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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Apparently Mr. DiEugenio doesn’t realize the insurrection is on-going. Figures. A few years back he didn’t know what a “news cycle” is. By Mr. DiEugenio’s decree, we cannot question the motives of politicians? Factually incorrect. I pointed out that the goal of Trump-Johnson-Carlson was to return Trump to power and fire all the career civil servants. They’ll cite Allen Dulles as a rationale for turning the CIA into Trump’s personal intel service. I wish Mr. DiEugenio had a better grasp of the political moment. Projection. Criticism of MAGA politicians — it’s over Mr. DiEugenio’s head? Hilarious coming from a guy who wrote 6 hours of JFKA documentary without mentioning the Actual Physical Evidence once. What does CE399 have to do with the murder of JFK? Nothing. So why does Mr. DiEugenio fixate on it? JFK suffered two wounds of entrance in soft tissue, no exits, no bullets recovered. How is it the biggest blow hard know-it-alls haven’t figured out 6.5mm FMJ rounds don’t leave such wounds?
  2. Who is going to stop him? It’s run, I dare say, by people who will refuse to sign loyalty oaths to Trump personally. Trump hates RINOs more than anyone. I didn’t think he ‘d win in ‘16 — how’d that work out? RFKjr is polling high with black males — a potential disaster for Dems. The assassination of JFK was a lurch toward fascism. Maybe RFkjr will help finish the job.
  3. It will be helpful when Dictator Don fires every career CIA official and replaces them with Trump sycophants. The insurrection is ongoing. Ron Johnson is on board with treason.
  4. Over at the EF-JFKA mirror thread Ben Cole wrote: Look: if Adam Schiff or MTG, or Trump or Biden, or other high public office holders say they read two high-quality books on the JFKA, and they think there is merit in those books, than that is news for the EF-JFKA. These statements are as rare as hen's teeth. </q> Since when do we stop questioning the motives of top politicians?
  5. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. For many “The Enemy” is the long dead perpetrators of the JFKA. Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson has announced himself an adversary of the perpetrators of the JFKA, specifically naming Allen Dulles. Many here regard Ron Johnson as a new found friend. Johnson is a member of the MAGA cult, which seeks to return Donald Trump to power with as many government positions as possible filled with Trump sycophants. They plan on cleaning out the intelligence agencies using the JFKA as a rationale. The perpetrators of the JFKA are long gone, but Dictator Don is hard at work.
  6. As long we get to keep this full thread in Political Discussions, I think you made an excellent decision, Sandy.
  7. Two soft tissue entrance wounds, no exits, no bullets. The Magic Button was pushed on Kennedy.
  8. FBN-affiliated assassins armed with high tech weapons, from which the CIA sought distance.
  9. That’s it! MKNAOMI. Blood soluble rounds. ”Not a TSD problem.” What could that have meant?
  10. Absolutely. Cory should start a new thread and I’ll ridicule the fish taking the bait on the moved thread. I won’t post at all on the new thread. Win-win!
  11. That’s a hot topic. Could you post the snippet?
  12. I did not know that! Sounds like MKNAOMI. I wonder how that tied to the FBN. Does this appear in Strength of the Wolf?
  13. https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/MKULTRA/19790410-IviewCharlesSiragusa.pdf <quote on> Siragusa knew George White well. Had visited the West Coast pad once or twice but remembered little of it. He stated that he had the reputation of a "straight guy" in the office; hence George and others would not have taken him into their confidence if any illicit activities had been going on. </q> So Siragusa had a “straight guy” rep at the FBN. As opposed to all the “crooked guys”? How much illicit activity did Siragusa turn a blind eye to? Siragusa resigned from the FBN in November ‘63. I’d speculate he may have helped recruit the JFKA shooter team without knowing the target.
  14. I don’t have a problem with the removal of my posts from the Ron Johnson thread. If y’all can’t see the ulterior motive of a traitor suddenly embracing Talbot and Douglass, so be it.
  15. Since I pushed the political angle, go ahead and remove my posts and restore the thread to the JFKA section. I just call ‘em like I see ‘em. Ron Johnson and Tucker Carlson are playing y’all for chumps.
  16. No, the high tech weapons came from the CIA. I think Harvey was referring to the efficacy of the assassins associated with the FBN.
  17. According to a recent poll RFKjr takes black votes from Biden. That’s why Fox quit attacking him.
  18. False equivalence. Trump has ordered his allies to block a bill that would provide Israel with 14 billion dollars, 62 billion for Ukraine, and significant tightening of asylum procedures. Ben, you claim to care about all three. Where’s your denunciation of Dear Leader?
  19. How Kash Patel rose from obscure Hill staffer to key operative in Trump’s battle with the intelligence community https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/16/kash-patel-trump-intelligence-community/
  20. Ron Johnson is a MAGA traitor who supports the on-going 2021 coup, and is more than happy to recruit useful idiots wherever he can find them.
  21. No, it was one MAGA Senator ultimately advocating a takeover of CIA by Trump toadies. Sop for the gullible. Under Trump Jim DiEugenio might get a regular gig on Fox. I seriously doubt Jim knows who the Gallagher Brothers are.
  22. Conservatives aim to restructure U.S. government and replace it with Trump’s vision https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision WASHINGTON (AP) — With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second White House term for Donald Trump, recruiting thousands of Americans to come to Washington on a mission to dismantle the federal government and replace it with a vision closer to his own. Led by the long-established Heritage Foundation think tank and fueled by former Trump administration officials, the far-reaching effort is essentially a government-in-waiting for the former president’s second term — or any candidate who aligns with their ideals and can defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers. </q> Trump demands loyalty oaths. Career civil servants will refuse and be replaced by sycophants. The intel agencies, the military, and the DOJ will follow Trump’s orders to the letter. Ron Johnson and Tucker Carlson use the JFKA to rally public support for a dictatorial overthrow of American institutions.
  23. You support blackface and the mass slaughter of Palestinians. Congratulations.
  24. And it’s been pointed out that this one person in high office has an agenda unrelated to finding the truth about the JFKA. How did Tucker Carlson work out? Hasn’t said a word about the JFKA since Fox fired him, has he? To lay the groundwork for a wholesale revamping of the government to fit Trump’s fascist designs. To draw attention to the fact Trump has declared his intention to install a dictatorship on Day One, and a couple of his sycophants are using the JFKA to further that agenda. Cory hasn’t complained.
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