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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dawn, With all due respect, you can "bite" all you want, but I wasn't "fishing." -- Tommy
  2. Dawn, Thanks for the heads up. If it's true that he's been "axed," I would imagine that it has more to do with his rude and belittling "style" than anything. After all, for better or for worse, this forum is more or less dominated by members who believe, as he so fervently does, that the CIA killed JFK and that it did so with a long-range "Harvey and Lee" project. I rather doubt that he was "axed" for expressing his opinions to that effect, just in the way that he did so. -- Tommy (Or as David preferred to call me ... "tommy".)
  3. Ron, With all due respect, you certainly are. Regardless, if you could see the Woodrow Wilson High School (in Dallas) photos of Gloria Jeanne Holt that Robin posted, you would realize (as did several other members about a year ago) that the gal in the middle is Holt. -- Tommy
  4. Dawn, I assume you're using "MSM" here as a pejorative term and from a conspiracy-theorist's point of view? Do you consider AP, BBC, USA Today, NYT, WP to be "MSM," and therefore avoided like the plague? Can you find any news sources that you not only like, but are rated as having "High" factual reporting (regardless of Left or Right bias) on this website? https://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com Thank you, -- Tommy
  5. Bart, It's fascinating that the woman Karen Hellene Scranton (ne Westbrook) identifies fifty-five years after the fact in the Z-frame as her colleague and close friend "red-haired Gloria Calvery" looks SO much like (Native American) Stella May Jacob's colleague Gloria Jeanne Holt did in her 1963 high school photograph, don't you think? Which Robin Unger was so kind to post on this thread about a year ago but which has since, unfortunately, "gone missing"? (I've done a little "research" and determined that Holt attended Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, which high school was about six miles away from where she was living at the time of her FBI interview in 1964.) It this ... Gloria Calvery ... or ... Gloria Jeanne Holt ... in this frame from a Darnell clip? If it's Calvery, where are her stylin' glasses? By the way, does the gal in the middle look anything like the Gloria Calvery in this photo? This is Robin Unger's post from April 14, 2017: Are you saying, Tommy, that Gloria Jeanne Holt was working at the TSBD in 1963 when this 1963 year book shows that she was in school in 1963 ? Note: (The high school photos of Gloria Jeanne Holt that Robin uploaded here "expired" some time ago. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to take a screen shot about a year ago, and I'm trying to figure out how to downsize it to EF requirements and upload it here ... ) -- TG, 3/23/18
  6. What books or journals, pray tell, have strongly influenced you in a positive-kind-of-way in reaching your conclusions regarding the things you've been talking about on this thread? You aren't afraid to mention a few, are you? -- Tommy
  7. Fascinating stuff. How do you go about verifying the "facts" you've come upon in these (apparently title-less) books? Do you use a reputable fact-checking website, an encyclopedia, etc, or do you just go with your own built-in "BS Meter" and / or cross-reference said "facts" with other books with which you already agree? -- Tommy
  8. If you want to learn about the general "philosophy," development, implementation, and history of the kinds of counterintelligence ops the Soviets and Russians waged (and are still waging against us in this clickbait "Social Media" Internet Age) against us and our allies (including, yes, the British), you might want to read these: https://archive.org/details/SpyWarsMolesMysteriesAndDeadlyGames https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08850607.2014.962362 Question: Which books have you read that significantly influenced your opinions on the issues you've spoken about, above? Clinton Cash ? Question: When you say you do your own fact-checking, how do you go about doing that? Do you use any reputable fact-checking websites or encyclopedias, etc, or do you just, as so many other people unfortunately do, apply your own built-in "BS Meter"? -- Tommy
  9. Would you care to name some sources (books, websites, newspapers, journals, television shows, etc.) where you the get the "facts" that you "deal with" regarding Steele, Trump, KGB-boy Putin, Obama, that sort of thing? Thanks! PS How do you go about "verifying" those "facts," by the way? Do you fact-check? If so, do you use any of the fact-checking websites on this list? https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/2016/07/20/the-10-best-fact-checking-sites/amp/#ampshare=https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/2016/07/20/the-10-best-fact-checking-sites/
  10. Like reading tea leaves. Question: Does this tie in with the Rothschilds and the Illuminati, et al., and conspiracy theories regarding The New World Order? Or just the Bank of England, or some such thing?
  11. Your insights on this. Edit: Would you have preferred that a former Moscow-based U.S. intelligence officer have been given the contract to look into Trump & Co.'s dealings in Russia? If so, should it have been A Republican? A Democrat? A Libertarian? Or perhaps you think they need not be looked into at all?
  12. Sources? Edit: Would you have preferred that a former Moscow-based U.S. intelligence officer have been given the contract to look into Trump & Co.'s dealings in Russia? A Republican? A Democrat? A Libertarian? Or perhaps that they not be looked into at all?
  13. FWIW, nothing in the Trump Dossier has proved to be untrue so far. Steele estimates that it is between 70 percent and 90 percent correct, which is pretty darn good in that line of work. -- Tommy PS What's your "take" on Roger Hollis? Mole, or just very inefficient?
  14. Greg, I couldn't agree more with you on this. No sarcasm intended, but IMHO Sandy would have been much better served if he'd never gotten involved in the "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites" can of worms, but had continued his fine work showing us how Gloria Calvery was standing just to the left of John Templin in the Z-Film, and how she was "captured" in Couch-Darnell talking to Billy Lovelady on the TSBD steps 20 to 25 seconds later. Sandy's doing so might have at least contributed to the eventual answering of the question "Who killed JFK?" As it is, I fear that he will end up being a "fringe"-oriented laughingstock in the JFK Assassination community. Pity that. And he's such a bright lad, too... -- Tommy
  15. Michael, Don't you realize that's way too simple an explanation, and not only that, but it severely damages the "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites" Theory? What's wrong with you? -- Tommy
  16. John, et al. -- IF Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was an undercover Castro agent, wouldn't it have been perfectly logical for him to join the FPCC, not only to see what it was up to, but to try to identify any Cuban or FBI/CIA penetrators therein? You know, so that they might be ... gasp ... manipulated at some point in the future? -- TG
  17. James, With all due respect, I totally agree with you for a change. Hard core "the CIA did it" conspiracy theorists, no matter how "well-established and respected and 'published'" they might be, shouldn't be favored over "Oswald did it, with-or-without-some-help," "KGB did it," or "Castro did it" proponents in this regard. Heck, even Paul Trejo should get a fair shake from time to time. Thanks! -- Tommy
  18. Okay, I've decided to add one more option: 4) Who says, "He unwittingly helped cover up the assassination by trying to protect the sources and methods of his continuing October 1, 1963, "Oswald-To-Kostikov-Phone-Call" mole hunt and/or any other (piggybacked?) moles hunts he'd already begun" ? That's the one that gets my vote. Maybe. How about you? -- Tommy
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