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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. Hello Bill, I suppose it might be worth a try. Just need some UK person that knows how to file a UK FOIA request and see what they say. I'd think the UK would have things tied up with some of the Official Secrets Act issues, and they don't want to give up much on JFK, as the dirt trail leads back to them. The Royal's image might get soiled for being too much into exploitive methods to control and fund their Empire. Give it a try and see. Ask for the AF1 info. In a few cases, like this article, there are UK leaks that lead to a better understanding and associations. The UK should have a huge file on the JFK and other assassinations. Nigel Turner, from the UK, did some of the most epic documentary video work on JFK via that TMWKK series for the History Channel, with the banned Episodes 7, 8, 9 getting really close. See what Nigel Turner is doing these days and tell him about Bloomfield and the PERMINDEX death unit, and let him do a little work up on the European "Black Nobilty" (The Royals) and the issues of the "Stuarts" and 'Windsors" linked to the Welf and Guelph issues with the Vatican. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/biggestsecretbook/biggestsecret18.htm Between European Royal Wealth and the UK Crown wealth from the same problems, the "Royals" have been doing this kill the problem for a thousand years. It is time the UK and Europe start to learn their real history and the issues of exploitation going beyond their Colony type exploitation. It is also past due for Americans to learn the same dirty and sorted history, expecially as it applies to JFK. MKL, and even Abe Lincoln. The America might rediscovered "Liberty", as it discovers real history. Sounds like a fine job for a History Channel---even if we have to make our own videos to get the job done. jp
  2. ========= The CIA and MI-5 / 6 marriage agreement of 1946: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/25/intelligence-deal-uk-us-released Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence • 1946 agreement tied allies into spying network • Freedom of information requests bring publication Richard Norton-Taylor The Guardian 25 June 2010 The terms of a secret agreement that became the core of the special relationship between Britain and the US are released today more than 60 years after the deal was signed by senior military officials. A six-page "British-US Communication Intelligence Agreement", known as BRUSA, later UKUSA, tied the two countries into a worldwide network of listening posts run by GCHQ, Britain's biggest spying organisation, and its US equivalent, the National Security Agency. Though its existence has long been known, the agreement, negotiated in London in March 1946, is only now being published, and for the first time officially acknowledged, after freedom of information requests in Britain and the US. Under the agreement, the countries agreed to exchange the knowledge from operations involving intercepting, decoding and translating foreign communications, including the "acquisition of communication documents and equipment". In a passage which ensured that GCHQ's activities remained wrapped in official secrecy, the agreement states: "It will be contrary to this agreement to reveal its existence to any third party whatever." Documents released – and available from today, and free for a month, at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukusa – include amendments and annexes to the agreement. One, dated 1948, states: "The value of Communication Intelligence in war and peace cannot be over-estimated; conservation of the source is of special importance." It adds: "The time limit for the safeguarding of Communication Intelligence never expires." The documents emphasise the importance of individuals with access to this information – now know as "sigint", short for signals intelligence – to be indoctrinated about its sensitivity and the need for it to be protected. No one who knew about these intelligence gathering methods "shall be committed to a hazardous undertaking which might subject him to capture by the enemy or third party", one document says. GCHQ's cover was blown by Time Out in 1976, but it was only officially "avowed" in 1982 when Geoffrey Prime, a former linguist at GCHQ, was jailed for 38 years for passing secrets to the Russians over a 14-year period. He was released in 2001. Many documents have been weeded out of the GCHQ files to be released today. They include an appendix on the "designation of intercept targets" and another on "collaboration in the field". Also missing is a document titled: "Arrangements for emergency location of Comint (Communication Intelligence) units". A GCHQ spokesman said last night: "The 1946 UKUSA agreement formed the basis for co-operation between the two countries throughout the cold war and continues to be essential in keeping the UK safe from today's threats." Ed Hampshire, a senior records specialist at the National Archives, said: "The agreement represented a crucial moment in the development of the 'special relationship' between the two wartime allies and captured the spirit and practice of the signals intelligence co-operation which had evolved on an ad-hoc basis during the second world war." He added: "As the threat posed by Nazi Germany was replaced by a new one in the east, the agreement formed the basis for intelligence co-operation during the cold war. The two nations – linked by common bonds of history, culture and language – agreed not to collect intelligence against each other or to tell any 'third party' about the existence of the agreement." The UKUSA agreement was later extended to include Canada in 1948, and Australia and New Zealand in 1956. According to the intelligence historian, Richard Aldrich, the British tried to use the Commonwealth as an "equalizer", summoning the Canadians and the Australians to a London signals intelligence summit before meeting the Americans, Shortly afterwards, Stewart Menzies, the head of MI6, met an American team led by Joseph Wenger at Bryanston Square in London to work on a bilateral deal. "When negotiations became sticky, Menzies whisked everyone off to White's Club for a bibulous lunch and – suitably refreshed – they resolved their differences", says Aldrich. The agreement was signed on 5 March 1946 by Colonel Patrick Marr-Johnson on behalf of the UK's London Signals Intelligence Board and Lieutenant General Hoyt Vandenberg for the US State-Army-Navy Communication Intelligence Board. The US was reluctant to include Commonwealth countries as equals and on occasions blocked intelligence sharing with them. The 1946 agreement states the exchange of intelligence would not be "prejudicial to national interests". But, despite occasional rows, the eavesdropping network, sometimes referred to as Echelon, has expanded. Norway joined in 1952, Denmark in 1954, and Germany in 1955. Italy, Turkey, the Philippines and Ireland are also members. Documents released today contain thousands of intercepts from the Soviet Union but stop at 1949, as does the first official history of MI6, to be published in the autumn. Though GCHQ employs about 5,500 staff, significantly more than MI5 or MI6, its budget also remains a secret. Then sensitivity surrounding GCHQ operations is further reflected in its strong opposition to the product of intercepts being used as evidence in court trials, a ban which critics say would obviate the need for control orders and secret hearings but one which GCHQ argues is needed to protect the capabilities of its technology. GCHQ, the government's communications headquarters, is based in Cheltenham and grew out of wartime Bletchley Park where mathematicians, scientists and linguists broke the German Enigma codes. ----- Snippets of life under Stalin in GCHQ files The GCHQ files reveal examples of repression, censorship, industrial and agricultural upheaval - and plans for Stalin's 70th birthday. • In 1948, farm workers resettled in Kamchatka appealed to Vyacheslav Molotov, the deputy prime minister. "For four years we have somehow failed to receive accommodation, cattle, seeds, and fodder." • Patriarch Alexis, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, told the bishop of Tashkent in December 1949: "The Holy Synod has approved the text of the congratulatory address to be presented to Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin on the occasion of his 70th birthday." • In 1949, "pseudo folksongs" were banned by Dalstroi, the Gulag mining camps in Kolyma. GCHQ's intercept remarks: "Most of these songs were popular in pre-revolutionary days." ============
  3. Looks like LeMay was almost near Bronfman territory up in Canada. He flew out of Wiarton: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiarton_Airport http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=3&topic_id=85840&mesg_id=85840&listing_type= Perhaps he was busy plotting the next move, down in DC.
