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Gil Jesus

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  1. https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/thread/1801/case-oswald-legitimate
  2. Markham's reference to the "1:15 bus" is for the bus that was scheduled to arrive at 1:12. IMO, it makes no sense to call a bus arriving at any other time, the "1:15 bus". It does make sense, however, to refer to a bus arriving at 1:12 and leaving the bus stop at 1:15 to be called the 1:15 bus. Again, that's my opinion based on the evidence. Markham knew damned well that the shooting occurred before 1:15 and testified to that fact. MR BALL. You think it was a little after 1 ? MRS MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet that it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1. MR BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you ? MRS MARKHAM. 1:15. MR BALL. So it was BEFORE 1:15 ? MRS MARKHAM. Yes it was. ( 3 H 306 ) Markham wasn't the only witness who put the time of the shooting before 1:15. Multiple witnesses put the time of the shooting bewteen 1:06 and 1:10. The permit for autopsy shows that Tippit arrived at Methodist Hospital DOA at 1:15. ( Dallas Police Box 3, pg. 307 ) The Davenport/Bardin report says that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:15. ( Dallas Police Box 1, pg. 80 ) IMO, the evidence says that the shooting occurred before 1:15. This means that 5 minutes has been added to the official record in order to make it possible for Oswald to have been the shooter. Without that extra 5 minutes, it was physically impossible for Oswald to be at the scene of the murder while travelling on foot. And to quote Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" what Dale Myers says. Or for that matter, what some witness' relative says who wasn't even there. It may be interesting, but it's still hearsay and there's no way to corroborate it. I'm interested in the evidence. The Dallas Police produced call sheets for every phone call received. They were cards that were stamped by a timeclock. ( 13 H 91-92 ) Why did the Commission fail to produce the Dallas Police call sheets for the phone calls made by Mary Wright and someone at Ted Callaway's car lot ? In all the confusion, both their addresses were broadcast as locations for the shooting, ( 501 E Tenth and 501 East Jefferson ) proof that those calls were received. Because the call sheets would have been stamped with the time the calls were received. They would have narrowed down the time of the shooting. Are they the "information from Dallas" referred to by the FBI that showed the shooting occurred prior to 1:13 ? Where are those call sheets ? I've never seen them. Keep in mind that if the case against Oswald was legitimate and the evidence was authentic: 1. There would be no conflicts in the evidence. 2. There would be no problems with the chain of custody. 3. People not connected with the case, like Dean Rusk, would never be called to testify. 4. Authorities would never have altered witness statements and affidavits, threatened and harrassed witnesses and ignored tests results that disproved the Commission's conclusions. 5. Evidence would not be missing. 6. Witnesses would not have been ignored. 7. Ted Callaway would have never asked Benavides which way the shooter went. 8. The bullets removed from Tippit's body would have matched the shells found at the scene. 9. There would have been proof Oswald received the rifle. 10. The rifle found on the sixth floor would have been 36 inches. 11. The paper gunsack would have been in the crime scene photos. 12. Jack Ruby's mother's dental records would never have been an exhibit. This was not a criminal investigation. This was a joke. This was a gathering of evidence against one suspect and I feel sorry for those who can't or won't see it for what it was.
  3. I'm not a worshipper of Dale Myers. All I know is what the evidence says. Consider this: Helen Markham was on her way to catch her "1:15 bus" that was scheduled to arrive at the corner of East Jefferson and Patton Ave. at 1:12 pm. If this murder occurred at 1:17 or 1:18 pm as Mr. Brown suggests, then Helen Markham never saw it. Because she had already caught her bus and was on her way to work. So either the murder happened before 1:15 and Markham witnessed it, or it happened after 1:15 and Markham never saw it. Since the preponderance of the evidence indicates that Markham was present and witnessed the murder, therefore it had to have occurred BEFORE 1:15. There is more evidence for a pre-1:15 time of the murder. In a memo dated 11/28/63, FBI Inspector James R. Malley notified the SAC of the Dallas Office, that the FBI had, "communications from Dallas showing time of death for TIPPETT ( sic ) as 1:13 pm." He also warned them to, "make sure our times jibe." Does "make sure our times jibe" mean altering evidence if necessary ? The point I'm making is that you can't have Helen Markham on the corner of 10th and Patton and the murder occurring at 1:17 or 1:18. It makes no sense because she's already missed her bus before Tippit was even shot. All of this evidence has been shown to Mr. Brown in his previous post on the time of the murder, but he seems determined to ignore it.
