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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Joe, in their defense, the camera lights were so bright, you couldn't see anything. That's why in the photos, they're all looking straight ahead as Ruby steps out. Even the reporters are not looking at Ruby. Curry never should have allowed the press to be in the basement just like he never should have allowed the press to mob the hallways. That alone posed a hazard that was life threatening in the event of a fire. You're right about Oswald being wide open from the front and the sides, but isn't that what they did two days earlier to Kennedy ? Led him into an ambush after reducing his side motorcycle escorts and moving them back to the rear quarters of the limousine ? Anytime they moved Jack Ruby, they provided him with side escorts. Why not Oswald ? The police wanted Oswald dead. From the time of his arrest in the Texas Theater, he was a dead man. There was a conspiracy to kill Oswald involving Chief Curry, Capt. Fritz, Lt. Woodrow Wiggins and Jack Ruby. I'll explain why I believe this in a thread I'll be posting this coming weekend. Stay Tuned.
  2. Yes that's what a police officer would do if he were protecting his prisoner. Especially since police had received death threats against Oswald, he would have made sure the car was in position and scanned the immediate area for persons not belonging there. He would have done this BEFORE he brought the prisoner out and exposed him to the crowd. He would have had side escorts present in the event anyone tried to move toward the prisoner. Oswald would have been surrounded and protected from any attack. In addition, Fritz lied to the Commission and told them the car they were using to transport Oswald was in position ( 4 H 243 ) when it was clearly not.
  3. Before they emerge from the jail office with Oswald, Lt. Richard E Swain and Capt. J.Will Fritz of the Dallas Police step out into the basement to see if it's "all set" to proceed. Fritz looks in only one direction, the direction of Jack Ruby, then turns to his left and nods for Jim Leavelle and L.C. Graves to bring out the prisoner. Det. L.D. Montgomery is behind Oswald to make sure the handcuffed Oswald "does not escape" the fate that awaits him.
  4. I agree. To suggest that ANY defendant accused of a crime deserves death before a fair trial by his peers is ludicrous. In this case, where only the prosecution's side was heard, it makes no sense. While the Warren Commission apologists label Oswald the "assassin" of President Kennedy, the truth is that he was the "ACCUSED assassin" only. No one accused of a crime deserves to die without a defense.
  5. BINGO !!! A "Cherry Bomb" or a quarter stick of dynamite, strong enough to shake the TSBD building, something a rifle shot would not have done. That very thought occurred to me back in 2004 after the assassination attempt of the President and Vice-President of Taiwan who were attacked while riding in an open convertible on the day before the election. In looking at that assassination attempt, I learned that in Taiwan, firecrackers were a common thing used in the celebration festivities of motorcades. Could the CIA have used this same technique to a.) mask the shots fired at the Kennedy limousine and b.) to divert attention away from the location of the real shooters ?
  6. Police interrogated Oswald until they got the "all clear" signal to move him. The "all clear" didn't mean the transport car was in position because it wasn't, as evident in the video. I suggest that the "all clear" signal meant that Ruby was in position and they could bring Oswald down. Ruby wouldn't have to KNOW when police were moving Oswald because it was understood that police would simply wait for Ruby to get into position before bringing Oswald down. If I'm right about that, the timing argument ( that Ruby couldn't possibly know when they were bringing Oswald down ) is nullified. It also shows that Ruby had conspired with the Dallas Police to kill Oswald. I believe he was supposed to kill Oswald on Friday night at the "Midnight Press Conference" but got cold feet because he was afraid he'd hit a Dallas Police Officer. This would have been a perfect time to kill Oswald. They had not yet developed evidence against him for assassinating the President and the timing would have saved police the trouble of a.) arraigning him without evidence and b.) presenting that evidence in a court trial. But Ruby's failure to kill Oswald on Friday night forced the Dallas Police to do just that: to arraign Oswald for assassinating the President without any evidence against him. The problem of police being in Ruby's line of fire and accidently being shot on Friday night was eliminated on Sunday, when police offered Oswald up without any side or frontal protection. In spite of there being 75 armed policemen in the basement, police made sure Ruby had a clear shot at Oswald that did not endanger any of their own or the members of the press. Oswald could not be allowed to go to trial and his execution had to be done before he was transferred out of the hands of police and into the sheriff's custody. And BTW, flying machines DO crash due to reasons that have nothing to do with their flying capabilites or the distances they travel, like pilot error or mechanical failures.
