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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Sandy, So, you actually and officially see the camera strap around "Neck Scratcher's" neck. That's great! Or do you think maybe it's a strap for his coin purse and bus ID, or .... (lol) -- Tommy
  2. Sandy, Probably because whoever was impersonating Oswald had blond hair. It's possible that the bad guys had been misled by some three-year-old (but still ongoing) CIA Popov's Mole-based "marked card" information that had given Oswald-in-Russia dark-blond hair, and which information was still in some of Oswald's CIA and military intel files in 1963. This is the 1959 false defector (formerly with the United States Air Force), Robert E. Webster [q.v.], from whom Oswald "got" his dark-blond hair: Webster in the USSR -- Tommy
  3. Dear Paul, Nice discovery. Thanks for sharing. I mean it. Looks like we've finally cracked the case. LOL -- Tommy PS A lot of people seem to forget or just don't know that the uneventful, TV station-filmed "Trade Mart leafleting" was on August 16, exactly one week after Oswald's infamous leafleting in the 500 block of Canal Street (just four blocks from Dean Andrew's office in the "Pere Marquette Building" at 921 Canal Street). It would be interesting to find out that "Neck Scratcher" was monitoring Oswald on August 16, too. At the Trade Mart. I believe that on August 9, Oswald started leafleting at the Pere Marquette Building where Oswald's putative lawyer, Dean Andrews, said he saw Oswald handing out flyers as he was walking back to his office from the NBC building, and asked Oswald what the heck he thought he was doing, and Oswald allegedly told him "It's a job". I believe that Oswald then walked down to the 500 block of Canal Street, where he ended up being monitored by "Neck Scratcher," filmed by teenager Jim Doyle (and the mysterious John T[imothy?] Martin from Minnesotta), and getting himself arrested along with the three anti-Castro Cubans -- Carlos Bringuier, Miguel Cruz, and Celso Hernandez (the latter possibly being the same "Celso Hernandez" with whom, strangely, an Oswald impersonator may have been arrested a couple of years earlier in New Orleans!). From a "Harvey and Lee"-oriented website: "In the fall of 1961, Police Officer Charles Noto arrested Lee Oswald and Celso Hernandez on Breakwater Road on the Lakefront in New Orleans. They were brought to Levee Board Police Headquarters where, after a closed door session with Marcel Champon, the officer in charge, they were released. This 1961 arrest is very important. Two years later, in August, 1963, Celso Hernandez would again be arrested. But this time he was arrested with Harvey Oswald, who created a disturbance by handing out "Fair Play for Cuba Literature." Hernandez knew both Oswalds. [Documentation from the Noto arrest comes from the Garrison investigation, much of it available to, but buried by, the HSCA.]" https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.conspiracy.jfk/EdESjaVtYMI
  4. Mr. Brancato, To egotistically keep my name and my beloved work, some of it recent, on the "front page," obviously. Why should it bother you that I circumvented someone's deleted post to do that? You're welcome, btw. -- Tommy
  5. Paul, I actually didn't realize that. Small world, eh? Thanks, -- Tommy
  6. Dear Paul, Yes, I read the whole thing a long time ago. Going from memory here, but the "tan station wagon" probably refers to the green Rambler station wagon that Sheriff's Detective Roger Craig claimed to have seen Oswald get into on Elm Street about ten minutes after the assassination, and which Craig said was driven by a dark-complected man. Billings / Garrison has it going into the parking lot, instead, and picking up someone who had run there from the TSBD. In answer to your question "Did Garrison know anything about David Morales?," I honestly don't know. Why don't you research it and let us know what you find out? Sincerely, -- Tommy
