the way happens to be to survey stationing 4+95, which also happens to be directly in front of James Altgens location. Just as he stated. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/altgens.htm There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing, I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera. Mr. LIEBELER - You also testified that you were standing perhaps no more than 15 feet away when the President was hit in the head and that you are absolutely certain that there were no shots fired after the President was hit in the head? Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; that's correct. Now, you have previously indicated that you were right beside the President's car when he was hit in the head. Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I was about 15 feet from it. Mr. LIEBELER - But it was almost directly in front of you as it went down the street; isn't that right? Mr. ALTGENS - Yes. (NOTE: Elm St. was 40-feet wide, therefore each lane was slightly in excess of 13-feet wide. JFK was located slightly to the right of center (direction of travel) of the center lane. Mr. LIEBELER - So, it is clear from your testimony that the third shot--the last shot, rather--hit the President? Mr. ALTGENS - Well, off and on we have been referring to the third shot and the fourth shot; but actually, it was the last shot, the shot did strike the President and there was no other sound like a shot that was made after that. I was just going to make a conclusion here, but that's not my place to do that, so I'll just forget it--what I was going to say. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Might I now recommend that all of the "Doubting Thomas's" go back and find all of those witnesses who ultimately have stated that the head shot at Z313 was the SECOND SHOT fired. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is soooooooooo difficult to figure out!
  2. TIME/LIFE 1. The initial rifle to target distance, as incorrectly computed, was 170 feet. This included an incorrect elevation of the window ledge (60-feet above the sidewalk as opposed to the correct distance of 60.7 feet) as well as a distance to the point on Elm St. directly below where JFK would have been. 2. Mr. West went back and made corrections to these slightly inaccurate survey calculations and this correction resulted in a "rifle to target" distance of approximately 174.54 feet. 3. Time/Life did not indicate that the Second Shot struck JFK. Factually, the second point surveyed in was a point on Elm St. at which they claimed a second shot struck the pavement. In my personal conversations with Dallas County Surveyor Mr. Robert West (at his home), Mr. West clearly stated that absolutely no indication of "impact damage" could be found on Elm St. at this second survey point, and in fact the street as well as all other concrete curbs, etc; were searched and there existed absolutely no indications of a bullet strike anywhere other than the "Tague" hit area which was not found and surveyed in until much later. 4. The impact point for the first shot to the head of JFK is marked "K1" on the survey plat. 5. The purported impact point of the second shot impact on Elm St. is marked "P" on the survey plat. (187 feet slant distance from window to pavement) 6. The impact point of the approximately Z313 impact location is marked "K2" on the survey plat. And, although the Time/Life Survey Plat (& survey notes) are slightly inaccurate in regards to "rifle-to-target" distances, portions of the survey information are absolutely essential in determination of where the first shot fired struck JFK, as well as the true/original location of the road sign which stood between Zapruder's position and JFK at the time of the first shot. Tom P.S. In event one noticed, the Time/Life work also listed a Z313 impact (rifle to target) distance of 260 feet. The Warren Commission work, which is in many ways the truly most accurate, demonstrates a slope/shooting distance of 265.3 feet. Therefore, one just may wish to truly question the following: http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0449a.htm Since the U.S. Secret Service (during their December 1963 survey & re-enactment) as well as the FBI (during their 2/7/64 survey & re-enactment) determined that the third/last/final shot impact to strike JFK was down at survey stationing 4+95 (what was actually surveyed in as well as plotted on both survey plats), and since Mr. West utilized the exact same 0+00 begin stationing point for the SS/FBI survey work as he utilized for the Warren Commission survey work, then one just may want to look farther down Elm St. (as in directly in front of James Altgens location--as he testified to), should they wish to locate the third shot impact point as well as the one and only true "Magic"* bullet. *The one that created wounds in JFK as well as JBC, and then pulled a "disappearing act". All of which may not serve to fully illuminate the survey errors of the Time/Life survey plat, but will nevertheless tell everyone exactly where JFK was located at the time that the third/last/final shot struck him in the back of the head. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh7/html/WC_Vol7_0285a.htm Mr. Hudson: "Yes; So right about even with those steps, pretty close to even with this here, the last shot was fired" (Certainly glad that I never assumed that I was either smarter or more qualified than was the US Secret Service and/or the FBI, to resolve the simple facts of the assassination.)
  3. In continuation of the confusion between the Time/Life Survey works and later works: 1. The Time/Life work is extremely inaccurate for a variety of reasons, which include: a. Incorrect elevation from street/sidewalk to the window ledge of the sixth floor window. This inaccurate elevation creates a distance which is factually shorter (rifle to target) than was the true distance, as the elevation of the window ledge (above the concrete). was computed as having been less than it actually was. b. The "rifle to target" distance was initially calculated in regards to an impact point on Elm St. which was in fact directly below the point at which JFK would have been located. Later, Mr. West "corrected" for the error in distance to JFK's head, however this correction still had the inherent error of computation for the height of the window ledge above the street and target. Nevertheless, the Time/Life survey plat (& survey notes) provide critical measurements when these measurements are thereafter carried over onto the SS/FBI Survey Plat. And, provide even greater accuracy when carried over to the much larger scale WC Survey plat.
  4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Absent proof of anything else, then the SBT must have happened, which is what and why the WC concluded what it did. Until there is proof countering that finding, history has spoken." - Gary Mack 9/9/10 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reckon maybe he now has the "proof" which factually counters the WC. Tom P.S. Yep Mark, he has it too! P.S. Send me those documents which you want signed Gary.
