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J. William King

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Everything posted by J. William King

  1. It wasn't under the "suspicious vehicles" thread on here, was it? I remember seeing an article about that, but I don’t' remember where right now. I do remember seeing an image of a newspaper article which mentioned a vehicle that may have been involved in the assassination being being stopped or something on US75 (Central Expressway) near Sherman, TX, north of Dallas. I thought it was strange because in the byline, it said "Gainesville" That caught my eye since I don't live too far from there. I dont' remember if the article was about that car, or I ran across the fake SS agent story while looking on the same site. I'll dig around and see what I can find. BTW, that timeline is great! JWK
  2. Mr. Healy, If the truth is to ever come out, we had better care about how the LN community, the government, and the general public reacts to us. If we are to be taken seriously in our charges and evidence, we need to have some credibility. I've learned in life that the messenger is just as important as the message. I don't care how true the information/warning/evidence is, if the person(s) presenting it is perceived to be a "nut" or an "idiot", that information will not be taken seriously. I know, it shouldn't be that way, but that's the way it is. We have to live with it. Yes, photos have been altered, but not every alteration was for sinister reasons. I truly believe that the foot in the Miller photo was enhanced for publication right after the assassination, when the foot was thought to be Kennedy's. Lots of misinformation was going around in the first 24 hours, and while a good percentage of it was intentional, a certain amount of it were just simple mistakes. It would be nice to tell if there was blood on the side of the car from Kennedy's hand (assuming the foot is actually a hand), proving a through shot in the neck. Even if the photograph could be improved to the point where we could tell for sure, whos to say the blood wasn't from the head wound? We'll never know because the photo isn't good enough for that. I just hate to see everyone bouncing off the walls for days, and when we get done, be right back where we started from. Why doesn't someone find a Lincoln convertible, or other convertible, and try to replicate Hill's position, then post pictures? You could probably do it in the back of a small-bed pickup truck. Maybe we're just running out of things to investigate, or paths to go down. As for me, I fail to see the signifigance of this particular photo (the Miller photo) in the grand scheme of things. Flame away. JWK
  3. Pardon me, but who the heck cares if Hill's foot was inside, outside, or if it was retouched? What does this have to do with the assassination? Is it Hill's foot? Yes. He said so in his testimony. Was the photo retouched? Yes. The newspaper photo and article came out right after the assassination, and it was thought *at the time* that it was Kennedy's foot, so it was "punched up" a bit. So what????? 150 posts over something this trivial is why the LN community sees CT's as a bunch of nuts. Lets get onto something important for a change. *Rant mode over* JW
  4. I have no idea, but nothing would surprise me anymore. I can't see what role the sign, or the clock, would play in the timing. The timing would have been dependent on when JFK's motorcade would be coming by. Of course, someone may have been hiding in it, but I don't think I've ever heard that before. Speaking of the sign, does anyone know what happened to it? Was it destroyed when it was taken down, or is it in storage somewhere? JWK
  5. The foot has indeed been enhanced. The importance of this is questionable, but it does point out that photos that we've seen over the years may or may not be authentic. JW
  6. Didn't ask you if you agreed with their policies. I asked if you hysterically and hatefully compared them to Nazis. Did you? Still waiting. This from an unbalanced hausfrau who calls people Nazis. What nerve. Never bothered to look. You don't strike me as interesting. "Handsome, clever PR exec whose interests include football, the Kennedy Assassination, and embarrasing the heck out of bored housewives on Internet forums." That's right. Run away like a little girl. Boring and paranoid. Nice qualities you have there. Sadly, hate never takes a holiday. Adios, Eva. I realize that I'm new here, but I joined this board because I thought the members were a cut above the average internet bully mentality. I don’t have a problem with people with opposing opinions. It’s good for discussion. But why is this guy still welcome on here???? JW
  7. Lee, Those bumper mounted spare tires are called "Continental Spares" (probably after the '55-'57 Continental Mark II, which had a similar "hump" in the trunk), and were all aftermarket additions. Some may have been dealer-installed, but most were not. In fact, after looking at thousands of pictures from that era (of cars), I'm convinced that they were much rarer then than now. That said, the JFK limo had the same kind of spare tire arrangement, probably so the removable bubbletop roof could fit in the trunk. BTW, what do you make of the photo I posted of the Rambler wagon at the corner of Elm and Houston? I'm not sure when it was taken, but I believe it was right after the shooting, and that is the Dal-Tex building in the background. JW
  8. Many thanks to all, and thanks to Lee for pointing out the thread that I missed during my search. Oops! I've always wondered about the Andrews account. I don't understand why he wouldn't have reported it to the authorities or the media at the time it happened. His "oh, want to hear something funny?" way of bringing it up years later tells me that he, like so many others, wanted his particular "connection" to the events of that day. I thought that if I knew what kind of car he was driving, it may ring a bell with all of the other vehicles I've been looking into. I was actually hoping he was driving a Rambler wagon. JW
  9. There is a report that a Mr. James A. Andrews was stopped by J.D. Tippit just after 1pm on the 22nd. The full report "James A. Andrew’s was returning to work at his office in Oak Cliff a little after 1:00 P.M. on 11/22/63. He was driving west on West 10th Street (about eight or nine blocks from where Tippit was shot minutes later, see map). Suddenly a police car also traveling west on West 10th Street came up from behind Andrews’ car, passed him and cut in front of Andrews’s car forcing him to stop......" Does anyone know what year and make of car Mr. Andrews was driving at the time? I'm curious as to why Officer Tippit (who Mr. Andrews said was the policeman who stopped him) would take an intrest in his particular car. JW
  10. Just to add another vehicle to your list, have a look at this photo which I believe was taken minutes after the assassination, at the corner of Elm and Houston (I think that's the Dal-Tex building in the background). It just happens to be a light colored '62 Rambler American station wagon. JWK
  11. Lee, by the side trim, that is definitely NOT a '57 Chevy behind the tree in the photo with the cop...but it surely MIGHT be your mysterious '56 Pontiac. That's not a '56, but a '58 Pontiac. JWK
  12. I think that the point being made is that the limo was a crime scene, and should have been treated as such. In fact, the body and the limo should have remained in Dallas per state law (there was no federal law covering the killing of a president at the time). If proper procedure had been followed all along, there may not have been a need for this forum. JWK
  13. I was born in Northern Illinois in 1954, and moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in 1976. I’ve been in the field of quality assurance most of my life, and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I’m currently semi-retired, and spend my time tending to my investments. In 1971, I read Josiah Thompson’s book “Six Seconds in Dallas”, and it influenced me so much that I wrote my senior year thesis on the subject. My grade wasn’t what I wished it was because it was twice as long as required, and the instructor thought it was “pure fantasy”. I have a few minor connections to the JFK assassination. I worked at the Texas Instruments building where Janet Conforto (Jada) had her accident the morning of the 22nd. That building, by the way, was right along the route the motorcade would take just a couple of hours later. The other connection was that I knew, and worked, with Danny Arce in the late 70’s at an aircraft maintenance facility near Love Field. While I am, admittedly, an “armchair” researcher, I have special interest in all of the City of Dallas documents on the subject. Also being a 50’s and 60’s car nut, all of the vehicles involved hold a special interest to me. I’d like to do my part in putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
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