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Terry Adams

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Everything posted by Terry Adams

  1. "As your co-conspirator Gary Mack pointed out to me on the Paul Bentley thread, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Raymond, that reminds me of another great American's statement: :"That depends on what your definition of 'is' is"! Bill Clinton...........lol
  2. Hello Mr. Adams I have heard before, as you stated, that Oswald said he went outside to see what the excitement was all about following the shots, but I have never been able to find the source of this. Do you know when and to whom he was supposed to have said this? More specifically, did Oswald actually refer to the excitement as being the commotion following the assassination? He may have been referring to the crowd outside the TSBD seeing JFK coming down Houston St. and the resulting elevation in excitement. What a pity Oswald never lived to stand trial. Hello Robert, here is what I found on that; WC testimony of postal inspector Harry D. Holmes on the score of what Oswald said in custody on the Sunday morning: Mr. BELIN. By the way, where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting? Mr. HOLMES. He said it was in the vestibule. Mr. BELIN. He said he was in the vestibule? Mr. HOLMES. Or approaching the door to the vestibule. He was just coming, apparently, and I have never been in there myself. Apparently there is two sets of doors, and he had come out to this front part. Mr. BELIN. Did he state it was on what floor? Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor. ... Mr. HOLMES. There was a commotion outside, which he later rushed downstairs to go out to see what was going on. He didn't say whether he took the stairs down. He didn't say whether he took the elevator down. But he went downstairs, and as he went out the front, it seems as though he did have a coke with him, or he stopped at the coke machine, or somebody else was trying to get a coke, but there was a coke involved. He mentioned something about a coke. But a police officer asked him who he was, and just as he started to identify himself, his superintendent came up and said, "He is one of our men." And the policeman said, "Well, you step aside for a little bit." Then another man rushed in past him as he started out the door, in this vestibule part of it, and flashed some kind of credential and he said, "Where is your telephone, where is your telephone, and said I am so and so, where is your telephone." And he said, "I didn't look at the credential. I don't know who he said he was, and I just pointed to the phone and said, 'there it is,' and went on out the door."
  3. I think that this does put Oswald outside as the "prayer man". He said that he went outside to see what all the excitement was (not to watch the parade). This would mean, in my opinion, that he just stepped outside to see why there was so much moving about, running, etc., then back in the building and on to the 2nd floor lunchroom to get a coke. and, it my remembrance as well that Officer Baker wrote that LHO had a coke in his hand and that part was later marked out.
  4. Bill, my two cents is not even worth half that amount, but if I were to wager it, I would lean heavily to that being LHO.
  5. Mr. Caddy, For you to say that E. Howard Hunt was a watcher,(and Sturgis, as a shooter, for that matter). I am wondering if you might have gotten some insight on this during your tenure as Watergate attorney. It just seemed to jump out at me, that you are naming names like that. I have found in reading your posts, that you seem to pick your words carefully (to me, at least) and this struck me as a very bold statement on your part and I was hoping that you might elaborate on your thoughts.
  6. I have mentioned this before. Not one of the Police Officers indicated that they smelled either the barrel of the Carcano or the cartridges. I found a statement by Lt Day where he said that there was no way to tell if a gun had been fired yesterday, last week or last month (paraphrasing) if gunpowder was smelled in the plaza, would not the gun on the 6th floor reek of the same type smell if it were shot less than an hour before. I could never accept that the gun powder smell that Senator Yarlborough and others smelled came from above and behind them. I have always felt that the silence about whether the gun the police, etal claimed was the assassin's was proof positive it had not been fired that day.
  7. "Deane says he was 'aware' of it" Douglas, I will not use HaHaHa, as Jim did. No, on second thought I will, HaHAHA!! For someone to say that JFK knew about it, and we are to accept that as fact, especially something as disgusting as this, is just off the wall!
  8. "I think there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK and that there is a conspiracy to cover that up" John Dolva. "To tell the truth, discussions about this stuff no longer interest me very much. It's been beaten to death" Michael Hogan Gentlemen, I could not have said it better, thank you!.