  7. Lone Nutters live by a double standard. We can do it to you but if you do it to us, we'll scream bloody murder. What do you expect from people who will convict a suspect in a murder case after hearing only the Prosecution's side of the case ? In their world, the suspect is guilty until proven innocent. And the more he cries out that he's innocent, the more guilty he is. Witnesses aren't credilble, unless they can add something to the case against Oswald. Then you can take their observations and testimony to the bank. That's the way it works in their world. I've always been a bit leery of alleged foreigners who strongly support the Warren Commission. Why would they even care about this case ? What's they're stake in all of this ? Do I care if Princess Diana was killed in an accident or was murdered ? No. Do I care about the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro ? No. So why are they so rabid to support the Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of President Kennedy and there was no conspiracy ?
  8. ARRB member Doug Horne explains that pre-autopsy surgery was done to President Kennedy's skull between 6:35 pm and 8:00 pm on the evening of the assassination at Bethesda Naval Hospital to hide evidence of a frontal shot. Because it's age restricted, you'll have to click on the link that says, "watch on Youtube" to see it.
  9. On 22 August 1962, France’s wartime leader Charles de Gaulle survived what would be the most serious of 30 attempts on his life. De Gaulle and his wife, Yvonne, were being driven through a Paris suburb for a flight from Villacoublay military airport, eight miles from the Élysée Palace. The presidential couple were on their way back to Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, their country home about halfway between the French capital and Strasbourg in the east. They were travelling in a black Citroën DS, followed by an escort vehicle and two motorcycle police officers on Triumph bikes. As the Citroën passed through the southern suburb of Petit-Clamart, a hit squad with machine guns strafed De Gaulle’s vehicle and nearby shops. The president and his wife ducked and escaped unharmed despite the car being hit several times and bullets passing within a few inches of De Gaulle’s head. The president’s car roared away to the airport. After the ambush, which lasted 45 seconds, investigators picked up a total of 187 bullet casings from the scene. 187 shots and never hit DeGaulle. And you expect me to believe that one man, who hadn't fired a rifle in 4 years, could take a piece of junk Italian WWII surplus rifle and 20 year old ammunition and hit JFK with 2 out of 3 shots in 5 seconds ? A feat NEVER duplicated by MASTER riflemen who fired that same weapon ? ROFLMAO.... No way.
  10. Did Dr. Baden see the wound ? No. He was orienting the wound from a photo. Dr. David Mantik saw the same photo and oriented it quite differently. https://www.facebook.com/groups/jfknumbers/posts/3089882507940600/ But, like i said, neither one of these men actually saw the wound. For Baden's orientation ( front right part of the skull ) to be correct, the bevelled semi-circled exit would have to be in the frontal part of the skull. Since neither Baden nor Mantik saw the actual wound, let's defer to someone who DID see the wound and see if his recollection supports Dr Baden. Dr. Humes testified to the HSCA Medical Panel that the bevelled semi-circle exit was in either the temporal or parietal bone. ( 7 H 249 ) This blows away Dr. Baden's opinion that the exit wound was in the "right front part of the skull" as sheer utter nonsense. It's also not supported by the autopsy photos, unless you can name one that does support it. Since Dr. Baden has a reputation for being a Warren Commission apologist, I'm not surprised you would refer to his testimony and avoid mentioning the testimony of a more reliable witness ( Dr. Humes ) who actually SAW the wound.
  11. The Parkland medical staff worked on Kennedy for 20 minutes. Name the one who identified a "bone flap" on the right side of the head or a hole in the top of the head like you have there.
  12. That's all you have ? Baden ? Baden is an idiot. That photo shows the damage on the right side. If that were the front of the head, the damage would have been on the LEFT side of the President's head. There's no scalp covering the face. There's no anatomical features such as the eye socket, nasal cavity or teeth to support Dr. Baden and your contentions. You believe your little uncoroborated fantasies but there's no evidence to support that.