  4. The Commission's speculation that the rifle was the "mechanism" that transferred the fibers from the blanket into the bag was based on the fact that the bag and the blanket never had contact. This photograph found by researcher John Hunt in the National Archives shows that not to be true. While the photograph shows contact between the bag and blanket, the contact is in the middle of the bag, not on the open end. While some researchers are convinced that this shows how the fibers got into the bag, I am not. What I see is a possibility that blanket fibers could have been found on the OUTSIDE of the bag. This leaves only two possibilites in my mind: either the rifle transferred the fibers into the bag, ( which the Commission never proved ) or the fibers were intentionally plucked from the blanket and placed into the bag by authorities.
  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the bag was made by police. If Oswald had made the bag, it would have been over 40 inches long. He would have measured the rifle and made the bag to fit it. The police, however, never measured the C2766 rifle. They thought they had a 36 inch rifle because that's what they were told was ordered. So they never measured it. They didn't know that Klein's had sent a 40 inch rifle in its stead. So they made the 38 inch bag to fit the assembled 36 inch rifle. The police never considered that the rifle was more than 36 inches. Even Chief Curry told the press that, "the package was large enough for the rifle to be intact". https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/rifle-was-intact.mp4 He told the press that, because that's what they thought they had: a 36 inch rifle and a 38 inch bag. If you and I are correct and police made the bag, it means that police knew on the afternoon of 11/22 that a 36" rifle had been ordered, well before Oswald's "ownership" was established. That rifle was never disassembled because if it were, it would have left scratch markings inside the bag, which it didn't. There's no evidence that the rifle was ever inside the bag and thus it's not possible for the rifle to have been the "mechanism" to transfer the fibers from the blanket into the bag. And because Stombaugh found so few fibers in the bag, we must consider the possibility that the fibers were manually and intentionally plucked from the blanket and placed into the bag by authorities.
  6. And to add insult to injury, the FBI found NO EVIDENCE that ANY RIFLE was ever in the bag. "There were no marks on this bag that I could say were caused by that rifle or any other rifle or any other given instrument." ( Testimony of John Cadigan, 4 H 97 ) Cadigan testified that only two ways the rifle could have been in this bag and left no markings: a.) if the metal parts were wrapped in cloth preventing them from having contact with the bag, or b.) if the rifle had been nearly still in the bag. "it could have been wrapped in cloth or just the metal parts wrapped in a thick layer of cloth, or if the gun was in the bag, perhaps it wasn’t moved too much." ( ibid. ) Neither of these were the case. The rifle was never wrapped in cloth and a broken-down 34 inch rifle would have had 4 inches to move around in a 38 inch bag. It would have moved around in the bag as Oswald hand carried it to the Randle residence. It would have bounced around in the back seat of Wesley Frazier's car as he drove through the dirt parking lot of the TSBD. Then it would have moved around as Oswald removed it from the back seat and hand carried into the building. A lot of moving around and no markings. So the absence of markings is proof that the rifle was never in the bag. And because the rifle was never in the bag, it was never the transfer vehicle of the blanket fibers into the bag. Without evidence that the “gunsack” ever contained the depository rifle, there's no evidence that the rifle transferred the blanket fibers into the bag. How do you get the fibers from the rifle into the bag if you can't prove that the rifle was ever in the bag ? You speculate. And that's what the Commission's supporters do.
