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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Thanks Bernice! Listening to LHO was fascinating. He had a good sense of humor! --Tommy
  2. Someone whom I would consider the SME made it clear - 'difficult, but not impossible.' And the description could fit in with the Airport at Route 77 - which had a long stretch of the construction underway for Route 35 - the Lou Foote airport - which was not paved at the time, but all sand. I provided this information to Robert Vinson - however, he is not well. and it was of no effect. Robert - many thanks. I consider this thread a general dumping ground and sooner or later, something will eventually make sense. As someone I consider highly once told me - 'there are no coincidences in this business.' - lee Addendum to my last post.... post-assassination goings on...... CABLE RE DRIVING MISTRESS TO DALLAS FOR APPARENT RENEWAL OF TOURIST CARD [12/03/63] http://www.maryferre...358&relPageId=2 [ 1. LIFEAT RPRTS JOHN RETTIE HASW AGREED DRIVE HIS MISTRESS VANDA SUMERS TO DALLAS 11 DEC FOR PURPOSE ARRANGING HER MEXICAN PAPERS. (COMMENT: APPARENTLY RENEWAL TOURIST CARD) RETTIE APPARENTLY UNDECIDED RE SPENDING HOLIDAYS AT FAMILY HOME OF WILTON HALL IN ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA AS WISHES COVER KHRUSHCHEV TO CUBA EARLY JANUARY 1964 IF THIS TAKES PLACE. 2. NO LOCAL DISSEMINATION ODENVY 3. NO INDEX there is also the document below, which, from my perspective, is an attempt to imply the complicity of the Soviets in the JFK Assassination, not in this document, but in the overall Alvarado story, who was proved via LCFLUTTER to be a cad........ CABLE RE AUTOMOBILE WITH CALIFORNIA LICENSE PLATES PARKED IN FRONT OF SOVIET EMBASSY ON 23 NOVEMBER. www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=2324 TO: Mexico City FROM: DIRECTOR CONF: WH/8 INFO: CI/OPS, SR 7, VR TO: PRTY MEXI 7043 (IN 67268)* REF: MEXI CALIF LICENSE PLATES NOTED REF REGISTERED TO 1955 2 DOOR FORD, ANDRES V. CORTES OF 7818 FAYE STREET, LA JOLLA, CALIF. KUBARK HAS NO RECORD CORTES END OF MESSAGE Comment: *Automobile with this tag was parked in front of Soviet Embassy on 23 Nov. { emphasis added by T. Graves } I was perusing this old thread when this jumped out at me. As I write this, I'm sitting in a Von's grocery store in my hometown of La Jolla, California only about three blocks from 7818 Fay Avenue. Note the two mistakes in the address in CIA cable: Fay, not Faye. And Avenue, not Street. No wonder they couldn't find Andres V. Cortes. I don't suppose this could be another example of a barium meal? This coming week I'll visit the La Jolla History room at the La Jolla Library and see if I can find Andres V. Cortes at 7818 Fay Avenue in a 1962-1963 La Jolla "Bluebook" phone book. I'll even go back to 1954 or 1955 if I have to, seein' as how the Ford he registered in his name was a '55. --Tommy
  3. Unable to upload #3 (Part of the Cancellare photo showing a Rambler passing by the crowd of shocked spectators on the grassy knoll) Forum error message says "This file was too big to upload." I've already cropped it as much as I can. Got it down to 28 KB... --Tommy
  4. Bill, I don't know if "my" three Ramblers are the same as the one so-called "Ramblin' Ramber". That's the $64,000 question, isn't it? I'm talking about at least one (but probably two or three different) Rambler station wagons photographed and/or filmed in three different locations at different times by three different photographers. If I knew how to draw squiggly colored lines on the three photos I'm talking about (which I downloaded to my laptop's hard drive-- they ended up in my Torrents "documents" folder as jpeg files, whatever that means) and then resize them and upload them to the Forum, I would do so, post haste. But alas, I'm technologically uhhh... disadvantaged, so "No-can-do". Perhaps someone could PM me and lead me through it, step by step? bump Can you or anyone post the photos of the Ramblers that we have? Thanks, BK Here's #2 --Tommy
  5. Bill, I don't know if "my" three Ramblers are the same as the one so-called "Ramblin' Ramber". That's the $64,000 question, isn't it? I'm talking about at least one (but probably two or three different) Rambler station wagons photographed and/or filmed in three different locations at different times by three different photographers. If I knew how to draw squiggly colored lines on the three photos I'm talking about (which I downloaded to my laptop's hard drive-- they ended up in my Torrents "documents" folder as jpeg files, whatever that means) and then resize them and upload them to the Forum, I would do so, post haste. But alas, I'm technologically uhhh... disadvantaged, so "No-can-do". Perhaps someone could PM me and lead me through it, step by step? bump Can you or anyone post the photos of the Ramblers that we have? Thanks, BK Here's #1 --Tommy
