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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Eugenio Saldivar Xiques, with an (S) not a (Z), this is who's found in my father's address book. The guy who got caught with Tony Cuesta. Here's a newspaper article about how Tony Cuesta and Eugenio Saldivar Xinques were captured at sea and imprisoned in Cuba. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2209&dat=19660531&id=YKwrAAAAIBAJ&sjid=S_0FAAAAIBAJ&pg=3291,3225666&hl=en Here's a Spanish-language website that refers to him as Eugenio Zaldivar [sic]. It says he was released from Cuban prison in 1978 and that he returned to Miami. (To find him in the text, press "Control" and "F" at the same time and then type in "zaldivar") http://www.elgrancapitan.org/foro/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=21064&start=270 --Tommy
  2. I thought it was a little finger fingerprint found on one of the boxes. --Tommy There were 19 latent fingerprints on those boxes. Of those all are accounted for except one PALM print on one box, It is this partial palm print, that the collage of the Wallace print was made. http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?topic=4205.15;wap2 I also heard Roger Stone explain the Mac Wallace theory, and in his testimony or theory whichever you want to call it. I heard him say, "Wallace's palm print". I myself never really looked into this, when I don't believe LBJ whacked JFK, sorry. Just because we have a difference of opinions doesn't mean I dislike him. I still call him friend, truth is. I have a lot of friends outside JFK, but once we start talking JFK our friendship goes out the window, no pun intended. Gosh, that's funny. I distinctly remember reading that the print attributed to Mac Wallace (by one fingerprint specialist who was became a "dear friend" of forum member Dawn Meridith) was a little finger print that was found on one of the boxes. I remember speculating about it on this forum back in 2005 -- that Mac Wallace had left it while rearranging the boxes immediately after the shooting -- In order to create the "sniper's nest" which would help to "incriminate" Oswald. Either that, or someone planted Mac Wallace's fingerprint there. But then I asked "Why would a bad guy plant only Mac's little finger fingerprint, and no others?" I pointed out that that didn't really make sense. --Tommy
  3. I thought it was a little finger fingerprint found on one of the boxes. --Tommy
  4. Fascinating posts as always, Scott. Question: Do you think "Neck Scratcher" at 3:57 of this video is David Sanchez Morales? Please read this entire thread (from post #11, page two, on) before saying "yes," "no," or "maybe." Thanks, --Tommy Hi Tommy, I've read all the post, watched the film several times. I noticed that exactly at mark 3:57-58 Lee Oswald and the neck scratching man looks directly into each other's eyes, could they have known each other? It's a tough call. But, Lee and this man do look at each other as Lee walks by him, which is interesting. This man certainly does have David's complexion. however, it's difficult to tell if it is David without looking at his face. Scott, I think you're right about the eye contact. At 3:58, when Oswald's face is fully visible over "Neck Scratcher's" left shoulder, Oswald "sneakily" shifts his eyes towards "Neck Scratcher" without moving his head. A second later, Oswald shifts his eyes back to where they were before -- looking straight ahead. Interesting. --Tommy PS I've noticed from some of his photographs that Morales had very long earlobes. I wish I could see "Neck Scratcher's" earlobes better...
  5. Fascinating posts as always, Scott. Question: Do you think "Neck Scratcher" at 3:57 of this video is David Sanchez Morales? Please read this entire thread (from post #11, page two, on) before saying "yes," "no," or "maybe." Thanks, --Tommy
  6. Kirk, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the "camera strap," I'm basing my conclusion on the following two things in the video: 1 ) the strap's brownish color as compared to the grey-blue color of the jacket 2 ) the strap's shininess, which is barely visible on one part of the strap, in certain frames The key to being able to see what I'm talking about is to very quickly "freeze-frame" (click-click, click-click, ...) the heck out of it, starting around 3:54, and continuing on for several seconds. What I'm talking about is more obvious in certain frames than in others. I'm also taking into consideration the fact that the "strap" looks identical in its thinness to the one visible in this 1966 photo of Morales in Peru. Note its shininess, especially in the area immediately below his hand.. https://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/images/8/86/Pict_rfkstory_morales_1_2_lrg.jpg --Tommy In December of 1961, Morales was described in a CIA document as being 5'10" tall and weighing 220 lbs. He was 36 years old at the time. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=27001#relPageId=2&tab=page In a 1949 CIA document, he described himself as a football player, basketball player, baseball player, boxer, and swimmer. In the same document he said he was 5'10" tall and weighed 190 pounds. edited and bumped
  7. Wrong leafletting incident, David. The one in your film starting around 1:20 was on August 16, 1963, whereas the one I've been talking about was one week earlier, on August 9th (the one at which Oswald and the three Cubans were arrested). Thanks for sharing this interesting "Oswald in New Orleans" viedo, though! --Tommy
  8. Kirk, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the "camera strap," I'm basing my conclusion on the following two things in the video: 1 ) the strap's brownish color as compared to the grey-blue color of the jacket 2 ) the strap's shininess, which is barely visible on one part of the strap, in certain frames The key to being able to see what I'm talking about is to very quickly "freeze-frame" (click-click, click-click, ...) the heck out of it, starting around 3:54, and continuing on for several seconds. What I'm talking about is more obvious in certain frames than in others. I'm also taking into consideration the fact that the "strap" looks identical in its thinness to the one visible in this 1966 photo of Morales in Peru. Note its shininess, especially in the area immediately below his hand.. https://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/images/8/86/Pict_rfkstory_morales_1_2_lrg.jpg --Tommy In December of 1961, Morales was described in a CIA document as being 5'10" tall and weighing 220 lbs. He was 36 years old at the time. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=27001#relPageId=2&tab=page --Tommy merged and bumped
