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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. I'm bumping this thread for Paul Brancato so the "hot" Did Ruby Know Oswald ? thread doesn't get detailed. By the way, please disregard the last post. We now know, thanks to my wonderful research many years ago, that the inebriated "Larry Florer" found in the County Records Building (some say it was the DalTex Building) was .................... , well, ..................................... an inebriated Larry Florer. --Tommy
  2. Chris, I was thinking about that but decided not to say anything. In this photo taken several years after the assassination, we see that Morales was capable of growing a mustache. Please also note the thin leather camera strap around his neck. I spotted the same thin, shiny strap barely visible above "Neck Scratcher's" suit collar in teenager Jim Doyle's film, in which "NS" appears to be monitoring Oswald on 8/09/63 in New Orleans. Someone (Jim Doyle?) told Garrison (or his investigator, Billings) that the "Spanish Shepard" monitoring Oswald during that leafleting incident was taking photographs with an expensive-looking camera. That's why I decided to look closely at "Neck Scratcher" to see if I could any indications of a camera in his possession, and I was able to detect that shiny, thin, dark-colored strap resting right above his suit collar (in the Jim Doyle film of 8/09/63.) Please also note Morales' roundish head, and the fact that he liked to wear his hair kinda long. -- Tommy The strap seems to appear and disappear in the video. Here it is, go to 3:50 and see the neck scratcher at 3:55. If you're right, Tommy, I have to wonder if Morales always carried that camera with him. Sandy, Although the camera strap is quite narrow, it no longer (?) "appears and disappears" for me in the video. (Who posted the appears and disappears bit, anyway? You just now, or me a long time ago? I'm too lazy to look up my original post with the video in it.) The strap is noticeably darker than "Neck Scratcher's" dark grey suit, and is "riding" the very top of his suit's collar. It also displays some spectral highlights, indicting that it's made of polished leather, like the strap of a good quality camera (e.g.,Leica) would be, I suppose. Once again, go to 3:50 in the video. IMHO, the camera strap is particularly visible at 3:56 - 3:57, where you can see that it begins to cross over the right side of Neck Scratcher's lapel / suit collar and bunch up the back of it . Ya gotta "freeframe" it a few times to see what I'm talkin' about. -- Tommy I think you very well may be right Tommy. There does appear to be a strap. I am the one who said it appears and disappears. On a couple frames it can't be seen. In at least one frame the whole thing is visible. (I mean the part around the back of the neck.) It's possible that it fades in and out due to the video compression algorithm. Sandy, That's great. By the way, did you try freeze-framing it (click-click, click-click, click-click, ....really fast) between 3:56 - 3:57 so you could see where the strap starts going over the far right edge of his lapel / suit collar? And the bulge or crease where his suit joins his lapel / collar as a result of that? If the strap "disappears" at times, I think it's due to it's being only about 1/4" wide and riding on top of his suit and the camera angle involved and his walking and moving his arm. Do you see the spectral highlights I mentioned? Do you agree that that narrow strip (the strap) is darker that his suit? Thanks for the feedback, btw. -- Tommy
  3. Chris, I was thinking about that but decided not to say anything. In this photo taken several years after the assassination, we see that Morales was capable of growing a mustache. Please also note the thin leather camera strap around his neck. I spotted the same thin, shiny strap barely visible above "Neck Scratcher's" suit collar in teenager Jim Doyle's film, in which "NS" appears to be monitoring Oswald on 8/09/63 in New Orleans. Someone (Jim Doyle?) told Garrison (or his investigator, Billings) that the "Spanish Shepard" monitoring Oswald during that leafleting incident was taking photographs with an expensive-looking camera. That's why I decided to look closely at "Neck Scratcher" to see if I could any indications of a camera in his possession, and I was able to detect that shiny, thin, dark-colored strap resting right above his suit collar (in the Jim Doyle film of 8/09/63.) Please also note Morales' roundish head, and the fact that he liked to wear his hair kinda long. -- Tommy The strap seems to appear and disappear in the video. Here it is, go to 3:50 and see the neck scratcher at 3:55. If you're right, Tommy, I have to wonder if Morales always carried that camera with him. Sandy, Although the camera strap is quite narrow, it no longer (?) "appears and disappears" for me in the video. (Who posted the appears and disappears bit, anyway? You just now, or me a long time ago? I'm too lazy to look up my original post with the video in it.) The strap is noticeably darker than "Neck Scratcher's" dark grey suit, and is "riding" the very top of his suit's collar. It also displays some spectral highlights, indicting that it's made of polished leather, like the strap of a good quality camera (e.g.,Leica) would be, I suppose. Once again, go to 3:55 in the video. IMHO, the camera strap is particularly visible at 3:56 - 3:57, where you can see that it begins to cross over the right side of Neck Scratcher's lapel / suit collar and "bunch up" the back of it . Ya gotta "freeze-frame" it a few times to see what I'm talkin' about. -- Tommy
