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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. What led Rankin to believe Oswald had studied there? Nagell whispered it in his ear?
  2. You're thinking of the Monterey School of Languages. google it plus oswald
  3. How do we know that the photos he's referring to are of our traditional "Athletic build, 6-foot" Mexico City Mystery Man? -- Tommy
  4. "Dear James" Have any of these facts been debunked yet? -- Tommy PS How soon do you think you'll have enough evidence to "slam-dunkingly" convict someone, dead or alive, in a court of law? I would think the easiest to do that to would be David Sanchez Morales and David Atlee Phillips. How about you?
  5. Dark-complected and athletically-built (a football and track star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge. I do believe, however, that Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 14-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck (to sneakily point out Oswald to a confederate, to try to hide the fact that he has a camera's strap around his neck?), and watches Oswald walk past him at 3:55 at 3:56 in this Black Op Radio video: . Interestingly, a Garrison investigator, Richard Billings, wrote about a coat-and-tie-wearing "Spanish (read: Hispanic-looking) Trace / Shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed was monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm presently trying to determine if the historical David Sanchez Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow like Garrison told Billings the photo-taking "Shepherd" had. Edit: Yes he did. See the 45-degree scar above Morales' left eyebrow in the photo below. --Tommy Edit: Upon further close "freeze frame" viewing of "Neck Scratcher" in the Jim Doyle color film clip (around 3:55), I've come to realize that "Neck Scratcher" has a thin, brown, shiny leather camera strap (barely-visible) around his neck. Just like David Sanchez Morales did in this 1966 photo! ------ Bear in mind that according to Richard Billings, Garrison was told by witnesses Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz that the "Shepherd" or "Spanish Trace" was taking photos of Oswald on Canal Street that day.
  6. Bill, You wrote, "I do think [Oswald] was on the phone [in Mexico City]" Which day or days? Thanks, -- Tommy
  7. Dear David, I must confess that I haven't. Could you please give us a 100-page synopsis? -- Tommy
  8. Dear Paul, I'm just trying to figure out what your agenda is as regards the question: "Could Shelley and Lovelady (or maybe just Lovelady in case Shelley was inside calling his wife or helping the bad guys escape) have seen Baker and Truly run in the TSBD from where they were (whenever it was that Baker and Truly entered the TSBD) and, concomitantly, would this space-time conundrum, according to your "CT", have any bearing on whether or not Shelley and Lovelady waited the "six to ten minutes" you claim to reenter the building (at the rear, of course) by which time Vicki Adams and her sidekick, Sandra Styles, had finally moseyed on down the wooden stairs, from the fourth floor to the first, and seen Shelley and Lovelady there with their very own eyes when they (Vicki and Sandra) finally got there, even though the reason Vicki and Sandra came down those wooden stairs to the first floor was so they could go outside and walk around to see what was goin' on out there, anyway, instead of hangin' around the Dr Pepper machine or something, chatting with charming Eddie Piper, and everything? -- Tommy
  9. Jeremy, Exactly. I tried to express the same idea to George a few days ago, but not as elegantly as you just have. Unfortunately, my attempt seems to have had no effect on him, whatsoever. -- Tommy
  10. Bill Simpich, Regarding your statement that the possibility full-faced Ernesto Lehfeld Miller physically impersonated Oswald cannot be completely ruled out, I think it's important to remember that Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue described the blond "Oswald" he met with as not only being "thin", but also having a "very thin face" https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=954#relPageId=140&tab=page (which the Lopez / Hardway "scenario" left out). Which the guy who was photographed while "going to the consulate" on September 26 did not have, but the historically short and blond Nikolai Leonov, did. I think we can discern a hint of that very thin face even in the lousyily-reproduced profile and semi-profile photos LILYRIC and LIEMPTTY took of LEON on October 2, 1963. Particularly this one: And in the face of the historical Nikolai Leonov too, of course. Why? Because they were one-and-the same person. -- Tommy PS Regarding Azcue's statement that a blond, Prince-Of-Wales-suit-wearing, 5' 6" "Oswald" showed up at the Cuban Consulate on October 26 (according to the Lopez-Hardway "scenario"), it's interesting to note that Nikolai Leonov, a very thin-faced, blond-haired KGB officer who was stationed in Mexico City at the time, was only ... 5' 7". FWIW, Leonov was 30 years old, and Oswald was still 23 ...