  9. Kirk, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the "camera strap," I'm basing my conclusion on the following two things in the video: 1 ) the strap's brownish color as compared to the grey-blue color of the jacket 2 ) the strap's shininess, which is barely visible on one part of the strap, in certain frames The key to being able to see what I'm talking about is to very quickly "freeze-frame" (click-click, click-click, ...) the heck out of it, starting around 3:54, and continuing on for several seconds. What I'm talking about is more obvious in certain frames than in others. I'm also taking into consideration the fact that the "strap" looks identical in its thinness to the one visible in this 1966 photo of Morales in Peru. Note the shininess at the very top. --Tommy
  10. Scott, Paul Trejo asked me to relay this question to you: Tommy, In the thread on David Morales, Scott Kaiser seems to know a lot about the CIA and Guy Banister. What about David Atlee Phillips, who wrote in his 1988 manuscript, AMLASH LEGACY, that he was grooming LHO to be a fake FPCC officer, to sneak him into Cuba through Mexico City in a plot to kill Fidel? Insofar as McCord actually oversaw that Fake FPCC, and as Guy Banister reported to McCord, what role did DAP play underneath McCord, if any? [...] Thanks, --Paul T --Tommy
  11. Yes, and I believe I've read that McCord worked very closely with James Jesus Angleton. --Tommy
  12. Robert, Apparently, "Fortson" was a / the FBI representative in Mexico City on 11/22/63. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=31316&relPageId=3&search=fortson (As you probably know, "ODENVY" is the FBI and "MNTY" stands for Monterrey, Mexico.) --Tommy
  13. Scott is trying to get "reinstated" or (whatever) on this forum. In the meantime, he has just now sent me this message via Facebook: Tom Graves, if you like, you may post this information until I am reinstated at the Education Forum. David Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay at a motel in Dallas. I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not. The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners. The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC, and Banister was reporting to McCord. My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos are Richard Poyle, who was sent to Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of "Oliver Fortson" whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is she wasn't in Mexico, she was in Miami. Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and many others. It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio [saldivar Xiques] were in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Regarding Morales, Sturgis and Hunt, these guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money. Had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like [bernard] Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control. Scott Kaiser [emphasis added by T. Graves] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks, Scott --Tommy PS Scott has added the message to me on FB that Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis picked Scott's father up for work the day he died under mysterious circumstances on a boat.
  14. Edited and augmented on 11/17/15: Jeanie, Dark-complected, athletically-built (football and track star in high school) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge. I do believe, however, that Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 16-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I say this because I'm now convinced that Morales is the guy who walks into view from the left, "scratching" his neck and watching Oswald walk past him at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: . Interestingly, a Garrison investigator, Richard Billings, wrote about a coat-and-tie-wearing "Spanish (read: Hispanic-looking) Trace / Shepherd" who was monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day, and that the guy had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html Well... See the 45-degree scar above Morales' left eyebrow in the photo below? --Tommy Edit: Upon further "freeze frame" viewing of "Neck Scratcher" (around 3:55), I've come to realize that he had a thin, brown, shiny leather camera strap (barely-visible) around his neck. Just like David Sanchez Morales did in this 1966 photo: Please bear in mind that according to Richard Billings, Garrison was told by witnesses Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz that the "Shepherd" or "Spanish Trace" was taking photos of Oswald on Canal Street that day. Synopsis: Dark-complected "Neck Scratcher" had a camera with him while he was watching Oswald on August 9, 1963, just like Bringuier and Cruz said the dark-complected "Spanish Trace / Shepherd" had had with him that day. Garrison told one of his researchers, Richard Billings, that this dark-complected "Shepherd" had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. I have shown here and in earlier posts that David Sanchez Morales had a one-to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow. In earlier posts I also showed that white-fingered "Neck Scratcher" was dark complected, like David Sanchez Morales (who had white fingers and dark skin). Question: Was David Sanchez Morales the dark-complected, white-fingered, coat-and-tie-wearing man who had a scarred left eyebrow and was seen watching and taking photos of Oswald on August 9, 1963? I believe that he was. In this thread I have attempted to show you why. Bumped one last time. Question: Am I the only one here who thinks that "Neck Scratcher" was David Sanchez Morales? bumped for Scott Kaiser
