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Terry Adams

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Everything posted by Terry Adams

  1. Has anyone noticed this voice (Gerry Hemming) sounds incredibly like LBJ? Greg, I wish that we could have gotten more from Gerry Hemming, but your interview was a treat. Thanks for sharing!
  2. FWIW, I do not believe that the mafia managed the assassination. With that said, i would like to point out that, in my earlier post, I left out the word 'possibly" in reference to them being the shooters. Now, if the mafia had hit men in Dealey Plaza that day then one would have to say that, at least, they "managed' the actual killing of the president.
  3. Doug, I do believe that the Mafia was hired-used as shooters. The open warfare that Robert Kennedy was waging against organized crime would have made them eager to participate in a high level plot to get rid of the brothers. My guess is that they were promised to e left alone after the deed was done. People on the various forums, and myself, have long looked at the anti-Castro Cubans as the killers because of the President's backdoor communications with Castro for the purpose of normalizing relations between the two countries. The problem with this theory, I believe, is that these people would not have been privy to such negotiations. Robert Kennedy was actively working with them to remove Castro, so why would they have even been thinking they were being misled. To me, this leaves the Mafia as the hitmen.
  4. The reason for the topic name is I just could not imagine any 'normal' person who had the President of the United States in his mortuary and not taking pictures. Certainly sounds morbid, but not inconceivable by any means.
  5. Thomas Evan Robinson was the mortician. 1) Mr. Robinson said there was a "large gaping wound in the BACK OF THE HEAD." He told Joe West that “stretching a piece of rubber over it” had covered it. He also felt the skull was "full of Plaster of Paris." 2) He noted a "smaller wound in the right temple" (1/4" across) that was so near the hairline that it was covered from sight. He would plug this wound with wax. (Remember Malcolm Kilduff’s pointing to the temple?) 3) He said he patched two shrapnel wounds to JFK's face with wax.
  6. Larry, a really good word. Disgusting and appalling are two more! I don't even know what that was!
  7. I do believe President Kennedy was in the Guinness Book of Records, at one time, for being the fastest speed reader in the world!
  8. Boy, John, that is putting it out there in the way that i have been going back and forth for years. I finally wrote above that it happened as reported, but I have been leaning toward a razor cut the whole time, just didn't want to say it. I would not purposely discredit Mr.Tague for any reason, but this could certainly would change the whole landscape of things.
  9. As I said before, I have often wondered about the Tague shot for years, but when one puts the situation in the right perspective, by that I mean, in the moment, Mr Tague would not have had the thought "Well, I'll just make myself famous, I'll say I was hit at the same time the President of the United States was". It is my opinion that Mr Tague was hit by a piece of the curb or bullet during the shooting of the president.
  10. "Tague had been wounded by the time the third shot was fired. He reported feeling a slight sting which he initially ignored, being "consumed by what was transpiring in front of him" (Trask, 459). It later became the focus of attention when Tague mentioned it to Dallas police officer Buddy Walthers who then noticed blood on his cheek" Malcolm Ward. A police officer saw Tague and asked about his injury. “He turned and looked up at me and says you’ve got blood on your face. I reached up and sure enough there was blood. I remember I was stung,” Tague said. Do we know if Mr.Tague mentioned it first, or the police officer saw it first ,and pointed it out to him. One of those; when did he know it scenarios!........... This is certainly no reflection on what you wrote, Malcolm. It is just something that came to mind after I read your post. Was Tague hit by a bullet fragment (or concrete) during the assassination? I have wondered on the subject many times.
  11. Douglas, I watched all of these as they were released. There is a wealth of information here. I recommend everyone take the time to see the work that Len Osanic put into each of them, it is well worth the time!
