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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Yeah,I believe that Jay owned it after Bartholomew.Bartholomew was driving it to a Texas University? Either or....the bottom line is it was taken to a scrap yard if everyone is telling the truth.
  2. The vehicle has been taken to the scrap yard & scrapped.Can't remember which year. Like I have said before on this forum,there is video footage of this car being worked on in a secret location.
  3. This is more common when we have police brutality. These cameras seem to be not working at critical times 😉
  4. Sounds like Texas did have records of LHO having a drivers license,but they vanished like his tax records.
  5. Sylvia was subjected to harsh treatment because she would not identify the Oswald imposter as Lee himself & also because she wouldn't identify LHO as the imposter that was there.
  6. Ben, I'm afraid that I am far from a political person. I basically don't follow what's going on in politics. I'm very aware of Operation Mockingbird though. RFK probably won't "play ball" with the "Establishment" You can't just murder like you use to,you have to assassinate their character. MSM gonna Main Stream.
  7. These Presidents are shown the Zapruder film in slow motion & then ask afterwards if there are any questions. I was able to locate some footage of President Biden after the viewing.
  8. Ok good. To think we had assets in our intelligence community that could not drive???? I personally believe that would be an unwritten requirement. I was driving my mom's 3-speed in the 8th grade. Simple task.
  9. Come on man, A CIA asset & an FBI informant that can't drive a car? That dog won't hunt. Discuss.
  10. I personally believe that CIA operative Tosh Plumlee tried to let us in on a little secret by posting this Nash Rambler & mentioning the blue Mexico turist sticker. This car IMO is the car that drove a Lee Harvey Oswald impersonator to Mexico City. *And possibly the Nash Rambler that drove Oswald away from the TSBD (unlikely,but still)
  11. I sure would like to see the picture with all of the probes in the body.
  12. Thanks Larry, My nosey/interested self enjoys secret stuff.
  13. I don't know quite honestly. I happen to stumble upon them talking about DEVGRU Operators. They are the highest & most secretive intelligence group from what I have been reading. Is SOG used by the military? Activated in January of 1964, SOG was a joint services unit composed of members from all four branches of the armed forces, including Navy SEALs, Marine Recons, Air Force Special Operations pilots of the 90th Special Operations Wing, but predominantly Army Special Forces. The Studies and Observations Group Foundation. The Studies and Observations Group (also known as SOG, MACSOG, and MACV-SOG) was a top secret, joint unconventional warfare task force created on 24 January 1964 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a subsidiary command of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV).
  14. Mike, I'm happy that someone see's things the same way that I do. Now,I'm going to possibly go off course & say that yes,records were sealed for 75 years,and I personally believe that the gag order/Order of Silence of 15 years to Naval personnel & others at autopsy WAS going to be extended after the 15 year period. Somewhere in my brain remembers hearing or reading that the extension was going to be another 10 or 15 years.
  15. The shot callers imported a brain from the Bethesda compound.The brain shown in actual pictures are probably not even the substitute brain that Jenkins handled.
  16. Yes,it was off topic,but it was my way of telling the OP that Oswald took pictures.
  17. ONI probably provided Oswald the spy camera to take pictures of value in the USSR.
  18. To me,the top picture looks like someone on the High School wrestling team.
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