  9. Terri, Is there any way, without putting yourself in physical danger, that you can find hard evidence about this person and his involvement in the assassination. I know that some, myself included, felt that Gerry Hemming had a part in it, but he never indicated that he was. You are the first that has come on the forum and said that you "know" who the shooter was. I am asking, while making every effort not to be pointedly ignorant, can you find anything to help in bringing the killer(s) to justice, albeit posthumously?
  10. Thanks Ron, I do agree with you that I got the name right. I actually went back to make sure before i posted. And, since you have been called that, then I consider myself in very good company.
  11. David, thanks for coming to my defense. I have never been called pointedly ignorant before. I apologize if I got the name wrong. I am referencing her uncle that has since passed away that she said was a shooter in the killing of our president.
  12. Terri, Does Albert Lee Lewis have family still living. And, do you think any of them would have information (documentation) about his shooting the president. Surely as these people have aged they may want to get this to the people. I think that most people on the forum want to hear what you and others have to say.
  13. While riding in the eighth car in the motorcade, and with an empty camera because he was waiting to hand his film off to a fellow employee, he looked up from his position on Houston Street, and saw a rifle being pulled back into the sniper's nest window. He said that he heard a shot and then two more in much closer secession. As we all know, Mr Jackson is famous for the picture of Ruby shooting Oswald. forgive me if I am posting old news, but I was of the impression that only Amos Euins had testified to seeing a "pipe" being pulled from the window!
  14. Karl, we must not forget the biggest trophy of all, the new president's limo!
  15. AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime By RANDY HERSCHAFT and VANESSA GERA | Associated Press – 14 hrs ago 25 Email Print Enlarge Gallery In this Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 photo, Franciszek Herzog looks at photographs of his father at his home in Hebron, Conn. Documents released Monday, Sept. 10, 2012, and seen in advance by The Associated Press … RELATED CONTENT Enlarge Photo A memorial to the victims of Katyn, … Enlarge Photo FILE - In this Feb. 6, 1952 file … WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The American POWs sent secret coded messages to Washington with news of a Soviet atrocity: In 1943 they saw rows of corpses in an advanced state of decay in the Katyn forest, on the western edge of Russia, proof that the killers could not have been the Nazis who had only recently occupied the area. The testimony about the infamous massacre of Polish officers might have lessened the tragic fate that befell Poland under the Soviets, some scholars believe. Instead, it mysteriously vanished into the heart of American power. The long-held suspicion is that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't want to anger Josef Stalin, an ally whom the Americans were counting on to defeatGermany and Japan during World War II. Documents released Monday and seen in advance by The Associated Press lend weight to the belief that suppression within the highest levels of the U.S. government helped cover up Soviet guilt in the killing of some 22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn forest and other locations in 1940. The evidence is among about 1,000 pages of newly declassified documents that the United States National Archives released and is putting online. Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur, who helped lead a recent push for the release of the documents, called the effort's success Monday a "momentous occasion" in an attempt to "make history whole." Historians who saw the material days before the official release describe it as important and shared some highlights with the AP. The most dramatic revelation so far is the evidence of the secret codes sent by the two American POWs — something historians were unaware of and which adds to evidence that the Roosevelt administration knew of the Soviet atrocity relatively early on. The declassified documents also show the United States maintaining that it couldn't conclusively determine guilt until a Russian admission in 1990 — a statement that looks improbable given the huge body of evidence of Soviet guilt that had already emerged decades earlier. Historians say the new material helps to flesh out the story of what the U.S. knew and when. The Soviet secret police killed the 22,000 Poles with shots to the back of the head. Their aim was to eliminate a military and intellectual elite that would have put up stiff resistance to Soviet control. The men were among Poland's most accomplished — officers and reserve officers who in