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J. William King

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Everything posted by J. William King

  1. IF Oswald did do it the way the WC said he did (and yes, that is a big "if"), I have to wonder if he was actually shooting at JBC and simply didn't "lead" the shots properly? Might he have seen JBC as being responsible for his not being able to reverse his dishonorable discharge? It seems to me that he had written JBC or there was a letter in his possessions from JBC refusing to change his status. DISCLAIMER: The preceding was for the sake of argument only! JWK
  2. I think that another way we can reduce the bandwidth is to watch what we quote in the replies. All too often, someone will write a very long (but usually good) post, with photos. The replies usually quote the entire post, along with the pictures, which is usually unnecessary. Not only does it use extra bandwidth, but it's very tedious for viewers who have to scroll down several pages of original message only to read "good point" as the reply. This also goes for the "quoting of quoting of quoting of quotes of replies". I think you know what I'm talking about. Learn to use "cut and paste" along with the words "quote" and "/quote" (with brackets replacing the quotes) to only post the part of the message that is being responded to. Also, make sure that NO pictures are part of the reply and instead reference the picture in the text of the reply. In other words, use the "add reply" or "fast reply" button instead of the "reply button. JWK
  3. That may well be the same vehicle that Thomas was referring to in the other post. However, this photo was taken much later when they were taking Danny Arce and his coworkers down to the DPD. As for the car, based on the above photo, it looks to me like it might be either a '59 or '60 full sized Chevy wagon, but I just can't be sure. Thanks Thomas. Gary Mack told me that the Murray photo I posted was taken within 5 minutes of the assassination. I've never heard whether the mystery Ramber was the full sized one, or the American, but that photo establishes the fact that there was a light colored Rambler wagon at Elm and Houston within a couple of minutes of the shooting. JWK
  4. _____________________________________ J.W., Thanks for trying! At least you don't rule out the possibility that it could be a Rambler station wagon back there on the Elm Street Extention... I think it is a Rsw (and I used to own one). --Thomas ____________________________________ No, I don't rule it out at all. I can see where it resembles the car in question (rear fin area especially), but I just can't be positive about it. BTW, my dad used to have one too. I think it was a '59 wagon. They were all over the place back then. JWK
  5. It's a real attachment taken from the Croft 3 photo. If it is not a mallet/mug-o-brew/coffee cup... what could it be? Mr. Miller claims he has a travel mug that big but I doubt anyone sold travel mugs that big in 1963. Thomas: You will find lots of information about the Ramblers in DP at this link: (emphasis added by T.G.) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6365 ________________________________________ Yes Don, that's a wonderful link and thank you for referring me to it but the particular car I'm interested in is the one that's visible in Croft #3 in posts #1 and #9 this thread, directly behind the woman wearing the blue dress and red sweater/coat.... It certainly looks like a Rambler station wagon to me and it certainly looks like it's parked on the Elm Street Extention which runs right in front of the TSBD.... I'm hoping that our resident car identification expert J.W. King will give his opinion on this particular car, i.e. is it a Rambler station wagon? Thanks, --Thomas ________________________________________ Sorry for the delay in responding, Thomas. I've been pouring through all of my photos to find either a better version, or another version, of both your Rambler, and Mr. Mallet. Quite frankly, I can't say one way or the other on whether that is a Rambler wagon or not. I know there there IS a Rambler American wagon in one of the Murray photos taken at the corner of Elm and Houston just minutes after the assassination, and that has been discussed (with photos) in another thread. The Croft picture just isn't sharp or detailed enough for me to tell one way or the other. As for Mr. Mallet, it looks to me like something behind his arm that is distorted because of the camera movement. Could be part of the wall, or someone's head. JWK
  6. That's a modified reprint of an old article dated Sept. 1, 2004 by Mr. Aynesworth. I remember Mr. Marquart's name coming up when I was browsing the City of Dallas's records awhile back, and something seemed strange to me about it at the time. I think it had to do with both Marina and Robert, but I don't remember the specifics. I'll try to dig and see if I can re-find it. JWK
