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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Whoever wrote the above letter probably confused the gay "Brass Rail" (which used to be downtown San Diego but which is now a couple miles north in the Hillcrest neighborhood) for the Mafia's "Gold Rail" which was owned by the most feared hitman on the west coast, Frank "The Bomp" Bompensiero. --Thomas dead links removed; live ones added: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Bompensiero http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/1999/mar/11/cover-fateful-check-us-grant/ edited and bumped
  2. Hi Al,

    Some time ago you asked me if I'd gotten my life "straightened out" yet. Answer: Hell No! Why would I want to do such a rational and boring thing as that? LOL

  3. IMHO, this deserves a bump.
  4. Now Zach, don't be starting up no real research again or it might distract from the debates going on, and we don't want to get sidetracked with any important facts that might actually lead somewhere. That's right, Zach. If you don't watch your step, the "Truthers" and other "True Believers" will swarm down on you like ravenous locusts and eat you alive, boy, and something even worse than that-- they'll accuse you of being a "Disinfo Agent"!!!!!!!! LOL --Thomas
  5. I've recently "loosened the purse strings" and bought the following books: Cold Warrior by Tom Mangold,The Man Who Knew Too Much by Richard Russell, JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass, The Hoffa Wars by Dan Moldea, The Strength of the Wolf by Douglas Valentine, Lucky Luciano by Tim Newark, and Deep Politcs and the Assassination of JFK by Peter Dale Scott. I already had Crossfire, the Plot to Kill JFK by Jim Marrs, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins by Dick Russell, and Oswald and the CIA by John Newman. Newman's book convinced me that James Jesus Angleton was a key conspirator. Now I'm "researching" Angleton's Sicilian and Corsican connections and how they served both his interests and their own by acting as his counterespionage agents and narcotics-smuggling informants. Bottom line right now is I don't know if elements of the Mafia manipulated elements of the CIA in the assassination of JFK, or if it was the other way around. I think it's logical to assume that they manipulated each other... --Thomas bump
  6. I've recently "loosened the purse strings" and bought the following books: Cold Warrior by Tom Mangold,The Man Who Knew Too Much by Richard Russell, JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass, The Hoffa Wars by Dan Moldea, The Strength of the Wolf by Douglas Valentine, Lucky Luciano by Tim Newark, and Deep Politcs and the Assassination of JFK by Peter Dale Scott. I already had Crossfire, the Plot to Kill JFK by Jim Marrs, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins by Dick Russell, and Oswald and the CIA by John Newman. Newman's book convinced me that James Jesus Angleton was a key conspirator. Now I'm "researching" Angleton's Sicilian and Corsican connections and how they served both his interests and their own by acting as his counterespionage agents and narcotics-smuggling informants. Bottom line right now is I don't know if elements of the Mafia manipulated elements of the CIA in the assassination of JFK, or if it was the other way around. I think it's logical to assume that they manipulated each other... --Thomas
  7. Boy I tell you what. Oswald shore do look like a small man compared to them Stetson-wearin' long, tall Texans escortin' him in handcuffs an' all. Look like a wimpy lil' ol' pencil neck geek t' me. Pitiful small man.
  8. This is not a complete document, but I did go to the trouble of including some rather pertinent data. Home/Archive/Documents/JFK Assassination Documents/JFK Documents - Central Intelligence Agency/HSCA Segregated CIA Collection/HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 40/ NARA Record Number: 104-10110-10377 BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: CAPEHART, CLAUDE BARNES http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=14169 Birth: 15 Ocotber 1924, Omeka, Oklahoma Marital Status: Robert Mary Nee: BALTEY b. 2 Dec 1922, Winsboro, La.; Address: Same as Subject. Parents: Capehart, Henry Hayes b. 15 Oct 1876, Stamps, Arkansas; Deceased. Capehart, Laura Jefferson; Nee: GARBROUGH; b. 1 April, 1873, Memphis Tennessee; Deceased Children: Capehart, Neal Henry; b. 11 Aug. 1953 Bakersfield, California; Add: Box 7011 Reno, Nev. Military: September 43-July 46, U.S. Army Sergeant # 39145469 Claude Barnes Capehart aka Claude Buster Capehart Social Security 566-22-5896 Date Added: June 1973 I believe there is a photo of someone in front of the TSBD who looks like Claude Capehart. I have been unable to find it, but if I recall, it bears a resemblance to these embassy photos. Anyone have a copy of that photo and can post it? This Capehart thread is interesting and Jim D did a story on Claude Capehart in his publication Probe V4 #1 entitled "The Capehart Caper" I couldn't upload the Jim Murray photo but here's link to it on Robin Unger's great website: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=41&pos=18 --Thomas
