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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, I think I'm starting to get it. And I'm really starting to feel sorry for that poor Michael. Every time he went over there just to get a square meal, he had to move that damn "secretary" again! -- Tommy
  2. Well, Chris, she obviously changed her memory. As an FBI-informant woman, that's her prerogative. (lol) -- Tommy But wait. It's in the kitchen here, right? Right where LHO and Michael moved it to from the living room about a week before the assassination, right? (I'm so confused.) Please spell it out for me, Chris. Seriously.
  3. The caption says, "Lee Oswald at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City" LOL. Nope. (Details to follow ... ) Here they are. Didn't take long, did it? lol From the "Blond Oswald in Mexico" thread. There are lots of photos of Nikolai Leonov on the internet. Here's one showing Leonov interpreting for Castro and Khrushchev in Moscow. http://manchiviri.blogspot.com/2013/12/por-que-fracasaran-las-reformas-de-raul.html Same ears. Mystery solved. --Tommy Regarding another blond guy photographed in Mexico City whom some researchers think was Claude Capehart, according to Bill Simpich this guy was probably the Mexican graphic designer Ernesto Lehfeld Miller. As it turns out, there is an Ernesto Lehfeld (whose mother was Doris Miller) on ancestry.com. Maybe there are some photos of him there... http://records.ancestry.com/ernesto_lehfeld_records.ashx?pid=187823779 The following 11/20/63 CIA document about Claude Barnes Capehart says he was 6'1", 220 lbs and that he was born in Okemah, Oklahoma, on October 15, 1924, making him 40 years of age at the time of the assassination. So evidently Capehart wasn't the short, thin, Mexico City "blond Oswald". https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=14179&relPageId=2 In case you missed it..... Here's the short, blond, thin-faced guy who was secretly photographed by the CIA in Mexico City. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Leonov And here's blond haired Nikolai Leonov interpreting for Castro and Khrushchev in Moscow. He was usually in Mexico City. http://manchiviri.blogspot.com/2013/12/por-que-fracasaran-las-reformas-de-raul.html Simpich was right. It wasn't Louis Witt in Mexico City, it was KGB officer Nikolai Leonov. Could this be the "blond Oswald" Cuban Consul Eusebio Azque encountered? He was 35 years old in 1963. --Tommy bumped Edited February 6, 2015 by Thomas Graves Quote Edit Bill Simpich Experienced Member Members 85 posts Posted February 6, 2015 · Report post I'm pleased that I was able to successfully convey to you that Nikolai Leonov Is one of the two men in the 1978 HSCA photos. Now I want to make it clear that the other blond-haired man in the HSCA photos is Ernesto Lehfeld Miller. His HSCA photo is depicted below. I will go to the Archives later this year and pull the documents, unless someone beats me to it. The Duran family depositions and the photobook known as JFK Document 7549 (not at the Mary Ferrell website) make it complelely clear that the man in the 1978 HSCA photos who was photographed at the Cuban embassy on Sept. 26, 1963 is Miller. Take a look at the CIA's photo strip of the Cuban embassy on Sept. 26. See Miller's photos shown in the fourth column, first two photos, marked "24" and "23"? The CIA's log of the Sept 26 photos for items 23 and 24 states that Miller was sent from the Cuban embassy to the Cuban consulate. Sylvia Tirado Duran also identified Miller as the man depicted as #26 and #27 in the aforementioned photo book 7549. Duran said that he was the architect and friend of her husband - "Ernesto Lefel" (that would be Ernesto Lehfeld Miller) (#26 and #27). He was the guy who used to borrow her husband's car. -- Tommy
  4. Chris, Beats the heck out of me. Some possibilities: 1 ) He wanted to throw it away but the wastebasket was already full. 2 ) He was wearing really tight pants that day and couldn't get it in his pocket. 3 ) He didn't want her to find it so, using reverse psychology, he left it where she "probably wouldn't notice it." 4 ) There was a good football game on TV and he totally spaced out, man. 5 ) He wanted to leave it where it would be easy for her to hide it. 6 ) He meant to leave the typed one there and mail the handwritten one. To really confuse them.
  5. BTW, I wasn't referring to the drafts, but to Oswald's "file boxes of subversives" that seem to have disappeared when they were taken away by the DPD. -- Tommy PS Oh, I see now. They morphed. Sorry.
  6. Would for me. Which seem to have gone missing or something like that, iirc. -- Tommy
  7. Marina claimed to have seen about ten handwritten drafts, iirc. -- Tommy PS Ten ??? If that's the case, then CE 103 must have been one of the very first ones, given all the cross-outs and "editing" it has. Or, heaven forbid, was it the nearly-finished product? LOL
  8. It's interesting that he's wearing his Marine Corps ring while giving the Communist "salute". -- Tommy
  9. My main "problem" is that the handwriting, etc, looks like Oswald's to me. Wouldn't if have been simpler for the bad guys to have routinely intercepted the typed letter (regardless of who typed it) and figure out some way to "hide it" from Hosty until it was too late for him to do anything? -- Tommy PS A xeroxed copy? A neat, legible, handwritten "copy"? I would expect nothing less from Ruth.
