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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Merely citing a "civilian" (?? ) who posted something at another forum is "creepy"? ~big shrug~ David, By "civilian," Hargrove probably means anyone who is not a member of Armstrong's "Army" of frothing-at-the-mouth followers. --Tommy
  2. Watch Baker's left arm very closely. Held out as he approaches RT then quickly snapped high behind him as he moved past him. Doesn't it appear as though he pushes RT's arm deliberately, almost violently? Then Truly must have been in his way. Now again with his feet. If he was knocked off balance immediately after that event and he then spots the curb, his footing would have to be adjusted to accommodate. Thus I would argue that his next two steps are not the best indication of his true path. Clive, Baker's left arm is swinging back and forth the whole time. Just like mine did when I ran the 100-yard dash, the 220-yard dash, the 440-yard dash, and the 120-yard high hurdles in high school. Oh yeah, and the 440-yard relay. --Tommy PS I think when we look at the "Couch Darnell Synchronized" (google that) GIF, we can see that Baker runs from his motorcycle towards the TSBD at a pretty sharp angle. I would argue that if he intended to run down to the intersection of Elm and Houston to confer with a policeman or two about the pigeons and / or where the shots had come from, he would have run across Elm Street Extension at a less sharp angle, i.e. in a more direct line towards the intersection.
  3. David, Nice idea, but I think that's an "overhead" door which you raise by pulling on a chain, and which you "prop open" by putting a link of the chain in a special notch on the wall. --Tommy
  4. I have not found a photo of the Dr. Pepper machine yet and the only box for empties that I have is situated next to the Coca-Cola machine. [...] Please note what looks like a box for "empties" leaning against the wall, next to the stairs, and the Dr Pepper machine itself inside the white rectangle. --Tommy PS Looks like DVP beat me to it.
  5. Thanks so much, Tom! This was the topic of my next post. Just when Mark Messer (head designer and my boss) and I were frustrated about the lack of accurate data (he is in Sweden and I tied in Houston) we discovered this extraordinary resource, thanks to the Mary Ferrell Foundation folks: http://www.maryferrell.org/photos.html?set=WCD-TSBD (There are 3 CD ROMs) Notice that the FBI agents were very futuristic: the pictures include scales, compass and the location and direction of the photographer. I am guessing that they said: "Look, some years from now, they will invent something called the Internet, each person will have a computer and they will create 3D models." :-) -Ramon And I think there was a special box near the Dr Pepper machine for "empties." --Tommy
  6. FWIW, I believe the Dr Pepper machine (not to be confused with the second-floor "Coke" machine) was in the north east corner of the first floor, I've read that Dr Pepper was Oswald's favorite, but I don't know if it's true. --Tommy
  7. I agree. And overheard each other. --Tommy
  8. Who? Where? When? Please cite and provide the source of my alleged admission of faking this so far unspecified specific photograph for the purpose of fooling people. It's all baloney, and you know it. Duncan, I for one really appreciate the photos and frames and GIFs you have posted on this forum. I think you do excellent work. It would be nice, however, if you told us in advance what you had done to them. For example, "I enlarged it and adjusted the contrast to help bring out previously unnoticed details," etc. Keep up the good work! --Tommy
  9. Sounds like perfectly normal Scottish to me! -- Tommy Mahon (name pre adoption) PS Welcome back, Duncan! Unfortunately, while you were gone I discovered in your GIF that Prayer Person has sideburns. Must be a Canadian woman.