  5. http://groups.google.com/group/alt.assassination.jfk/browse_thread/thread/fd501746305ad0bc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John; Soon, by "snail-mail", you will receive two documents which represent portions of the "True"* survey plat as completed by Mr. Robert West for the Warren Commission. (*As opposed to the phony CE882 which was admitted into evidence) http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0464a.htm So! In addition to the altered survey data (CE 884), you can add these two additional "alterations" to your listing. http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0464b.htm Should you, after receipt of the aformentioned copies, wish to discuss the rational/reasoning behind altering the survey plat to delete the section of street curb removed (Tague hit), as well as changing the physical location (on paper) of the curb inlet, then I would be glad to discuss this subject matter with "inquiring minds".* Tom Purvis *For the record, I do not consider "enquiring minds" to include those who merely "parrot" the WC and it's completely asinine conclusion. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6. So did the FBI during their assassination re-enactment and survey of 2/7/64. In fact, the third/last/final shot impact (down directly in front of James Altgens position, is surveyed and plotted/platted at exactly the same location on the SS Survey Plat of 12/5/63, as it is on the FBI Survey plat of 2/7/64. And, one can not "compare" apples and oranges in regards to elevations utilized in the SS/FBI works and those elevations as demonstrated on CE884 & the WC work. Unless of course they have Mr. West's survey notes. (which of course many are aware are in my posession). The SS/FBI works were associated with elevations and angles to the position on the street directly below the point at which JFK would have been. The WC, for those who recall, gave us the "adjusted position" in which the actual aiming point was in fact some 10-inches higher than was JFK's head at the time of the true assassination. Mr. West compensated for this "height" difference in his angles, etc, and extracted out the 10-inch difference. Nevertheless, the distances and elevations are to a point of impact to a location which would have been JFK's head, which was slightly less than 4-feet above the street level. Hell, it all confuses me and I know as well as understand what they did to confuse everyone else. Tom P.S. All of the Time/Life survey work is extremely inaccurate due to a combination of reasons. Mostly that elevations to the rifle/window ledge are incorrect along with measurements not having been carried to the 0.1 of a foot and horizontal and vertical angles not having been computed past the point of degrees & minutes. (not carried to seconds). Nevertheless, the Time/Life work plots/plats the first shot impact in the Z204/206 area, which measurements can be carried over onto the more accurate SS/FBI Survey Plat, and then even better, carried to the larger scale (1-inch = 10 feet) of the WC Survey Plat. This pretty well confirms where Time/Life located the first shot impact. The "reason" for the SS & FBI having chosen the approximately Z210 position* is also fully understood as they had a photograph which showed JFK definitively reacting at this point. *If one will recall, the Z208/210 controversy was long ago discussed in that Mr. West did no survey work for Z210. He surveyed in Z208 as directed to do so by the WC, and they thereafter altered the survey data (CE884) to now make this position Z210. So! These guys are good! And, they would have totally gotten away with their little scam were it not for one who has attended Survey School and recognized the importance of the survey notes and survey plats. And, since Mr. West has now been deceased for a long, long time and no record of that information in his possession has surfaced, the possibility now exists that what is in my possession is "one of a kind". Tom
  7. "What world do you live in ?? " Reality World!--------As opposed to "TV Reality World"! For those who received their "check" in the mail, hope that you had no trouble in cashing it. Mr. Mack; You may contact me at: 109 Radcliff Drive Lucedale, MS 39452 In event that you/The Sixth Floor Museum desire a "release" for your check. Tom
  8. "Did Frazier ever say anything about this?" 1. Frazier stated that he received one virtually intact bullet and various other fragments of bullets. And, although I personally caught him in what appears as an attempt to misrepresent exactly where he got his spectrographic analysis information to which he testified, my latter experience in old age tells me that it just may have been one of those "memory" things. 2. ADRIAN ALBA: When one takes into consideration the fact that Adrian Alba was a charter member of the "MINUTEMEN", as well as the fact that he was arrested at a training camp which was also located on the north shores of Lake Ponchetrain, then one comes to understand exactly why he may want to suffer a memory lapse also. As I have indicated many times before, LHO/aka the "squirrell" was insuring that he left his false trail/scent at a wide variety of suspicious locations. Alba's later (HSCA) recollections in regards to the leather strap sling should have been pursued much farther by those who questioned him. Especially when one takes into consideration his prior "MINUTEMEN" record. Plus his direct-line family ties to a former aviator who just possibly would have worn a shoulder holster pistol. The "Alba Scam" on the part of LHO is little different than the other scams he was pulling in leaving his "scent" at a wide variety of pro as well as con locations. Certainly glad that I have not wasted that much cerebral capacity "chasing up an empty tree"!
  9. Your point is well taken, as well as being "almost" true. Nevertheless, the "factual" aspects are being published as we speak. Merely that they have to shovel almost 40-years of BS/manure aside in order to be heard. 1. There was a "lone assassin". 2. The WC is an intentional obfuscation (lie if you will) of the simple facts of the assassination. 3. This, to many, is an "oxymoron"! For those who are not severely lost chasing mythological beings, the Sixth Floor Museum may ultimately become a location of considerable fact in regards to the assassination. Facts of CE399, the "non-magic" bullet are now most assuredly in their possession.
  10. "What world do you live in ?? " Reality World!--------As opposed to "TV Reality World"!
  11. Welcome to REAL LIFE Bill..... First off: 1. The "strap issue", not unlike most other issues, has far more lives than any cat as it has been "beat to death" here, there, and most everywhere. 2. Anyone who has bothered to read the testimonies of FBI Agent Robert Frazier is fully aware of the difference in the "strap" as seen in the backyard photo's and as found on the weapon. 3. Anyone who has bothered to read the research works of Dr. Charles Lattimer is fully aware of the fact that he fully identified exactly what the leather strap was actually constructed from. (shoulder strap from a U.S. Military issue shoulder holster pistol) As issued to literally thousands of U.S. Military Pilots. 4. As most may (or may not) recall, I long ago posted the HSCA testimony of Adrian Alba in which he testified that he assisted LHO in manufacture of the leather strap sling, by allowing LHO to utilize his rivet installing machine. Now, (assuming the same weapon) the rifle had a rope sling in Dallas. LHO approached Adrian Alba (according to his HSCA testimony) about help in taking the pistol shoulder strap and riveting it together to make a rifle sling. Which leaves one with absolutely no means by which to verify where the leather sling was acquired. And lastly! Myself as well as many others have located the exact same shoulder holster at old military surplus stores and have created the identical leather sling. (actually, I have located and purchased two of the shoulder holsters/complete with leather strap)
  12. P.S. For Mr. Mack, I have reserved/held a full set of the publishing for the Sixth Floor Museum and will give it to you on my next trip through Dallas. See you at the Sixth Floor! Gary, The "check" is in the mail and should arrive at the Museum by Saturday noon by "Express Mail". Some people have already received their "check", cashed it, and found it to be valid!
