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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Maybe some of you have not seen this video.But here is David saying that he talked to the driver of the black hearse & the way he came in to Bethesda.Interesting that he didn't say that the driver or passenger were wearing white smocks. https://youtu.be/4JjBLdpNc-Q?t=4
  2. Dan & Mark, I would like to thank you for your efforts.
  3. Someone in that damn morgue had to of seen two of the three casket entries.They cleared the room for x-rays once.Maybe they cleared it twice? O'Connor,Stringer,Jenkins,Reed,Custer,Reibe,Ebersole,Lipsey,Humes & Boswell.
  4. Mark, Would you mind telling us? I know that we would have to take both Dennis & the black hearse driver word as the truth.You have to admit that it would be interesting if the route was backtracking towards Walter Reed.
  5. Somehow,somehere & someway the Secret Service was able to obtain a black hearse.Did they get it from Gawler's? Is there another funeral home close to Gawlers? Inquiring minds wanna know.
  6. I don't have a map around the Bethesda compound,but the driver of the black hearse said that he brought it up 16th street onto Jonesbridge road & came in the backdoor of the hospital wherever that is. If you backtrack does Jonesbridge road & 16th street go towards Walter Reed?
  7. The helicopter that transported JFK's body just might not have landed at Bethesda.We know that Paul O'Connor said that he heard two helicopters land that night.More than likely the black hearse picked it up from helicopter port & then drove it over to the morgue.What is a little confusing is that Dennis David said that he spoke with the driver of the black hearse & he told Dennis what direction they took coming in to the morgue,which could have been from Walter Reed.
  8. Yeah Jim,looking at the book cover it was Sam's book.I also remember reading that O'l Mooney had her room bugged,so they knew when to go in.I thought for sure one could find a picture of them together,but nope.
  9. I can't remember which book I read,but it said that MM was murdered by some of Sam Giancana's boys to make it look like the Kennedy's did the deed.She was injested anally with a substance that would evaporate/disappear before a autopsy.
  10. If you re-read my post I never said that you did Jim.
  11. Not my diagram either.I like & agree with the bullet order hitting JFK & Conally.I would just switch the Umbrella Man shot with a shot from the south knoll.
  12. Jim, I'd like to hijack your thread for just a second & ask you (or anybody else) a question.Now,I have heard of this Air Force general Curtis LeMay being present at the autopsy.I have also heard that when Humes asked "who is in charge here?" that LeMay supposedly spoke up and "I am" my question is...does an Air Force general out rank a Navy Admiral on a naval base? I was under the impression that Admiral Burkley was in charge & calling the shots? Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
  13. So,Oswald got off of the bus because of the traffic & then got into a taxi.Wouldn't this taxi be subject to the same traffic conditions?
  14. My source was Jim Marrs at a conference.He got it from a guy who got the info from Minox itself. I'll be glad to look it up if you insist?
  15. It's damn confusing.You kind of gotta believe an honest policeman like Craig to make a positive identification.With this identification comes the belief that Oswald must have called to be picked up,or the Rambler was there as planned.
  16. Well,I don't believe that an assassin is going to stick around to admire his work.I have him as a lurker much like Jarman & Norman
  17. You betcha.I don't know how far down the floor is from the window sill,but the figure looks to be too tall.
  18. Oswalds Minox had a 5 digit serial number & all of the commercially available ones had 6 digit serial numbers.
  19. It might of also gained traction from the episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy.
  20. Yes,that's the picture that I remember seeing that I called blurry & grainy.I just do not recall the light bulb.
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