  10. Dear Clive, Just trying to help, Clive. You and Richard seemed to be talking about different things. He wanted to know what possible "diversion" could have motivated Barker to run past the front steps. At least that's what I thought he was asking. Then you mentioned the pigeons flying off the roof of the TSBD. And I'm suggesting, as a devil's advocate (arguing for Prudhomme), that maybe Baker wanted to ask the policeman or policemen down at the intersection whether or not they thought the shots had come from the TSBD, and that's why he ran down there right away, instead of up the steps. Why the sarcasm? Did you think I was attacking you? Why don't you like Duncan's images? What if I told you his recent GIF shows Prayer Person's sideburns, so must be a man? --Tommy
  11. Dear Clive, You seem to be suggesting with the "no, of course not" that I am intentionally misleading. Well, do you see the Truly I'm talking about? If so, do you think he's not Truly? Maybe you don't see the little, hat-and-suit-wearing guy I'm talking about. Would you like for me to show you again? When you say, "I think it's Campbell," I don't know who you're talking about in the images. Please clarify. Which guy in the Weigman frames do you think is O. V. Campbell? Didn't Campbell say he was with Truly, and vice versa? Thank you, --Tommy
  12. Richard, the "very good lead" I mentioned yesterday was/is a reference to the legend. The birds coming up off the roof. My point was, that that's what they had to reconstruct. Baker heard unmistakable gunfire, looked up towards the sounds and saw evidence of disturbance, he then pulled up and immediately ran inside. Very straightforward. But we now have an alternative because if Couch does begin at twenty two seconds after Z313 and that is his bike parked further down the street and literally past the entrance then it strongly suggests that his first instinct was not to run inside at all and his best lead may have come to him whilst he was sitting on his bike taking it all in. Completely logical. Robert Prudhomme thinks Baker ran down to the corner or intersection of Elm and Houston to talk with a policeman or two for a couple of minutes. --Tommy
  13. Ed, I wondered why you had a long sleeve on the right arm of PM. If it's a long sleeve the sleeve must be two tone. It's too bad that everyone here hates Duncan so much that they refuse to look at the excellent images and GIFs he's posted. One of the images he's recently posted shows pretty darn clearly the 'hanging" cuff at the end of Prayer Person's sleeve, something I noticed a long time ago, BTW. Oh well, like they say, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him (or was it her?) DRINK." --Tommy
  14. If Tall Suit Guy didn't notice Baker, then why did sidestep quickly to his right while turning / pivoting to his left, thereby turning his whole body towards Baker? Answer: Because he intuited that Baker was coming and he was trying to be helpful and get out of Baker's way at the same time (maybe Baker said something, maybe somebody else said something, or maybe because TSG could hear Baker's approaching footsteps). TSG figured Baker was going to run up the steps. It's obvious to me that Tall Suit Guy's left hand was never on the far left handrail, so the question arises: Why did he wave his left hand forward so energetically like that? Answer: To wave Baker up the steps. Either that, or to swat away the Mother Of All Bumble Bees. I've heard they do have really big ones in Texas. --Tommy
  15. Bob, With all due respect... That guy's left hand is not on the handrail. Unless, of course, you think that handrail jutted out about five feet from the building. Sounds like wishful thinking to me... --Tommy
  16. Here you are Richard. I call it Couch / Darnell Synchronized. (Credit Gerda Dunckel) Click on it to enlarge a bit. And here's a blowup of the Darnell part: --Tommy
  17. Ed, why would he be shielding his eyes when he was in the shade? I was thinking the same thing, Ray. Also: Why was PP's head turned like that for so long, i.e. why was his / her body turned in one direction but his / her head turned in another direction for the whole clip? (I do wonder what he / she was looking at so intently.) Why did PP lower those "crossed arms" from near his / her face to where they are in Ed's image? Note: Thanks to Ed for agreeing with me that PP was wearing long sleeves that were rolled all the way down. --Tommy PS I've copied and pasted the URL to Ducan's recent GIF here in case it gets deleted elsewhere on this forum: https://youtu.be/4au4JAgF1tA