  13. Tom, we got a small problem here....the woman who directed the Bloom Agency PR division is described as being alive ten years after Harry Holmes wife, Helen had died. Now, this could be the Holmes's daughter, Helen Joyce, but she became Mrs. Harvey at some point. Maybe Gary Mack can PM one of us as to whether this person is any relation to Harry Holmes. I have not watched this video of Helen Holmes yet.: "Tom, we got a small problem here....the woman who directed the Bloom Agency PR division is described as being alive ten years after Harry Holmes wife, Helen had died." http://rootsweb.ancestry.com/~oklogan/lineage/fdale.htm By Helen F. Holmes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.okcemeteries.net/logan/lnorth/lnorth.htm HOLMES Helen L. 12-16-1915 03-22-1997 Maj. USA - Wife of Robert F. Author of the Logan County History See photo HOLMES Robert F. 04-10-1912 10-27-1962 SSgt BATRY B, 808FA WW II BSM See photo ============================================ Since I personally knew this "Helen F. Holmes/aka Helen L. Holmes" from Oklahoma, it was a mere speculative posting in regards to the Helen Holmes of the Bloom Agency. And although the Helen Holmes of the Bloom Agency (or at least her knowledge and records) are of significance, the following portion of the posting is of far more significance: "In the three weeks prior to Kennedy’s trip, Holmes tried to convince Dallas citizens to put aside politics and embrace the president" Just might be of interest as to exactly how long before 11/33/63 the Bloom Agency knew of the exact day/date that JFK would be in Dallas. Often amazing as to exactly how easily "secrets" leak out. "When the Citizens Council needed PR help, they turned to Sam Bloom of the Bloom Advertising Agency." "Citizens Council president Erik Jonsson and leaders of other host organizations drafted an empathetic statement that Holmes hand delivered to the local media" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GEOMARINE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL INC. Business Corporation (Non-Louisiana) FLEMINGTON Inactive Business: GEOMARINE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL INC. Charter Number: 22600470 F Registration Date: 4/6/1954 Domicile Address BOROUGH FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 Mailing Address 5900 LEMMON AV DALLAS, TX 75209 Principal Business Office 5900 LEMMON AV DALLAS, TX 75209 Registered Office in Louisiana 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Principal Business Establishment in Louisiana Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: WITHDREW Qualified: 4/6/1954 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Business Corporation (Non-Louisiana) Registered Agent(s) Agent: CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR. Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 4/6/1954 Agent: SUMTER D. MARKS, JR. Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 4/6/1954 Agent: LOUIS B. CLAVERIE Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 4/6/1954 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.mssu.edu/seg-vm/1950.html Headquarters for GSI's offshore exploration division, Geomarine Service International, moved from Dallas to New Orleans .. http://www.mssu.edu/seg-vm/bio_erik_jonsson.html Certificate No. 1 of TXN (symbol for Texas Instruments at the New York Stock Exchange) is the property of J. Erik Jonsson and has been since October 1, 1953, when trading began in TI common. TI - chartered in 1930 as Geophysical Service Inc., and renamed in 1950, when wholly owned GSI subsidiaries were formed - would have never appeared on the ticker tapes had it not been for Jonsson's fundamental decision to involve GSI in military electronics. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.mssu.edu/seg-vm/bio_eugene_mcdermott.html Karcher found increasing interest in petroleum development during the mid-thirties, and McDermott became president of GSI. The company was then completely reorganized in late 1941 with Eugene McDermott, H. B. Peacock, J. E. Jonsson, and Cecil Green as co-directors +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VIGILANCE INCORPORATED Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) WILMINGTON Inactive Business: VIGILANCE INCORPORATED Charter Number: 02100760 X Registration Date: 3/16/1951 Domicile Address 100 W 10TH ST WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Mailing Address 100 W 10TH ST WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Principal Business Office 100 W 10TH ST WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Registered Office in Louisiana Principal Business Establishment in Louisiana Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State Qualified: 3/16/1951 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) Registered Agent(s) Agent: CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR. Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 3/16/1951 Agent: SUMTER D. MARKS, JR. Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 3/16/1951 Agent: LOUIS B. CLAVERIE Address 1: 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 3/16/1951 ================================================================================================ FOR AMERICA Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) CHICAGO Inactive Business: FOR AMERICA Charter Number: 02402640 X Registration Date: 7/14/1954 Domicile Address 208 S LASALLE ST CHICAGO, IL 60604 Mailing Address 208 S LASALLE ST CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Business Office 208 S LASALLE ST CHICAGO, IL 60604 Registered Office in Louisiana Principal Business Establishment in Louisiana Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State Qualified: 7/14/1954 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) Registered Agent(s) Agent: CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR. Address 1: 321 ST. CHARLES City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/14/1954 Agent: SUMTER D. MARKS, JR. Address 1: 321 ST CHARLES City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/14/1954 Agent: LOUIS B. CLAVERIE Address 1: 321 ST. CHARLES City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/14/1954 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sometimes, the trees often block one's view of the forest! Anyone recall this? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOLLY SHOE CO., INC. Business Corporation NEW ORLEANS Inactive Business: DOLLY SHOE CO., INC. Charter Number: 22902190 D Registration Date: 1/24/1955 Domicile Address ' NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Mailing Address ' NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State File Date: 1/24/1955 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Business Corporation =============================================================================================================== GREEN WAVE CLUB Non-Profit Corporation NEW ORLEANS Inactive Business: GREEN WAVE CLUB Charter Number: 03606160 N Registration Date: 9/27/1966 Domicile Address 308 CAMP ST. NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 Mailing Address 308 CAMP ST. NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State File Date: 9/27/1966 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Non-Profit Corporation Registered Agent(s) Agent: CHARLES DUNBAR Address 1: HIBERNIA BLDG. City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 9/27/1966 Agent: CHARLES ROSEN, II. Address 1: 22K BARONNE ST. ======================================================== CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ASSOCIATION Non-Profit Corporation NEW ORLEANS Inactive Business: CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ASSOCIATION Charter Number: 03007040 N Registration Date: 12/22/1960 Domicile Address 909 NATL BK OF COMM. NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Mailing Address 909 NATL BK OF COMM. NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State File Date: 12/22/1960 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Non-Profit Corporation Registered Agent(s) Agent: FERNAND F. WILLOZ III Address 1: 1214 BOURBON ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116 Appointment Date: 12/22/1960 Agent: HUBERT BADEAUX Address 1: 8241 HICKORY ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 Appointment Date: 12/22/1960 Agent: FELIX H. LAPEYRE Address 1: 2207 STATE ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 Appointment Date: 12/22/1960 ========================================================== THE POLITICAL LEAGUE Non-Profit Corporation NEW ORLEANS Inactive Business: THE POLITICAL LEAGUE Charter Number: 03300690 N Registration Date: 2/4/1963 Domicile Address 710 PERE MARQUETTE NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Mailing Address 710 PERE MARQUETTE NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Status Status: Inactive Inactive Reason: Action by Secretary of State File Date: 2/4/1963 Last Report Filed: N/A Type: Non-Profit Corporation Registered Agent(s) Agent: HUBERT J. BADEAUX Address 1: 8241 HICKORY ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 Appointment Date: 2/4/1963 Agent: F. D. V. DE LA BARRE Address 1: 4122 PITT ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 Appointment Date: 2/4/1963 Registered Agent(s) Agent: CHARLES ROSEN II Address 1: 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD. City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 1/24/1955 Agent: FELIX H. LAPEYRE Address 1: 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD. City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Appointment Date: 1/24/1955 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.jfk-online.com/jpsgatguat.html After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment.
  14. (It was fortunate for LN Oswald that he did not have a similar, shakey fingers problem when under pressure, wasn't it?) http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=burgess_kimes&id=I18894 Curiously, Mary did not include Helen Grace Holmes's birth name. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/marysdb/showRec.do?mode=searchResult&id=4890 Mary's Comments: DOB: 7/2/05. POB: Indian Territory, Oklahoma. DOD: 10/14/89. Survived by widow, Helen Grace Holmes; daughter, Helen Joyce (Mrs. Jim Harvey); twin sons, Richard and Robert Holmes. Dallas Postal Inspector. FBI confidential informant. Witnessed assassination from 5th floor, Terminal Annex with binoculars. Is there any way we can find out more about this? A demand for $3000? Sounds like it might be the work of an aging man suffering effects of dementia...sure doesn't seem like the M.O. of someone working his way up to bank robbery, or even the desperate act of a drug addict. "Is there any way we can find out more about this?" http://www.sherrigreen.com/Bullet.htm Those who pulled the strings in Dallas belonged to the Citizens Council, a group of businessmen with the authority to commit their company’s resources to various projects. When the Citizens Council needed PR help, they turned to Sam Bloom of the Bloom Advertising Agency. Helen Holmes directed the agency’s PR division in 1963. In the three weeks prior to Kennedy’s trip, Holmes tried to convince Dallas citizens to put aside politics and embrace the president. A string of leaders issued statements encouraging tolerance and warmth. Sheriff William Decker was featured last, stressing that civil unrest would be dealt with sternly. Back at the Trade Mart, where more than 2,500 Dallasites had expected to lunch with the Kennedys, Citizens Council president Erik Jonsson and leaders of other host organizations drafted an empathetic statement that Holmes hand delivered to the local media. For days, weeks, even years, city leaders pondered how to salvage Dallas ’ image.