  15. [...] A fake File Locator Number? Really? This strikes you folks as plausible? I don't understand why you scoff at the idea of a forgery. Especially if we're talking about a fake File Locator Number. What is so difficult to accept about a fake FLN? Just make a number up and stamp it! Nobody would know any better. If you're going to scoff, why not do so regarding Oswald's handwriting. At least that is something difficult to forge. [...] [emphasis added by T. Graves] Sandy, Because this thread (which you started) is about whether or not the money order required an "endorsement" (depending, of course, on how that word was defined by the authorities in 1963), not about Oswald's handwriting? --Tommy
  16. Excellent research, open-mindedness, and willingness to share, Sandy. --Tommy
  17. I agree with you, Paul. Everyone I show this video to voluntarily says the same thing, "He's pointing to someone or signaling something." I see no attempt by the subject to adjust the shiny brown strap around his neck, or to really scratch his neck, in the video. I think he was probably taking photos of Oswald right before this clip began, knew that he was being filmed from behind by a stranger (16 year old Jim Doyle), and so he pretended to be scratching his neck in order to be able to "prove" at some point (if necessary) that he hadn't been taking photos of Oswald ("Look! I couldn't possibly have been taking photos with just my left hand!"). I think he may have been pointing towards Oswald (for the mysterious John T. Martin?), as well. --Tommy
  18. [...] I myself had posted contemporary (1960's era) materials suggesting postal money orders should have been endorsed as they proceeded through the banking chain. The questions are: (1) Was the Klein's money order in fact "endorsed," and we perhaps do not understand what "endorsed" meant at that time? (2) If it was not endorsed, should that have been fatal or was there some banking practice in place of which we are unaware? and (3) If it was not endorsed and should have been, how did it end up at the federal Records Retention Center in Alexandria, VA, with a File Locator Number on it? [...] Excellent framing of the issue-at-hand, Lance. Keep up the good work. --Tommy
  19. Thanks for the feedback, Paul. Regarding the camera strap, it's brown and shiny and very narrow. So narrow, in fact, that it almost merges with the top of the subject's jacket collar, visually speaking. The dead giveaway that it's not part of his collar is that it's brown in color whereas the guy's jacket is bluish-grey, and the fact that if you look closely, there is a slight reflection of light off part of it, whereas the jacket's material didn't reflect "shiny" light like that. Warning: You've got to freeze-frame the heck out of the footage from about 3:55 on to really see what I'm talking about. ("Click-click... Click-click..." Real fast like.) --Tommy
  20. Thanks for the feedback, David, especially on the camera. Regarding your belief that "Neck Scratcher" was not as "big, broad, or thick" as Morales, I respectfully disagree. By "big" do you mean "tall"? Morales looks to be between 5'10" and 6'0 in his 1942 high school track team group photo, and also in the 1969 - 1971 photo in which he's standing next to two Vietnamese and the giant Colonel William Grimes who was, I believe, 6'7". (In this Vietnam War-era photo Morales' white index finger can also be seen.) Morales might still have had a track star's / football player's "slender" athletic physique in 1963. BTW, Did you read the part about the "Shepherd's" having a one-inch scar over his left eye, according to Jim Garrison? Good. Did you also see the one-to-two-inch 45-degree scar on Morales' left eyebrow in this photo, with the big notch in his eyebrow directly below the scar?: Excellent! What are the chances that it was just a coincidence? --Tommy PS There's a larger photo of Morales with the shiny thin camera strap around his neck in 1966 on the Mary Ferrell website, but unfortunately I'm unable to copy and paste it to this forum. The photo I'm talking about shows the camera (in its case).
  21. Edited and augmented on 11/17/15: Jeanie, Dark-complected, athletically-built (football and track star in high school) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge. I do believe, however, that Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 14-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I say this because I'm now convinced that Morales is the guy who walks into view from the left, "scratching" his neck and watching Oswald walk past him at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: .Interestingly, a Garrison investigator, Richard Billings, wrote about a coat-and-tie-wearing "Spanish (read: Hispanic-looking) Trace / Shepherd" who was monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. and that the guy had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html Well... See the 45-degree scar above Morales' left eyebrow in the photo below? --Tommy Edit: Upon further "freeze frame" viewing of "Neck Scratcher" (around 3:55), I've come to realize that he had a thin, brown, shiny leather camera strap (barely-visible) around his neck. Just like David Sanchez Morales did in this 1966 photo: Please bear in mind that according to Richard Billings, Garrison was told by witnesses Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz that the "Shepherd" or "Spanish Trace" was taking photos of Oswald on Canal Street that day. Synopsis: Dark-complected "Neck Scratcher" had a camera with him while he was watching Oswald on August 9, 1963, just like Bringuier and Cruz said the dark-complected "Spanish Trace / Shepherd" had had with him that day. Garrison told one of his researchers, Richard Billings, that this dark-complected "Shepherd" had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. I have shown here and in earlier posts that David Sanchez Morales had a one-to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow. In earlier posts I also showed that white-fingered "Neck Scratcher" was dark complected, like David Sanchez Morales (who had white fingers and dark skin). Question: Was David Sanchez Morales the dark-complected, white-fingered, coat-and-tie-wearing man who had a scarred left eyebrow and was seen watching and taking photos of Oswald on August 9, 1963? I believe that he was. In this thread I have attempted to show you why. Bumped one last time. Question: Am I the only one here who thinks that "Neck Scratcher" was David Sanchez Morales?
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