  9. Fascinating stuff, Monk! Any idea how we can view the next part? Thanks, --Thomas
  10. Jack, you old nitpicker, you. Maybe Boise State I mean the CIA slipped that into the Wikipedia article as a "barium meal." Please stop picking on Tom. LOL --Thomas
  11. Atta boy Ron. That's the spirit. --Thomas
  12. Jack White is mistaken.... according to these sources, Davey O'Brien was FBI for many years. http://blogs.chron.com/txpotomac/2009/11/ By the way Jack, I strongly suspect the man in the upper right portion of the photo is IB Hale, because I recently posted photos of him on this forum from the time when he was a High School athletic director. I discovered this obit. Did you know before I posted this recently on another thread that Hale's wife was a Kingsbery? The point, gentlemen, is not that I posted TCU as SCU, or that I posted the wrong venue establishing the acquaintance of Sammy Baugh with a man married to an owner of Tucker-Manning Insurance Co... The point is that the FBI withheld a sensitive report about Hale's twin sons doing a B&E of an apartment rented by Rosselli, just 18 months before the WC convened, and that the FBI and WC failed to mention IB Hale when they reported to the American people that Virginia Hale of Fortune Rd., Ft Worth, sent LHO to a successful job interview at Leslie Welding, and that, over the subsequent 29 years until his death, John Connally did not seem to notice that the mother of the young man who claimed he tried to slap away the shotgun that killed Connally's daughter at the moment that it discharged, was the same woman who sent LHO, the man the government "established" as the shooter of Connally, to a job interview at Leslie Welding. You're making me wonder why I am sharing anything on these threads. Is that your intent? Tom, Please keep posting. I love reading your long, convoluted, "deep-deep-deep-deep politics," "seven-degrees-of-separation," works of art. They remind me of certain scenes of A Brilliant Mind. Keep up the good work, --Thomas
  13. As Jack White and I well know, Davey O'Brien and Sammy Baugh were All-American quarterbacks at TCU (Texas Christian University), not SCU. (What the heck does that stand for, anyway? Southern Crossfire University?)... Dang! It must smell real bad if you can actually see the smell... --Thomas
  14. Great thread, guys. Learning a lot... --Thomas
  15. ??? Anyone with an ancestor from Kent very likely has some Celtic blood in them (and Roman and Jute and Angle and Saxon and Norman), but probably not Irish per se. A lot of people confuse "Celtic" with "Irish." The ancient Celts lived almost everywhere in continental Europe (and yes they lived in England and Ireland, too). For example, Bohemia got its name from the Celtic "Boii" tribe that used to live in the western half of what is now the Czech Republic, and Paris, France got its name from the Celtic "Parisii" tribe that used to live along the river Seine in the Paris basin. But you're right about one thing; Ronald Reagan was probably Irish in ancestry. And I'm pretty sure he could have spelled "potato"(sp?), too, because he probably would have delegated that cerebral task to someone else. LOL --Thomas William Graves (adoptive) --Thomas Michael Mahon (biological); proud to be "Celtic" in general, Irish (and Swedish and Ukranian} in particular...
  16. I seriously doubt it. I'm a 61 year old native La Jollan and I've never heard that LBJ even visited La Jolla. Nixon yes, LBJ no. I am, however, willing to do some research on it by looking through old La Jolla Light newspapers, etc. at the La Jolla Library. So, Robert,what year or years were Lyndon and Madeleine supposedly "trysting" at the Hotel Del Charro? --Thomas PS That's the Windansea "shack" behind me in my profile photo. Google "Windansea Beach." Also google "The Pumphouse Gang" by Tom Wolfe. The "Pumphouse" is only about 100 yards to the left of where I'm standing in the photo. I do not know exactly what year Madeleine Duncan Brown was trysting with Lyndon Johnson at the Del Charro Hotel, but she DEFINITELY WAS. Sometime in the mid 1950's; I would guess around the year 1955. Madeleine met LBJ in 1948 when she was about 23 years old; She had a son Steven Mark with him in 1950. The reason we know that is because longtime researcher Ed Tatro, an expert on the Lyndon Johnson angle of the JFK assassination, re-united Madeleine with the old manager of the Del Charro Hotel. Ed Tatro told me that when Madeleine Brown and this old former manager of the Del Charro met, after many decades, their smiles were broad and they gave each other a big hug like old friends. Ed Tatro started studying the JFK assassination in 1963... that is 48 years so far; he has done MUCH valuable primary research and his work with Madeleine Brown is just one significant example. The Del Charro, of course, was owned by Clint Murchison, Sr. one of Lyndon Johnson's most powerful and closest political supporters. I do think