their civilian lives worked as doctors, lawyers, teachers, or as other professionals. Their loss has proven an enduring wound to the Polish nation. In the early years after the war, outrage by some American officials over the concealment inspired the creation of a special U.S. Congressional committee to investigate Katyn. In a final report released in 1952, the committee declared there was no doubt of Soviet guilt, and called the massacre "one of the most barbarous international crimes in world history." It found that Roosevelt's administration suppressed public knowledge of the crime, but said it was out of military necessity. It also recommended the government bring charges against the Soviets at an international tribunal — something never acted upon. Despite the committee's strong conclusions, the White House maintained its silence on Katyn for decades, showing an unwillingness to focus on an issue that would have added to political tensions with the Soviets during the Cold War. ___ It was May 1943 in the Katyn forest, a part of Russia the Germans had seized from the Soviets in 1941. A group of American and British POWs were taken against their will by their German captors to witness a horrifying scene at a clearing surrounded by pine trees: mass graves tightly packed with thousands of partly mummified corpses in well-tailored Polish officers uniforms. The Americans — Capt. Donald B. Stewart and Lt. Col. John H. Van Vliet Jr. — hated the Nazis and didn't want to believe the Germans. They had seen German cruelty up close, and the Soviets, after all, were their ally. The Germans were hoping to use the POWs for propaganda, and to drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and its Western Allies. But returning to their POW camps, the Americans carried a conviction that they had just witnessed overwhelming proof of Soviet guilt. The corpses' advanced state of decay told them the killings took place much earlier in the war, when the Soviets still controlled the area. They also saw Polish letters, diaries, identification tags, news clippings and other objects — none dated later than spring of 1940 — pulled from the graves. The evidence that did the most to convince them was the good state of the men's boots and clothing: That told them the men had not lived long after being captured. Stewart testified before the 1951 Congressional committee about what he saw, and Van Vliet wrote reports on Katyn in 1945 and 1950, the first of which mysteriously disappeared. But the newly declassified documents show that both sent secret encoded messages while still in captivity to army intelligence with their opinion of Soviet culpability. It's an important revelation because it shows the Roosevelt administration was getting information early on from credible U.S. sources of Soviet guilt — yet still ignored it for the sake of the alliance with Stalin. One shows head of Army intelligence, Gen. Clayton Bissell, confirming that some months after the 1943 visit to Katyn by the U.S. officers, a coded request by MIS-X, a unit of military intelligence, was sent to Van Vliet requesting him "to state his opinion of Katyn." Bissell's note said that "it is also understood Col. Van Vliet & Capt. Stewart replied." MIS-X was devoted to helping POWs held behind German lines escape; it also used the prisoners to gather intelligence. A statement from Stewart dated 1950 confirms he received and sent coded messages to Washington during the war, including one on Katyn: "Content of my report was aprx (approximately): German claims regarding Katyn substantially correct in opinion of Van Vliet and myself." The newly uncovered documents also show Stewart was ordered in 1950 — soon before the Congressional committee began its work — never to speak about a secret message on Katyn. Krystyna Piorkowska, author of the recently published book "English-Speaking Witnesses to Katyn: Recent Research," discovered the documents related to the coded messages more than a week ago. She was one of several researchers who saw the material ahead of the public release. She had already determined in her research that Van Vliet and Stewart were "code users" who had gotten messages out about other matters. But this is the first discovery of them communicating aboutKatyn, she said. Another Katyn expert aware of the documents, Allen Paul, author of "Katyn: Stalin's Massacre and the Triumph of Truth," told the AP the find is "potentially explosive." He said the material does not appear in the record of the Congressional hearings in 1951-52, and appears to have also been suppressed. He argues that the U.S. cover-up delayed a full understanding in the United States of the true nature of Stalinism — an understanding that came only later, after the Soviets exploded an atomic bomb in 1949 and after Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe were already behind the Iron Curtain. "The Poles had known long before the