  15. Lest one either neglect to research or merely forget: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5068&st=30 1. David Judson Dobbs & Martha Josephine Prothro 2. Son: James Monroe Dobbs (brother to Herbert Clifton Dobbs & Uncle to Annie Hahr Dobbs Pawley) 3. Daughter of James Monroe Dobbs: Emma Hahr Dobbs, first cousin of Annie Hahr Dobbs Pawley 4. Emma Hahr Dobbs: Marries Walter Herbert Smith 5. Eugene Hamilton Smith:-------Father to Walter Herbert Smith 6. Father of Eugene Hamilton Smith:-----Dr. Charles Moody Smith 7. Mother of Eugene Hamilton Smith:------Eliza Green Birch 8. Father of Eliza Green Birch:-------John Neville Birch (Sr) 9. Brother of Eliza Green Birch:-----John Neville Birch (II) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Neville Birch (II) 1. Son:---George Snider Birch (Sr,), marries Elizabeth Mae Morrison 2. George Snider Birch (II), son of George Snider Birch (Sr.) & Elizabeth Mae Morrison Marries: Ethel Mae Ellis 3. John Morrison Birch: Born: 28 May, 1918 in Landaur India Death: 25 August, 1945 in China ==================================================================================================================== Emma Hahr Dobbs was first cousin to Annie Hahr Dobbs (wife of William Pawley) Therefore, the children of William Pawley & Annie Hahr Dobbs were in fact distant cousins to John Birch. John Birch was born in India where his father was reportedly a minister. It should therefore come as no great surprise that William Pawley helped establish an aircraft manufacturing company in India as well. "In 1944 Pawley became president of the Industan Aircraft Manufacturing Company in Bangalore, India. Pawley was responsible for building India's first ammonium-sulfate plant in Trannvancore."
  16. For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins and giant conspiracies, the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical facts as relates to CE399 and the first shot fired have now been published in the GEORGE COUNTY TIMES newspaper. Beginning in November 2009 and ending in October 2010, this information has been made available to the residents of the county in which I reside. It is most unlikely that the newspaper has any remaining copies of each of the fourteen (14) two-page publishing & two (2) four-page publishing of this information. Nevertheless, one may contact them should they have any interest in this factual data. George County Times ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers P.O. Box 238 Lucedale, MS 39452 Tel: 601-947-2967 Considering that beginning in the year 2011 I will be presenting similar information relative to the other two shots fired in the assassination, it just may be worthwhile to take the time and effort to read some little "hometown" newspaper. Tom Purvis P.S. For Mr. Mack, I have reserved/held a full set of the publishing for the Sixth Floor Museum and will give it to you on my next trip through Dallas. See you at the Sixth Floor!
  17. "AND...if Klein's was, as Gerry Hemming once hinted to me, CIA-connected," As was long ago indicated, an extremely reliable "gun-source" long ago determined that the true owner of Klein's was in fact the PEPSI Corporation. Which, happens to tell much about their organization and purpose. "then the proper "Dept." number MIGHT have alerted them to ship certain rifle(s)..such as a Carcano "short rifle," with its accurate rifling in the barrel, vs. a Carcano "shortened" rifle, on which the most critical [progressive twist] rifling was cut off in the process of shortening the rifle." Actually! There had to be some form of "fail-safe" in this system in order to prevent the everyday "joe-blow" from ordering on the same "Dept#" order blank. Actually, one commonly utilized some "secondary" verification such as a strange name on the order or as the "referecnce" name. Hope that helps some. Tom P.S. In event that one were shot at with some of the old Italian issue Carcano ammo, and the bullet (and/or fragments) were recovered, then they just may be of the impression that they had been shot at with a "steel-jacketed" bullet. The Italian ammo actually had a "cupro-nickel" jacket which gave the bullet a silver color similar to steel, yet avoided rusting. As a result of the nickel content, the jacket was also slightly magnetic, which further confused the uninformed. (for those chasing steel-jacketed bullets in the General Walker (attempted) shooting). P.P.S. The mail-man cometh
  18. Keep up your excellent research, as it leads to considerable "comparative knowledge". Tom P.S. Might want to compare the "Altgens 6" with: A. The Secret Service re-enactment:----Which will demonstrate that the Secret Service knew exactly where James Altgens was standing at the time the photo was taken. B. With the Warren Commission re-enactment:----Which will clearly demonstrate that the WC/aka Shaneyfelt were determined to NOT tell everyone where James Altgens was actually standing. As long ago demonstrated, compare the Altgens photo with the WC photo and one will see the "movement" of the photographic position. Specifically, note the letters of the TSDB between the fork in the tree in the background. =========================================================================================================== Easy to spot!-----Sometimes difficult to understanding the reasoning. Until of course one comes to recognized that the third/last/final shot occurred directly in front of James Altgens!
  19. "hemmorhagic shock" http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/432650-overview http://www.sogc.org/guidelines/public/115E-CPG-June2002.pdf PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK In hemorrhagic shock, an acute reduction in blood volume leads to sympathetic compensation by peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, and increased myocardial contractility, which in turn increases the myocardial demand for oxygen, to a level that cannot be maintained.1 Simultaneously, tissue hypoperfusion from precapillary vasoconstriction leads to anaerobic metabolism and acidosis.11 Tissue hypoxia, acidosis, and the release of various mediators lead to a systemic inflammatory response.5,11 http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/html/WC_Vol6_0061b.htm http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/html/WC_Vol6_0062a.htm ============================================================================================================ http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/html/WC_Vol6_0062a.htm SHIRES, G.T. and HOLMAN, J. "Dilutional Acidosis". Ann. Intern. Med. 28, 557; 1948. (Acidosis due to I.V. Fluids). http://www.anaes.med.usyd.edu.au/lectures/acidbase_mjb/causes.html 6. CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS AND EFFECTS OF ABNORMAL pH STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 IINTRODUCTION Clinical problems of pH are all related to pH of the plasma of whole blood. pH in extracellular fluid is always close to that of blood. pH inside cells differs from that of blood but it is not recognised as being an important clinical problem apart from blood pH changes. In the clinical situation if the actual pH of the blood is lowered, one can usually assume that the primary disturbance has been the addition to the blood of acid or the removal of base and vice versa. 6.2 CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF CHANGES IN BLOOD pH Blood pH may be changed if acids or bases are added to or removed from the blood. Secretion of an acid (e.g. gastric juice) implies that the acid involved (HCl in this case) is removed from the blood. The acids which can cause changes in blood pH are: Metabolic or non-respiratory acids Organic Lactic Acid Hypoxia Drug Induced Idiopathic Might be called "true" metabolic acidoses Keto Acids Diabetes Starvation Inorganic Sulphuric Acid Inorganic acids, increase in renal failure Phosphoric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Respiratory acids Organic only Carbonic Acid A rise in concentration of any of these acids in the blood causes a fall in the pH of the blood. Loss of acid from the blood (e.g. into gastric juice) causes a rise in the pH. Only HCl and H2CO3 can be lost from the blood in appreciable quantities. The bases which can cause changes in blood pH are: NaHC03 KHC03 Administration of base by mouth or parenterally may cause blood pH to rise if rate of excretion does not match rate of administration. Loss of alkaline fluid from bowel (diarrhoea, intestinal obstruction or intestinal fistulae), or urine (after acetoazolamide) will cause blood pH to fall. 6.3 CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF CHANGES IN BLOOD pH Clinical states of pH disturbence (acid-base inbalance) can conveniently be divided into two groups, i.e. (a)respiratory and (b)metabolic or non-respiratory. The reasons for this division into respiratory and non-respiratory are that: i) the compensatory mechanisms (Section 3.5.1) and treatments (Section 7) of the two types are different.; ii) the recognition of non-respiratory disturbances is masked by compensatory alterations in PCO2 and the recognition of changes in pH caused by PCO2 changes are masked by renal compensation. 