  4. MI5 insider speaks out: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_drugs01.htm MI-6 Are The Lords of The Global Drug Trade by James Casbolt from JamesCasbolt Website It may be a revelation to many people that the global drug trade is controlled and run by the intelligence agencies. In this global drug trade British intelligence reigns supreme. As intelligence insiders know MI-5 and MI-6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world (CIA, MOSSAD etc) in a vast web of intrigue and corruption that has its global power base in the city of London, the square mile. My name is James Casbolt, and I worked for MI-6 in 'black ops' cocaine trafficking with the IRA and MOSSAD in London and Brighton between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI-6 and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome, trafficking cocaine into Britain. My experience was that the distinctions of all these groups became blurred until in the end we were all one international group working together for the same goals. We were puppets who had our strings pulled by global puppet masters based in the city of London. Most levels of the intelligence agencies are not loyal to the people of the country they are based in and see themselves as 'super national'. It had been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the CIA has been bringing in most of the drugs into America for the last fifty years (see ex LAPD officer Michael Rupert's 'From the wilderness' website for proof). The CIA operates under orders from British intelligence and was created by British intelligence in 1947. The CIA today is still loyal to the international bankers based in the city of London and the global elite aristocratic families like the Rothschild's and the Windsor's. Since it was first started, MI-6 has always brought drugs into Britain. They do not bring 'some' of the drugs into Britain but I would estimate MI-6 bring in around ninety percent of the drugs in. They do this by pulling the strings of many organized crime and terrorist groups and these groups like the IRA are full of MI-6 agents. MI-6 bring in heroin from the middle east, cocaine from south America and cannabis from morocco as well as other places. British intelligence also designed and created the drug LSD in the 1950's through places like the Tavistock Institute in London. By the 1960's MI-5, MI-6 and the CIA were using LSD as a weapon against the angry protestors of the sixties and turned them into 'flower children' who were too tripped out to organize a revolution. Dr Timothy Leary the LSD guru of the sixties was a CIA puppet. Funds and drugs for Leary's research came from the CIA and Leary says that Cord Meyer, the CIA agent in charge of funding the sixties LSD counter culture has "helped me to understand my political cultural role more clearly". In 1998, I was sent 3000 LSD doses on blotting paper by MI-5 with pictures of the European union flag on them. The MI-5 man who sent them told my father this was a government 'signature' and this LSD was called 'Europa'. This global drugs trade controlled by British intelligence is worth at least 500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade and the economy in Britain and America is totally dependent on this drug money. Mafia crime boss John Gotti exposed the situation when asked in court if he was involved in drug trafficking. He replied "No we can't compete with the government". I believe this was only a half truth because the mafia and the CIA are the same group at the upper levels. In Britain, the MI-6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money from the corrupt diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean. MI-6 and the CIA are also responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic in Britain and America. In 1978, MI-6 and the CIA were in south America researching the effects of the natives smoking 'basuco' cocaine paste. This has the same effect as crack cocaine. They saw that the strength and addiction potential was far greater than ordinary cocaine and created crack cocaine from the basuco formula. MI-6 and the CIA then flooded Britain and America with crack. Two years later, in 1980, Britain and America were starting to see the first signs of the crack cocaine epidemic on the streets. On august 23, 1987, in a rural community south of Little Rock in America, two teenage boys named Kevin Ives and Don Henry were murdered and dismembered after witnessing a CIA cocaine drop that was part of a CIA drug trafficking operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas at the time. Bill Clinton was involved with the CIA at this time and $100 million worth of cocaine was coming through the Mena, Arkansas airport each month. For proof see the books 'Compromise' and 'Dope Inc'. On my father's international MI-6 drug runs, whatever fell off the back of the lorry so to speak he would keep and we would sell it in Britain. As long as my father was meeting the speedboats from Morocco in the Costa del Sol and then moving the lorry loads of cannabis through their MI-6, IRA lorry business into Britain every month, British intelligence were happy. As long as my father was moving shipments of cocaine out of Rome every month, MI5 and MI6 were happy. If my father kept a bit to sell himself no one cared because there was enough drugs and money to go round in this £500 billion a year global drugs trade. The ones who were really paying were the people addicted. Who were paying with suffering. But karma always catches up and both myself and my father became addicted to heroin in later years and my father died addicted, and poor in prison under very strange circumstances. Today, I am clean and drug-free and wish to help stop the untold suffering this global drugs trade causes. The intelligence agencies have always used addictive drugs as a weapon against the masses to bring in their long term plan for a one world government, a one world police force designed to be NATO and a micro chipped population known as the New World Order. As the population is in a drug or alcohol-induced trance watching 'Coronation Street', the new world order is being crept in behind them. To properly expose this global intelligence run drugs trade we need to expose the key players in this area: Tibor Rosenbaum, a MOSSAD agent and head of the Geneva based Banque du Credit international. This bank was the forerunner to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) which is a major intelligence drug money laundering bank. 'Life' magazine exposed Rosenbaum's bank as a money launderer for the Meyer Lanksky American organized crime family and Tibor Rosenbaum funded and supported 'Permindex' the MI6 assassination unit which was at the heart of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Robert Vesco, sponsored by the Swiss branch of the Rothchilds and part of the American connection to the Medellin drug cartel in Colombia. Sir Francis de Guingand, former head of British intelligence, now living in south Africa (and every head of MI5 and MI6 has been involved in the drug world before and after him). Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson which is one of the biggest drug trafficking operations in the world. His brother John Keswick is chairman of the bank of England. Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb, Bank of England director from 1987 to 1995, Barclays Bank Deputy Chairman in 1985, Telegraph newspapers director in 1986 (This is the reason why this can of worms doesn't get out in the mainstream media. The people who are perpetrating these crimes control most of the mainstream media. In America former director of the CIA William Casey was, before his death in 1987, head of the council of the media network ABC. Many insiders refer to ABC as 'The CIA network.) George Bush, Snr, former President and former head of the CIA and America's leading drug baron who has fronted more wars on drugs than any other president. Which in reality is just a method to eliminate competition. A whole book could be written on George Bush's involvement in the global drug trade but it is well-covered in the book 'Dark Alliance' by investigative journalist Gary Webb. Gary Webb was found dead with two gunshot wounds to the back of his head with a revolver. The case was declared a 'suicide'. You figure that out. Gary Webb as well as myself and other investigators, found that much of this 'black ops' drug money is being used to fund projects classified above top secret. These projects include the building and maintaining of deep level underground bases in, Dulce in New Mexico Pine Gap in Australia Snowy mountains in Australia The Nyala range in Africa west of Kindu in Africa next to the Libyan border in Egypt Mount Blanc in Switzerland Narvik in Scandinavia Gottland island in Sweden, ...and many other places around the world (more about these underground bases in my next issue). The information on this global drugs trade run by the intelligence agencies desperately needs to get out on a large scale. Any information, comments or feedback to help me with my work would be greatly welcomed. ===========
  5. Per the book Dope, Inc. it appears the book is online these days and makes for some good associative reading for those seeking the answers per the killing JFK and lots of others. Whole Book Dope, Inc.: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/dope_inc/dope_inc.htm ============= This is nothing new in the scheme of things from Europe's Darker Ages, as assiciated with religions / Popes, the Royals of the period, and the war for control. The follow-on for these type methods of Europe one should definitely read about the "Black Nobility" of Europe in Italy, Germany, and England. Pay close attention to the family war that sprang out of the "Welf" and "Guelph" nobility. Guelphs are the big dogs in England. It is all about killing all the ones that don't see things your way. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/secretsoc_20century/secretsoc_20century04.htm#CHAPTER 16 Then apply those concepts to PERMINDEX, or the more recent games to kill those that don't get along well with the English Crown's money asperation. Then one can see how naturally the solution for England is to kill those in their way of money. "Permanent Industrial Expositions" are rather permananet deaths for those working against the British wealth and control. =============
  6. ======== Looks like the entire book is online here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/dope_inc/dope_inc.htm ========== http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_drugs01.htm ===========
  7. Yes, that quote is a mystery. I did mention it didn't happen at CU. "CU"="Columbia University" in Manhattan / NYC and orgin for the "Manhattan Project"=USAEC. It does sound like something JFK might say, as he was deep into the People's Freedoms being returned. I am still looking for the precise date and venue source for the quote. Even if it never came from JFK, someone left us a very good hint of where to check for the JFK assassination motive. Perhaps, we need to rephrase the querry to the JFK Library center for any mention of these phrase words, and not pin it to a date or place. I like to kick off some JFK discussions with that particular quote, and the mystery that surrounds it, then point out the USAEC and JFK issue. In Oak Ridge, they like to take credit for having JFK killed and that phrase's mystery speaks to that issue.
