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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. Part 2: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmyb.wmv
  2. Here is some information from Wim that he posted a few weeks ago:: Okay, fair enough. So you believe that Prescott had an influence over Nixon , and was friends with Dulles too. And you believe that Dulles (who was fired by JFK) and Nixon (who lost to JFK) planned the BOP. Correct? Do you believe Dulles knew about the plot? Do you believe Donald Kendall knew about the plot? Do you know who that is? Do you know their ties to Nixon? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, let me tell you about Kendall, other than being the CEO of Pepsi for 21 years. He was friends with Nixon, (Nixon was corporate lawyer for Pepsi after he lost the election to Kennedy) He also a friend of the Bushes, and a trustee of the George Bush foundation. http://www.georgebushfoundation.org/bush/a...ew/Trustees.asp He is also a CIA asset. For Pepsi and Coke were the eyes and ears of the CIA in Latin America and the Caribean. Specifically for Coke, it was Philip Twombly, Chauncey's CIA boss, who instructed Holt to make the fake credentials for Dallas that day. He was also the man who told Nixon (when president of the USA) to organize a coup in Chili (which replaced Allende for Pinochet). He was in Dallas, with Nixon and Twombly, so called for the Pepsi bottling convention. Twombly, who had reserved rooms for Chauncey in the Adoplhus, wrote to Chauncey that "Donald and I will stay with friends for the bottling convention" (probably at the ranch of Clint Murchison) And of course he is also good friends with Vladimir Putin: http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2004/06/21/54461.html I think you can see now that Donald is quite a big shot before and behind the screens. If his friend Twombly, lower in rank, was involved in the plot to kill JFK, and both Nixon and Twombly were staying in Dallas with him, what do you think is the chance that Donald was ignorant? Same question for Prescott and son, once you know that Prescott was over Tricky Dick. Can you see the trees of the forest fall? Can you see why Chauncey needs to be painted as a "charming conman"? Wim
  3. Wim just posted this clip on his website: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmya.wmv
  4. Reaction from Wim here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1925#1925
  5. What is your theory, Mr. White? It’s rather obvious that the Mafia and the exile-Cubans had an important role in the assassination. How can you otherwise explain that James Files, Chauncey Holt and Tosh Plumlee, without being influenced by each other, place the mafia and the exile-Cubans in Dealey Plaza the day of the assassination. Johansson What is your theory Mr Johansson? Name the exiled Cubans in Dealey Plaza. Please. Jason Vermeer Mr. Vermeer I won't get into any details since you already know my theory. I believe Orlando Bosch, Lois Posada Carillies and the Novo brothers had an important role. Although there are indications of more Exile-Cubans present that day. Johansson
  6. What is your theory, Mr. White? It’s rather obvious that the Mafia and the exile-Cubans had an important role in the assassination. How can you otherwise explain that James Files, Chauncey Holt and Tosh Plumlee, without being influenced by each other, place the mafia and the exile-Cubans in Dealey Plaza the day of the assassination. Johansson
  7. JF – I’m looking for security people, cops, undercover, security, off-duty, whoever might be carrying a weapon. Bulge along their hip, behind their back, like under the arm in a shoulderholster. I’m looking for these little bulges, most people don’t pay no attention to that, but this is what I’m looking for. But then I was amazed when I recognized several people out of the past that were in Dealey Plaza. Did I go talk to them? No, but I recognized them and see them there. J – Who was that? JF – I remember Aldo Vera, remember seeing him there. Aah, a lot of people say Jack Ruby was never there, but he was there before the motorcade got there, I know that for a fact, and even though I never knew Jack Ruby, but I was as close to him as I was to you in the coffeeshop but I never spoke to him, I was never introduced to him. Never said a word to Jack Ruby. But I was that close, I’m looking at the backside of him and I’m pretty sure that was him. Aah …. Diaz was there, I believe his name was