6.3.1 RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS. This is synonymous with CO2 retention and is usually a sign of hypoventilation. Compensation is renal. There is renal loss HCl in the form of buffer or as NH4Cl. During recvovery chloride has to be supplied and retained. Causes of hypoventilation: Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Neuromuscular transmission Muscle disorders Chest wall abnormalities Lung and airway disorders. Inhalational of CO2 This is another cause of respiratory acidosis, but it is only likely to occur under situations of re-breathing, e.g. under anaesthesia or during resuscitation with a Water's cannister circuit without the cannister, i.e. ward resuscitators or Type C anaesthetic systems. (Mapleson, 1954). Increased production of CO2. This very rarely causes a high PaCO2. In thyrotoxicosis and fever CO2 production is raised but the rise is well within the capacity of a normal respiratory system. In malignant hyperpyrexia high PaCO2s have been recorded due undoubtedly to increased production. NaHCO2 therapy in non-respiratory acidosis causes a rise in PaCO2 until the CO2 generated by the neutralization of HCO3- has been excreted (Singer et al, 1956). This effect may be prolonged if CO2 excretion is impaired (Ostrea and Odell, 1972). Acute respiratory acidosis is diagnosed by high PaCO2 and low actual pH associated with near normal non-respiratory pH, (standard HCO3-and base excess). (See Appendix 4.2). Chronic respiratory acidosis is compensated by loss of H+Cl- by the kidney and generation (not reabsorption) of (Na+) HCO3-. (See Appendix 3.4). Compensation causes slightly lowered actual pH with a high non-respiratory pH (positive base excess and high standard HCO3-). Steroids and diuretics (except acetazolamide (Diamox) ) may produce a non-respiratory alkalosis which may cause a respiratory acidosis to appear to be "over compensated". There will then be a high (actual) pH. In chronic respiratory failure ventilation is maintained by hypoxic drive and also by the acid pH of the blood. If the pH stimulus is removed by the actual pH being raised, some of the respiratory drive will be removed causing a diminution of respiratory effort and further CO2 retention. When a chronic respiratory acidosis (with compensation, i.e. high non-respiratory pH, Base excess, and Standard HCO3-.) is improved by increasing alveolar ventilation the actual pH may rise above 7.4. The resulting chemical picture of high pH, high non-respiratory pH (positive base excess), and high PaCO2 is indistinguishable chemically from a primary metabolic alkalosis with compensatory CO2 retention. Clinical information is required to distinguish them. (Plot this and other examples on a standard Siggaard-Andersen nomogram as an exercise). ( See Footnote to table 4.2.2.) N.B. The compensatory renal or respiratory changes which partially correct pH disturbances are chemically true pH changes in the opposite direction to the original disturbances. It is a semantic problem whether the compensatory renal change induced for example by primary chronic CO2 retention is called a metabolic alkalosis or not. This semantic muddle can be avoided if the term alkalosis is used only in a non-precise term. 6.3.2. RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS. This is associated with hyperventilation. Usually these are acute so there is no time for renal compensation, but if prolonged, such as in acclimatization to high altitudes, there would probably be renal compensation. Deliberate induced hyperventilation during anaesthesia. Some causes of hypoxia associated with hyperventilation. This would include "air hunger" of hypovolaemia, severe ventilation-perfusion abnormalities and acclimatization to high altitudes. Critically ill patients without arterial hypoxaemia can have severe hypocapnia (Mazzara et al,1974). This may be explained by low cardiac output. In asthma attacks, unless severe, the PaCO2 is usually lowered, i.e. the alveolar ventilation is increased (McFadden and Lyons, 1968). This is at least sometimes associated with hypoxaemia due to mismatching of ventilation and perfusion. Fever. This may cause hypocapnia due presumably to central stimulation of the respiratory control mechanisms (Chapot et al, 1974). Some types of C.N.S. damage. Hysterical hyperventilation. 6.3.3. METABOLIC ACIDOSIS. This (non-respiratory acidosis) is due to increase in acids (i.e. H+ donating substances) other than H2CO2 or decrease in base (i.e. H+ acceptors) in the blood. Compensation is by hyperventilation. This lowers the PaCO2 thus deducing the any pH change. The causes of non-respiratory acidosis are: ==================================================================================================================== Increased alimentary or parenteral intake of acid or alimentary loss of base. (Addition and subtraction). Increased production of acid. (Accumulation). Failure of excretion of acid or loss of base by the renal system. Increased Intake of Acid or Loss of Base Increased alimentary or parenteral intake of acid or alimentary loss of base. Adding acid. The acid content of blood may be raised by ingestion or injection of ammonium chloride or dilute hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid directly increases [H+]. The ammonium chloride produces hydrochloric acid by the NH3 being split off and converted to urea. Adding ammonium chloride directly to blood would not change the pH greatly until the NH4+ has been metabolised. Alimentary loss if Base. Loss of intestinal contents by diarrhoea, low small bowel obstruction or intestinal fistulae causes loss of fluid of high pH, i.e. containing an excess of base (Na+HCO3- or K+HCO3-). This results in the fluid left in the body having a lower base content than normal. The removal of base causes the blood pH to fall (Leading Article, 1966). A similar disturbance has been reported from loss of lymph. (Siegler et al, 1978). Intravenous infusions. These can cause an acidosis. Stored blood for transfusion. This has la ow pH. The anticoagulant contains citric acid. When mixed with the blood the pH drops. PCO2 rises because of the action of acid on bicarbonate ions. Most of the pH drop is due to this CO2 which does not escape from the stored blood. The non-respiratory pH of the stored blood is not as low as the actual pH. The pH of stored blood does not fall progressively if stored for up to three weeks at 4C (Gaudry, Joseph and Duffy, 1974). The acidic salt of sodium citrate and "dilutional" acidosis are the main contributers to the non-respiratory pH of stored blood. There is a variable amount of lactic acid acid in stored blood This usually contributes less to the non-respiratory pH change. If stored concentrated red cells are washed there will be a considerable and even an increased non-respiratory acidosis in the product. If 27meq NaHCO2 is added to each litre of washing fluid this would not occur, but would introduce other problems. Stored blood transfusion rarely causes a non-respiratory acidosis if the circulation and temperature are maintained normal. It is possible that if the circulation and temperature are not maintained, that metabolic acidosis could occur with massive transfusion. In a situation where a massive transfusion is given it will not usually be possible to distinguish the low pH due to blood, from that due to the condition for which the blood is being given. From personal observations the low base excess observed during liver transplantation appears to be mainly a combination of lactic acidosis from the transfused blood and released or generated in the new liver and dilutional acidosis. The sodium citrate in the anti-coagulant