war ended what Stalin's true intentions were," Paul said. "The West's refusal to hear them out on the Katyn issue was a crushing blow that made their fate worse." The historical record carries other evidence Roosevelt knew in 1943 of Soviet guilt. One of the most important messages that landed on FDR's desk was an extensive and detailed report British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent him. Written by the British ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile in London, Owen O'Malley, it pointed to Soviet guilt at Katyn. "There is now available a good deal of negative evidence," O'Malley wrote, "the cumulative effect of which is to throw serious doubt on Russian disclaimers of responsibility for the massacre." ___ It wasn't until the waning days of Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe that reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev publicly admitted to Soviet guilt at Katyn, a key step in Polish-Russian reconciliation. The silence by the U.S. government has been a source of deep frustration for many Polish-Americans. One is Franciszek Herzog, 81, a Connecticut man whose father and uncle died in the massacre. After Gorbachev's 1990 admission, he was hoping for more openness from the U.S. as well and made three attempts to obtain an apology from President George H.W. Bush. "It will not resurrect the men," he wrote to Bush. "But will give moral satisfaction to the widows and orphans of the victims." A reply he got in 1992, from the State Department, did not satisfy him. His correspondence with the government is also among the newly released documents and was obtained early by the AP from the George Bush Presidential Library. The letter, dated Aug. 12, 1992, and signed by Thomas Gerth, then deputy director of the Office of Eastern European Affairs, shows the government stating that it lacked irrefutable evidence until Gorbachev's admission: "The U.S. government never accepted the Soviet Government's claim that it was not responsible for the massacre. However, at the time of the Congressional hearings in 1951-1952, the U.S. did not possess the facts that could clearly refute the Soviets' allegations that these crimes were committed by the Third Reich. These facts, as you know, were not revealed until 1990, when the Russians officially apologized to Poland." Herzog expressed frustration at that reply. "There's a big difference between not knowing and not wanting to know," Herzog said. "I believe the U.S. government didn't want to know because it was inconvenient to them." ___ National Archives page on Katyn: http://www.archives.gov/research/foreign-policy/katyn-massacre/ ___ Randy Herschaft reported from New York. AP reporter Monika Scislowska contributed from Warsaw. ___ Vanessa Gera can be reached at http//www.twitter.com/VanessaGera and Randy Herschaft at http://www.twitter.com/HerschaftAP
  16. No one tried any harder than Jack White to find the truth about the assassination of our 35th president. Rest in peace, Mr. White!
  17. "Rankin hired a stand in to pose as the stenographer". Jim/Glenn, from an unashamedly self admitted amateur, would you tell me where this info came from? To think that they would do this to a U.S. Senator of Russell's stature is extremely sad. So, understanding that I am nit picking here, It's just that I would like to read further about this action. It seems that I do remember a promise of a statement required by Russel that there should be some parts of the findings (primarily, the single bullet theory), which was never done.
  18. I wonder; do we have another person on the Warren Commission that did not believe in it's official findings that has been overlooked? Senator Specter was left dumfounded when, after a lengthy description of the single bullet theory, Chief Justice Warren just turned and walked away without uttering a word. What do you think?
  19. Surely you are not stopping here, if, as you say, you have pictures showing three groups of shooters in police uniforms and the autopsy pictures, so please, show us more.
  20. "Dorothy's last public reference to the JFK assassination appeared on Sept. 3, 1965 when she challenged the authenticity of the famous Life magazine cover of Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly holding a rifle. She also chastised Marina Oswald for vouching for it. The incriminating photo has since been discredited by analysts who say Oswald's head was pasted on someone else's body". By Sara Jordan, Midwest Today Magazine, October 21, 2007
  21. Also, something I have mentioned before. That barrel of the rifle on the sixth floor would have smelled of gunpowder. Anyone that has shot a deer rifle knows that you can smell the powder hours later. Oswald's gun was found less tha one hour after the assassination. I believe that at least one of the guys that handled the gun would have stuck their nose to the end of the barrel. i would have!