Tony, Tony Diaz is what I knew him as, ….aah … Richard Cain, he was on scene, he was in the crowd, he had been there, he was leaving, he was like walking away, …aah … Felix Alderisio, I know he was there that day, where he went I have no idea. But there is several people that I saw. J – How about Frank Sturgis? JF – Frank Sturgis, he was there. J – How did you know Frank Sturgis? JF - I knew Frank Sturgis from the Bay of Pigs and from the SAO. I also knew Orlando Bosch. He was on scene. Orlando Bosch, I don’t know if you are familiar with his name or not, but he was also present. Ah … there was a few other faces I recognized, I just don’t remember the names for them, because it’s so long ago. J – How do you figure all those people were in Dealey Plaza? JF – You know, I couldn’t figure that one out when I was there myself, but it’s like anything else, it’s like everybody … they know something is going to happen. Maybe they know a building is going on fire or something. You know, you ‘ve got a building burning and it may collapse, everybody runs to see the fire, they should be going the other way. About the only time I have ever seen a lot of confusion was where people where trying to get away, it was a racetrack or some crowded place and somebody yelled “gun”, everybody broke and stampeded. We had a few people out of the racetrack that got hurt that way, they were out of Maywood Park, they got hurt in a stampede like that. But basically speaking, if somebody knows something is going to happen, they have a tendency to go see it. Most people are curious. You know when you ever drive down the highway and you see a wreck, you’re probably guilty of it. You slow the car down and look out the window. Everybody does it. So a lot of people had come there for that reason, probably because they had heard these rumors and stuff that he was going to be assassinated in Dallas. That was no secret. Even the National Security Agency knew that. J – What about Eugene Brading? JF – Eugene Braden? He was there that day. He was the …. Eugene Braden was there for a specific reason: He had the contacts inside the Daltex building. And he was the one that Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli needed to get them into the private office, some way or another, I have no idea where that office was, I was never in the Daltex building myself, I can’t even describe anything in there.
  8. From Wim: Ah, Lance you did it to yourself. Welcome to the JFK research community. Now, on Chauncey Holt, you need to gather the opinion of Tosh (William) Plumlee and Jim Fetzer. Both are members on this forum. But I can also bring you in contact with former associates of Chauncey Holt. On Jack White, you need to know that he believes the "old tramp" is E. Howard Hunt (in fact it is Chauncey Holt) and that the tall tramp is Charles Harrelson. This is the weirdest combination to imagine, for all those people that claim the old tramp is Hunt, claim that the tall tramp is Frank Sturgis. Moreover , nobody has ever been able to put Hunt and Harrelson together. But the weirdest thing of all is that Holt himself identified the tall tramp as Harrelson. He delivered him fake ID's that day in the name of Calvin Harper. I guess Jack White is supporting Holt after all From me, you need to know that I get pissed when people try to discredit James Files, but I get even more pissed when people try to discredit Chauncey Holt. This man has the strongest story ever, including all the evidence. The trouble is, only very few people know the full extent of his story, and that certainly excludes Jack White. Chauncey's story is actually more explosive and even more provable than the confession of James Files. Why? Because he lays out the height of the conspiracy, that Files knew nothing about. This inncludes high and powerfull people, still living today. And he can (could) prove it too. Finally, please know that Chauncey drove Charles Nicoletti to Dallas. Charles Nicoletti was James Files' direct (and proven) boss. PS: This discussion is obviously going to be heated and exciting, but unfortunately I am leaving for a week vacation with my family tomorrow. Have fun in the meantime With greetings from Turkey. Wim PS2: The tramp photo that Jack White likes to avoid is this one: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/trampear.JPG Oh, and Jack White is not part of this crowd either: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/researchers.htm