solution can cause a metabolic alkalosis after the citrate has been metabolised and replaced by bicarbonate ion. Howlands et al (1965) have advocated routine use of sodium bicarbonate during massive blood transfusion to counteract the acidosis of the infused blood. This is usually unnecessary (Bookallil and Joseph, 1968), and will probably only aggravate post transfusion alkalosis (Miller et al, 1971). If the temperature and circulation are not maintained as is common in when more than say 5 litres in 2 hours are transfused in trauma the composition of the circulating blood approaches that of the transfused blood. In liver transplantation 3 times the blood volume may be replaced in an hour and up to 30 times the blood volume during the operation. This can result in pH<6.9 and base excess <-20meq/litre. The cause is lactic and dilutional acidosis. There appars to be little circulatory effects and spontaneous recovery occurs without alkali therapy (Personal observation). "Dilution Acidosis" (Shires et al, 1948; Garella et al, 1973) is an acidosis due to the intravenous infusion of a neutral non-buffer solution. Intravenous solutions which contain only non-acids or non-bases, e.g. sodium chloride, glucose and other carbohydrates usually have a pH slightly less than 7. This is usually due to pharmaceutical details in the preparation. In these non-buffer solutions this low pH represents a very small amount of acid. One would only have to add a fraction of a miliequivalent of strong base to a litre to make the solution alkaline. If such a non-buffer solution (e.g. Saline or 5% glucose) is equilibrated with a gas mixture containing 40mmHg CO2 it has a pH of 4.9 (Gaudry et al, 1972). 24meq Na0H (or NaHC03) would have to be added to it to give a pH of 7.4, therefore a neutral solution plus 24meq NaHC03 will on infusion cause no change in pH in the blood. The original solution of saline or glucose will act in a similar fashion to an injection of 24meq HCl for each litre infused. This will only be importasnt if large volumes of intravenous fluid are given in a short time,e.g. in burns or cholera (see Diuretic Alkalosis,
  20. Hi Bernice Oswald/Hidell had ordered the rifle months prior to the Alba magazine "browsing" done by Oswald. What is interesting - seven magazines were removed from the Alba garage by FBI on November 23, 1963 and forwarded to FBI Laboratory. The Lab was requested to compare the portion of American Rifleman, June, 1963, page 59, where an order blank had been torn from the advertisement of Klein's. Following the examination, the FBI reported one latent fingerprint had been developed on page 37 - right thumb print of Lee Harvey Oswald. Nothing was mentioned about the torn-out portion which would have contained the order coupon. On November 23, DPD officrs: Rose, Moore, Stovall, and Adamcik, searched the Paine home. There were 47 personal photos found (including 2 photos of Lee holding the rifle, holding papers and wearing a sidearm). Also found in the search "Two magazine ads of "Klein's Sporting Goods" . . ." (CD7) Paul Hoch, noted researcher, discovered one of the ads found in the Paine garage matched exactly the torn out portion from the Alba garage magazine. He turned the information over to the Nat'l Archives. Why coupons without the advertisements? Was Lee's memory so good that he could recall the details of something he wanted to order later on? He could have obtained the same magazines at any library in Dallas. Early on I wrote an article on the 6.5 Italian Carbine. During the course of my researching testimonies, DPD statements, etc., I ran across Klein's vice-president William J. Waldman's WC testimony.(3 H 366-369) Mr. Waldman was never asked nor did he mention the word "36" for the rifle. He did talk briefly about how the Department Ordering Number was used by the company to identify month and magazine. He went on to identify the ordering coupon rec'd from Oswald/Hidell as Dept. 358, American Rifleman, Feb. 1963.(21 H 704) However, there is no picture of the ad in Waldman's exhibits. As a matter of fact there is no picture of this particular advertisement anywhere in the 26 volumes and certainly no mention of a 36" rifle. One will find a Klein advertisement in Postal Inspector Harry Holmes exhibits(22 H 174)advertising a 40" Italian rifle - wrong "dept number". (Researcher Gary Nivaggi prepared a soft bound book where he had compiled and photo-copied "every Klein's Sporting Goods ad" for 1958-1964.) The Holmes advertisement coupon was Dept. 486. And thanks to Gary - this was the November, 1963 issue of Field and Stream. Mr. Holmes verified this in his testimony when he told the WC that he had sent his secretary out on Saturday morning to check on outdoor magazines, thinking he might ".... locate this gun to identify it, and I did". (7 H 294) What I could not understand was why Holme's advertisement was exhibited and not the American Rifleman ad. This could have all been cleared up if Waldman had been asked about a "36" rifle being ordered. He maybe could have explained these were re-conditioned junk rifles and they could have been any length or any variety of excuses. He just was not asked! Surely the FBI would have seen the AR advertisement. The best Klein advertisement I found was the one in "First Day Evidence" - a book about former Dallas Police Crime Lab detective R. W. "Rusty" Livingston who made duplicates of the DPD evidence and squirreled them away for several years. One problem - while making a duplicate of full page advertisement found at the Paine home he failed to notice the name of the magazine at the bottom of the page "Guns and Ammo" Dept. 427. Somebody had circled at 40" Italian rifle AND a .38 Special Smith and Wesson Revolver. (and we know that came from Seaport Traders). I had the opportunity to ask FBI Special Agent Robert Gemberling about a 36" Italian rifle. He told me that I was mistaken. I didn't argue - no point, the man was quite adamant. Sloppy police investigation? cover-up? - who knows. If Lee had stood trial - I doubt very seriously if the rifle would have been introduced into evidence due to a break in the chain of evidence. Martha Martha; An excellent accounting of many of the problems associated with the purportedly "ordering" of the 40-inch Model 91/38 Short Rifle which was utilized in the assassination. When dealing with "Alba", please take the following into consideration: 1. LHO was, (quite obviously by design) intentionally leaving many false trails throughout the "forest". As I have indicated elswhere, a squirrel in the forest NEVER goes directly to the tree in which he has a nest, as it would lead a predator directly to his/its home. The squirrell will run through the forest jumping onto trees, running around to the opposite side, and then jumping off, only to leave a "false trail". He will do this many times prior to actually climbing a tree which has access to the tree in which his nest is constructed. And, only the best of squirrel dogs can wade through the "false trails" left throughout the forest and find the last tree which the squirrel actually climbed. The "actions" of LHO can be best understood when one applies the "false trail" game which he was playing. 2. Adrian Alba was a member of the "MINUTEMEN", and was also apparantly involved in their training and arming them. By his association to Alba, LHO left an excellent false trail which has caused many to become lost. This is to include his "intentionally" hanging out/association at the garage; intentionally attracting the attention of FBI agents who parked cars at the garage; intentionally getting Alba to assist him in construction of the leather sling/strap which was on the recovered Carcano rifle; intentionally engaging Alba in conversations relative to rifle capabilities; intentionally attempting to purchase/acquire one of Alba's weapons; and of course removal of the Klein's Sporting Goods Ad's from Alba's stock of magazines. Which, in itself was an undoubtedly absolute "Direct Ploy" which would ultimately send the FBI right back to Alba and his magazines. So, in order to understand much of LHO and his motives, one must understand exactly how and why he went to the efforts which he did in order to send the squirrel dogs (FBI) chasing up the wrong tree. Tom P.S. Only those few who have actually attempted to "unravel" the information relative to the 36-inch/40-inch discrepancy are likely to grasp all of your post.