  6. Bill, I don't know if "my" three Ramblers are the same as the one so-called "Ramblin' Ramber". That's the $64,000 question, isn't it? I'm talking about at least one (but probably two or three different) Rambler station wagons photographed and/or filmed in three different locations at different times by three different photographers. If I knew how to draw squiggly colored lines on the three photos I'm talking about (which I downloaded to my laptop's hard drive-- they ended up in my Torrents "documents" folder as jpeg files, whatever that means) and then resize them and upload them to the Forum, I would do so, post haste. But alas, I'm technologically uhhh... disadvantaged, so "No-can-do". Perhaps someone could PM me and lead me through it, step by step? bump
  7. Kathleen, Tosh Plumlee wasn't kicked off the Forum, he decided that he no longer wanted to participate because only a few people were paying attention to his posts and some members were, in so many words, accusing him of having been a conspirator in the assassination of JFK. --Tommy
  8. Bill, Not having a crystal ball, I don't know if "my" three Ramblers are the same as the one so-called "Ramblin' Ramber". That's the $64,000 question, isn't it. I'm talking about at least one (but probably two or three different) Rambler station wagons photographed and/or filmed in three different locations at different times by three different photographers. If I knew how to draw squiggly colored lines on the three photos I'm talking about (which I downloaded to my laptop's hard drive-- they ended up in my Torrents "documents" folder as jpeg files, whatever that means) and then resize them and upload them to the Forum, I would do so, post haste. But alas, I'm technologically uhhh... disadvantaged, so "No-can-do". Perhaps someone could PM me and lead me through it, step by step?
  9. {emphasis added by T. Graves]John, OK, so Carr couldn't possibly have seen what he said he had seen. Maybe his assignment was just to implicate someone (thereby putting that "someone" and his colleagues "on notice")-- someone who wore eyeglasses with thick, dark-colored frames-- someone like Mac Wallace and/or Richard Cain. (And maybe they really were there even though Carr didn't see them (or a certain Rambler?). --Tommy
  10. [...] Anthony, Thanks for responding, but I'm not sure I understand. What would be the role/significance of the Nash Rambler in the parking lot in your scenario? I was trying to say that a shot from the north side Elm Street storm sewer would have been impracticable because it would have been too far away from the limo when you take the low angle into consideration. Bad combination of distance and angle. --Tommy
  11. ROBERT, Well, I'm interested. Especially because I'm convinced that I've found three Rambler station wagons in the photos: a Rambler station wagon parked behind the pickup truck on Elm Street Extension in the Croft photo corresponding to Z-161, a Rambler station wagon (with its headlights on) in the parking lot behind the grassy knoll in a photo (and the Dallas Media Associates film) taken about ten minutes later, and, in a Cancellare photo, a Rambler station wagon (with a young man riding shotgun!) passing right by the large cluster of shocked people standing on the grassy knoll and sidewalk (which photo was taken from the grassy knoll with the camera pointed towards Elm Street). Don't feel too discouraged, ROBERT. Very few people seem to be interested in what I've posted about these "discoveries" I've made over the past few years, either. Carry on and keep up the good work! PS-- The link you put in your last post brings up an error message for me. --Tommy proud former owner of a 1961 Rambler "Cross Country" station wagon Tom, they were Robert Howard's thoughts, though they resonate strongly with me. I'm interested in putting all the witness comments about the Rambler and photos of it together. BK OK, Bill. I've already changed it by the time you see this reply to your reply... Now, would anyone like to comment on my "discoveries"? --Tommy