  12. Congratulations Vince. You deserve the recognition for your tireless research and work. I cannot though, for the life of me, understand why anyone would say that Mr. Clint Hill did not do his job on November 22, 1963. Roy Kellerman, on the other hand, could probably have saved the president's life, but, he did nothing. Mr Hill said himself, on many occasions, that if he had moved just moments sooner, he could have made it to the president. He punished himself for many years on a daily basis and, i believe, still does today. Say what you will about the others, but Clint Hill was a hero that day. He was just a little too late.
  13. "Oswald" doesn't balance "JFK" You know Martin, this is usually the comment, or something similar, to explain how we conspiracy theorists see the assassination. How someone that was such a nothing could bring down someone so powerful. It is a shame that this is what is used instead of putting up real evidence that one has nothing to do with the other. I doubt that any of the shooters would have been considered a 'brunch buddy', but the people that were behind this horrible event probably shook his hand on many occasions.
  14. Vince, that certainly seems to be terribly short for an interview. Have you looked into whether the reporter may still have a much longer version stashed somewhere. I know that if I had Bill Greer in front of me, there would be many, many more questions. IMO, it just seems like excerpts rather than a complete story. Any chance of you contacting gentleman conducting the interview?
  15. I have always felt that the "magic bullet" was from the wound in JFK's back. We all know that particular wound was very shallow and did not hit any bone. Now, with the revelation that secret agent Sam Kinney found the bullet in the car and then placed it on a gurney. This certainly gives greater credence to my argument. It definitely would allow for the bullet's pristine condition. Thoughts?
  16. I don't know about the shirt David,that may be the lighting, but, if you try really hard, right through the blur, you can see Lee looking back at us...............
  17. "Historically this is important on a number of levels..and it is very important today in terms of understanding "what" we are as a civilization... What it says about the state of American democracy or western democracy in general is equally important. I have read a lot on this board, and as much of a curmudgeon as I can be, I have to say it seems to be a gathering of some of the most level headed people and theories around..There are handful of folks here who have done some bloody amazing research. There are nuts too. For me it's 90% solved and that's largely from what I've culled from here and read elsewhere, but it's this board that put a lot of the dots on the i's and crosses on t's so to speak...the 10% is the ephemera... So as much as I can be a curmudgeon or a smartass, I do very much appreciate the work and the time that goes in and the commitment people have... Just understand, I like to check in to make sure people aren't thinking there will ever be another official investigation...and that's ok.. This IS the investigation...and that is good enough". Blair, I am so glad to see someone write what you have today. There is too little recognition given to the people on this particular forum, and, without hesitation, I add it's founder, John Simkin! There is no other that comes close to the level of thorough research by the highly skilled intellectuals grouped here, especially the dotting of the i's and the crossing of the t's. So, my hat is off to my fellow members of the Education Forum. I might add that does include one Blair Dobson.
  18. Pat, is your presentation recorded and available anywhere that we could watch it?
  19. Did everyone hear Joan Mellen say that the "Mac Wallace" fingerprint absolutely was not his. She also indicated that it was a "you heard it here first" situation. Based on an 'unbelievably clear' picture from the FBI, an indisputable expert found that the fingerprint in question belonged to someone else!
  20. "Context is key Terry".. Blair, I meant to put 'LOL' at the end of the dots. I hope that you know it was just in jest!
  21. One of the comments on the articles that Doug supplied was that he hoped the seller of the film was ready to go to jail for obstruction of justice. That would be the case, would it not?
  22. " IT WASN'T A LONE ASSASSIN. IT WAS A PLOT. WE KNEW FOR SURE THAT IT WAS A PLOT. BUT WE DIDN'T FIND WHO WAS BEHIND IT" This was not an opinion of President Ford. He said this as a 'fact' to the French President!
  23. -" Please provide evidence that this bullet couldn't have come from inside Cary Grants toupee, a can of soup or hand delivered by bigfoot": Blair Dobson. Blair, thanks for posting about Bigfoot's possible involvement in the assassination. I, therefore, retract my statement that the killing of President Kennedy will never be looked at again...................
  24. Doug, Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I heard a police officer say the back of the president's head was gone.
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