  8. The most interesting thing on "Mitch Werbell" is that "Lyndon LaRouche" hired Werbell as his Security Consultant and Mitch Werbell trained all the LaRouche security people in counter-terrorism. It appears LaRouche's group found all the connections for the JFK hit and how America's Freedoms are exploited, and these leads came via Werbell and his associates. Werbell certainly would know all about the corrupt Batista games in Cuba. ======== Certainly Mitch Werbell gave LaRouche his support behind the book called Dope, Inc. http://www.laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.UnityNow10 In late December 1978, the NCLC published Dope, Inc.: Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. The back cover of the book included this endorsement from Mitchell WerBell: Dope, Inc. is a book of outstanding importance. It tells the history of a political strike against the United States in an undeclared war waged by Great Britain." Dope, Inc., in fact, was partly put together with the help of a WerBell associate named Walter Mackem, who regularly visited the NCLC's headquarters in New York to help in the "fact gathering" for the book. In his 1978 book Spooks, Jim Hougan describes Mackem as "a former CIA officer and expert in the international narcotics trade."1 ============ Perhaps Werbell tought LaRouche's group all the ropes: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope1.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope2.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope3.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope4.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope5.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope6.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope7.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope8.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope9.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope10.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope11.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope12.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope13.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope14.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope15.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope16.pdf ================
  9. Looks a little like a Volunteer Arms--Commando Mark III. Made by little machine shop near Oak Ridge, Tn.
  10. Some thoughts on American's Freedom, and exploitations thereof: ========== The all too true JFK quote, that didn't happen at CU. "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." ____ John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 12th November, 1963 - 10 days before his murder on November 22, 1963. =========== http://www.doewatch.com/jfk/ JFK Assassination Short Course As we approach the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, on November 22, 2013, it becomes necessary to speed up the public’s ability for solving this Crime before it destroys the United States from all the continuing outfall of Criminal Conspiracy and Cover-ups at the highest levels of the American Government, its Intelligence Organizations, and financial “NWO” scheming. So, let us start things off forthrightly with the telling of “Who Done It” at the highest echelons of Intelligence Circles and then elaborate at some length later in the text. The JFK assassination is easy to solve, as the very same “non domestic” Foreign Intelligence players were involved in the Abe Lincoln Assassination and the Martin Luther King Assassination. All these assassinations have a common theme and it is about British Imperialism, Colonization methods, and UK Rothschilds banking issues for the Lincoln Assassination, just add for JFK and MLK the issue of Israel slightly complicating the issues, but it is the same overall. The “Short Course” for the JFK assassination is just to follow three prime hints, the New Orleans District Attorney “Jim Garrison” Investigation fingering PERMINDEX, the “E. Howard Hunt” CIA linked Confession and fingering “William King Harvey” in Rome, and the religion extremist “Joseph Milteer” prediction of the JFK assassination involving him being killed from buildings due to a Zionist Plot. Then consider that the Russian KGB fingers “Lyndon Johnson” as the lead plotter, and one can find Morris Jaffe and lots of LBJ and USAEC associations. The consider Billy Sol Estes also says LBJ was involved. Then one finds the seeds of hate that Oak Ridge was first able to sow to have JFK killed using one of their Y-12 people who lived in Chicago and knew Jack Ruby. You will find the common reason for three different assassinations connected with British Intelligence involving Montreal, Canada. Where this leads is into the heart of PERMINDEX in Europe, Swiss Banking, and some Rome connections with “William King Harvey” of the CIA, then DISC, USAEC, and Oak Ridge / Y-12. The “High Command” for the JFK plotters was “George Mandel” (aka Mandello), who ran a Jewish escape method for Jewish folks out of Hungary in WWII. Also connect up “Ferenc Nagy” working with this same group on Hungarian issues. Then connect “Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum”, who was a funding agent for the Mossad using BCI Swiss Banking Accounts. Nagy had been running an international travel circuit route for many years, but then chose to settle in Dallas in early 1963. These four make up the European Nexus of the plot to kill JFK, and it very similar to the plot to kill “Charles DeGaulle” for ending nuclear support for Israel, where French Intelligence fingered PERMINDEX and they had to relocate to South Africa, as a British Apartheid Colony interest. “Guy Bannister”, former FBI Chief in Chicago, of New Orleans is connected with sending PERMINDEX money to France for the DeGaulle hit. Later, “George Mandel” moves to New Orleans after many legal problems in Rome. The North American side of things involves more PERMINDEX associates and a British Intelligence person named “Louis Mortimer Bloomfield” who is connected with the “Bronfman Gang” in Montreal, Canada. The other person to tie in is old French Intelligence person “Clay Shaw” of New Orleans, who appears to have began the idea for PERMINDEX in 1947 and brought in Ferenc Nagy in Rome. These are the “High Command” Players for the Hit directed at JFK for various issues that harmed the British and Israel interests. “Louis Bloomfield”, in Canada, was the lead person on the JFK hit, which used Corsican Drug Mafia interests to contract to shoot JFK in Dallas. Dallas was a Nexus of hate for JFK over Communism issues. There were two earlier failed attempts in Chicago, Il. on November 2, 1963, and Tampa, Florida on November 18, 1963 Those shooters were moved to Dallas for the 22nd hit, and others brought in from France. Oak Ridge contacted Jack Ruby in Dallas to set up the JFK hit because they hated JFK over Communism and over Oak Ridge jobs that depended on Wars, not Peace. Contacting Ruby in Dallas began an explosive Zionist linked hate process due to “Lyndon Johnson’s” DNC relationship with Morris D. Jaffe. “Morris Jaffe” bankrolled LBJ’s California DNC run for the Vice-Presidency from huge profits “Morris Jaffe” made from USAEC uranium-mining deals linked to Texas Oil properties that LBJ arranged for Jaffe. Jaffe took the place of “Billy Sol Estes” for LBJ, but the same type rigged deals were happening. “Morris Jaffe” was a part owner