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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    Don’t worry about me, Cliff. I’m fine.

    You're also full of contentless denial.

    3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    It’s yourself you need to worry about, since you seem to be bamboozling yourself with your convoluted attempt to justify the Dems v Reps false dichotomy.

    You posted your conclusion without a single attempt to rebut the facts I've posted.

  2. 1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

    plutocratic ideology.

    Don't feel bad if you don't understand the factional nature of American party politics -- lots of Americans don't either.

    Each major party has its corporate and base wings.  To differentiate between the corporate wings of the D's and R's is a false dichotomy.  Both share the same plutocratic ideology.

    But to equate the bases of each party is a false equivalence.  The base of the Democratic Party is blacks and Bernie whites; the base of the Republican party is white evangelical Christians.  

    In order to extract votes and donations from their bases the D's and R's must deliver to a degree on base policy concerns.  The Dem base is reliably anti-poverty and anti-war.  I call the Democratic Party the Quarter Loafers.  They'll reliably deliver a quarter of what's needed to fight poverty, ensure public health, mitigate against climate change, ensure voting rights and other guaranteed freedoms.

    The Republican base is mostly motivated by hatred of the Democratic base.  They don't care if Trump is the most un-Christian person in the world -- they don't care about adjudicated rape, selling nuclear secrets, election denying, business fraud, pathological lying -- as long as he rips on the libs.

  3. 9 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    As of Friday this week the Republicans will have in line: Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Robert Kennedy jr. You can't kill them all.

    All three are committing political suicide.  

    9 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    The Harris-Waltz Clown-campain has a problem. 

    Deciding where to spend the half-billion dollars in small money donations they've collected in a month?

  4. 3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    I'm not interested in the publicity stunts or pronouncements of celebrities, including multimillionaire professional sports people, anywhere on the planet. I'm not interested in identity politics.

    Martin Luther King concluded towards the end of his life that poverty was a more serious issue than racism, and I agree. The Democratic Party doesn't agree.

    The Democratic Party passed the Child Tax Credit which cut child poverty in half.  The Republicans blocked its renewal.

    Democrats expand Medicaid programs delivering health care to the poor.  Republicans block the expansion of Medicaid.

    In Minnesota Walz signed a bill giving all students regardless of family income free breakfasts and lunches at school.

    Democrats vote to expand the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) to provide food security for 41 million poor people a year.  Trump promises to end SNAP.

    Just to name a few Democratic anti-poverty policies.

    3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    It uses issues such as race and gender - as personified by Kamala Harris - to mask its plutocratic ideology.

    So due to Kamala's race and gender she's not abundantly qualified, especially compared to Trump?

    3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    MLK also said the US was the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, and I agree.

    Putin and Netanyahu are the greatest purveyors of violence on the planet.  I oppose both.

    3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


    Kamala Harris is part of the Biden administration which is prosecuting two bloody proxy wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and as explained in the article Paul posted, If Harris is elected she may be even worse than Biden. 

    Not on the subject of Gaza.  Netanyahu complained about her after they met in DC.

    3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    Neither you nor any other Democratic supporter here responded to my question as to whether you agree with this US barbaric foreign policy.

    I'm opposed to US foreign policy regarding the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.  I support cutting off military aid to Israel.  Kamala's chilly meeting with war criminal Bibi gives me a glimmer of hope.

    I support military aid to Ukraine.  Putin's invasion was a historic blunder.


  5. 4 hours ago, John Cotter said:

    I understand perfectly well what the effect of the irrelevant claptrap of a basketball coach at a political conference is intended to have on the gullible masses.

    You clearly don't understand the "night-night" reference,  

  6. 7 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

    Where did the throat shot originate?

    Black Dog Man, I speculate. 

    Rosemary Willis described BDM as a "conspicuous" person who happened to "disappear the next instant."  At Z214 Willis did a fast head snap toward the BDM position behind the short concrete wall in front of the picket fence. 

    The HSCA analyzed the two photos in which BDM appeared --Betzner 3 and Willis 5.  They detected "a very distinct straight line feature...in the region of his hands."

  7. On 8/14/2024 at 10:38 PM, Nick Bartetzko said:

    In response to CV comments...

    Agreed. The head was turned to the right for a likely entry would around Z186-190 and then struck again at Z224. Possibly the shock of being hit twice within 2 seconds caused him to freeze in position. 

    I think JFK was certainly struck in the throat from the front circa Z190, but SSA Glen Bennett's abundantly corroborated contemporaneous written report puts the back shot immediately before the head shot(s).

  8. Jim Di : Putin annexed Crimea?   And he's helping those in Donbass.  OMG.  This is why I have CV on ignore. </q>
    Jim has me on ignore because he's a critic who cannot abide criticism.  What historian disputes the fact that Russia annexed Crimea and enclaves in Donbas?
    He's like the NY Times on this. The people who took control of Ukraine in 2014 are the followers of the neo Nazi Bandera.</q>
    In the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary elections the ultra-national Banderite political party -- Svoboda -- received 2.16% of the vote with no seats.
    <q>They murdered scores, if not hundreds of people, in their illegal overthrow.  Their paramilitary bands literally set buildings on fire with innocent civilians inside.  Sometimes they wore helmets with the swastika inscribed on  them.  In the State Department's anti Putin mania, we backed these nutcases.  Many people on the scene, like in Crimea, understood who they were and did not want to be part of a mini Fourth Reich led by idolators of the anti-Semitic  Bandera.  </q>
    Ukraine's revolution and the far right
  9. 34 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Castro was very happy with the message he got from Kennedy through Daniel.

    He was actually kind of stunned and said that Kennedy would now go down in history as the greatest president since Lincoln.

    When he got the news of the shooting he was beside himself with grief.  He said three times, this is bad news, this is bad news, this is bad news.

    He was right since that was the end of detente.  And except for one short respite with Obama, no one has picked up the baton since.

    Biden eases Cuba sanctions



  10. From Ken Rahn's Website, re: The Autopsy & The Bullet's Path Through The Back & Neck:
    Back/neck wound (page 3)
    "Situated on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula there is a 7 x 4 millimeter oval wound. This wound is measured to be 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process."
    FIVE violations of autopsy protocol.  Those measurements were recorded in pen on the autopsy face sheet (1), autopsy protocol requires all measurements recorded in pencil and signed off as verified.  The scapula, the acromion process, and the mastoid process are all movable landmarks (2,3,4), violations of autopsy protocol.  The mastoid process is a cranial landmark-- NOT a proper landmark for locating a thoracic wound according to autopsy protocol (5).
    This scenario requires a movement of JFK's clothing contrary to the nature of reality.
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