  7. https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/thread/1791/fiber-evidence
  8. The Google group is a format I started for critics and researchers to post their research into the assassination. The content is not moderated, ( how's that for covering up the truth ? Are you listening, John McAdams ? ) but membership must be approved by me. Are you a critic of the Warren Commission ? Are you a researcher ? When you applied, you stated that you wanted to "discuss the JFKA". It's not a discussion group or a format for debate like this forum. And since I am not familiar with your research and you offered no insight into it, I assumed you were neither a researcher nor a critic of the Warren Commission. So your request was denied. For example, Pamela Brown recently requested membership and was approved because I'm familiar with her research on the JFK limo. PS: For anyone interested, the group can be found at this link: https://groups.google.com/g/jfk-assassination-not-moderated The postings can be read by anyone, but in order to post you must be a member. If I am not familiar with your research, it might be a good idea to fill me in as to what it involves. A link to your website or work online would be helpful. Since you consider your denial for membership a big enough deal to post it here, maybe you or your Lone Nut buddies can explain how your failure to qualify for acceptance "covers up the truth" or translates into my wanting to prevent "true facts getting in the way". SMH
  9. Dellarosa wasn't the only one to claim that he saw a different version of the Zapruder film. The description of what he saw is corroborated by at least one other person.
  10. Well Don, let's look at the facts. He didn't join the EF until last month, after Google ended free access to the Usenet. He's promoting the same "Alan Smith as Allen Tippit" as "No True Flags Here/Sky Throne/19efppp" did in the a.c.j. newsgroup. And now that he's been outed by me, he's edited out many of his posts on his "Who was Alan Smith" topic and replaced them with single letters. Check it out. Why would he do that if he hadn't been exposed ? All of a sudden he doesn't want people to know his thoughts on Alan Smith ? Sound like I'm blowing smoke or is he acting llike someone who is guilty as charged ?
  11. Well said. Anyone looking for a motive to assassinate the President need to study American history after WWII and the history of his Administration. When you put the assassination in the context of history, it's easy to see that this was a political murder. Some call it a coup d'etat, but I believe it was a counter-coup, the coup being Kennedy's victory in 1960. His policies and his behavior while in office were seen by the security state as a threat to the nation. How would the country's institutions react if faced with a President who they feared was a serious threat to the National Security ? We see how today political differences can create hate among folks. Was there enough hate for Kennedy in the CIA, FBI, Military and Secret Service to bring these elements together ? Were their political views the cement that joined them in a plot to remove his protection and drive him into an ambush in the "City of Hate" ? Did they prefer the foreign policies of LBJ over JFK ? And what of all the warnings to Kennedy not to go to Dallas ? Did all of these people know beforehand of Oswald's plan to kill the President ? I have documents of people who stated as early as mid-April 1962 that there was a plan to "get rid" of Kennedy in Dallas. Oswald wasn't even in the US in April of 1962. He didn't return until June. How could Oswald plan this murder "weeks or months in advance" ( as Henry Wade claimed ) when the motorcade route wasn't made public until three days before the assassination ? How could this genius Oswald, who was smart enough to get the gun into the building without anyone seeing it and hide it in a place where no one would find it, be stupid enough to throw away his jacket and keep on his person the very handgun that tied him to the Tippit murder ? Why after a successful "escape" from the TSBD via bus and cab, did he not flee the Tippit murder scene the same way ? Why did his M.O. change ? They were looking for a cop killer on foot. Why did he flee on foot ? Why didn't he hail a cab on East Jefferson ? Why did he choose to draw attention to himself by trying to beat the Texas Theater out of a 90 cent ticket when he had $ 13.87 in his pocket ? No, none of it makes sense.
  12. Very sad news for anyone interested in truth. I attended his 2003 symposium at Duquense University. One of the nation's leading pathologists, he saw something was amiss in the medical autopsy from day one. Here is Dr. Wecht back in 1988 warning us of the danger of coup d'etats in America. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/wecht_expose-elements.mp4 He truly was a great man and my condolences go out to his family and friends.
  13. Aren't you the guy who propagates that Allen Smith was really Allen Tippit ? Aren't you the same guy who propagated in the newsgroup alt. conspiracy.jfk back February '22 that James Jarman was shooting from the 5th floor window ? https://groups.google.com/g/alt.conspiracy.jfk/c/Ns0OUTPTlxA/m/kmPGwqePAAAJ And you have the nerve to question the credibility of Oliver Stone ? A reference for anything serious ? There's a lot of historical FACT in this scene. Where do you get your references from ? If you wanna trash what Stone says in this scene, then feel free to post evidence to refute it.
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