  12. Bill, Well, I'm interested. Especially because I'm convinced that I've found three Rambler station wagons in the photos: a Rambler station wagon parked behind the pickup truck on Elm Street Extension in the Croft photo corresponding to Z-161, a Rambler station wagon (with its headlights on) in the parking lot behind the grassy knoll in a photo (and the Dallas Cinema Associates film) taken about ten minutes later, and, in a Cancellare photo, a Rambler station wagon (with a young man riding shotgun!) passing right by the large cluster of shocked people standing on the grassy knoll and sidewalk (which photo was taken from the grassy knoll with the camera pointed towards Elm Street). Don't feel too discouraged, Bill. Very few people seem to be interested in what I've posted about these "discoveries" I've made over the past few years, either. Carry on and keep up the good work! PS-- The Murray_Rambler.jpg link you put in your last post brings up an error message for me. Did you test it after you posted it? --Tommy proud former owner of a 1961 Rambler "Cross Country" station wagon
  13. So, was Umbrella Man Gordon Novel, Roy Hargraves, or Steven Witt? It is interesting to note that Governor James Rhodes (Republican) of Ohio refused to extradite Novel to Louisiana for the Garrison investigation and that he also commuted mafia boss Thomas Licavoli's sentence from Murder One to Murder Two (thereby making him eligible for parole for the murder of bootlegger Jackie Kennedy from Toledo) in 1969, and in 1971 Licavoli was granted parole due to poor health. --Tommy
  14. John, Where did you post it?? --Tommy Never mind, John. I found it! On the "Shooter Seen" thread, post #39. --Tommy
  15. Perhaps they should have said "One print was not identified." Question: Are they saying that a good print was unidentifiable? Because it was from somebody who was not in the system/ Or are they saying that "One print was obviously a palm print / finger print, but unfortunately was too incomplete / smudged to be identifiable." ? --Tommy
  16. See the car in the background of this Croft photo, behind the lady wearing blue dress and red sweater? With all due respect to J.W. King, imho it's a Rambler Station Wagon parked on the Elm Street Extension, facing east-north-east. (I used to own a 1961 "Cross Country" station wagon and I got very good at recognizing it from a distance in big dark parking lots, etc.) Note: In the Robert Hughes film, I found another Rambler station wagon in the parking lot behind the "Grassy Knoll" with its headlights on and one of the hat-and-coat-wearing "officials" approaching it and then veering away from it. There's no reason I can think of for its headlights being on other than to attract someone-in-particular's attention or to send another sort of prearranged signal. --Tommy edited and bumped
  17. Interesting, Bill. (I took the liberty of separating all the runtogether words.) --Tommy P.S. It's too bad they say it was Oswald.
  18. Now, six years after I wrote the above, I think Mac Wallace must have been there because I figure who in their right mind would plant just one of his fingerprints, and of his little finger, at that? Unless it was meant to be warning to LBJ. So, was it a warning to LBJ or just a result of Mac's carelessness? --Tommy
  19. Thanks for the info, talk about truth being stranger than fiction; I felt that the most intriguing passages in Longton's article dealt with the Foreign Policy Research Institute and the Catherwood Foundation; and the possibility that The Collective by LHO was used a source by Guy Pauken. And "Paisley's yacht "contained highly classified communications gear capable of communicating via satellites linked to the [top secret] CIA ground station at Pine Gap, Australia." Again, thanks. Namebase.org shows connections between Joseph Mirabile and only three other people: John Arthur Paisley, Robert W. Gambino (former head of C!A security), and Frank Rucco. I know who Paisley and Gambino are, but can anyone tell me who Frank Ruccois/was? Is it simply a misspelling of "Russo"? Thanks, --Tommy
  20. Fast forwarding to a new question, which will be Question #5 Does anyone else besides me see a strong resemblence (except for the huge ears; LOL) between Manuel Aguilar and Oswald? Sorry, but I don't know how to transfer this photo from the Spartacus Educational website to the JFK Assassination Debate forum. Google "Spartacus Educational" and "Interpen" at the same time. Aguilar's "head shot" photo is in the lower right corner in the group of photos. Can anyone post the bigger photo that I think this "head shot" came from? In the bigger photo Loran Hall is standing to Aguilar's right. I can't even find the darn thing now, and I was looking at it only about an hour ago. LOL Thanks, --Odd Tommy
  21. Thanks Zach! Got any other photos of Sorrels? --Tommy
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