  13. The HSCA didn't agree with Mr. "Down". They identified F8 as a defect on the "RIGHT FRONTOPARIETAL region after reflection of the scalp", meaning that the orientation of the skull in F8 had the REAR of the skull in the foreground. ( 7 HSCA 118-119 ) Identification of left and right side of the skull are always made from the subject's perspective, never the viewer. So the left and right sides of JFK's skull were identified from JFK's perspective, not the prosectors.The frontoparietal region is NOT in the front of the head but between the frontal and parietal sections of the brain. The fact that they identified it as being on the RIGHT side of that region gives us the proper orientation of the F8 photo as having the back of the skull in the foreground.They also identified the bevel on the outer skull table after explaining that bevelling was indicative of an EXIT wound. ( 7 H 108 / HSCA diagram JFK F-61 )Unfortunately, they never identified that bevel as an exit wound, as I have. Their cop-out was that the photo ( 44 ) was too blurry. But the Fox copy ( F8 ) is NOT blurry and proves it was an exit wound and that it was made by a shot from the front. A shot from the front means a second gunman and a second gunman means a conspiracy.End of story.
  14. Thank You, Mr. Caddy. It's always nice to have first hand accounts from people who were there.
  15. And a bolt-action rifle at that. This is just one way the criminal justice system worked in the South in the 1950s and 60s. If you were black and arrested for a crime you didn't commit and they didn't have enough evidence on you, the sheriff would release you at midnight. Down the road in the darkness, was a pickup truck full of Klansmen waiting for you. The next morning, they'd find your body hanging from a tree. Suicide. They'd say you just couldn't handle the guilt. Your friends and relatives would never know the truth: that you were innocent and you were murdered. Sometimes, you'd just end up hanging in your cell. Suicide, same reason. They'd say you just couldn't handle your guilt. With this history of terrorist tactics, is there any wonder why black men today are afraid of the police ? And Southern law enforcement treated suspected Communists no better. I'm not surprised that Jack Ruby had access to the DPD headquarters and the police made no effort to surround the prisoner Oswald which gave Ruby a clear and unobstructed shot. Anyone with LE experience would look at this transfer and see it for the joke it was. Oswald was led into an ambush just like Kennedy was led into an ambush. Same M.O.. I've studied the history of the 50s and 60s so I know about Southern Justice. Remember the 1964 torture and murder of the three Civil Rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi ? All they were trying to do was to register blacks to vote. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chaney,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner Or the 1963 murder of Medgar Evers, who also was trying to register black people to vote ? Shot in the back right in his own driveway. An all-white jury wouldn't convict those charged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medgar_Evers This was how it worked in the South. I remember, one night back in the mid 70s, I was out on patrol and at the time our department operated on a low band frequency that would produce a broadcast "skip" from some southern state. On this one particular night I was able to listen to this southern sheriff's department as they pursued two black men who had escaped from a prison. The escapees had stolen a car and gone down a dirt road which ended in a dead end and had bailed out of the car on foot and fled into the woods. The deputy who was in pursuit requested "the sheriff", "the dogs" and "the judge" to all come to the scene. "My God", I thought, "if they find these guys, they're going to try, convict and execute them right there in the woods." Whether or not they found them, I don't know. I lost the "skip" shortly after his broadcast.
  16. Correct. The doors to the theater were recessed. https://gil-jesus.com/oswalds-arrest/ For example, Julia Postal said, “Mr. Brewer said that he ( Oswald ) had been ducking in at his place of business and that he had gone by me because I was facing west.” ( 7 H 11 ) Why on earth would he tell her the man ( Oswald ) went by her if he had seen him enter the theater ? Because he didn't. And the question remains, if Brewer lied about seeing Oswald enter the theater, what else did he lie about ?