  21. "It is impossible to win in argument with an ignorant man" (William G. McAdoo) http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/23566.html
  22. Steve; You have asked an almost completely overlooked, yet poignant question. When surgery was completed on LHO he was assumed to be in relatively stable and good condition. And, he was being purportedly cared for as such. Then, with absolutely no prior warning, his situation suddenly reversed and he immediately became critical and died shortly thereafter from loss of blood. So! Highly suspicious or highly incompetent------take your choice. P.S. Might want to check into exactly who was the "attending" on that one too. Tom
  23. "These are his words and there is simply no way to prove these claims..." Quite incorrect! CE399 proves absolutely that it, and it alone, is directly responsible for the upper back/lower neck wound incurred by JFK. (Hint) The fact that the deformed base to CE399 measures 4mm X 7mm and the fact that the "punch-type" wound of entry into the back of JFK measures exactly 4mm X 7mm, should provide a clue for even those who are not "smarter than a fifth grader". If Mr Purvis actually means that CE399 did NOT pass thru JFK, but entered him EXACTLY perpendicular, base first, after tumbling thru the air after hitting a limb... I see why he prefers to state that this is the "Magic Bullet" as not only does it enter and leave perfect dimensions that match the pre-flatteneed bullet... but it too disappears. Maybe it's the bullet referred to by Belmont here: If this letter is a proven fake, please say so... thx. And then the Autopsy states it did not hit a bone: Autopsy report: The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and the supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as can be ascertained this missile struck no bony structures in its path through the body. The FBI report may be more in line with Thomas' theory... yet where'd the bullet go? And if a pointed bullet was found on JC's stretcher as having come out of JC's thigh... even more evidence of a 2nd shooter. Sibert/O'Neill report During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr. HUMES located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column. This opening was probed by Dr. HUMES with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger. and from the autopsy again: 2. The second wound presumably of entry is that described above in the upper right posterior thorax. Beneath the skin there is ecchymosis of subcutaneous tissue and musculature. The missile path through the fascia and musculature cannot be easily proved. The wound presumably of exit was that described by Dr. Malcolm Perry of Dallas in the low anterior cervical region. CE399 had no blood, tissue, fibers at all on it... if the bullet entered open end first and left fragments in his chest how is it that the bullet is completely clean? Finally, Mr. Purvis, you state the rifle was ABSOLUTELY fired during the assassination event. The fact that a wound matches a bullet has no direct bearing at all as to whether a rifle was fired that day or not. Or even the fact that bullet matches that rifle... we have no idea how THAT bullet came into being... CE399 is not substantiated by anyone who supposed found it and transported it. Please explain to us novices how THAT rifle was proven to have been fired THAT day... everything I've read says you can only tell if the rifle was NOT fired - if it was cleaned prior to that day and not fired, it would still be clean... if not clean you would have to prove that the rifle was cleaned and not fired prior to that day, and then found residue from firing it. Are you able to do any of this? DJ It would be a complete waste of my time to attempt to explain forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical fact to anyone who operates on hearsay; half-truth; rumor; innuendo; and an occassional outright lie. As a general rule, those who waste their time chasing mythological creatures (mythological multiple assassins; body kidnappers; wound alteration specialists; bullet planters; and giant conspiratorial concepts which employ virtually every agency of the U.S. Government (+ a few outsiders)) Are most unlikely to either understand the factual evidence and/or accept it when it is demonstrated to them. And no! CE399 IS NOT the "Magic Bullet". It is still with us. A principal concept of "Magic" is the ability to make something disappear. Thomas, Not wanting to engage in a conversation with supporting evidence or science is par for course.... None of what you claim to be forensic, ballistic, pathological or physical fact is supportable. and wandering off into direction unknown in your posts doesn't make you any more convincing... The only reason the "Magic Bullet" CE399 is still with us is becasue it had nothing at all to do with the injuries sustained on 11/22/63 as is with most all the other "evidence". You've got a bullet entering the body, leaving lead fragments yet emerging without a trace of evidence it was in contact with anyone. Nothing on that bullet suggests it ever came close to JFK. And I posted the studies that show how the chemical composition of the bullet fragments can be matched to a variety of bullets... or did you not even both reading something that may disagree with your unsupported opinions? And we thank Mr Knight for clarifying Thomas' CE399 position... the "oswald fired-hit the limb-tumbled thru the air-entered JFK exactly perpedicular so as to cause a 4x7mm entrance wound-and then is found where?" We can agree that all three of us know that CE399 and the SBT are inconsistent. I agree that CE399 did NOT enter JC... but I also say it did not hit anyone else for that matter. Thomas talks of reliability yet forgets the age of the MC, the age of the ammo, and the condition of both when found. He further neglects to address how Oswald even came into possession of the rifle and how the backyard photo shows a different rifle entirely. You don't even bother to address the points made in my post linked here from this thread... you simply choose not to deal with them at all. http://educationforu...ndpost&p=207565 FMJ bullets do NOT leave dust particles High velocity FMJ bullets do not hit flesh and muscle and simply stop short Post after post you dismiss evidence opposing your opinions as irrelevent... and offer nothing in the way of support... you bring up everything BUT what was discussed... ala the WCR... misdirect and confuse - Tell you what - answer ONE QUESTION - please explain how you can prove THAT rifle was fired THAT day and by Oswald. Thanks All these other questions that you refuse to address have nothing at all to do with it - right? How and when he built the Snipers Nest, reassembled the rifle that couldn't fit in the paper bag in Wesley's car to begin with... that no on saw him enter the building with, remove it from the garage, practice with it, clean it, purchase ammo for it... etc.... that there are no prints on these snipers nest boxes, or on the assembled rifle, clip or hulls. That he was seen on the 2nd floor as late as 12:25 and definitely at 12:15 when he should have already been at the window - not knowing exactly when the limo would pass. That he encouters Baker less than 90 seconds after the shots, in a place consistent with where he was seen 5-10 minutes before. That the rifle did not work as designed since with the chambering of the last bullet the clip should fall out... Alyea's film shows no such thing nor does any testimony mention a clip falling out when Frtiz works the bolt. Nor is there a photo of a clip at the TSBD, or the paper bag for that matter. Thomas - I have no disput with you over your knowledge of rifles and ammo, shooting and/or snipering... but your ignoring posts that offer evidence in opposition to your conclusions speaks volumes... so please just address that one question. and maybe give a little thought to the memo describing a bullet lodged behind JFK's ear while they already had the "other" bullet that hit JFK... thx DJ My appreciation for having provided a prime example as to exactly how little you know in regards to the evidence: 1. The only reason the "Magic Bullet" CE399 is still with us is becasue it had nothing at all to do with the injuries sustained on 11/22/63 as is with most all the other "evidence". Answer: Since CE399 has never disappeared, it has never exibited any qualities of "Magic". In fact, it is merely a plain ole everyday WCC Carcano bullet which is responsible for a given set of wounds. (Hint/again: Magic things are good at the ole disappearing act) 2. Thomas talks of reliability yet forgets the age of the MC, the age of the ammo, and the condition of both when found. Answer: Irrelevant as to the age of the Carcano recovered from the sixth floor, it still "bench-tested" to be as accurate as were the current (1960's) issue U.S. M-14 rifle which also still happens to be the basis for most of the standard issue sniper rifles. As regards the ammunition, it was (and still is) superior quality military grade/standard ammunition in which virtually 100 out of 100 rounds will fire with excellent results. 