  7. Well, either the print was planted or Wallace was there. Whichever you or I pick, the fact remains there was only one finger involved. Are you suggesting that the CIA wouldn't have done just one finger, and therefore the fingerprint must have been real and Mac left it? (Note that I am just asking. I'm not trying to make a point.) -- Sandy Larsen Yeah, I'm kinda leaning in that direction, Sandy. I think I posted something to that effect eons ago on this forum. It's an interesting situation no matter how we look at it. -- Tommy That's interesting. Do you think Mac was there on Johnson's behalf? (Hypothetically speaking, of course.) Aren't you a CIA-dun-it guy? With Mafia involvement? Sandy, I'm perplexed by it, frankly, like most other honest, open-minded, and serious students of the assassination.. Another interesting twist is that maybe the CIA / FBI planted the print of just that one little pinky finger not only implicate Wallace, but also so that people like you and I would second guess ourselves on whether or not Wallace was there, whether or not the CIA / FBI had planted the print, etc. Sorry to get so Byzantine on you. -- Tommy
  8. Well, either the print was planted or Wallace was there. Whichever you or I pick, the fact remains there was only one finger involved. Are you suggesting that the CIA wouldn't have done just one finger, and therefore the fingerprint must have been real and Mac left it? (Note that I am just asking. I'm not trying to make a point.) -- Sandy Larsen Yeah, I'm kinda leaning in that direction, Sandy. I think I posted something to that effect eons ago on this forum. It's an interesting situation no matter how we look at it. -- Tommy
  9. See also: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/jfk9/hscv9c.htm -- Tommy bumped around the deleted post
  10. There were quite acfew witnesses to the Ruby-Oswald sightings at the Carousel Club. LHO's whereabouts were known at the time though so it couldn't have been him at the club. John Armstrong says that it was LEE Oswald and not HARVEY Oswald. Another option could be Larry Crafard as he had a strong resemblance to LHO as even the WC showed his photograph to quite a few witnesses. He began sta[y]ting at the club in early November too. David Morales is an interesting thought for the man with a scar. Rob, I brazenly took the opportunity to correct your typo, and to use it as an excuse for shamelessly promoting one of my mostly-neglected theories. -- Tommy
  11. Presence of a Mac Wallace print gives a clue as to what role Vice President Johnson played. The presence of Mac Wallace's fingerprint tells me that Johnson might have been blackmailed into cooperating with the assassination. It seems that blackmail was a popular method for the CIA at the time. For example, James Angleton had a photo of J. Edgar Hoover homosexually involved with a man. have to respectfully question this, Sandy. Even hard proof that Wallace was there would not, in and of itself, connect LBJ to the assassination. Wallace surely had other "pals," and if he was there a closer connection to why and at whose motivation would be needed, to me. Wallace's presence, if so, only tells me, in a procedural sense, that Wallace was there. First Glen, let me say that even if it is Wallace's fingerprint, I don't believe Wallace was actually there. If anything, I'd say the fingerprint was secretly inserted into the FBI files. For blackmail purposes. Let me ask you.... isn't it true that by 1963 there were rumors in Texas that Mac Wallace was doing dirty work for Johnson? If so, wouldn't the presence of his fingerprints in the snipers nest lead people to wonder if Johnson was involved? Especially in light of the fact that he was about to be dropped from the Kennedy ticket because of his involvement in the Bobby Baker scandal? Which could have been leaked to the public at any time, if necessary. (i.e. if Johnson didn't do the CIA's bidding.) As a matter of fact, Life Magazine was ready to publish two articles saying as much. Here is what former Life Magazine employee James Wagenvoord's wrote on his blog about them: (Source) Sandy, I only wonder, would the FBI (or somebody) have inserted only a fingerprint of Wallace's little pinkie if they wanted to implicate him (and LBJ)? Why not one or two of the more major fingers? Could Wallace have moved a box using only one of his little fingers? Just sayin'. -- Tommy
  12. See also: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/jfk9/hscv9c.htm -- Tommy