  9. From Wim: I repeat: Now, if you would (re)activate my account, I will gladly take the challenge to engage in a direct debate with you. Are you up to it? Or would you rather continue quoting other people's deceptions without hearing the other side? Wim
  10. Yes, I should have posted the complete email with headers exactly as Wim sent it to you and later to me. I sure realize you would recognize those were Wim's words, as you received his email yourself, but chose not to post it, neither respond to it. Rest assured I can do my own thinking and am in no way a "mouthpiece" of anyone. I do happen to agree with most of what Wim says, yes. To take away the risk of further confusion, below are Wim's words again: Mr. Simkin, I do not smear people, I just point out when they are lying and/or deceiving, like with Richard J. Smith, John Stockwell, Edward Epstein, or anyone else for that matter. If they don't like to see their lies exposed, tough luck. As you know from the email I sent you, I offered to address Stockwell's lies one by one. ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: John Simkin Cc: James Richards Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 5:53 PM Subject: From Wim Dankbaar Dear John Simkin, You may post this if you like: Is the opinion of John Stockwell the reason why you disbelieve James Files? John Stockwell is a known former CIA agent. Need any more proof he is a ‘CIA asset’? Try and find him to elaborate on his views! His opinions have not always been the same. In fact I, I have many recorded opinions of him, either in writing or on video, that are actually very supportive of conspiracy and James Files. He made a sudden and unexplained 180 degrees reversal. Who knows who got to him? His reversed opinions are provable lies. The fact that he claims the XP-100 "kicks like mule", is just one example. Ask any XP-100 owner. You have been researching the assassination yourself for a long time. Can you really not detect the rest of his lies? Would you really like me to address them one by one? Stockwell gives himself away with trying to discredit the deceased Joe West. All you need to know is this: Joe West is the only American in history who tried to do the one sensible thing to solve this case: Exhume the remains of JFK. What do you think the exhumation would prove? It would not only prove multiple shooters, but also the veracity of James Files. Not only the evidence of his frontal right temple shot, but also traces of his mercury bullet. That's why Joe died and his lawsuit with him. Also, Joe West and his death are the only reason that Files decided to talk! That's why my film will start with the following text: This film is dedicated to the late Joe West. I never knew Joe West but in my firm opinion he did more to solve the murder of John F. Kennedy than anyone else. I also believe he paid with the highest price. ***************** Now, if you would (re)activate my account, I will gladly take the challenge to engage in a direct debate with you. Are you up to it? Or would you rather continue quoting other people's deceptions without hearing the other side? Maybe you could also explain to me why you kicked me off in the first place. My recollection is this: John Simkin, who runs the Education forum, doesn't like me either. I was kicked off his forum for critisizing his policies towards two other members. My problem is that I like a good argument and I am good at it. It is only given a few of us to admit they are wrong. Most people, when they lose the debate, dig themselves in and become only more hostile. Not like boxers who can respect their opponents when they are punched within the rules. Once they don't like the messenger, they don't like the message. If the administrators and a few opinion leaders on such a forum are against the Files story and/or Wim Dankbaar, then few of their members are going against the mainstream. They rather keep their mouth shut or adhere to the advocated concensus. Like I said, most people act like sheep in the herd. Humans genetically want to belong in the group. But if you really scrutinize their arguments, you will find that none of them can disprove the Files story. You can lead those horses to the water, but they will refuse to drink. Never mind, they are a drop in the ocean. The point is: the resistance to the Files story on these forums is based on emotions or ignorance, rather than facts and content. Cordially, Wim Dankbaar PS: BTW. I think you should make a page for Donald Kendall, as you did for Twombly.