of the Dal-Tex building along with “David Weisblat”, who is linked to ADL, Israeli Lobby, and Israeli Intelligence. “Morty Freedman”, who was suspected in Israel weapons manufacturing deals in the Dal-Tex building, was involved with the Dallas Uranium business with “H. L. Hunt” and “Morris Jaffe”. Even more interesting is that “Abe Zapruder” operated from the Dal-Tex building and had the same Rabbi as “Jack Ruby”. Hungarian Jewish hero “Ferenc Nagy’s” office was 10 blocks from Dealey Plaza and in the heart of lots of the LHO set up. Because of these associations, LBJ had become a strong Zionist and even his neighbor “J. Edgar Hoover” is said to have Jewish roots, and this collective effect became the way Oak Ridge started the hate and initiated the plots to have JFK killed for their interests. Mafia persons like “Meyer Lansky” and “Lewis McWillie” were involved in the Cuba Hotel and Casino operations, and their intentions were to make Cuba the center for Drug Operations. A British and Jewish shipping relationship set up the Opium Trade in China via the Jewish Sassoon gang. Soon these exploitive drug operations neutralized the Chinese Army and led to the British long-term lease of Hong Kong and the next move for addicting the Chinese to Tobacco or Cigarettes. The British Tobacco companies then ran the Opium Trade in China. Tobacco originated from the Cuban Indians and it was natural for Cuba to become the Jewish linked drug-trading center via the corrupt Batista regime. Cuba was also part of the British and Jewish Merchant shipping “Atlantic Triangle” trading route that took slaves from the Congo to Cuba and the US to work cotton, rice, tobacco, and sugar plantations. The slaves were then traded for sugar, alcohol, cotton, tobacco, and rice to take to Britain, and the Jewish Merchants then repeated the process of Atlantic Triangle trading. It was the interruption of this trade route and Abe Lincoln starting his won money that got him killed via British Intelligence from Montreal, Canada. Rothschilds Banking was an Instrument of British success and Abe Lincoln defeated that. After the fall of Batista and Castro kicking out the US Impearls and Mafia, “Meyer Lansky” moved “Lewis McWillie” to a Nevada Casino operation. “Jack Ruby” visited “Lewis McWillie” in Cuba in 1959, and also in Nevada before the JFK hit, when he suddenly attained a large amount of cash. “Meyer Lansky” was an ADL supporter and connected with Bronfman Gang’s drug dealing. “Fidel Castro” ruined “Meyer Lansky’s” Hotel and Casino plans in Cuba, and their Drug nexus plan for Cuba. The plot matured with former Chicago Mafia Drug Runner “Jack Ruby” doing a lot of the footwork in Dallas for the plan, and his worry that the plot will be traced to the highly Jewish associated ardent Zionists that wanted JFK dead. “Louis Bloomfield” is one of the “godfathers” of Israel having trained the Jewish Military and showing them the Intelligence Methods that came to form the Mossad. “Louis Bloomfield’s” uncle is Tobacco King “Mortimer Davis” of Montreal, Canada. Bloomfield’s Bronfman Gang’s Montreal connections had excellent working relationships with New York and Chicago and all the US Mafia to include New Orleans and “Carlos Marcello”. Marcello put out the Hit solicitation to the French at Marseilles, to provide some compartmentalization disconnects from Montreal. French Montreal and New Orleans had much in common due to New Orleans being a former French Colony. Montreal is also the head of a large British Intelligence operation in North America, and this area worked the Abe Lincoln Assassination, the JFK assassination, the MLK assassination, and many others that involved British and Israel slavery issues. Bloomfield’s success in the creation of Israel became a large part of the issues on why the OSS was broken up, at Hoover’s insistence, and the CIA formed in its place and still using Bloomfield as a contract agent. Yet, the problem was all these old OSS intelligence systems were still in place in Europe and the US Intelligence knew about them, but they were difficult to anticipate or control after the OSS ended. The Jewish associated Hungarian OSS people ended up becoming a huge problem in designing the JFK assassination. The “Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum” banking was tied to laundering drug money from Golden Triangle Drug running from old French Colonies of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam; as well as other areas. The French were funding their anti-Communist Vietnam War using the Opium Trade and feeding the Drugs into Marseilles France. Rosenbaum was getting a cut to launder the drug and Jewish Mafia money in the US using his BCI Swiss banking account. When the US got into Vietnam, they also took up the same methods of taking over the Opium trading to keep the money from the Communist side. Thus, the CIA got into the Drug Business with Marseilles, France and the Corsicans. This Drug Network also spread to Montreal and fed drugs into the US via Chicago and New York, and likewise the French New Orleans associations were running drugs into the US from Central America using United Fruit and other CIA assets. It was these CIA operations that JFK sought to break into a million pieces, because of the intense corruption involved in US Government. When all is said and done, it was the British interests in the Drug Trade from their old methods of the Sassoon’s and Hong Kong that became the biggest issue involved in killing JFK, and second was the Israel / British interests, which are a Pet Project of the UK’s Rothschild’s Banking interests and British Intelligence with ardent Zionist Louis Bloomfield in Canada. The problems associated with this out of control faction that seeks Fascist like Corporate structured domination and control over the American Government has become so severe and extreme that the United States is AT RISK, and this issue becomes a paramount US National Security issue that every American needs to become aware. This group is what FDR called “The Royals” and what DDE called the “Mil / Ind Network”, and the President is hard pressed to control this groups extremes of power and control over the US. This is what many call “The Shadow Government”, or those pushing for a “New World Order” at the expense of suckering the US into fighting faked up wars for their power and control. Part of the Shadow Government is like the book “G.O.D. or Gold, Oil, and Drugs”. It is also like the investors of PERMINDEX who were old German IG Farbin Corporation types, old Italian Fascism supporters, and those that liked Clan Corporatism. The “Clan Corporatism” controlled by these Royalist Bankers control the elections and Congress. Due to all the excessive control of banking and Congress in the USA, Freedom is an Illusion in America, as we should be the most debt free and productive Country on Earth but for this “NWO” version of Colonial Slavery. America’s Freedom has been taken by those seeking exploitation of Americans, using Drugs and Tobacco (UK Interest), taking banking control profit from the Government by the People and for the People via the Private Federal Reserve (Rothschilds UK Banking), faking up wars to protect UK Lord Balfour and Lord Rothschilds Interest Israel (the Zionist heart of the problems), and a totally corrupt Intelligence system that covers up those involved in the Murder of JFK. There exists a sinister corporate global