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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Look at the distortion in the metal.I would not suggest this as low velocity.Especially if that chrome piece is stainless steel.Just the other day I read that they put a 6.5 Carcano bullet to see if it fit in the hole (and it did) Now way can two fragments do that kind of damage.Remember there was a through & through hole in the windshield.
  2. I'd like to see your threads get more traction.Do your thing Doug.
  3. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the hole near the steering wheel.It is too perfect and appears to be a car part.There were pictures posted on here,but I'd have to search for them.Lot's & lots of pictures are no longer visible & have vanished.
  4. I sure would like to know the journey of the shipping casket from Gawler's.Either the Secret Service picked it up,or maybe the driver from Gawler's possibly Robinson met it at the helicopter in the black ambulance at Bethesda or Walter Reed.
  5. I personally think that hearing the shots & then seeing the bullet come flying through the windshield from the front,caused him to panic.Greer might have even seen & heard the bullet hit the chrome strip around the windshield.
  6. Maybe,just maybe...JFK was not killed in the kill zone from behind.He advanced too far forward & had to get hit by the back-up team in front.Of course this is just a thought at this point & is not an opinion yet.
  7. According to researcher Pamela Brown research,the blood spatter also reached the hood of the X-100.
  8. Well darn.I thought that it was something more sinister. Thank you Micah.
  9. David Lifton or others, Wasn't it in Best Evidence where Humes answer to a question is the following " I am under certain obligations that suggest to me that it is not preferable" It was definately something to that effect.Not word for word,but damn close. It is also possible that I read it somewhere else. *What obligations was Humes under?
  10. Thanks for the contribution Ben.Here we have another witness being told to watch the body.The Secret Service taking the body out of Parkland by force seems to have had an impact on others.Others seem to be worried about the body being taken again (Like Air Force One for example) This is a forum for discussion & I have no problem sharing my thoughts & my eventual opinion.I know that there are others that have opinions & choose not to participate in the topic which is sad IMHO.One persons thoughts or opinion can lead to other findings. Some members here seem to take this forum like they are under oath in a court of law or are afraid of being wrong,so they choose not to participate. To me this is a serious event & worthy of discussion,I don't care who was driving.
  11. Man oh man,those interviews with Burkley & Gawler's would be explosive.I have a feeling that the driver or passenger in the white smocks was indeed Thomas Robinson.Not that he did anything sinister.Burkley probably held back on orders or fear for his life.
  12. That ambulance chase allowed the body to be put back in the bronze casket.Just like they moved the body when they cleared the room for x-rays.
  13. Hubert Clark validating some of David Lifton's claims.
  14. I believe there are at least 3.Left & right front and from the rear of JFK.
  15. I can tell you that it came from a prominent researcher.
  16. I wish that I could.I don't go as deep as other researchers.
  17. So nobody wants to touch this with a 10 foot pole? The information about Rear Admiral Calvin Galloway driving came from a reporter with the Washington Post.
  18. Hubert Clark a member of the Honor Guard said that Admiral Galloway even turned out the headlights during the chase. What the hell is an Admiral doing driving an ambulance?
  19. Was part of the shenanigans going on at Bethesda.He led the joint casket team on that wild goose chase as a diversion tactic. Who was his superior? The White House? Discuss.
  20. Here is what I was looking for.Go ahead and skip until about 1:21:00 and listen & tell me what you hear. "3 weeks later,I snuck a camera into the Time Life building and made a copy of the Zapruder film" https://www.c-span.org/video/?80107-1/jfk-assassination-film-status
  21. I'm aware of the individual frames.I would be skeptical of what I have just said also,but I am willing to go under oath about what I said.They talked about the frames and the film.Josiah did not like the restrictions or the legalities and said that he made a copy of the film for himself. I said CSPAN on my other post,or it could have been on CNN also.
  22. No Ron it was Tink.I'll look for it on Youtube.He was one of a few speakers that were talking about what to do with the Zapuder film.Might have been on CSPAN but don't quote me on that.
  23. A little off topic,but I was just watching Youtube & Josiah Thompson admitted to stealing a copy of the Zapruder film that he made while he was working for Time Life.
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