  11. Dear James, Sorry, but that's what the Agency tells me to do. -- Tommy :
  12. "And finally, the image from Sept 26 of the 'man sent to consulate' (unidentified?) is simply everyone (sic) they could find in the photos who appeared American, or non-Mexican." Is that a statement or a question, David? Regardless, you seem to have a problem with it. Why? Hasn't the blond guy who was photographed on 9/26/63 while being "sent to the Consulate" (and whom some "researchers" used to think was bad guy Claude Capehart) been shown to have been an architect friend of Sylvia Duran's husband by the name of Ernesto Lehfield Miller? Isn't it possible that since both Duran and Azcue stated they had dealt separately (and collectively) with a blond American by the name of "Oswald" on 9/27/63, that that was why the photos of blond LEONov (a known person, but hey!, a KGB officer and therefore a potential candidate for the 9/27 mischief-maker) and blond Ernesto Lehfield Miller (who must have been known, too, but hey! -- let's throw him in there too just to show headquarters that we're really really trying to help, even though everyone knows that architects are never ever troublemakers) were sent to CIA headquarters some time later, basically because they were the only two blond dudes photographed near the two embassies and / or consulates around the period of time that we're so fascinated about now (i.e. September 27 thru October 1, 1963) ? "Here is the START of the entire thing - Goodpasture and the LADILLINGER (Soviet Desk Barbara Manell) and how the two different descriptions of Oswald are first created (Cable #74673 sent to NAVY, STATE & FBI: "35y/o, Athletic build, about 6' receding hair" & #74830 sent to Mexico City: "5'10" 165 lb, Light Brown Hair & Blue Eyes")" Since Manell didn't actually say in her cable that the 6-foot dude photographed "on October 1" (which we now know was a lie by Goodpasture, but, which, fwiw, may not have been realized by Manell) was the same person claiming to be O-S-W-A-L-D who called the Soviet Embassy on that day (Oct 1), saying he had met with an-elicited-from-the-Sov-Emb-employee-at-the-other-end-of-phoneline, "Kostikov"), but (how could anyone know which pay phone or hotel phone O-S-W-A-L-D had called from, anyway?) she only kinda suggested, through careful wording and juxtaposition in the cable, that it might be the same person (even though the "Kostikov-linking" phone call had been made TO the Sov Emb, not FROM it, and although the 6-foot dude had been photographed entering and leaving the ..... Soviet Embassy (Like Dude! -- Calling the Soviet Embassy from inside the Soviet Embassy? -- What's up with THAT?) ..... on "October 1" (actually October 2), it seems that the inclusion of the 6-foot dude's physical description and photos into the conversation was more of a "dangle" (to find out who, in the CIA or FBI or ... had been manipulating Oswald, and maybe even who had impersonated him physically on September 27, and over-the-phone on September 28 and October 1) than, necessarily, some kind of evil (non-rogue) CIA operation to implicate Oswald in the upcoming assassination, although it turned out to do just that, because ... well, ... maybe it was hijacked by rogues? -- Tommy Edit: I now believe that the "short, blond, very thin-faced" Oswald that Duran and Azcue testified about to the HSCA was Russian KGB officer Nikolai Leonov.