system, centered in London, so economically powerful and large as to lord over the US Constitutional and People’s Freedom and exploit America for their collective goals. This effect will ferment on last Great War, centered in religion and true freedom for all the world’s people. The US has been pushed into a New Age of Napoleon III type Impearlism and thus the subject of French lawyer Maurice Joly and his 1864 book “Dialogues in Hell” come into play. This book is all about the problems associated with Impearlism and how it wipes out public liberties. It is all about why the French presented the US with the Statue of Liberty in 1886, but today that reason has been eroded away. This Fench book had such an impact that the construction of the Statue of Liberty began in Paris in 1875, and paid special heed to the US Declaration of Independence. Today, it is about essentially the effects of British Impearlism upon the world as foisted by the Rothschilds and their global corporate elite. The Joly book on Napoleanic Impearlism was used as a template to fashion the “Protocols of Zion,” used by Ford and Hitler. The real story is the book, and thus the Protocol is about Impearlism in any form, stemming today from Britain and the US, and how it destroys America’s Liberty. The Protocols are a roadmap for Impearlism and it is too much in evidence in America today. The war with Islam and Bin Laden is over US Impearlism and the symbol is the NY WTC, which is what PERMINDEX eventually became under Rockefeller, after Ferenc Nagy tossed him the ideas. Seemingly solving the JFK assassination will also expose the larger plot to take away America’s Freedoms via this global corporate Impearlism method. History repeats itself, and again another great war will be required to settle the worsening problem. The rest of the story is in the JFK Murder cover up, or the Warren Commission’s fabrication for a lone shooter. Here it becomes a conspiracy of lots of Masonic interests to protect British Intelligence and Economics. This also involves lots of the old CIA interests and Jewish interests like Senator “Arlen Spector” and his Magic Bullet fabrication. Masons involved were “Lyndon Johnson”, “J. Edgar Hoover”, “Gerald Ford”, “Earl Warren”, and 33rd Mason “George Mandel”. 33rd Degree Masons are the product of the “Scottish Rite” and those associated with Royal lineage from the “Throne of David” via the Stuarts. 33rd Masons highly subscribe to the Morals and Dogma of “Albert Pike”, who calls for 3 great wars and the last one over religion to ferment “NWO” type control. To succeed in the cover up they had to have only three shots coming from the TSBD and from only one shooter they framed, named LHO. If there was one shot tied to the Dal-Tex building, then LBJ and Jaffe’s names would come into the public’s vision and the larger extent of the plot to kill JFK would become visible. If the story Robert F. Kennedy had planned to run in LIFE Magazine had been done, LBJ and Jaffe would have been certain Criminal history exposed, but the “Abe Zapruder” Film together with CIA’s “Frank Wisner’s” Operation Mockingbird gang quashed the LBJ story. What protected British Intelligence was the guarantee that LBJ and the Warren Commission would do anything and everything to avoid bringing up the Dallas Textile Building and its many LBJ Jewish associations. Every Conspirators’ life was on the line for Treason had the slightest suspicions been discovered on the Dal-Tex building being a shooting location, as all would have been quickly associated and exposed. This was Jack Ruby’s biggest fear and why he shot LHO to keep that story quiet to prevent Pogroms against Jewish. Later, Ruby wanted to tell his story, but needed to be removed from corrupt Dallas, Texas jails to avoid being killed for telling the real story. The real story is five shots were fired that day, three from Dal-Tex, one from Grassy Knoll, and one from TSBD. Two near simultaneous shots hit JFK in the head from Dal-Tex and from the Grassy Knoll area, and he was killed instantly from explosive and massive brain damage. Zionist Zapruder, from the Jewish oriented Dallas-Textiles Building, picked the premium filming location for the JFK hit and his family made millions from the Zapruder Film. It was Treason of the highest magnitude with collaboration with Foreign Intelligence, and Criminals within the US Government. The above explanation is the Short Course on the JFK assassination. ============ In doing lots of Google Searching on the Internet, this additional book adds a great deal of light to the issues of Drugs and the big league Crooks that exploit the US economically. Expanded reading for the Lincoln Assassination, Origins of the Mafia, and the importance of Montreal. http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope3.pdf This history ties together lots of the loose ends. ============= An extended read on the Bronfman Gang and their relationship to the Crown: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope9.pdf ============== A look at Organized Crime History: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope8.pdf ============= A Block Diagram of the Crooks relationships: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope10.pdf ==============
  11. http://billiesolestes.com/billie In 2003 Estes published JFK, the Last Standing Man (co-written with William Reymond) in France (Le Dernier Temoin). In the book Estes claims that Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in assassination of President John F. Kennedy. When interviewed by the American journalist, Pete Kendall, Estes said: “He (Johnson) told me if I wouldn’t talk, I would not go to jail.” Estes has had no contact with LBJ’s other long-ago associates, he said, since the book’s publication. “About all of them are dead, really. I think I’m about the last one standing.” That’s partly why, he said, he wasn’t interested in doing a book sooner. “I’ve been accused of being dumb,” he said, “but I’m not stupid.”
  12. Hello BK, You mean to tell us that "Morris Douglas Jaffe" is Jewish, and sounds like owns the "Dallas Textile Building" with the Dallas Police Station. Nah, say it isn't so! Gosh, that looks more connected than "Jack Ruby" and all the free drinks to the Dallas Police at the Carosel Club. Let us make a better postulation. "Morris Douglas Jaffe" has a lot of money invested in LBJ from all those 1960 DNC money to get LBJ into the VP area. Morris D. Jaffe owes LBJ for all those USAEC deals in uranium mining issues, that made Jaffe rich. M. D. Jaffe takes over for "Billy Sol Estes", as LBJ tosses all the deals toward Jaffe, to get distance from "Sol Estes". http://billiesolestes.com/ http://billiesolestes.com/billie There are lots of very serious reasons that Jaffe wants LBJ to not become exposed in "Life Magazine" with the RFK news on LBJ, as Jaffe is involved with LBJ and the "Sol Estes" deals. Not only was LBJ going to get ruined, so was all his associates, like M. D. Jaffe. I'd say the special Jaffe deals would be a very big issue, if all were exposed. I'd say there was a very big reason to get Abe Zapruder out there to film the JFK hit to pre-empt the LBJ Life Mag. story and play the TSBD tap dance. Jaffe was LBJ's seed to money power to net the election. LBJ finially got what he wanted, The Presidency, but he became so paranoid over how he got there, he didn't last long. Then he had to have the care of a Psychiatrist later in life.