Clint Murchison, Sr. and H.L. Hunt both had a big role in the JFK assassination. Murchison, Sr. was a leader of a powerful group of Texas oilmen and businessmen and he had close contacts to the PEAK of post WWII US intelligence - even dove hunting with John J. McCloy in summer 1963 on his ranch in Mexico; much in the same way LBJ was friends with Allen Dulles and Nelson Rockefeller. If any JFK researcher wants Ed Tatro's email address, send me an email to Morrow321@aol.com and I will send it to you. As for you Thomas Graves, if you are age 61 now, so you would have been age 5 in 1955. Did you read a lot of newspapers in 1955? Or were you cued in to where Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson spent his *special time* with his mistresses back in 1955 when you were age 5? Or do you really think most politicians who are cheating on their wives place a newspaper ad telling when and where they are vacationing with their mistresses? Good luck finding that in your *local* paper or any paper! As for *bumping* a thread multiple times you can always email me at Morrow321@aol.com or call me at 512-306-1510, my publicly listed and easily available contact info. I don't always read Education Forum everyday, although it is a fine resource. Robert Morrow wrote, "... Ed Tatro, an expert on the Lyndon Johnson angle of the JFK assassination, (claimed that he) re-united Madeleine with the old manager of the Del Charro Hotel (sic). Ed Tatro told me that when Madeleine Brown and this old former manager of the Del Charro met, after many decades, their smiles were broad and they gave each other a big hug, just like old friends." Well by golly, I guess that just about proves it, don't it? BTW, it was called the "Hotel Del Charro," not the "Del Charro Hotel." With regards to my very early reading habits I must admit that, child prodigy that I was, I tended to spend a lot more of my free time reading the works of John Stuart Mill, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, and Durante degli Alighi than the "society pages" of the La Jolla Light newspaper. I didn't start doing that until I was 37... --Thomas
  17. I seriously doubt it. I'm a 61 year old native La Jollan and I've never heard of LBJ even visiting La Jolla. Nixon yes, LBJ no. I am, however, willing to do some research on it by looking through old La Jolla Light newspapers, etc. at the La Jolla Library. So Robert, what year or years were Lyndon and Madeleine supposedly "trysting" at the Hotel Del Charro? --Thomas P.S. Part of the famous Windansea "shack" is visible above my shoulder. Google "Windansea Beach." Also google "The Pumphouse Gang" by Tom Wolfe. The "Pumphouse" is only about 100 yards to the left of where I'm standing in the photo. edited and bumped just for the heck of it
  18. I seriously doubt it. I'm a 61 year old native La Jollan and I've never heard that LBJ even visited La Jolla. Nixon yes, Johnson no. I am, however, willing to do some research on it by looking through old La Jolla Light newspapers, etc. at the La Jolla Library. So, Robert,... what year or years were Lyndon and Madeleine supposedly "trysting" at the Hotel Del Charro? --Thomas Boom! Watch Robert fumble around for 3 hours trying to write a reply to that Dean, I'll give him three more days and if he doesn't reply to the post I'll just bump it again I guess. --Thomas
  19. I seriously doubt it. I'm a 61 year old native La Jollan and I've never heard that LBJ even visited La Jolla. Nixon yes, Johnson no. I am, however, willing to do some research on it by looking through old La Jolla Light newspapers, etc. at the La Jolla Library. So, Robert,... what year or years were Lyndon and Madeleine supposedly "trysting" at the Hotel Del Charro? [...] bumped
  20. I seriously doubt it. I'm a 61 year old native La Jollan and I've never heard that LBJ even visited La Jolla. Nixon yes, LBJ no. I am, however, willing to do some research on it by looking through old La Jolla Light newspapers, etc. at the La Jolla Library. So, Robert,what year or years were Lyndon and Madeleine supposedly "trysting" at the Hotel Del Charro? --Thomas [...]
  21. A photo of Frank Ellsworth from around 1963 would be nice, too. --Thomas
  22. In chapter sixteen of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Peter Dale Scott states that, "...[Frank Ellsworth] and seven other ATF agents were among the first law enforcement personnel of any description to reach the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building where the controversial Mannlicher-Carcano was found." (10) The footnote says, "ATF (Dallas) memo of January 14, 1964, to Secret Service (Dallas); Secret Service assassination file, Control #902 (not in WCD 87 or WCD 320). This memo says that the seven ATF agents arrived at about 12:40 P.M. (about ten minutes after the assassination) and assisted in the second search of the building about 1:30 P.M. It does not mention the rifle." Anyone know how to find this memo? Thanks, --Thomas
  23. delete; double post; too much beer...
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