  10. Maybe he didn't put it in the mailbox because he was afraid Ruthie would find it. LOL ! -- Tommy
  11. Steve, Either that, or like the author says in the post that I started this thread off with: Maybe Oswald wrote the letter and cleverly threw that bit in to confuse the authorities. [paraphrased] -- Tommy
  12. This one? "Original letter written by Lee Harvey Oswald, and transcription by Ruth Paine" -- Tommy
  13. Seein' as how the handwritten draft is so hard to read, I thought I'd post an official(?) HSCA transcript of it here, including the changes that were made in it while it was being written. "[A]mong the documents turned over to the United States by the Soviet Union after the assassination of the President, included in the file purporting to be the entire correspondence between the Oswalds and the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C ., was the following letter dated November 9, 1963 : "DEAR Sirs : This is to inform you of recent events since my meetings with comrade hostin in the Embassy of the Soviet Union, Mexico City, Mexico. "I was unable to remain in Mexico indefinitely because of my Mexican visa restrictions which was for 15 days only. I could not take a chance on requesting a new visa unless I used my real name, so I returned to the United States. "I had not planned to contact the Soviet Embassy in Mexico so they were unprepared, had I been able to reach the Soviet Embassy in Havana as planned, the embassy there would have bad time to complete our business . "Of course the Soviet Embassy was not at fault, they were, as I say unprepared, the Cuban consulate was guilty of a gross breach of regulations, I am glad he has since been replaced. "The Federal Bureau of Investigation is not now interested in my activities in the progressive organization `Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' of which I was secretary in New Orleans (State Louisiana) since I no longer reside in that State. However, the FBI has visited us here in Dallas, Tex., on November 1. Agent James P. Hasty [sic] warned me that if I engaged in FPCO activities in Texas the FBI will again take an `interest' in me. "This agent also `suggested' to Marina Nichilayeva that she could remain in the United States under FBI 'protection,' that is, she could defect from the Soviet Union, of cours, I and my wife strongly protested these tactics by the notorious FBI. "Please inform us of the arrival of our Soviet entrance visas's [sic] as soon as they come. "Also, this is to inform you of the birth on October 20, 1963, of a daughter, Audrey Marina Oswald in Dallas, Tex., to my wife. "Respectfully, (s) LEE H. OSWALD" The envelope bears a postmark which seems to be November 12. Marina has testified that Oswald made many drafts of this letter before it was finally sent. A piece of paper which was probably one of these drafts was found among Oswald's effects and reads as follows : (Words crossed out by Oswald have been put in parentheses.) "Dear Sirs : This is to inform you of (re) events since my interviews with comrade Kostine in the Embassy of the Soviet Union, Mexico City, Mexico. "I was unable to remain in Mexico City (because I considered useless) indefinity because of my (visa) Mexican visa restrictions which was for 15 days only. (I had a) I could not take a chance applying for an extension (si) unless I used my real name so I returned to the United States. "I and Marina Nicholeyeva are now living in Dallas, Tex., (you already ha) "The FBI is not now interested in my activities in the progressive organization FPCC of which I was secretary in New Orleans (La) Louisiana since (mn) no longer (connected with) that State. (However the however) the FBI has visited us here in Texas on November 1, agent of the FBI James P. Hasty [sic] warned me that if I attempt to engage in FPCC activities in Texas the FBI will again take an "Interest" in me. This agent also "suggested" that my wife could "remain in the United States under FBI protection," that is, she could defect from the (refuse to return to the) Soviet Union. Of course I and my wife strongly protested these tactics by the notorious F.B .I. "(It was unfortunate that the Soviet Embassy was unable to aid me in Mexico City but) I had not planned to contact the Mexican City Embassy at all so of course they were unprepared for me. Had I been able to reach Havana as planned (I could have contacted the Soviet Embassy there for the completion of rapid have been able to help me get the neceary [sic] documents I required assist me.) would have had time to assist me but of course the (stuip) stuip Cuban Consule [sic?] was at fault here, I'm glad he had since been replaced by another ." " http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol11/pdf/HSCA_Vol11_WC_3E1_Slawson.pdf (on pages 155 and 156) -- Tommy PS: "Mexican City" for "Mexico City" ? Sounds like Oswald all right.
  14. Oh God. Here we go again. The truth: Oswald on the left; Lovelady on the right. -- Tommy
  15. Pure speculation, but if that's a radio on top of it, it makes sense that it was always in the kitchen. Nice perch; perfect location. (I remember my Mother always had a radio in the kitchen, and not very far from the "breakfast" table where we ate most of our meals. Being wealthy La Jollans (lol), we had a long cherry wood table in the dining room for "formal" dinners...) -- Tommy
  16. What I've read is that the authorities couldn't find any letters, etc, in Ruth's possession that had been typed on that particular machine. I don't know if they found any that had been typed on a different one. -- Tommy
  17. Chris, The latter makes more sense IMHO because it could explain the (apparent) fact that there are more spelling and punctuation errors in the typed version. Maybe Ruth unconsciously corrected Oswald's mistakes when she copied it? But then we have the problem of the authentic-looking, distinctive Oswald handwriting and "style". Hmmmm -- Tommy
  18. If that's the case, then it sounds like he wanted her to find it. But why? -- Tommy
  19. FWIW, Monday the 11th was Veteran's Day. Edit: Maybe he asked her to mail it for him. lol -- Tommy
  20. Yes, the possibilities are intriguing. Because it might have been (gasp) ... Lee Harvey Oswald. -- Tommy
  21. If it wasn't written by Oswald, then who forged his handwriting and "style" so convincingly, Ruth Paine? Hosty? IDK. -- Tommy
  22. Chris, A strange thing is that, if I understand correctly, the typed letter has five or six more spelling errors than the handwritten one. I'm also bothered by the fact that the handwriting does look like Oswald's, and the graphic "style" (corrections, slant, etc) also look like his. One of the things that makes a lot of sense to me is that Oswald might have intentionally written the name "Kostin" thinking that that name would be less recognizable to the FBI than "Kostikov." Could the bad guys have been so "clever" as to have done that "for" Oswald? -- Tommy
  23. To start this thread off, I thought I'd share this article. It raises some good points, IMHO. https://peternewburysblog.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/oswalds-kostikov-letter/ Comments? -- Tommy
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