  11. Dear John Simkin, Is the opinion of John Stockwell the reason why you disbelieve James Files? John Stockwell is a known former CIA agent. Need any more proof he is a ‘CIA asset’? Try and find him to elaborate on his views! His opinions have not always been the same. In fact I, I have many recorded opinions of him, either in writing or on video, that are actually very supportive of conspiracy and James Files. He made a sudden and unexplained 180 degrees reversal. Who knows who got to him? His reversed opinions are provable lies. The fact that he claims the XP-100 "kicks like mule", is just one example. Ask any XP-100 owner. You have been researching the assassination yourself for a long time. Can you really not detect the rest of his lies? Would you really like me to address them one by one? Stockwell gives himself away with trying to discredit the deceased Joe West. All you need to know is this: Joe West is the only American in history who tried to do the one sensible thing to solve this case: Exhume the remains of JFK. What do you think the exhumation would prove? It would not only prove multiple shooters, but also the veracity of James Files. Not only the evidence of his frontal right temple shot, but also traces of his mercury bullet. That's why Joe died and his lawsuit with him. Also, Joe West and his death are the only reason that Files decided to talk! That's why my film will start with the following text: This film is dedicated to the late Joe West. I never knew Joe West but in my firm opinion he did more to solve the murder of John F. Kennedy than anyone else. I also believe he paid with the highest price. Johansson
  12. Mr. Simkin, Great idea, that would be very interesting. I think it would also be a good idea for Chauncey Holt, Judyth Baker and Tosh Plumlee. Could you share with us who your friend is? Mark
  13. ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: editor@vheadline.com Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:15 PM Subject: Re: We're talking about Seraphin, Orlando Bosch, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada "And Tony Po, Postheny (not sure if this is spelled correctly). " Meanwhile I found that the correct spelling is Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Poshepny http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/942811/posts ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: QMD333@aol.com Cc: editor@VHeadline.com Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 11:47 AM Subject: Re: A question Yes, this is a mistake by the editor. Originally the name was misspelled in the transcript as Postheny. I didn't know who Postheny was, untill I found his correct name on the Internet. I informed the editor of this and added "he died in 2003" Now it looks like Chauncey said that, which is impossible of course I copy this to VHeadline, so hopefully they will correct that by deleting it. Wim ----- Original Message ----- From: QMD333@aol.com To: dank@xs4all.nl Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:55 AM Subject: A question Dear Mr Dankbaar, I read your article on the 1992 interview with JFK assassination witness, Chauncey Holt. I found it very interesting. However, there was something that I didnt understand. The interview took place in 1992. Holt said "And Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003." How could Holt have known in 1992, that Poshepny died in 2003? Was this a mistake? Please clear that confusion up for me, when you get a chance. I appreciate it. Best wishes, Matt DeLuca QMD333@aol.com
  14. http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=59101 Mark Johansson
  15. Mr. Stephen Turner, First of all, you are not a member at Wim's forum, you never registered, so you can never have been banned. Secondly that link is a public link, which has nothing to do with the forum. Anybody can access it, even banned members of the forum, like Paul May and Cindy Targus. Why do you need to lie? The only reason you get that message while accessing the forum, (if you are telling the truth, which I highly doubt) could be that you are using an IP address used by "Paul May" or "Cindy Targus". We have banned their IP addresses. Mark
  16. Another manouver to deflect attention and avoid answering the important questions: Do you actually want to suggest that the marks are NOT dentmarks? If not, what are they in your opinion? Do you want to suggest they are dentmarks, but not made by Files? Or what? Shooters cited by Jim Hicks? Quotation please? Alleged .45 casing found? Source? Do you have that shell casing? What do these allegations have to do with James Files? Files says he left his casing on the crossbar of the picket fence. It was found a few yards from there in the ground. How is that not consistent? Does Files have an explanation it was not found in the exact spot where he lleft it? No, because he only knows where he left it. We can only speculate someone found and took it and threw it there or even stamped it in the ground. But the most important lesson that can be learned from all this, for every person with a normal size brain, is this: If Files were a hoax he would have MADE his story consistent. By the way, Wim told me he met with Mike Browloh a few months ago in Dealey Plaza. Mike is an assistant/friend of Robert Groden. He was a witness to assasination itself as a 12 year old boy. He has been researching the case since 1971 and spends a lot of his time giving tours, lectures and information, and selling DVDs and books on Dealey Plaza. As such he has spoken with more witnesses, researchers and Dallas policeman than any of us. Some of those policemen at times have given him more info than they normally want to divulge to the public. Mike told Wim that Dallas policeman Joe Murphy has told him that he found a casing on the crossbar on the exact spot where he left it and then handed it over to a collegue. Can this be proven? No, but it is interesting information. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Mike1.wmv http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/hughesonfiles.wmv http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Groden.wmv That is some fantastic information. Mark, if somebody wanted to learn more about the James Files story, be it either reading or watching a DVD, who should they contact? What do you mean, Jason? Is that an ironic question? You know Wim's site. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/dvd.htm Mark
