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J. William King

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Everything posted by J. William King

  1. I've been told that Zapruder's interview on WFAA happened at 2:30pm central time. In the interview, which I have just watched from KERA's "Breaking the News", Zapruder tells his story, and the last part is as follows: INTERVIEWER: I understand that you have film (of the shooting) in your camera, and you have brought your camera with you here? ZAPRUDER: Yes, that's correct. I brought it to the studio. (points with his finger to the left of the camera) INTERVIEWER: Well, we'll certainly get that film processed as fast as possible. When did officials get ahold of the film? According to Zapruder himself, it must have been after the WFAA interview. JWK
  2. Peter, I can now see why you get so caught up in the erred alteration claims. To start with - the interview of Zapruder was done the afternoon of the assassination. This means that unless Zapruder must have gotten a hair cut immediately following the shooting ... which hardly seems reasonable. You may also note that Zapruder's head was shaved from about midear forward. The other man's hair extends forward of the ear by several inches, thus neither man resembles the other with the exception that they both wore bow ties. If the TV interview was the same day, then I would largely move over closer to the side of them being different, but look alike people. Anyway, who is he? I didn't mean to open another can of worms with ID'ing that person as AZ. As for the interview on WFAA, I just watched it on a tape of "JFK, Breaking the News", and while it doesn't have a timestamp on it, I'm sure it was within an hour of the shooting. Maybe even before the official announcement of JFK's death. He mentions that he has film of it in his camera, and has brought it with him to the studio. The commentator says that they will do their best to get the film processed asap. While I know that WFAA did not process the film (I think the local Kodak center in Dallas, near Love Field, did that), it does give an idea of the time frame. Unless the difference in hair length and coverage can be explained by shadows and/or lighting differences, I'll concede that it's a different person. As for the woman, there are two boys that seem to be with her. Does that shed any light on her ID? On final note, thanks to Bill for solving the Amelia Earhart mystery for us. JWK
  3. Point taken, Jack. I noticed the difference in hair also, but the difference between natural sunlight and bright studio lights could make it appear he has more/less hair. How many others in the plaza that day were wearing bowties and had AZ's general features? JWK
  4. Since she seems to be talking to Abraham Zapruder, a wild guess on my part would be Marilyn Sitzman. JWK If this is post-mortem, I hope that isn't Zapruder standing around casually with his hands in his pockets: Mr. ZAPRUDER. I heard the second--after the first shot--I saw him leaning over and after the second shot--it's possible after what I saw, you know, then I started yelling, "They killed him, they killed him," and I just felt that somebody had ganged up on him and I was still shooting the pictures until he got under the underpass--I don't even know how I did it. And then, I didn't even remember how I got down from that abutment there, but there I was, I guess, and I was walking toward--back toward my office and screaming, "They killed him, they killed him," and the people that I met on the way didn't even know what happened and they kept yelling, "What happened, what happened, what happened?" It seemed that they had heard a shot but they didn't know exactly what had happened as the car sped away, and I kept on just yelling, "They killed him, they killed him, they killed him," and finally got to my office and my secretary--I told her to call the police or the Secret Service--I don't know what she was doing, and that's about all. I was very much upset. Ashton I always wondered what happened to Abe after the shooting. Looking at some of the photos (Bond and others) of the plaza directly after the shooting, it seems that Abe vanishes pretty quick from his perch. Anyway, I had always assumed that it was Zapruder in the photo in question (they're both wearing bowties), and maybe Sitzman was holding the movie camera. JWK
  5. Since she seems to be talking to Abraham Zapruder, a wild guess on my part would be Marilyn Sitzman. JWK
  6. Don't know about that...but I wonder if a laser light could be used at night in Dealey Plaza to track various bullet flight paths. I seem to recall that Robert Groden was disappointed by the House investigation because when they did the sound tests, they only tested from two locations, the knoll and the sixth floor. If laser light tests were even performed, they should be performed from every conceivable location to determine flight path. MV I saw a documentary awhile back where the film makers did use green lasers in Dealey Plaza. I don't think that they traced the paths after impact, but they did block off the plaza at night, and placed the lasers around various potential 2nd shooter locations in the plaza to see what the sightlines would be. They even used a replica limo with live people inside. I forget the name of the show (maybe someone could refresh my memory), but I think the conclusion was that most of the locations were not practical. JWK
  7. Here is a link to Sherman Skolnick's report on flight 553 called ""THE SECRET HISTORY OF AIRPLANE SABOTAGE". There are several parts. Part 1: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/shistory.html Part 2: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/shistory2.html Part 3: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/shistory3.html Part 4: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/shistory4.html JWK
  8. As a young lad, I got into the hobby of shortwave listening. This was back in the mid-sixties while the cold war was still raging. I just found it very interesting to listen to Radio Moscow or Radio Havana and hear lots of the same stories I was hearing from CBS, NBC and ABC, but from a different slant. As an example: CBS: US troops today engaged the Viet Cong, driving them back and freeing the village from the communist insurgents. Radio Moscow: Freedom fighters from the north engaged imperialistic US troops today in an effort to keep them from conquering yet another village in their quest for domination. Same story, different POV. You get the idea. Today, I look at the online versions of news not only from CNN, but also Aljazeera.Net, The Times of India, Pravda, The Moscow Times, Xinhuanet, and several others. Everyone writes the news from their own POV, but by reading from several sources, you can usually tell what’s going on. JWK