  13. Dear David, I'm honestly not sure what you're saying here. Are you saying that this is not a detail from photo #7? And that this although apparently not a detail from photo # 6, it COULD BE and PROBABLY IS a detail of a photograph taken of the same LEON around the same time on the same day by a different camera (LIEMPTTY) which, like LILYRIC, exclusively took photos of the front entrance of the Soviet Embassy? Bearing in mind that both photos, above, were taken on October 2, 1963, of similar-looking and similarly-dressed men who are holding a similar-looking coat? Bearing in mind that on the log you posted, photo # 7 is described as having been taken not only at the same time as photo # 6 (i.e. 12:05 pm), but also of the same subject matter (i.e. LEON & 2URM = LEONov & 2 Unknown Russian Males), by the simple use of a long line of ditto marks [ " " " " " " " ] between the log entries for the two photos? Bearing in mind that the log you posted clearly states (by using abbreviated writing and ditto marks, as discussed above) that the subject matter for photos 6 and 7 was LEONov and 2 Unknown Russian Males, well gosh, given that fact, the fact that photo # 7 doesn't explicitly state the same information on the contact sheet is immaterial in view of the fact that photo # 6. which was taken at the same time as # 7, does? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4490&relPageId=3 -- Tommy
  14. Does this photo taken of the same guy on October 2, 1963, make him look any younger to you, Kirk?
  15. Thanks for the input. Ciao. PS If my maths is correct, Leonov would have been 35 years old when the fuzzy, poor-resolution photo on the left was taken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Leonov
  16. "What we got here is a failure to communicate." -- Cool Hand Luke Huh? This is going downhill fast. What do you not understand? -- Tommy The photograph on the left was taken on October 2, 1963, in Mexico City. The photo on the right was taken in Moscow, also in 1963 (if I'm not mistaken).
  17. Kirk, Not sure what you mean by "3 years". Both photos (the fuzzy one and the clear one showing Leonov interpreting) were taken in 1963. Regardless, do you think the fuzziness / poor resolution makes whoever it was older-looking than he really was? -- Thomas
  18. To reiterate: Sandy, is this where you want it? (LOL-- Just joking) Twenty-three year-old TSBD employee Stella Mae Jacob, being a Native American, was (probably) dark-complected. Stella and two of her colleagues, Gloria Jeanne Holt and Sharon Nelson (maiden name: Simmons) said in their FBI statements that they watched the motorcade together, and that they stood at the curb on the south [sic] side of Elm Street, about 50 yards (150 feet) down the street from the TSBD. I believe an honest mistake was made and that their FBI statements should have said "north side of Elm," instead. I base that belief not only on the fact that Jacob, being Native American, must have been dark-skinned, but also because Gloria Jeanne Holt bears a striking resemblance to the person identified (by Speth?) as "Karan Hicks." (Credit: Stan Dane. Please disregard the "Oops! This Site Has Expired!" message, and scroll down to see two photos of Gloria Jeanne Holt.) http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/apps/forums/topics/show/13242379-minor-witnesses Left to Right: Jacob, Holt, Simmons(?) "I, Stella Mae Jacob, freely furnish the following voluntary statement to Eugene F. Petrakis and A. Raymond Switzer, who have identified themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I am an Indian female and reside at 508 South Marsalis, Dallas, Texas. I was born on May 31, 1943 in Wright City, Oklahoma, and have been employed at the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm, Dallas, Texas, as typist in the billing department since the 1st of July, 1963. At approximately 12 :00 p .m . on November 22, 1963. I left the Depository building and walked down toward the Stemmons expressway underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards and took up a position on the curb on the south (sic) side of Elm Street to await the presidential procession . I was accompanied by Sharon Simmons, now Mrs. Nelson, and [Gloria] Jeanne Holt, both employees of the Texas School Book Depository. I was still standing on the curb at the time president John F . Kennedy was shot I do not recall seeing lee Harvey Oswald at any time on November 22, 1963, and did not see him at the time of the asassination. I did not observe any strangers in the building on the morning of November 22, 1963. Following the assassination of the president, I tried to return to work in the Texas School Book Depository, but was told by other employees that no one would be allowed in the building so I did not return to work that day. I did not personally know Lee Harvey Oswald althought I recall seeing him on several occasions in the lunchroom. I have read this two page statement, initialed each page and each correction and find it true and correct to the best o£ my knowledge." /s/ Stella Mae Jacob https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/pdf/WH22_CE_1381.pdf
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