  17. Hello my fellow researchers, I was just wondering where I can find JFK assassination related books. I´ve checked Amazon but they only have a small collection of books. I would be very happy if you have an suggestion where I should look. Mark
  18. 1. I believe Johnny Roselli was in Dealey plaza 11/22/1963
  19. Poll: 1) Yes 2) No 3. I am not sure, but I would like to know more about the possibility
  20. Another manouver to deflect attention and avoid answering the important questions: Do you actually want to suggest that the marks are NOT dentmarks? If not, what are they in your opinion? Do you want to suggest they are dentmarks, but not made by Files? Or what? Shooters cited by Jim Hicks? Quotation please? Alleged .45 casing found? Source? Do you have that shell casing? What do these allegations have to do with James Files? Files says he left his casing on the crossbar of the picket fence. It was found a few yards from there in the ground. How is that not consistent? Does Files have an explanation it was not found in the exact spot where he lleft it? No, because he only knows where he left it. We can only speculate someone found and took it and threw it there or even stamped it in the ground. But the most important lesson that can be learned from all this, for every person with a normal size brain, is this: If Files were a hoax he would have MADE his story consistent. By the way, Wim told me he met with Mike Browloh a few months ago in Dealey Plaza. Mike is an assistant/friend of Robert Groden. He was a witness to assasination itself as a 12 year old boy. He has been researching the case since 1971 and spends a lot of his time giving tours, lectures and information, and selling DVDs and books on Dealey Plaza. As such he has spoken with more witnesses, researchers and Dallas policeman than any of us. Some of those policemen at times have given him more info than they normally want to divulge to the public. Mike told Wim that Dallas policeman Joe Murphy has told him that he found a casing on the crossbar on the exact spot where he left it and then handed it over to a collegue. Can this be proven? No, but it is interesting information. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Mike1.wmv http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/hughesonfiles.wmv http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Groden.wmv
  21. By the way, here is the casings. Do you see any difference? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/bittenshells.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/bittenshells1.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/bittenshells2.JPG Mark
  22. Quote from Paul Choor on Lancer: http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p...242&page=#47259 Excuse me, but I don't see what is so excellent... Jason Vermeer, I think your eagerness to kick against the Files story is starting to look like personal vendetta and frankly pathetic. In my eyes it looks desperate. First of all you were going to do a CONFERENCE CALL to Stimson together with Wim. Apparently, you could not keep that promise, which to me is not a surprise in light of your displayed disingenuous behaviour. What we have now is that still dr. Stimson has indeed rendered his original medical opinion that it were human teethmarks on that shellcasing, and that now he's saying that he should have said "could have been human teethmarks", which he didn't. But even if he did, it would change very little. What he said was in fact: "The indentations are oriented on the shell casing in a pattern that would be consistent with the maxillary right central incisor making the larger mark and the two smaller marks would be consistent with the lower right central and lateral incisors. IT IS MY OPINION THAT THE MARKS ARE CONSISTENT WITH HAVING BEEN MADE BY HUMAN DENTITION" The difference is of course that Mr. Stimson knows now that the casing is connected to the most controversial and highest profile murder case in the history of United States. Maybe that has made Mr. Stimson a little nervous. For originally he wasn't influenced, like he was in the vile biased introduction letter of Jason. Dr. Stimson was told only: This casing was supposedly in a murder and was in a person's mouth and that the marks on the casing are supposed to be teeth marks. Dr. Stimson was asked to examine the casing in his lab and to tell us: 1. Are the dents teeth marks? 2. If they are not teeth marks, what are they? And if Dr. Stimson cannot fully support his own original statements anymore, why did he never bother to contact JFKmurdersolved.com to offer his correction? Jason, have you ever bitten such a caliber shellcasing? I saw Wim doing it and you know what? I saw him doing it 6 times! And you know what? All the 6 testcasings looked EXACTLY like the dentmarks on Files' casing !!! I wonder what your strategy is here? Do you actually want to suggest that the marks are NOT dentmarks? If not, what are they in your opinion? Do you want to suggest they are dentmarks, but not made by Files? Or what? Gr. Paul.
  23. Tosh, I have a few more questions. You said on tape that Nicoletti was in Dallas. How did you know that Nicoletti was in Dallas? And do you concede that James Files was Nicoletti's boy? Did you ever fly Nicoletti from Chicago to Burbank or Santa Barbara? Finally, Do you believe the story of Chauncey Holt? Mark
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