  9. This will probably prompt a spate of angry retorts...but whatever. Do you think it's possible that the two SS agents in the front seat were ducking? Like maybe one of them said "Get down!" and they both did at the same time? I realize that the Connallys appear to be moving forward at the same time but they *might* be ducking down in response to a command to get down, or they might just be moving down independent of the front seat occupants. They also seem to be ducking down just as JFK's head exploded. I would duck too. MV That very thing crossed my mind as well, Mark. Remember that two bullet fragments were found in the front seats, the windshield was cracked on the inside, and there were dents in the chrome strip and the back of the rear view mirror. Greer and Kellerman had to have heard, and maybe even see, bullet fragments bouncing around up there, even if it was only on a subconscious level. However, the timing of when JBC, Nellie, and the agents were the same. It could have been a combination of the car slowing down and instinctive response of the agents to duck. JWK
  10. Something I've always noticed from the Z film is that right after the headshot, everyone in the car except for JFK and JBK seem to be thrown forward. Whether this is due to Greer hitting the brakes, or the car slowing down, I don't know. I'm not trying to defend Greer here, but being a car nut and driving many cars from the late 50's to mid 60's (I currently own a 1961 Olds Super 88), I know that when you stomp (as opposed to a steady increase of pressure) on the gas, there is a hesitation of a second or so when the carburator is pumping extra fuel into the engine (almost like a momentary flooding situation), and the transmission downshifts. Remember that this car spent most of it's time going very, very slow, and may have had carbon buildup, plugs that were less than "pristine" condition, and any number of tuning problems that come from spending most of it's life going 15 mph. I'll bet it was never "opened up" until that run to Parkland. The Lincoln, being as heavy as it is, may have just slowed down more than the average car at this critical point in time when Greer put the pedal to the metal. Keep your cars in tune....it may save your life one day. JWK
  11. Here's a can-opener to that particular container of worms, Dawn... http://www.skolnicksreport.com/goldenboy.html JWK
  12. This picture shows Kennedy just as he was turning onto Houston Street. He seems to be leaning a bit forward, but the jacket look like it's already riding high. In fact, it looks almost like he has padding under it. If he were to sit back without adjusting his suitcoat, I can see where it may have gotten bunched. JWK
  13. With all due respect - the remarks above are not making any sense to me. The book store sells merchandise and I am not aware of Gary working in that part of the business. The Museum has the actual photographical record, oral histories given by the witnesses themselves, and other donated materials that are the real deal. I have personally sat at Gary's desk and seen some of these things, so I am at a lost to understand how someone can confuse the bookstore with the actual museum. Gary's work? Even Jack has said that Gary did great work before going to work at the museum and now that Gary is with the Museum, he has the job of helping to preserve these valuable materials so people like us can come and see them if we like. So far I have not heard where Gary has allowed such materials to become lost or be destroyed, so it seems that his work seems to be of a high standard and is being carried out accordingly .... so again I am puzzled at how you can say the things you do. Bill Miller Well said, Bill. I’ve had very few dealings with Gary, but the one’s I’ve had have been helpful and neutral. I wasn’t aware of the episode at Jim’s UTA class with Jean Hill, however. I wasn’t there, so I can’t judge. After all, one man’s “hard questions” can be another’s “heckling”. It depends on whether the speaker was being interrupted and if Gary was actually disrupting the meeting. I will say, however, that use of the word “xxxx” has no excuse whatsoever. If that word was actually used in that class by Gary, I’m disappointed in him and his professionalism. As for Mr. BS, he’s not really contributing anything here except his goal of getting us to fight amongst ourselves, so my suggestion would be to hit the “ignore” button and or otherwise not responding to anything he writes in any way. It’s hard to argue by yourself. I would like him banned too, however I actually have to applaud John’s not doing so. Freedom of speech hurts sometimes. JWK
  14. Gary is in the precarious position of trying to run a neutral museum. The building is owned by Dallas County, and I’m guessing he gets some support from the city because it brings tourists to town. He really can’t lean too far into the CT camp without ruffling some of the feathers of the powers-that-be. He may have personal feelings one way or the other, but because of his position, he has to stay in the middle. I’ve noticed that several times when I’ve posted questions on here, or Lancer, Mr. Mack has answered me in a private email. He simply gives me the answer that I’m looking for without editorial comment one way or the other. Again, very neutral. However, he does take it upon himself, unsolicited, to give me (and the rest of us) the information we seek. If he was a true LNer, he wouldn’t give us the time of day. Personally, I’m very glad he’s around, and very glad he runs the museum in the neutral way that he does. Give everyone the information they seek, whether it’s in the form of exhibits or answers to questions asked, and let everyone make up their own mind. It’s the sign of a good educator. Thanks Gary. JWK P.S. I was down there a month or so ago, I saw a large and complicated flow chart in the gift shop. It showed who knew who and who was connected to what, and so on. I couldn't buy it, and only had a few minutes to look at it. Has anyone seen this chart? If so, just how accurate is it?