  13. http://johndelanewilliams.blogspot.com/2010/11/why-is-morris-jaffe-interesting.html Morris Douglas Jaffe, to begin with, backed Johnson for the Democratic nomination for President in 1960. Jaffe was in Los Angeles "... to lay his money on the line. An old time San Antonio newspaperman came home admitting that Jaffe not only seemed to be the "money" man but the brains and trouble-shooter and smart beyond imagination, the most effective man behind Lyndon B. Johnson." (2). Jaffe was the person who bought all of the holdings of Billie Sol Estes when Estes declared bankruptcy, although Jaffe did not get Estes' holdings immediately. J.C. Williamson moved at once after Estes' bankruptcy to regain Estes' property, which was blocked by the bankruptcy judge, Ewing Thomason, who incidentally, was a good friend of Lyndon Johnson. (3) In June, 1963, Jaffe paid Williamson only the outstanding amount on Williamson's loan, $418,000, to acquire Williamson's holdings, who by that time had been converted to the political conservative cause. (4). Jaffe was said to have offered $7 million for Estes's vast holdings. Actually, Jaffe, who preferred not to risk a single red cent, agreed to pay perhaps as little as $100,000. (5). "The conclusion is inescapable that the Johnson-controlled political machine in Texas designedly set the stage for Jaffe's takeover, as the cleanup was without financial risk and potentially very good." (6). Jaffe also found South Texas uranium deposits, which, fortunately for him, were appraised as being quite rich in uranium by the Atomic Energy Commission. Jaffe picked up options on a large amount of acreage, inducing the government to finance a giant processing plant. He then sold his leases and options at top dollar, shortly before the industry went bust. It is as if he were in training to take over Billie Sol's holdings. Mort Freedman was a brother-in-law to Sam Bloom (30) and the owner operator of Morty Freedman Inc. at 2135 Lamar in Dallas. More importantly, he shared the telephone number with the Dallas Uranium and Oil Company on the third floor of the Dal-Tex Building (RI2-8063), with a perfect view of Dealey Plaza, unobstructed by trees. This number was also shared by Marilyn Belt Manufacturing, also in the Dal-Tex Building. (31) Freedman was apparently well connected with the powers that be in Dallas. He was friends with all members of the Dallas Crime Commission. Livingstone was told, "Concentrate on the Crime Commission... if you want to get some leads on who killed John Kennedy." (32) Freedman died in 1978 in Miami. (33)
  14. A rather interesting News Item on the Jaffe corporate empire. It appears after the LBJ deals with the USAEC and uranium fortunes, Morris D. Jaffe was still into buying politicians. Jaffe is said to be part of the Dal-Tex ownership, and hooked up with the Hunt and Jaffe Uranium business in the Dal-Tex building. And Jaffe knew Carlos Marcello, was an advisor to LBJ, and big DNC Democratic funding player. ========= http://www.nytimes.com/1989/04/21/us/brokers-in-wright-deal-run-a-father-son-empire.html Brokers in Wright Deal Run a Father-Son Empire By RICHARD L. BERKE, Special to The New York Times Published: April 21, 1989 The father and son who arranged an oil well deal that was beneficial to House Speaker Jim Wright are successful entrepreneurs with little formal education and longstanding ties to prominent politicians. The two, Morris and Doug Jaffe, are also old friends of a Wright business partner, George Mallick, a figure in the Wright ethics investigation who was also involved in the oil well deal. The Jaffes are not active in civic causes here and prefer to operate behind the scenes financing political campaigns and intricate business deals. They have set up an empire of nearly 60 privately held corporations, and the details of their financial position and the full reach of their investments remain a mystery. Both Morris D. Jaffe, 66 years old, and Doug, 38, have been subpoenaed to meet here early next week with investigators from the House ethics committee. Morris Jaffe was a friend of and contributor to President Lyndon B. Johnson and spent at least $9 million in 1962 to save the empire of a Johnson crony, Billie Sol Estes. Mr. Estes was convicted of fraud. Mr. Jaffe, who has interests in oil, real estate and aerospace, has been dogged by reports of ties to Carlos Marcello, the reputed leader of organized crime in Louisiana. Mr. Jaffe has played down the connection, saying that he only tried to buy land from Mr. Marcello but that the deal collapsed when Mr. Marcello was convicted of assaulting an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Election Commission records disclose no contributions to Mr. Wright in the last four years, but they show that the Jaffes often backed Democratic House and Senate members, giving a total of $4,000 to Representative Henry B. Gonzales of Texas and $3,000 to Representative Les Aspin of Wisconsin. Contributions to Coelho A Jaffe company provided air travel a year ago for a fund-raiser on behalf of the Valley Education Fund, the political action committee of Representative Tony Coelhoof California. Records also show that Doug Jaffe contributed $806 to Mr. Coelho a month later. Morris Jaffe raises money for Democrats and is close to prominent Texas politicians, including John S. White, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Doug Jaffe, apparently with the support of his father, arranged the sale of an oil well in Orange County, Tex., in which a blind trust Mr. Wright had set up profited, according to the committee's report. 'Traveled in Highest Circles' While the elder Mr. Jaffe has not flaunted his relationship with the Speaker, his associates were not surprised that his name had turned up now. A local Democrat says Mr. Wright often travels on a Jaffe plane when he makes a trip to San Antonio from his district in Fort Worth. ''He's always traveled in the highest circles in party politics and the highest financial circles in the United States,'' Oliver S. Heard Jr., a prominent lawyer here, said of the elder Mr. Jaffe. Mr. Jaffe, who grew up in a poor San Antonio family, has shied away from civic groups, and he has never mixed much in social circles. ''He's got a touch of The Great Gatsby in him,'' said Maury Maverick Jr., a retired lawyer and political columnist here. ''He clawed and fought his way to the top. But the country club crowd looks down their nose at him.'' Even so, Mr. Jaffe maintained a friendship with Mr. Mallick, a principal in Mr. Wright's business dealings. Mr. Mallick told committee investigators he and Mr. Jaffe worked on Hubert H. Humphrey's Presidential campaign in 1968. The elder Mr. Jaffe attended St. Mary's University and Texas A & M but never graduated. He was said to have made his first fortune in a major uranium deposit in Texas. Later he began building houses, ran a discount electronics concern and developed the big Central Park Mall here. Doug Jaffe dropped out of the 10th grade and then made a fortune selling vending machines. One of his more lucrative ventures was a company that refits jet engines of Boeing 707's to bring them into compliance with Federal noise standards. One of his companies is promoting a multibillion-dollar sale of jet trainers to the Pentagon. YOUNGER JAFFE IN RESALE WASHINGTON, April 20 (Special to The New York Times) - Doug Jaffe arranged the resale of an oil exploration venture four months after it was bought for Mr. Wright and his wife, the West German company that bought the interest for $440,000 said today. Striegel Friedemann, an official of Union Rheinische Petroleum Inc., said his company had bought most of Mr. Wright's stake in the venture last May 10 on the advice of Mr. Jaffe, president of the Jaffe Energy Corporation. ============
  15. Could be the velocity goes to infinity, if done with one splice. Such tampers would show up in the image spill over between the sprocket holes.
  16. Perhaps this right side of Zapruder area is about as rigged as the 3 shells laying lined up under the 6 th floor TSBD window. Everything looks far too rigged. Zapruder in perfect area to film. Zapruder Film preempts the LBJ story in Life Magazine. Zapruder family makes millions from film. Sure smells of a cover story. It is rather odd that others seem to have heard the Grassy Knoll shot's report sound, and lots go running up the Knoll's sidewalk and steps to look for a shooter. And Sitzman doesn't hear a gunshot to her right. But she hears a bottle smash that is louder than the other gunshots. Sounds like a real case of Dal-Tex cover stories due to the same Dal-Tex factor that had Zapruder in the perfect spot. They rigged the 6th floor, why not this area too. Me thinks this bottle loud sound is the gunshot and perhaps the bottle issue is a cover story for a gunshot. It does appear there were two persons of color in this area, even leaning on the Pergola's Wall area. That would be the perfect spot to fire a shot at JFK passing and not miss. Just lean on the wall and put the gun between them and no one sees the gun fire the shot. These two persons are never found, yet they find nearly everyone else in the Plaza's names. Still looking for the NIX Frame 24 to post. Doesn't show up on Google.