  7. I have to agree with the word "coke" being used in a generic sense. I'm sure Baker didn't examine the bottle LHO was holding while he was looking for a presidential assassin. As for the machine, to this day, I still refer to all "coin operated carbonated beverage dispensing machines" as "Coke Machines". It's much easier to say and it doesn't matter to me what brand name is on the front. JWK
  8. That "document" was the funniest thing I"ve read in a very long time...LOL!! Thanks Chris. JWK
  9. Peter... I remember reading something awhile back stating that the crewmember in the back of the ambulance was fairly new on the job, and because of the type of wound Oswald had, may have actually done more harm than good by trying to apply CPR on him. Something having to do with the compressions pumping blood out of the wounds and into the body cavity and basically making him bleed to death. I'll try to find the story or source. JWK
  10. Here is a document from the Chicago PD responding to an inquiry about the Nixon-Ruby letter. It states in the response that the Chicago PD checked it out, and the Jack Rubinstein mentioned in the letter wasn't the same person as Jack Rubinstein a.k.a. Jack Ruby. It's dated Nov. 27, 1963, so if this document is legit, then so is the Nixon-Ruby letter. I can't vouch for Chicago PD's opinion, however. We have two Oswalds, why not two Jack Rubys? JWK Well, I tried to upload the document, but it won't let me. Here is a link from imageshack. Note the last paragraph.
  11. Every time I see a discussion of the paper bag, I have to wonder how it may tie in with the unclaimed parcel found at the Irving Post Office that contained nothing more than a "large paper bag". Michael Griffith did an excellent writeup on this back in 1996 that can be found here. (BTW, it's worth clicking the link at the bottom of the page for more excellent articles by Mr. Griffith.) What he doesn't mention, however, is how that package ties in with the "attempt to deliver" notice sent to Ruth Paine's house just 2 days before the assassination. Curious package...one bag inside of another and delivered. JWK
  12. Actually, this was Tosh's last post, done on July 15th..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FWIW: KEN-COM was the secret committee which JFK and RFK set up and one of the operations used the cut out code word "Mockingbird". It was reference in secret reports to JFK and the NSC's staff from the CIA. Mockingbird was inserted as a coded reference by the CIA when the Church Committee first found out about an alleged secret team operating within the affairs of the White House and the WH Situation Room. This was a specialized ultra secret covert team attached to KEN-COM by US military through the Pentagon. Ken-Com was JFK's and RFK's little private secret. Perhaps they launched a few private and secret wars, a " Paturian (sp) Guard" type operation. Most elements within the CIA sections did not know about this Ken-COM Committee until some years after Watergate. Point being Mockingbird was part of KenCom. Its true operational connection to the WH is still a tightly held secret. The CIA acted as support for the Ken-Com operations and worked closely with Task Force W and other OMC operations embedded within CIA's secret "specialized" operational teams. Ask Ask Jim Marrs, Peter Lemkin, and John Stockwell, about what they remember about Ken Com,why and how it came into being. Perhaps they would care to give their views and thoughts on this to the forum members. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, this was posted on July 5th by Tosh: JWK
  13. What makes you think 'snow' storm. Wording was storm storm, a very Plumlee-ism. Google tells me there is no Afgan anywhere and again Afgan = Afghanistan is a Plumlee-ism. While any covert group could easily impersonate him and post to annoy him or get him to react, I can't imagine why...but that is always a possibility...like the 2006 obit to his mother. *** snip **** Sincerely, Peter You're right, Peter. My mistake for misreading "storm storm" as "snow storm". That's a good example of making someone see something that isn't there. CIA attempt at manipulating my feeble mind? Maybe. It worked. Doesn't take much, though. JWK
  14. Are there many snowstorms in Afghanistan this time of year? I see three possibilities here. 1) Tosh is doing a vanishing act and wants to go out with a bang (but leaving clues for us with deliberate errors). 2) Some person or organization is trying to flush Tosh out of the woodwork by making him respond to the news. 3) It's true, and there is someplace named "Afgan" in SA, where it's winter. Take your pick. JWK Peter....my condolences on your loss. I didn't know CrazyBear, but I've lost dogs of my own. It sucks.