  4. Brilliant! I'm sure you're right. The typist makes the mistake several times. As for the guy being Morales... how many guys do you know with a scar over their left eyebrow? That fit the description given? It's Morales. But is the person believed to be Oswald really Oswald? Maybe so.... Wade seems to have had a photographic memory. Sandy, I agree. Regarding Wade's "incredible" memory, fwiw he was a building inspector, i.e., someone who makes a living "noticing things." "Oswald" and his companions most likely came to Wade's discerning attention because of the ruckus about the photo that was taken of them, and the fact that "Oswald" volunteered to be hypnotized on stage. Factoid: Morales' scar was not only above his left eyebrow, it was "on" his left eyebrow, as Wade stated about the person under discussion. -- Tommy
  5. Chris, I was thinking about that but decided not to say anything. In this photo taken several years after the assassination, we see that Morales was capable of growing a mustache. Please also note the thin leather camera strap around his neck. I spotted the same thin, shiny strap barely visible above "Neck Scratcher's" suit collar in teenager Jim Doyle's film, in which "NS" appears to be monitoring Oswald on 8/09/63 in New Orleans. Someone (Jim Doyle?) told Garrison (or his investigator, Billings) that the "Spanish Shepard" monitoring Oswald during that leafleting incident was taking photographs with an expensive-looking camera. That's why I decided to look closely at "Neck Scratcher" to see if I could any indications of a camera in his possession, and ;lo-and-behold, I was. Please also note Morales' roundish head, and the fact that he liked to wear his hair kinda long. -- Tommy
  6. Paul, Yes, except perhaps for the "bumpy face" (whatever that means) and the age description of "30 to 32," inasmuch as Morales had turned 38 three months earlier. The scar on his left eyebrow, the 5'10", 200 pounds, the oval face, the dark "Mexican or Spanish" complexion, and the long black hair is enough for me, though. Thanks for asking, -- Tommy What do YOU think, Paul? -- Tommy
  7. Paul, Yes, except perhaps for the "bumpy face" (whatever that means) and the age description of 30 to 32 inasmuch as Morales had turned 38 three months earlier. The 5'10", 200 pounds, oval face, dark complexion, long (by 1963 standards) black hair, and scar on his left eyebrow is enough for me, though. Thanks for asking, -- Tommy
  8. Dear Paul, Based on Jack White's photographic interpretations of the BYP's and my overall impression that the photos are fake, I'm reasonably sure that Oswald's head, from the lips up, was pasted onto White's body. I kinda like your idea that White posed (for Oswald) to help Oswald create some plausibly-deniable photographs so that Oswald could say "That's not me. Someone pasted my head on someone else's body," if necessary. If this theory is correct, then Oswald did a good job of creating photos that looked real but not too real, fake, but not too fake. That doesn't necessarily mean, though, that I believe General Edwin Walker was the mastermind of the assassination. -- Tommy
  9. I knew that word would attract your immediate attention, Bob. Even though it's not about the wound to JFK's throat! -- Tommy
  10. These excellent questions were posed by Larry on a now-locked thread. Anyone care to take a shot at them? Posted 14 June 2015 - 05:40 PM "With a focus on actual events related to Dallas I'd love to see you guys jointly do a dialog on a subset of David's questions: 1 ) Who visits McKeown to buy rifles? 2 ) Who visits Odio? 3 ) Who is having a scope mounted? 4 ) Who is at the Sports Dome while in Irving with his family? 5 ) Who did they take out the back of the theater? 6 ) Who was at Red Bird air field with the young couple talking about renting an airplane? Not saying that any of those can't be challenged or are simply mis-identification but I'd like so see your thoughts on each of them." -- Larry Hancock -- Tommy
  11. Is that a scar above his left eye? --Tommy In this photo, there's a nick visible on the lower edge of his left eyebrow, and it think you can (barely) make out a scar going up his forehead a bit, and at a 45 degree angle, from that point. Could it be an old high school football injury? --Tommy PS Why is this important? Because I think I've located grey-suited Morales monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in the Jim Doyle film. And because, according to Richard Billings, someone told Jim Garrison (Bringuier? Cruz?) that a dark guy in a grey suit was watching Oswald closely that day, and that this guy had a one-inch scar above his left eyebrow. See my long earlier post (#14), above, for the Jim Doyle clip and for a link to Billing's notes on "the Spanish trace," aka "the shepherd." bumped