  22. The Not So Altruistic Truth Behind Obama's Global Food Security Act 'Subtlety May Deceive You; Integrity Never Will.' - Oliver Cromwell Yahoo! Contributor Network By Patricia Campion | Yahoo! Contributor Network – 6 hrs ago tweet2 Email Print COMMENTARY | There is something nefarious afoot. While half of the American population depends on entitlement programs, Obama has made efforts to "spread the wealth." America is running out of food to feed other people "around" the world. In May, Hillary Clinton promised the United Nations that America would "address the underlying causes of hunger, by investing in everything from research to better seeds." Surely this has no connection to Obama's efforts to deregulate a new variety of genetically modified yet untested corn created by Monsanto. But I am getting ahead of myself. As president in 2009, Barack Obama revealed his $3.5 billion global welfare program. Soon after, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the Lugar (R-Ind.)-Casey (D-Penn.) Global Food Security Act (S. 384), which mandates federal funding for genetic food engineering research. For some reason, idiocy seems more acceptable if it's a bipartisan effort. Obama then appointed former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack as the new secretary of Agriculture. Vilsack regulates the nation's food supply and the food stamp program. Under Vilsack's competent leadership, 44.5 million Americans are now being fed at taxpayer expense, according to ABC News. But I digress. In 2010, a federal judge admonished the USDA for approving genetically modified seeds without first conducting the required environmental impact study. This is where Obama's efforts to deregulate use of Monsanto's genetically bastardized corn are accomplished. So who is the head of the USDA? Tom Vilsack! As head of the USDA, he gave companies like Amgen, Strategic Diagnostics, Monsanto and other members of the Biotechnology Industry Organization the authority to conduct those environmental impact studies themselves in order to approve their own products. But the secretary's love affair with Monsanto didn't start there. In 2001, while he was governor of Iowa - successfully creating the land of ethanol subsidies - Vilsack was named Governor of the Year by Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) for his creation of the Governors' Biotechnology Partnership. This brilliant enterprise was a coalition of governors who served as a clearinghouse for BIOs biotechnology propaganda. Monsanto, a member of BIO, was so thrilled with Vilsack's performance in cloaking its money-making scheme under the auspices of humanitarianism that it gave Vilsack regular use of the corporate private jet. Big-time Obama supporter and financial contributor Bill Gates participated in the president's genetically modified food plan. Gates donated $20 million toward the development of "Golden Rice," an untested genetically engineered crop that critics say will bring ecological and economic disaster to Asian farmers, reports Daily Motion. Golden Rice is a "Trojan horse," said Sarojeni V. Rengam, executive director of Pesticide Action Network Asia, FoodGroup.org reported. It amounts to nothing more than "a public relations stunt" designed "to make money," Rengam said. Then there is the suspicious partnering of these genetically modified (GM) crops with the herbicide commonly known as RoundUp. Curiously, these crops have been genetically engineered to be resistant to the killing effects of RoundUp, which makes Monsanto's herbicide the perfect product for weed control. On Jan. 17, Dr. Don M. Huber, professor emeritus from Purdue University, sent a letter to Secretary Vilsack. Huber warned of a previously unknown pathogen discovered in RoundUp that "should be treated as an emergency," which poses a serious threat to plants, animals and human health. Roundup is a product of Monsanto, reported Food-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. RoundUp also appears to infect plants with an AIDS-like syndrome that destroys their immunity, blocks their absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and eventually kills them, according to Natural News. Additionally, RoundUp causes birth defects through the destruction of human cells. Vilsack ignored Huber. There is also Obama's appointment of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court. As solicitor general, Kagan defended Monsanto's "right" to contaminate the environment with GM alfalfa in the case of Monsanto v. Geertson Seed. Monsanto cash played a big role in Kagan's nomination and placement to the Supreme Court, according to The People's Voice. Obama Food Safety Czar Michael Taylor was an attorney at King & Spalding, a private-sector law firm representing Monsanto. Monsanto lobbyist Islam Siddiqui is Obama's U.S. Ag Trade representative. As if