  17. Thanks for the citation. Definitely interesting remarks. Sounds like a mighty flakey story to me. Coke bottle making more noise than gunshots down the street or just to their right. Sounding like the alleged bottle thing was the gunshot to the head. I'd suggest something more than a bottle dropped noise. I wonder if Sitzman could tell the difference between a Corsican and a person of color. I'll have to look up NIX 24.
  18. PERMINDEX, after JFK, seems to have been absorbed into the Rockefeller WTC methods. Methods that OBL called Impearlist. Nagy lived in Dallas, Tx at the times of the JFK hit, and tons of his anti-Commuist pals were dumping out JFK is a Communist pamphlets. Hungarian Nagy would be a Hero for Jack Ruby, Abe Zapruder, Morris Jaffe, David Weisblat, USAEC interests, LBJ/Hoover, and Morty Bloomfield. Not too long after all this, George Mandel, the other Hungarian Jewish Hero and 33rd Mason, moves to New Orleans from Europe, home of the origin of PERMINDEX and Clay Shaw. PERMINDEX was just all about the old Corporate methods of IG Farbin and how Germany related to Mussolini's Corporatism. They used those business plans to work their pathway toward a NWO. Anyone who wants to solve the JFK crime, must know these corporate system values. http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2011/05/jfk-his-apotheosis-and-men-who-murdered.html The object of ridicule and parody in Stanley Kubrick's ascerbic comedy hit of the era, Dr. Strangelove, the axis of CIA-Pentagon-MIC was not happy. JFK represented a threat to various plans for 'global domination'. The President was convinced that such plans would lead inexorably to nuclear armnageddon. He was correct as Dwight Eisenhower had been earlier when he issued his own warnings about the rising power of the Military/Industrial Complex. Modern U.S. history has a familiar ring to it. Roman writer and military strategist Flavius Vegetius Renatus --supported in modern times by Arthur Ferrill --believed that Rome's decline can be traced to the use of German mercenaries in the legions. Certainly, any fan of the BBC's historic "I, Claudius" based upon the books by Robert Graves will remember the "Germans" who wore the tunic, fought the battles and took the orders. A state of Orwellian "perpetual war" and foreign occupations define 'empire' and 'fascism'. A series of foreign wars and internal struggles preceded Caesar's "crossing the Rubicon". The rest is grist for Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, a work which illustrates the internal dynamics driving the will to power. Later, the Praetorian Guard, Rome's proto-type Military-Industrial Comlex, auctioned off the empire to a nobleman --Didius Julianus. Significantly, the sale was concluded in Greek Drachmas, not worthless Roman sesterces, yet another parallel another instance in which the U.S. seems destined to repeat Rome's numerous follies. The result in America, as in Rome earlier, is the literal "auctioning off" of the office of President of the United States, an act embodied in Mussolini's term: corporatism. A society is morally lost when mass murder becomes its number one export. A nation is lost whenever there are mercenary exceptions to the "rule of law". In such a society, everyone is guilty if proven innocent and only corporations, elites and suck-ups are enriched. Corporations have become 'people' and real people are made poorer by design. =========== http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2011/06/other-uranium-explorers-in-texas-in.html It isn't to difficult to see the Oak Ridge connection with Jack Ruby and how these old Hungarian interests could be plied into a hit on JFK. JFK was about to seriously end the Oak Ridge weapons business, and they just wanted JFK gone. All the USEAC Oak Ridge had to do is tap that Dallas JFK hate group and it was about like tapping a hornet's nest with a stick. Dallas pulled all their connections into the hate JFK fest, and PERMINDEX was online with Nagy, Ruby was online with the Chicago Mob, the Bronfman's/Bloomfield, that pulled in Rome with Mandel, Rosenbaum, and Harvey, and Hoover and LBJ were online with Bloomfield. ================== More on the importance of Montreal, the Bronfman gang, the origins of the Mafia, and the 33rd Masonic issues of Pike and the plight of a secret war happening in the US right under everyone's very nose: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope3.pdf ============== A block diagram for the interconnectivity of Bronfmans, Bloomfield, Rosenbaum, et al. http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope10.pdf ============== An extensive write up of the "Bronfman Gang": http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope9.pdf ============== Organized Crime: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope8.pdf ==============
  19. What was PERMINDEX but a collection of the old NAZI IG Farbin corporate method interests and those of fascist Italy. Their goal, NWO via methods of corportation control of Govt. JFK found part of their plan, but Garrison found a whole lot more and got close to the top of their Clan Corporatism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism After the French Revolution, the existing absolutist corporatist system was abolished due to its endorsement of social hierarchy and special "corporate privilege" for the Roman Catholic Church.[19] The new French government considered corporatism's emphasis of group rights as inconsistent with the government's promotion of individual rights.[19] Subsequently corporatist systems and corporate privilege throughout Europe were abolished in response to the French Revolution.[19] From 1789 to the 1850s, most supporters of corporatism were reactionaries.[2] A number of reactionary corporatists favored corporatism in order to end liberal capitalism and restore the feudal system.[20] In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by Benito Mussolini. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a 'corporative state', having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis. This appealed to Hegelian thinkers who were seeking a new alternative to popular socialism and syndicalism which was also a progressive system of governing labor and still a new way of relating to political governance. Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[33] This non-elected form of state officializing of every interest into the state was professed to reduce the marginalization of singular interests (as would allegedly happen by the unilateral end condition inherent in the democratic voting process). Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress warned that the growth of private power could lead to fascism: The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism—ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.[53][54][55] From the same message: The Growing Concentration of Economic Power. Statistics of the Bureau of Internal Revenue reveal the following amazing figures for 1935: "Ownership of corporate assets: Of all corporations reporting from every part of the Nation, one-tenth of 1 percent of them owned 52 percent of the assets of all of them."[53][55] Critics of the notion of the congruence of corporate power and de facto fascism included President Dwight D. Eisenhower,[56] who nevertheless brought attention to the "conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry"[57] in his 1961 Farewell Address to the Nation, and stressed "the need to maintain balance in and among national programs— balance between the private and the public economy, balance between cost and hoped for advantage."[57] ============= http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope1.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope2.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope3.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope4.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope5.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope6.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope7.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope8.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope9.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope10.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope11.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope12.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope13.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope14.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope15.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope16.pdf ==========
  20. Dean, I don't think it was no clue. I'd read about Jack Lawrence some time back, more than a decade ago, and was overly rusty on what his story was about. I needed a refresher look. I dismissed the James Files story, because it has too many errors. That faked up shell casing story was really bad--wrong date codes on shell. Who'd take the time to bite a shell case and put it on a fence with fingerprints. Files gets really close, but I think he is a mislead off the real shooters. The Sarti story fits politically, as I don't believe they'd use domestic shooters. Mentioning Rosco White is about as opportunitic as it gets. He got knocked out of the race long time back. Jack Lawrence story is interesting, but he isn't a big enough player. I am not really excited by the I borrowed the dealership's car for a date, then ended up late due to parade, parked behind Dealey Plaza, and had to walk the rest of the way into work. Somehow, I think a real shooter would have a lot more aforethought applied. I always keep in mind what the larger issues are. Castro's big complaint was "clan corporatism", as he hated the little guys getting little. Batista became as Impearlistic as they come and killed lot of people. The US corporate pay offs only made Batista worse. Obviously, JFK and Castro got to talking and they found they had issue in common. JFK understood Cuba's Plight. JFK had the Mil/Ind networks corporatism problems and Castro's Cuba had a raging tyrant in control worse than Moussolini. This mess was not just a Texas plot, nor a Mafia get even deal, it was because JFK located the systemic issues of corporatism gone out of control to the point of not being good for the people. Corporatism's goals in the old days was to help the people, and some even religion ordained. PERMINDEX's associations with lots of Fascists tells a story of what they liked. What they wanted to exploit was letting the American Public exist in the Slumber, not conscious enough to see that Freedom slipped away from them. These issues stemmed from higher up than the Mafia. The Mafia was just a tool to exploit for those in power. It took way more than just the Mafia to pull off this massive a cover up. Ike told us where to look: Clan Corporatism. JFK looked and found it in Cuba, against him in the White House, and at the heart of the Joint Chiefs urgings for war. Clan Corporatism = Mil / Ind Network problem. The real hitters won't be someone late for work, or even showing up for work. The real hitters are going to go underground really fast, forget going to work. Jack Lawrence is just too much a fly by night story, might make a patsy or backup plan thing.