  12. Yes, Paul, it is. Thanks for bringing this document to our attention. FWIW, this alleged sighting of Oswald at Ruby's joint would have been on a Sunday night. Morales had a roundish face, a dark complexion (he was half Spanish and half Yaqui Indian), a very noticeable scar on and above his left eyebrow, and an athletic physique, having been a football star in high school (according to his friend Ruben Carbajal). He would have been a young-looking 38 years old in November, 1963. The photograph of him, below, was taken in 1959 and published in a Cuban newspaper in 1978, according to the Spartacus website. (Note the notch on the underside of his left eyebrow, indicating where the diagonal scar is located.) As you know, I believe that David Sanchez Morales was the dark-complected, athletically-built, camera-carrying, suit-wearing-in-August, "Neck Scratcher" who was apparently monitoring Oswald during the infamous leafleting incident in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, when Oswald and three anti-Castro Cubans were arrested for disturbing the peace. Anyone interested in reading my old posts on this subject can type the words "neck scratcher" in the "this forum" search box. -- Tommy
  13. It looks like someone has photoshopped-in the too-large face of Mary Tyler Moore where Oswald's white T-shirt is. And why would she be looking in that direction when everyone else is looking down the street? -- Tommy
  14. If you read Krop's obituary, he doesn't appear to have been hallucinatingly "nuts." Too bad Garrison didn't take him seriously. Carlos Rodriguez Quesada was the leader of a radical faction of the 30th of November Revolutionary Movement, and had ties to Paulino Sierra. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/weberman/nodule10.htm -- Tommy
  15. Sandy, if I remember correctly, they were't exactly muttonchops. Regardless, do you not want to even look at if it's not going to be Oswald? (I think it's Oswald, btw.) We need to get Andrej or someone to make an enlarged GIF of Prayer Person's head (only) during the whole "elongated forehead" segment. -- Tommy Tommy, Yes, of course I would like to see the sideburns, whether or not they match Oswald's. Do you recall if they look like the short sideburn shown in this hairline of PM? (The middle image.) I'm not sure if that qualifies as a sideburn. But it does look like a man's hairline. s Sandy, Yes, I recognized it as a man's hairline. Very short sideburns; definitely male. It's too bad that Duncan or one of the moderators deleted that animated gif and my posts about it when this "research" thread was created.. -- Tommy Like this:
  16. Sandy, if I remember correctly, they were't exactly muttonchops. Regardless, do you not want to even look at if it's not going to be Oswald? (I think it's Oswald, btw.) We need to get Andrej or someone to make an enlarged GIF of Prayer Person's head (only) during the whole "elongated forehead" segment. -- Tommy Tommy, Yes, of course I would like to see the sideburns, whether or not they match Oswald's. Do you recall if they look like the short sideburn shown in this hairline of PM? (The middle image.) I'm not sure if that qualifies as a sideburn. But it does look like a man's hairline. s Sandy, Yes, I recognized it as a man's hairline. Very short sideburns; definitely male. It's too bad that Duncan or one of the moderators deleted that animated gif and my posts about it when this "research" thread was created.. -- Tommy
  17. Ron, You bring up an interesting point -- "Hatman" might have been a Congressman who was rubbing elbows with the freshmen Rupublican Senators that day, and copped a free hat and got his photo taken with the VP, too. -- Tommy
  18. Dear Brian, Do you mean the one in which "Prayer Woman's" head is much too large for her body? -- Tommy
  19. Dear Brian, I'm not requesting just an enlargement of Prayer Person's face. I'm requesting that it also be in animated GIF form, lasting for the whole "elongated head" section of the film. There's a big difference between a "still" and an animated GIF. Did Duncan delete the one that used to be on a similar thread on this forum because he realized, after I pointed it out, that you could see in it that his Prayer Woman had ... sideburns? -- Tommy
  20. Dear Brian, It would appear that at least you finally understand what I'm talking about. Thank God for small miracles. -- Tommy @Brian: I don't know how the presence of sideburns wouldn't be relevant to the topic of this thread.. I for one would like to see the sideburn frames. Tommy, if those are indeed sideburns, wouldn't that rule out Oswald as Prayer Man? I don't recall seeing sideburns on Oswald. Sandy, if I remember correctly, they were't exactly muttonchops. Regardless, do you not want to even look at if it's not going to be Oswald? (I think it's Oswald, btw.) We need to get Andrej or someone to make an enlarged GIF of Prayer Person's head (only) during the whole "elongated forehead" segment. -- Tommy
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