  18. Jeanie, Dark-complected and athletically-built (a football and track star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge. I do believe, however, that Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 14-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck (to sneakily point out Oswald to a confederate, to try to hide the fact that he has a camera's strap around his neck?), and watches Oswald walk past him at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: .Interestingly, a Garrison investigator, Richard Billings, wrote about a coat-and-tie-wearing "Spanish (read: Hispanic-looking) Trace / Shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed was monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm presently trying to determine if the historical David Sanchez Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow like Garrison told Billings the photo-taking "Shepherd" had. Edit: Yes he did. See the 45-degree scar above Morales' left eyebrow in the photo below. --Tommy Edit: Upon further close "freeze frame" viewing of "Neck Scratcher" in the Jim Doyle color film clip (around 3:55), I've come to realize that "Neck Scratcher" has a thin, brown, shiny leather camera strap (barely-visible) around his neck. Just like David Sanchez Morales did in this 1966 photo. Bear in mind that according to Richard Billings, Garrison was told by witnesses Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz that the "Shepherd" or "Spanish Trace" was taking photos of Oswald on Canal Street that day. Synopsis: Dark-complected "Neck Scratcher" had a camera with him while he was watching Oswald on August 9, 1963, just like Bringuier and Cruz said the dark-complected "Spanish Trace / Shepherd" had had with him that day. Garrison told one of his researchers, Richard Billings, that this dark-complected "Shepherd" had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. I have shown here and in earlier posts that David Sanchez Morales had a one-to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow. In earlier posts I also showed that white-fingered "Neck Scratcher" was very dark complected. Question: Was David Sanchez Morales the dark-complected, suit-wearing man with the scarred left eyebrow who was seen watching and taking photos of Oswald on August 9, 1963? I believe that he was. Back by popular demand... David Sanchez Morales (tentatively identified herein as "Neck Scratcher"). --Tommy bumped
  19. Dear Robert, Sadly, we are not all agreed on what Prayer Person is holding in his or her hands. Why don't you start a new poll on the issue? It will be interesting to see how you word it. Sincerely, --Tommy
  20. Let's try to encourage Duncan to stay, Jimbo. This "boat" needs to be "rocked" from time to time. LOL He does have an excellent sense of humor, doesn't he. And I think he actually proofreads what he writes before he posts it , and checks it afterwards, just to make sure it's intelligible, unlike some people I know. (Hint, Hint) --Tommy
  21. Clive, Been there, done that. You're looking in the wrong direction. You need to look about ninety degrees to the right. Mrs. Robert A. "Jeraldean" Reid is the woman (whose face is only partially visible) standing behind the woman wearing the dark-colored dress and the white blouse in the Weigman frame, below. To help you find her, Jeraldean is wearing glasses and has dark hair. (Roy Truly is off to the right about eight feet and was not captured in this particular Weigman frame.) Jeraldean Reid said in her statement that she was standing with Roy Truly and Ochus Campbell when the motorcade passed by. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11104#relPageId=79&tab=page Truly is visible in a different Weigman frame which was taken within five seconds of this one. Hat and suit-wearing Truly is at the far right edge of the photo, below. He is visible just barely above the roof of the gray car. If you had read this thread, you would have known all of this already. --Tommy
  22. Clive, Been there, done that. You're looking in the wrong direction. You need to look about ninety degrees to the right. Mrs. R. A. "Jeraldean" Reid is the woman (whose face is only partially visible) standing behind the woman wearing the dark-colored dress and the white blouse in the Weigman frame, below. To help you find her, Jeraldean is wearing glasses and has dark hair. (Roy Truly is off to the right about eight feet and was not captured in this particular Weigman frame.) Jeraldean Reid said she in her statement that she was standing with Roy Truly and Ochus Campbell when the motorcade passed by. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11104#relPageId=79&tab=page Truly is visible in a different Weigman frame which was taken within five seconds of this one. If you had read this thread, you would have known all of this already. --Tommy
  23. As one who also has been referred to as a paid disinformation agent and / or an idiot by Prudhomme, Duncan's transgressions were minor by comparison, IMHO. At least I wasn't accused of altering the images by others, as Duncan was. I for one wish he wouldn't delete his posts. Didn't anyone notice that Duncan correctly pointed out that Prayer Person's "buttons" were visible in the images which Sean had originally posted? --Tommy
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