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J. William King

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Everything posted by J. William King

  1. It was taken well after the assassination. The car in front is a '65 (maybe a '66) Ford. JWK
  2. That's Parkland for sure. The ambulance (with the famous "ambulances" sign above) can be seen on the right and the VP car is in the foreground. It looks like the Cadillac followup car has been moved, however. Was this after the "crime scene" was driven back to Love Field? JWK
  3. I wouldn't put too much faith in Google's ranking system. It can be manipulated. Google "miserable failure" (in fact, simply "failure") and "waffles", and see what you come up with. JWK
  4. I noticed the name of the band, "Butthole Surfers", and thought it sounded familiar. Another member of that band is Gibby Haynes who's father, Jerry Haynes, is a local Dallas entertainment celibrity....and a witness to the JFK assassination on 11/22/63. He was interviewed on WFAA's coverage that day, and worked for WFAA at the time as kid's show host "Mr. Peppermint". Just another meaningless tidbit. JWK
  5. Jack... I have several pictures of the limo before, during and after the assassination, and there is no wide chrome band around the spare tire cover in any of them. I don't think the car ever had one. JWK
  6. Being an ambulance area, or basically a human loading dock, it would be very unusual if there *wasn't* oil and fluids on the ground. Also, do you have any other sources that say the trunk of the follow up car couldn't be opened? It really doesn't look like a bullet hit to me, but rather a reflection. JWK
  7. That murder is pretty famous in spydom. Just Google "umbrella" and "ricin" and you'll get about 41,000 hits. Here is an article from PBS on a special they did including a picture of the ball containing the ricin. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/case_umbrella/clues.html JWK
  8. One of the things that I've alway found hard to swallow is that LHO supposedly planned this at the very last minute. Now, would you have risked your job by taking a rifle to work one day on the off-chance that you may have the chance to take a shot at the president? How did he know the floor would be deserted at the proper moment? Would he have taken the shot if there had been other people on the floor at the time (as there were on the fifth, fourth, and other floors)? How did he expect to get away if there were people on the same floor? Would he have gone from floor to floor with the rifle at the last minute looking for an empty place to shoot from? Is it possible he already had his pistol with him to take care of any witnesses? And what about that other rifle that was brought to the TSBD just two days before? It seems to me that if he really expected to do this, he would have found a hotel room, broom closet, deserted office or someplace more private to shoot from. I don't have the answers to any of these questions, but offer them up as discussion fodder. JWK
  9. Actually, Ron, since an “objective” website should show both (all?) sides of an issue without bias to one or the other, neither your site or his would qualify. However, I have noticed that most of his links lead to his own writings (thus his own opinion) whereas yours goes to numerous other sites and other people's opinions. Granted, most of those opinions agree with yours, but at least they are from a number of sources, and not just one. Just because McAdam's site happens to agree with the official version of events doesn't mean it's “objective” in the least. JWK
  10. There are some newspapers which have digitized virtually everything they have done. The Chicago Tribune archive contains articles dating back to 12/1/1852. I used that one recently to find 2 articles about my father that were printed back in 1940. They cost money, but not very much. An example is their "week pass", which costs $13 for 15 articles. The two articles I mentioned were sent to me as PDF files of the original articles. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune/about.html If I remember correctly, this is part of a project involving several major newspapers across the country, but the exact papers escape me at the moment. BTW, a quick search for "Lee Harvey Oswald" for dates prior to 11/22/63 turned up two articles about his defection. JWK
  11. That's scary, Dave, and not that hard to do. I don't know if that article is accuate, but it prompted me to turn off my mic. JWK
  12. I think you may be exactly correct about him - I'm just pulling items from the testimony that raises a personal red flag. MV That's how discoveries are made, Mark. I might be right, or might be totally off base. Since I didn't know Mr. Worrell personally, I can't say for sure. His story just sounded familiar to me. We're in a sea of red flags here, and each one must be looked at and discussed. JWK