  15. The casket was dropped into 9000 feet of water at N 38.5 deg, W 72.1 deg., on Feb. 18, 1966 at 10am. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/othe...Disposition.pdf This is a large (2meg) pdf file. The acutal disposition memo is the "Steadman Memo", page 14. The rest are related documents. JWK
  16. This of course isn't IMDb and thus what happens their is irrelevant. As Jason pointed out there only 2 or 3 or 4 LN posting here they serve a "devil's advocate" role here. Jack's belief that will take over this forum is absurd. I agree with you Jack was right to call for the tone of this forum to be civil but if one looks at Jack's behaviour his request rings hollow. The only LN I've noticed being obnoxious is BS. I realize that this isn't the IMDB forum, but the same two people I singled out on that board are also on here attempting to do the same thing. BS is one of them, and DVP is the other. I just wanted to make our members aware of who they're dealing with so we can avoid "feeding the trolls". JWK
  17. Didn't LHO order the rifle under his alias of "A. Hidell"? The implications are obvious if they had LHO's real name on that (pre-assassination) list. JWK
  18. While I don't always agree with Jack, his evidence or conclusions, I have to side with him on this matter. I would strongly suggest that members take a trip over to the Internet Movie Database forum board for the movie "JFK" and read some of the posts. People who post there are just beginning their questioning of the WC report, and are just starting to look into the issue. On that board, there has suddenly appeared a group of LNs who use bullying tactics, insults and spend all day and night replying to each other in an attempt to discredit any pro CT posters as totally nuts. Pay special attention to two posters named "DVP-1" and "NickSlickReturns" and see if their attitude, quotes, phrases used, or anything else reminds you of any of the LN posters on here. Pay special attention to the times that they post, and the time separations when they reply back and forth to each other trying to show that CTers are in the minority. Personally, I have to wonder if they are one and the same person. Their posts number in the hundreds, and are always just a few minutes apart. Are there any provisions made on this board to make sure that the members are using their real names and identities? I mean, I would hate to see an organized effort made on this board to discredit the research, and especially the researchers, no matter who they may be, by people with an agenda, and using multiple IDs (which would be a violation of forum rules). http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0102138/board/threads/ JWK P.S. This post: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0102138/board/flat/48820430 was made within 7 minutes of this post! Interesting.
  19. Gary Mack was kind enough to inform me that the sign was taken down because the roof was too weak to support it. It's currently in storage in the TSBD building. JWK
  20. Thanks for the link. But I wonder how the two high school students would know what the men in the car showed or said to the officers. I wondered about that also. Pure speculation on my part would be that it was local Ferris police that stopped them, and the story started to be passed around town, with the author or source hearing it from the students. However, that is pure speculation. I can't find the same article that I saw before, but I did run across that story at the above link while searching. I don't remember if the one I saw mentioned the two high school students, but I don't think so. JWK
  21. Brendan, why don't you go back to the JFK section on the IMDB where you're known as DVP, David Von Pein, NickSlick, and other names, and keep misinforming and attacking those who don't know any better. JWK
  22. I ran across this rather long, but excellent PDF file by an investigative reporter named Philip Coppens. I did a search on here for his name, and came up empty, so I thought I'd post it. It's a long read, but worth it IMHO. http://www.philipcoppens.com/tina_letter.pdf (It would probably be best to download it and read it offline. it's a rather large .pdf file, around 269 pages or 1.9M, so be warned). Philip's Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Coppens Philip's home page: http://www.philipcoppens.com/tina_letter.pdf JWK
  23. A black Cadillac was the car used by persons assumed and/or identified as being Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie in Clinton Louisiana in the summer of 1963. Didn't Dave Ferrie admit to have driven to Tx for the 11/22/1963 week-end with some boys.... maybe he drove a black Caddie in the Dallas area that afternoon? A link to an article on the Mcadams site, I'm only using this link and article to provide support for my own recollection of the witness statements relating to the black car and the 3 persons: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/clinton1.htm Also keep in mind that one of the three cars that Lee Bowers saw that day, just before the assassination, was a black '57 Ford sedan. That same location was where at least one fake SS agent was encountered just after the shooting. JWK
  24. I'm not sure if this is where I first saw it, but here is something about the 3 agents stopped. It's in a PDF file, at the bottom of page 181 and top of 182. The whole file is worth reading, btw. Within the hour of the assassination, two high school students, Billy Jones and Ronnie Whiterspoon, witnessed another arrest on Interstate 45, in Ferris, south of Dallas. The arresting officers, however, discovered that inside the speeding, large black car, were three Secret Service men, who claimed they were on their way to New Orleans to investigate something relative to the assassination. Officially, there were no such men on their way, thus, once again, raising the possibility these were accomplices with fake credentials. http://www.philipcoppens.com/tina_letter.pdf (it's long, so it takes awhile to load) JWK
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