  17. In 1960 USDA agent Henry Marshall was asked to investigate the activities of Billie Sol Estes. Marshall discovered that over a two year period, Estes had purchased 3,200 acres of cotton allotments from 116 different farmers. Marshall wrote to his superiors in Washington on 31st August, 1960, that: "The regulations should be strengthened to support our disapproval of every case (of allotment transfers)" When he heard the news, Billie Sol Estes sent his lawyer, John P. Dennison, to meet Marshall in Robertson County. At the meeting on 17th January, 1961, Marshall told Dennison that Estes was clearly involved in a "scheme or device to buy allotments, and will not be approved, and prosecution will follow if this operation is ever used." Marshall was disturbed that as a result of sending a report of his meeting to Washington, he was offered a new post at headquarters. He assumed that Billie Sol Estes had friends in high places and that they wanted him removed from the field office in Robertson County. Marshall refused what he considered to be a bribe. A week after the meeting between Marshall and Dennison, A. B. Foster, manager of Billie Sol Enterprises, wrote to Clifton C. Carter, a close aide to Lyndon B. Johnson, telling him about the problems that Marshall was causing the company. Foster wrote that "we would sincerely appreciate your investigating this and seeing if anything can be done." Over the next few months Marshall had meetings with eleven county committees in Texas. He pointed out that Billie Sol Estes scheme to buy cotton allotments were illegal. This information was then communicated to those farmers who had been sold their cotton allotments to Billie Sol Enterprises. On 3rd June, 1961, Marshall was found dead on his farm by the side of his Chevy Fleetside pickup truck. His rifle lay beside him. He had been shot five times with his own rifle. Soon after County Sheriff Howard Stegall arrived, he decreed that Marshall had committed suicide. No pictures were taken of the crime scene, no blood samples were taken of the stains on the truck (the truck was washed and waxed the following day), no check for fingerprints were made on the rifle or pickup. In the spring of 1962, Billie Sol Estes was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on fraud and conspiracy charges. As a result, the Robertson County grand jury ordered that the body of Marshall should be exhumed and an autopsy performed. After eight hours of examination, Dr. Joseph A. Jachimczyk confirmed that Marshall had not committed suicide. Jachimczyk also discovered a 15 percent carbon monoxide concentration in Marshall's body. Jachimczyk calculated that it could have been as high as 30 percent at the time of death. On 1st June, 1962, the Dallas Morning News reported that President John F. Kennedy had "taken a personal interest in the mysterious death of Henry Marshall." As a result, the story said, Robert Kennedy "has ordered the FBI to step up its investigation of the case." After JFK's assassination and with Johnson in the White House ( 1964 ), the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations reported that it could find no link between Marshall's death and his efforts to bring to an end Billie Sol Estes' cotton allotment scheme. The following year Billie Sol Estes went to prison for fraud relating to the mostly nonexistent fertilizer tanks he had put up for collateral as part of the cotton allotment scam. He was released in 1971 but he was later sent back to prison for mail fraud and non-payment of income tax. Billie Sol Estes was released from prison in December, 1983. Three months later he appeared before the Robertson County grand jury. He confessed that Henry Marshall was murdered because it was feared he would "blow the whistle" on the cotton allotment scam. Billie Sol Estes claimed that Marshall was murdered on the orders of Lyndon B. Johnson, who was afraid that his own role in this scam would become public knowledge. According to Estes, Clifton C. Carter, Johnson's long-term aide, had ordered Marshall to approve 138 cotton allotment transfers. The grand jury rejected the testimony of Billie Sol Estes. Carter, Wallace and Johnson were all dead and could not confirm Billie Sol's testimony. However, the Grand Jury did change the verdict on the death of Henry Marshall from suicide to death by gunshot. The fact that Marshall's cause of death was originally listed as a suicide as a result of five shots from a bolt-action .22 rifle is just one example of how corrupt the Texas justice system was. The fact that the US Senate Subcommittee investigating the corruption shut it down after JFK's assassination exposes the extent of corruption at the Federal level. The "deep state" was back in power and had spoken, just as it had during the Warren Commission investigation. I would particularly be interested in any and all input to this posting from our own Mr. Douglas Caddy, who was Billie Sol Estes' attorney.
  18. Anybody who thought they had a legitimate chance of prying these records out of the hands of the CIA was naive. You and I will NEVER see these files unless someone within the agency copies them and releases them. No amount of political pressure or media pressure is going to get these files released. Period. Nothing I post about the right-wing and its involvement in the assassination is going to change that either way. This isn't about the truth. This is about protecting the Agency.
  19. Chief Curry was asked by a reporter about the results of "the ballisitcs test". He responds, "We haven't had a final report but it is <pause>, I understand, it will be favorable". Since the Dallas Police never had CE 399 in their possession for ballistic comparison and since none of the bullets from the Tippit murder scene could be positively identified as having been fired from Oswald's handgun to the exclusion of all other weapons, what ballistics test was Chief Curry talking about that WOULD produce the "favorable" result ?
  20. And may I add a couple more to your list ? All of these witnesses were never called to testify, because ? FBI reports lied about what the witnesses told them, because ?
  21. FWIW, a wise old man once told me, "Beware of people who brag about who they are. A lion doesn't have to tell you he's a lion."
  22. Deleted. For some reason it's posting but not notifying the poster causing multiple posts.
  23. Witnesses provide evidence that President Kennedy was shot from the front as well as the back, indicating there was a second gunman and a conspiracy to assassinate him. Their accounts were suppressed by not calling them to give testimony to the Warren Commission.
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