  15. What is more interesting than what may, or may not be a '55 Chevy wagon (it sure looks like it might be, but I don't see the luggage rack), is the '55 or '56 Oldsmobile parked right in front of the house. If it is, it's the first picture I've seen of this car. As for the '55 wagon with the red wheels I mentioned above, it won't show up on here for some reason. If you just Image-Google "55 Chevy Wagon", you'll see it, and a bunch of other ones too. BTW, I've poured over a bunch of print ads for '55 Chevy's that I have, and while they usually show the cars fully optioned up, none show a wagon with a luggage rack on it. My personal feelings are that Ruth Paine's Chevy wagon was not in downtown Dallas that day. Station wagons were the minivans of that era, and they were everywhere. JWK
  16. ____________________________ Thanks, JW. Looks light blue to me. Did the Paines have it painted blue? Michael owned a blue and white 1956 Oldsmobile sedan. Can anyone post a photo of that car or one like it? Thanks, --Thomas ____________________________ Just ask, and ye shall receive.... As for the color of the station wagon, it may have been one of those aqua colored cars that faded. I used to have an aqua '58 T-Bird that would look either blue, or green, depending on the eye of the beholder. JWK _________________________ Thanks, JW. Great stuff. (BTW, nice-looking car too...) To your knowledge, did any '55 Chevy station wagons have a luggage rack? The reason I ask is because Roger Craig said, in so many words, that he thought the station wagon in question (the one he saw LHO get into) was a Nash Rambler because it had a luggage rack. Do you think he could have mistaken Ruth's '55 Chevy station wagon for a Nash Rambler station wagon (with a luggage rack)? Do you (or anyone else on the forum) know whether Ruth's station wagon had a luggage rack? If it didn't, then I think Craig must have seen LHO get into someone else's vehicle (probably a Nash Rambler station wagon).... Thanks, --Thomas _________________________ Thomas, I really don't know if they came from the factory with a luggage rack or not. Probably not, but I imagine they were a popular aftermarket (or dealer installed) addition. I'm guessing Mrs. Paine's car looked very similar to the photo below (minus the red wheels).... Roger Craig was an active and trained police officer, and I doubt very much if he would have mistaken a '55 Chevy wagon for a later model Rambler. I'm not sure why simply having a luggage rack would tell him it was a Rambler as he states, however. I'll keep digging through some old car ads and photos I have here. JWK
  17. ____________________________ Thanks, JW. Looks light blue to me. Did the Paines have it painted blue? Michael owned a blue and white 1956 Oldsmobile sedan. Can anyone post a photo of that car or one like it? Thanks, --Thomas ____________________________ Just ask, and ye shall receive.... As for the color of the station wagon, it may have been one of those aqua colored cars that faded. I used to have an aqua '58 T-Bird that would look either blue, or green, depending on the eye of the beholder. JWK
  18. Ruth Paine's '55 Chevy wagon: http://www.cannet.com/~reesedw/ruth-paine.jpe JWK
  19. In a courtroom, you have a captive audience. Your "100 pennies" are presented in one big bag for consideration. In the outside world, pennies are usually presented one, maybe two, at a time. Put a penny on the street and see who pays attention to it, or picks it up. People will walk right by pennies, even 100 of them, if seen one-at-a-time over a long distance or time span. Put a dollar on the sidewalk, and it will be picked up right away. What we need is a "banker" who can take the pennies from all of us and change them into a dollar bill (while weeding out the occasional Mexican Peso or Canadian penny) for presentation. JWK