  13. http://22november1963.org.uk/jack-ruby-warren-commission "Peter Dale Scott pointed out that the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and Blakey and Billings, concentrated on Jack Ruby’s mafia connections but neglected to consider Ruby’s political connections. He concluded that the HSCA, just like the Warren Commission, was involved in a cover–up: The Committee studiously avoided the following important propositions: From as early as 1946–47, Ruby was involved in major narcotics dealings; and yet he was protected from arrest, most probably because he was also a US government informant. Ruby was, as reported, involved in payoffs to the Dallas police, for whom he was unquestionably a narcotics informant. Ruby was on good, but probably illicit, terms with judges and other high members of the Dallas political establishment. According to his lawyer, Ruby was an informant for the Kefauver Committee; and in exchange for this service, the Kefauver Committee agreed to ignore contemporary organized crime and police corruption in Dallas, specifically with respect to the 1946 takeover by organized crime of the national racing wire service. The wire–service operation was a key organizing force for criminal activity in that era, including narcotics. Profits from the resulting system of protected crime (in which Ruby was somehow implicated) were invested in legitimate businesses (such as international hotels and defense industries like General Dynamics) which formed part of the expansive postwar US military–industrial establishment. To sum up, the Warren Commission … suppressed Ruby’s links to organized crime and the political establishment. The House Committee rectified the first half of this suppression, but not the second. (Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, University of California Press, 1993, p.70)" -- Tommy
  14. Chris, When I click on the link my browser goes to the first page. There are 189 pages in the document. Do you know from which page you copied that document? Or at least a ballpark number? Sandy, It's page 132 of the "Jack Ruby" folder. There are three or four different copies of the document in the different folders. In some of them the handwritten note near the upper right corner is almost legible. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/21294/rec/2 Regarding my "methodology," I clicked on the link and then, as an experiment, typed into the "search box" the name aucoin. The name "Aucoin" is mentioned eleven times in Armstrong's files in the Baylor archives. Some of them are about a different Aucoin, a "Henry Aucoin" who was the manager of the Hotel Senator, where Marguerite and Lee supposedly stayed for awhile in 1956. -- Tommy Edited and bumped for the ever-inquisitive Sandy Larsen.
  15. Thanks Andrej. Like I said, Brian's "woman's head" was too big for his / her torso. -- Tommy
  16. Dear Bill, Could that be the (almost) 18-year-old Miguel Mariano Cruz following Carlos Bringuier out of the New Orleans court house at 3:37 of this Black Op Radio video? (Warning: He's visible for only a split second.) He is shown again at 3:43. I can only assume that the short guy with the moustache following right behind him at 3:43 is 47-year-old Celso Hernandez Hernandes, as he was arrested along with Bringuier and Cruz an Oswald on 8/09/63. --Tommy Dear Bill, In his notes in the Baylor Archives, John Armstrong has your Miguel Cruz as "FBI Informant T-2". Note: Armstrong (carelessly, IMHO) lumps together the two filmed leafleting incidents (the 1st by 14 year-old Jim Doyle on 8/09/63, the 2nd by a New Orleans TV station on 8/16/63). http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/48933/rec/11 Your Buddy, -- Tommy
  17. Chris, When I click on the link my browser goes to the first page. There are 189 pages in the document. Do you know from which page you copied that document? Or at least a ballpark number? Sandy, It's page 132 of the "Jack Ruby" folder. There are three or four different copies of the document in the different folders. In some of them the handwritten note near the upper right corner is almost legible. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/21294/rec/2 Regarding my "methodology," I clicked on the link and then, as an experiment, typed into the "search box" the name aucoin. The name "Aucoin" is mentioned eleven times in Armstrong's files in the Baylor archives. Some of them are about a different Aucoin, a "Henry Aucoin" who was the manager of the Hotel Senator, where Marguerite and Lee supposedly stayed for awhile in 1956. -- Tommy