3. "He further neglects to address how Oswald even came into possession of the rifle and how the backyard photo shows a different rifle entirely." Answer: LHO is holding some version of the Carcano "short rifle". Since I have completely lost my "crystal ball", there exists absolutely no means by which I can define as to whether it is a 6.5mm version (Model 91/38) or whether it is is a Model 38 (7.35mm). As to where he obtained the weapon, one would most assuredly have to know firstly exactly what caliber it actually is. Nevertheless, there exists absolutely ZERO factual proof that it is not/was not the weapon which was recovered on the sixth floor of the TSDB, being the 6.5mm version which was (solely) utilized in the assassination of JFK. (note: of course there also exists absolutely no factual proof that it is the weapon which was utilized to shoot JFK with either) 4. "You've got a bullet entering the body, leaving lead fragments yet emerging without a trace of evidence it was in contact with anyone. Nothing on that bullet suggests it ever came close to JFK." Answer: Had you taken the time and effort to research CE399, then you quite possibly would come to realize exactly how completely inaccurate and non-factual the entirity of that statement is. 5. FMJ bullets do NOT leave dust particles Answer: Incorrect again! It is unknown within the realm of ballistics for an "armor piercing" round to severely fragment upon contact with any portion of the human anatomy. However, FMJ rounds commonly do so, leaving behind tremendous amounts of their inner lead core, after impact bone. Last time I checked, they did not refer to it as "skull bone" for any reason other than it being just that!---BONE! 6. High velocity FMJ bullets do not hit flesh and muscle and simply stop short Answer: First off, for the record, the Carcano, at 2,000 to 2,200 fps does not quite qualify as "high velocity". Although it is very close and falls within the upper range of the "medium" velocity weapons. Lastly, you can rest assured that many, many, many bullets have begun their sojurn towards a target only to ultimately penetrate that target for a short distance as a result of having it's velocity interrupted in flight. 7. Tell you what - answer ONE QUESTION - please explain how you can prove THAT rifle was fired THAT day and by Oswald. Answer: First off, since I was in Athens, Ohio working at the time of the assassination, I have no proof (other than what already exists) as to who assassinated JFK. Merely that all evidence points to LHO as the most probable person. Secondly, the bullets themselves tell a prudent person that they were fired from the assassination weapon. Thomas, Thanks for your contributions to the discussion. Knowing what you know about the rifle and Oswald, do you think Oswald was crazy, psychologically deranged, or was he ideologically motivated? Thanks for your opinion, BK Based on the actions of LHO, one can readily assume much of the following: 1. He WAS NOT some deranged "lone Assassin". 2. He could have just as easily been the "designated scapegoat" as he was the actual assassin. 3. As a result of his activities (back to New Orleans and then to each of the scheduled stops on JFK's Texas trip PRIOR to JFK's arrival), one can assume that LHO was stalking and looking for an adequate vantage point at which to shoot JFK, or else establishing a "pattern" which would set himself up as the primary suspect. 4. The actions of LHO and his going into "hiding"* just prior to the assassination is indicative that he was involved in the assassination up to his nose. He could have just as easily been manipulated into these actions by others in order to be designated scapegoat, as merely done so in order to hide until the assassination was completed. Whichever the case, the actions of LHO were far and above any level of training which is indicated that he received, and someone was undoubtedly "guiding" these actions. *Renting an apartment under an assumed name as well as mailing a package (brown paper bag" to a fictional address. This was a well thought out and well planned assassination of a President of the United States, and although LHO certainly had the marksmanship ability, there is no indications of his ever having received any form of training in "Special Operations". Not to say that he could not have "studied" up on his own, but the "false trail" which he has left to many doorsteps is just one of the signs of a "higher power". Hope that was more clear than mud! Tom
  24. Correction! (I frequently make such errors when I do not bother to go back and "follow-the-trail" exactly) http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/tabid/819/Default.aspx It was Esmond Phelps who was Registered Agent for the "DIXIE PARKING GARAGE". Esmond's office was at 321 St. Charles St., which is: UNITED FRUIT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company http://www.eatingintranslation.com/2009/04/united-fruit-co-building.html United Fruit Co. building 321 St. Charles Ave. (near Union St.), New Orleans +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Esmond Phelps was an early day associate back when Dunbar & Marks were located in the old United Fruit Building at 321 St. Charles St. http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/tabid/819/Default.aspx Registered Agent(s) Agent: ESMOND PHELPS Address 1: 321 ST. CHARLE ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/7/1914 Agent: CHARLES E. DUNBAR JR. Address 1: 321 ST. CHARLES ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/7/1914 Agent: SUMTER MARKS JR. Address 1: 321 ST. CHARLES ST City, State, Zip: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Appointment Date: 7/7/1914 =======================================================================================
  25. In partial answer to your question: 1. Charles Dunbar was of the law firm "Phelps, Dunbar, Marks, Claverie, & Sims". (Which would be irrelevant were it not for the fact that a former founder of the Law Firm was Charles Fenner (Of "Fenner's Battery" of Artillery during the Civil War), and in whose home Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, died. 2. Charles Dunbar was the attorney who was employed by (& had his office in the United Fruit Building) United Fruit and was the individual who was contacted in attempt to raise one million dollars for the "Guatemala" revolution of 1954. 3. "Claverie" was Louis B. Claverie, Uncle to Marguerite Claverie. 4. Sims was of a "prestigeous" order of descendents of signers of the Magna Carta". Which would of course be irrelevant were it not for the fact that D.H.Byrd, owner of the TSDB was also a member of this same fraternal group. 5. "Sumpter" D. Marks (named for Ft. Sumter, SC) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter Was Attorney for the "Parking Garage" at which LHO later applied for employment. 6. Between all of these attorneys, they represented the great majority of places of employment at which Marguerite Claverie had employment in the early days of LHO's living in New Orleans. 7. Mr. Dufour and Mr. Charles Dunbar were well acquainted in various aspects of employment enterprises, & were both graduates of Tulane. Mr. Dufour was "President" of the Tulane Alumni "T" Club, of which the "Registered Agent"/Mr. Edward D. Finley, had his office in the United Fruit Building. 8. Mr. Finley and Mr. Sims (John W.) were the "Registered Agents" for Marine Equipment Company. 9. Certainly not last, but more than sufficient, The Law Firm was also the representative for GEOMARINE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/tabid/819/Default.aspx Of which their primary office was in Dallas, TX, and their "Bossman" was the Chairman of the Dallas Citizen's Committe and was the individual who announced the shooting of JFK at the luncheon site. A little "much" for answering a single simple question no doubt! And, "FOR AMERICA" http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/tabid/819/Default.aspx "VIGILENCE INCORPORATED" http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/tabid/819/Default.aspx Lastly, there is absolutely no indication that Mr. DuFour is involved in any of the "interconnections" as relates and ties to the assassination of JFK.
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