  20. Kathleen, I don't think Gary or the museum has/had anything to do with the limo rides. If you're talking about the one that puts you into a replica of Kennedy's Lincoln, it was run by a guy by the name of Paul Krute, and they stopped a long time ago. Don't know what happened to the car itself. JWK
  21. With all due respect, Kathy, I've stood on that perch and there's nothing "thin or flimsy" about it. There are a couple of pictures of it at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/neal.mccarthy/Dealey.htm if you want to see it. As for the fake ledge, it's just something extending from the light pole. Looks like it might be a bracket, or a rolled-up banner or something similar. JWK I guess I saw a misleading photo of where Zapruder stood. You took some beautiful photos of Dealey Plaza. As for the ledge, I still think it was painted on to hide something. Did those lights hold a camera? Kathy While I would love to take credit for those pictures, they are not mine. I just did a Google search for "Abraham Zapruder perch" and that is what popped up. I agree, however. They are excellent photos. JWK
  22. With all due respect, Kathy, I've stood on that perch and there's nothing "thin or flimsy" about it. There are a couple of pictures of it at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/neal.mccarthy/Dealey.htm if you want to see it. As for the fake ledge, it's just something extending from the light pole. Looks like it might be a bracket, or a rolled-up banner or something similar. JWK
  23. For what it's worth, here is the VIN decoder for the 1963 Ford Galaxy gotten from this site: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~stanchfi/1963-galaxie-us-id.html There is more on that page. Enjoy! Body Ford 300 53 2-Door Sedan 54 4-Door Sedan Galaxie 51 2-Door Sedan 52 4-Door Sedan Galaxie 500 61 2-Door Sedan 62 4-Door Sedan 63 2-Door Hardtop 64 4-Door Hardtop 65 2-Door Convertible 67 500XL 2-Door Hardtop 69 500XL 2-Door Convertible Station Wagons 72 4-Door, 6 Passenger Country Sedan 74 4-Door, 9 Passenger Country Sedan 76 4-Door, 6 Passenger Country Squire 76 4-Door, 9 Passenger Country Squire Color Two-tone paint codes use the same symbols as the single colors except that two symbols are used. The lower body color code will appear first in the Warranty Plate Paint Color Space. If a special paint is used, the paint color space will not be stamped. *M-30-J Code Number Color Sales Name A 1724 Black Raven Black D 1451 Med. Turquoise Met. Ming Green E 1448 Med. Blue Met. Viking Blue H 1447 Dark Blue Met. Oxford Blue I 1459 Gold Met. Champagne J 1515 Red Rangoon Red M 1238 White Corinthian White P 1454 Med. Green Met. Silver Moss T 1543 Honey Beige Sandshell Beige V 1470 Chestnut Metallic Chestnut W 1555 Light Pink Met. Rose Beige X 1444 Maroon Met. Heritage Burgundy Y 1553 Lt. Blue Glacier Blue Z 1427 Beige Met. Fieldstone Tan * "M-32-J" Acrylic Paint Alternate with "M-30-J" JWK
  24. _______________________________________ Seein' as how the photo was (supposedly) taken in Communist Cuba, it might be a Russian car... --Thomas _______________________________________ I thought that was taken in Mexico City, Mexico, at the Cuban Embassy? JWK ________________________________ Damn, JW, you're right. I can't believe I did that. Not enough Jameson (Irish whiskey), I suppose... --Thomas (Mahon) Graves P.S. Since it was (supposedly) taken in Mexico outside the Embassy of a Communist country, it must be a U.S. car, right? (Just kidding.) ________________________________ Don't be embarassed, Thomas. I had a whole paragraph written up about "what is a 1962 Chevy doing in Cuba when they stopped importing US cars in 1959" before I caught myself and deleted it...lol! I don't know if that car is a Falcon or not. My very first car was a 1961 Falcon wagon. It looked like the headlights were set inward quite a bit, which is why I was guessing it was a '62 Dodge. JWK
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