  21. Lets not forget that Bush runs off at the mouth and he has told folks exactly what the problem is from time to time. Bush and his oligarchs are the elites and the people are useless eaters. The problem is the US people are so asleep, in a slumber, to act and demand change. Part of the sleeping slumber is due to IG Farbins fluoride discoveries, so people don't resist authority and power. Most can't remember when the system worked better, and most are too lazy to check the history for what used to be. JFK checked the history, knew the history, and was going to get the job done on the out of control corporate state. His message is pretty clear, and those who killed him are obvious. http://www.stewwebb.com/bush_crime_family_quotes.htm Bush Crime Family Quotes The Legacy of the Bush-Millman-Clinton Crime Family: A Vortex of Weapons, Narcotics, Frauds, Treason and Murders. November 2006 www.stewwebb.com A Benevolent Dictatorship is the Best Form of Government. Everything in Secret and above the law needs to be imperative.-- George H W Bush Former U.S. President George H. W. Bush in 1988 said: New World Order is the consolidation of more power and money into tighter, fewer, righted, eliter, whiter, hands. NAZI Adolph Hitler first coined the phrase: New World Order. Bush further stated in June 1992 to Sarah McClendon the Grandam of the Washington White House Press Corps when she asked Bush what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra? George H W Bush Replied: Sarah, If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.--George W. Bush August 5, 2004 There's a government inside the government and I don't control it.-- President Bill Clinton Are we to remain a nation convenient to our politicians? Are we to remain a nation that, according to Bush Goon Former Kansas Senator Bob Dole is "The Land of the Provincial and Home of the Naïve Thank God"? Governments are only there for Us to Rob, Loot and Pillage.--President George H. W. Bush The American People, The BUD People, The Broke Useless and Depressed. We are the MPBs, Money, Power and Brains. As long as we keep food on the BUDSTERS tables, a roof over their heads, a car in their driveway and gas in their gas tanks to go to and from work. We can keep the BUDSTERS at bay.--President George H. W. Bush ============== The Rest of The Story on Anerica's Exploitation: http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope1.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope2.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope3.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope4.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope5.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope6.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope7.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope8.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope9.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope10.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope11.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope12.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope13.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope14.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope15.pdf http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/dope16.pdf ================
  22. Hi Kathy, I tried to view the Bell Film again to look for that. No sucess so far here. Perhaps someone can do some frame grabs and illustrate this. If that is in there, it would be important to develop. There is little doubt a shot or perhaps shots happened from that area. And there is an extra bullet hole on the grass along the curb in the middle grass area. The odd thing is no one ever mentions looking at the direction of this hole, as the trajectory might show. The real question might be why Zapruder didn't mention that loud sound to his right side? I propose he knew, since he was part of the Dal-Tex and Ruby insiders. The girl stabilizing him was perhaps more for protection. Oddly, with all the bullets flying around, neither of the ducked for cover as almost everyone else did.
  23. Hello BK, Well, what can I say. They were upstaged by E. Howard Hunt fingering "William King Harvey" in Rome. Harvey was about as mad at JFK as Curtis LeMay and was a Mongoose author. Then you came along and became an Ian Flemming expert and recognized that his "Blofield" character with "SPECTRE" was "Morty Bloomfield" and others tell that William King Harvey was 007 James Bond architype muse. Harvey did a fine job of being associated with Permindex--Nagy, Mandel, Rosenbaum. Now Permindex is being hooked up with the NYC WTC and the Rockefellers. It is getting really good now. Bloomfield is right in the middle of it. http://somesecretsforyou.blogspot.com/ Just consider how Osama Bin Laden was all upset with US "Impearlism" and perhaps why "The Base" went after the WTC might be linked back to these old festering Fascism problems from Italy. Makes one wonder just what all they stole from the 1946 era, like some of the "Clan Corporatism" from "Fascist Italy", perhaps all those IG Farbin tricks with NW 7. And that "G.O.D." thing for "Gold, Oil, and Drugs." Seems to be their NWO mechanism. Corporatism goes why back and its long been a religion thing, even Popes get into it. Well managed it is good thing, but left unchecked it becomes the Mil/Ind Network's Fascism and Impearlism. JFK tripped into something really a lot bigger than just the CIA and the Mafia. ========== http://tvwiki.tv/wiki/Corperatism In this respect, corporatism may be characterized as an extreme form of regulatory capture, and is also termed corporatocracy. If there is substantial military-corporate collaboration it is often called militarism or the military-industrial complex. ====== BTW---really liked your write up on getting to scoop on Adolph Schwimmer and his godfather bit. There are some more godfathers out there. Bloomfield is a godfather, even bigger than Schwimmer. Lots of the issue was British Intelligence and their affair with Zionism via the Rothschilds/Rockefellers and NWO clan. I would wish all the US folks happy "Independence Day", but we, in the US, seem to have slowly lost that and are back to Fascist state issues too much like Rome in WWII, and what it appears was the PERMINDEX supporters goals. JFK had a plan for the returen of the USA's Freedom: Dump the Federal Reserve, Shred the CIA's Impearlism games and war mongering, and leave Vietnam and the Opium Wars alone. In the US, We've even subverted the term G.O.D., to Gold, Oil, and Drugs. Currently, the USA is on a course for failure through not following the JFK plan and a paralizing debt crisis. So, only the vapid in the US would wish anyone a Happy 4th, as Independence/True Freedom has vanished from America due to Fashist corporate Empirism or Mil/Ind Networking. America is more like a new German Weimar Republic Slave state. Sadly, that makes it rather impossible to wish the US a Happy 4th. http://pages.prodigy.net/constitution/129.html http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/node/680 http://rense.com/general94/inde.htm http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/tobyharnden/100095052/down-on-the-fourth-of-july-the-united-states-of-gloom/
  24. Dated 4/1/67, and marked "DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED", http://mtracy9.tripod.com/cia_instructions.htm
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