inspired by the prediction of fruit-cake Professor Igor Panarin of "revolution, food riots and tax rebellions by 2012," Obama ordered the U.S. military in January to prepare for food riots in the spring, reports EU Times. Even though none have been reported, Clinton insisted that, "Anger and frustration over food prices" have "sparked riots in dozens of countries." Behold how the next "crisis," which will surely not "go to waste," was set into motion: * 2009 - Barack Obama reveals his $3.5 billion global welfare program. * Obama names Monsanto advocate Tom Vilsack as U.S. secretary of Agriculture. * Bill Gates pumps $20 million into Golden Rice and puts Gerald Barry in charge of the project. Lobby Watch notes Barry was the former director of research for Monsanto. * The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation purchases 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock. * Elena Kagan, another Monsanto loyalist, is appointed a Supreme Court judge. Where is the Monsanto connection to Hillary Clinton? Mark Penn. He was Hillary's campaign strategist and long-time adviser. Penn is CEO of Burson-Marsteller, the PR firm to Monsanto. Want more Obama Monsanto connections? * The Wall Street Journal reported that George Soros, Obama's uber-financial supporter, just happened to purchase 897,813 shares of Monsanto in 2010, an investment which is already valued at $312.6 million. * Two of Obama's five advisers - Gilbert Omenn, a director of the biotech firm Amgen, and Sharon Long, who until a year ago was on the board of directors at Monsanto. * Amgen is a "top-tier customer" of Strategic Diagnostics, Inc., which partnered with Monsanto to introduce the new Soya Test Kit used to detect the presence of Monsanto's Roundup in soya food ingredients , according to Business Wire. * According to CNN, Amgen is one of Obama's "top 10" stock investments. This formerly vague alliance is coming into focus. It defines the old saying "follow the money." Barack Obama, his cronies and this tangled web of friends in the Biotechnology Industry Organization would love for you to believe that the Global Food Security Act is a humanitarian effort to feed the world's poor people. However, the deeper we look into the shadows the more we see that it's nothing more than a reward program hosted by the Obama administration to place properly loyal people into positions of power so a select group of friends can become very rich -- at the risk of human lives all around the world. Sources: "Remarks at Food Security Event", U.S. Department of State Ashley Fent, Phil Bereano, and Katie Talbot, "Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act, Genetic Engineering and the Gates Foundation", Food Freedom Huma Khan, "Congress Mulls Cuts to Food Stamps Program Amid Record Number of Recipients", ABC News Kathy Gill, "Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack", About.com Federal Register /Vol. 76, No. 67 /Thursday, April 7, 2011 /Notices Press Release, "Monsanto Provides Information on Company's Field Trial Compliance Program For Biotechnology-Derived Crops", Monsanto Howard Berkes, "Farm Groups Praise Choice of Centrist Vilsack", NPR "Six Reasons Why Obama Appointing Monsanto's Buddy, Former Iowa Governor Vilsack, for USDA Head Would be a Terrible Idea", Organic Consumers Association "Bill Gates Backs Genetically Modified FoodResearch", FORAtv Judith McGeary, Esq., "Genetically Modified Crops in the Food Supply: The Threat to Your Health", Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund Ethan A. Huff, "Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDS-like disease", Natural News Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Brett Cherry, "Death by Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup", Institute of Science in Society Asher Miller, "Monsanto Planting Seeds In the White House?" Post Carbon Institute Randy Ananda, "Pro-GMO chemical polluter becomes Obama's ag trade negotiator", The People's Voice "Monsanto Company, ET AL., Petitioners v. Geerston Seed Farms, ET AL.", American Bar Association Jonathan Benson, "Monsanto rated among worst corporate lobbyists", Natural News Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots", The European Union Times Profiles, "Gerald Barry", LobbyWatch.org Brett Philbin, "George Soros: What's His Fund Been Buying?", The Wall Street Journal "GM Watch: Former Monsanto Director Advising Obama", Organic Consumers Association Prospectus for Strategic Diagnostics, Inc. "Strategic Diagnostics Partners with Monsanto", All Business "Obama's top 10 stocks", CNN Money
  23. I am not sure that he was a shooter, but I do think that it was a possibility. I am convinced however, that he had advance knowledge of the assassination, and possibly involved with planning the logistics of the shooting.
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