  18. bumped here from an earlier post, this thread The reason I think Morales' scar is important is because a Garrison researcher, Life Magazine's Richard Billings, wrote in his notes in 1967: "More on Spanish trace... Giant [Jim Garrison] says the shepherd has a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. He was also seen by Bringuier and Miguel Cruz at Maison Blanche when Oswald passing out leaflets." [ ... ] Note: The "Maison Blanche" was a large old building where Dean Andrews had his law office on the sixth floor, only two blocks from where Oswald, Bringuier, and Cruz were arrested on August 9 in the 700 block of Canal Street. After the assassination, Andrews said he had seen Oswald passing out leaflets in front of this building, and that Oswald told him it was just a $25 "job" "He [the "shepherd"] was wearing a coat and tie and sunglasses... He was taking pictures of Oswald." [emphasis added] http://www.jfk-onlin.../billings4.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Billings' notes, he wonders if "Spanish Trace" might have been the dark-complected driver of the "getaway" Rambler station wagon in Dallas. thereby suggesting that the Oswald's New Orleans"Spanish Trace / Shepherd" was both dark-complected and Mexican-looking. David Sanchez Morales was half Spanish (not "Mexican") and half Yaqui Indian, and was so dark-complected that his nickname was "El Indio. The photo below is of Morales and in Chile or Peru in 1966. It shows what I believe to be a 35mm camera hanging in front of his chest chest. Note the narrow strap. In a larger crop, you can see some spectral highlights on it, indicating that the leather was polished. FWIW, 16-year-old amateur photographer Jim Doyle, who filmed Oswald's arguing with Bringuier on 8/09/63 and being arrested, said that the guy apparently monitoring Oswald during that incident was wearing a grey suit and taking pictures of Oswald with an "exceedingly expensive-looking camera," or words to that effect. Factoid: Doyle's younger sister was also there and said that Oswald's placard read "Viva La Fidel," and that she knew that it was incorrect Spanish. (It should have said "Viva Fidel" with no "La".) Question: Had Oswald made an honest mistake, or was he actually poking fun at Castro?
  19. Paul, But what's interesting is that, IIRC, some other witnesses to the events in New Orleans and / or Dallas in 1963 also thought that Oswald's Mexican-Cuban sidekick was named "Hernandez ," not just Mckeown. At least Mckeown didn't say "Jose Jimenez." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Jim%C3%A9nez_(character) -- Tommy
  20. Going from memory here, but I think Mckeown said he recognized the guy from Cuba, but the guy didn't know or recognize him. Yep. According to Dick Russell, Mckeown said the man's name was Hernandez, and that the man didn't know that McKeown knew him. -- Tommy
  21. Going from memory here, but I think Mckeown said he recognized the guy from Cuba, but didn't think the guy knew or recognized him. -- Tommy
  22. ditto Here's Borja, wearing sunglass Paul, I don't remember what I've read about him to tell you the truth, and I'm kinda tired right now. And regardless, I'm focusing on David Sanchez Morales. Sincerely, -- Tommy PS Short answer: No. Ah ha. I do remember one thing. For a long time "researchers" were saying that Borja was the Mexican-looking guy (more recently thought by some to be Ted Cruz's father, Rafael) helping LHO hand out flyers in front of the Trade Mart in New Orleans on August 16 (?), 1963, but I think that's been pretty much been disproved. Here's Borja, wearing sunglasses and a dark shirt. He's standing next to Marita Lorenz. I think that's Gerry Patrick Hemming sitting down next to him. Frank Sturgis is the guy waving the pistol around over on the left. Borja is mentioned twice in this article by my buddy, Bill Kelley. (Press "Ctrl" and "F" at the same time and type Borja in the little search box to save some time.) http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2010/10/david-atlee-phillips.html I'm exhausted. Stayed up playing chess all night. -- Tommy
  23. ditto Paul Brancato, on 02 Oct 2016 - 08:00 AM, said: Paul, I don't remember what I've read about him to tell you the truth, and I'm kinda tired right now. And regardless, I'm focusing on David Sanchez Morales. Sincerely, -- Tommy PS Short answer: No. Ah ha. I do remember one thing. For a long time "researchers" were saying that Borja was the Mexican-looking guy helping LHO hand out flyers in front of the Trade Mart in New Orleans on August 16 (?), 1963, but I think that's been pretty much disproved.
  24. Moved here from the Did Ruby Know Oswald? thread. Dear Paul, Isidro Borja looks kinda skinny to me in these photos. And he wore glasses, too, apparently. (Seems like someone would have mentioned that.) He does have a lot of bumps on his face, however. I don't see a "one-inch scar on his left eyebrow." ... Also, remember that the guy at Ruby's joint said the Mexican / Spanish - looking guy had a "round face." -- Tommy
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