  13. From what I’ve seen in my limited time on this forum board, Jack finds something in the evidence that he feels has been altered, or just is isn’t right. Jack posts that information to get opinions from the rest of us. Others on the board jump all over Jack personally instead of disputing his opinion on this particular topic. Jack may attack back, but since it’s after he’s been attacked, I would rather call it self defense. What I fail to understand is why some on this board seem to take it so personally when Jack thinks he found something funny or fishy in a photo. He may not be right all the time, but at least he’s out there looking and not just sitting around waiting to jump on someone if his/her opinion differs from their own. Stay the course, Jack. JWK
  14. I’m not sure there is anything mysterious about James Worrell and his testimony. From the sound of it, he wasn’t an especially bright individual. I have a very good friend who’s son sounds a little like him. He has a low IQ, maybe even what would be considered borderline retarded. He’s had to repeat a couple of grades in school, and is also 19 with no high school diploma. He also smokes because the guys he hangs out with (of similar intelligence) do. However, he’s very industrious, gets up early to find odd jobs to do for spare change. Not the kind of life that most of us here would lead, but I don’t think it’s especially “non conformist” in nature. I’m guessing that Mr. Worrell was most likely intimidated and overwhelmed when having to give statements and testimony, and it’s not surprising that he may have gotten some things wrong, or changed his story a bit. This doesn’t mean that he didn’t see what he says he saw. It just means that he had trouble relating that information in an intelligent, concise manner. JWK
  15. I just failed to see what Jack's work on "Badgeman" had to do with the original post. Nothing at all. So why bring it up unless you wanted to degrade or discredit Jack's personal opinion, which he has a right to express. If you don't agree with his (or anyone else's) opinion on a topic, state your reasons and keep it within the topic. Don't bring up something totally unrelated. I wish this forum had an anti-hijacking policy. It could sure use it. As for my take on the subject, I agree with Jack in that Karr was so involved in the case, that he has made an attempt to put himself into the case by claiming guilt. Too bad it turned out that way, and the DNA didn't match. Her real killer is still out there. There are two schools of thought as to how deeply Ms. Baker was involved, but it’s not worth getting upset because you and Jack aren’t in the same camp on this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. JWK
  16. Don't look in the mirror so much, Jack, when you weave your defamation fantasies. BTW, here's a very interesting picture about your Badgeman "discovery": http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/moorman-drawing2.JPG It shows "Badgeman" was the size of a kid, yet he was tall enough to tower above the picket fence. Pity you forgot to do that analysis. Speaking about factual situations Mark What does the above reply have to do with the original post? Other than to make an unprovoked attack on another forum member I mean? JWK
  17. Actually, both the Aussie and Japanese address come back for that ip address. Click here to see the full results. DNS query for failed: Address not available Searching for NS record at []: Failed to find NS server for domain -- end -- -------------------------------- Querying whois.arin.net []... OrgName: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre OrgID: APNIC Address: PO Box 2131 City: Milton StateProv: QLD PostalCode: 4064 Country: AU -------------------------------- Querying whois.apnic.net []... % [whois.apnic.net node-1] % Whois data copyright terms http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html inetnum: - netname: SAKURA descr: SAKURA Internet Inc. descr: Kyutaro-cho 1-8-15, Chuo-ku descr: Osaka 541-0056, Japan country: JP admin-c: JNIC1-AP tech-c: JNIC1-AP status: ALLOCATED PORTABLE remarks: Email address for spam or abuse complaints : support@sakura.ad.jp mnt-by: MAINT-JPNIC mnt-lower: MAINT-JPNIC changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20041013 source: APNIC Note that the original ip search turned up nothing, but these two came up in the same search. JWK
  18. Wow, what a small world...you wouldn't have any idea if Arce was Cuban, do you? No, I'm pretty sure he's native American of hispanic heritage. He didn't have much, if any, accent at all as I remember. Whether his parents are Mexican, Cuban, or whatever, I don't know. The last time I checked up on him, he was still living in Dallas. As for the small world, you're right. I left Cooper Airmotive to work for Texas Instruments, and started (and ended) at the same building where Janet Conforto (Jada) had her accident just a an hour or two before JFK's motorcade passed by the very same spot. Also, when I first moved from the Chicago area to Irving in '76, my first local friend married a girl who, according to both her and her father, used to live next door to Ruth Paine and played with LHO's daughter. Sometimes Lee would watch them. Her maiden name was Hall, but with extended families, I don't know if that name would match any records. True? I don't know for sure. It seems like everyone has a connection. Between everyone going to Top Ten Records, eating at the same diners, riding the same busses, and drinking at the Carousel, it's a very small world indeed. The Kennedy assassination has taught me to forget "Six Degrees of Seperation". Two, maybe three, tops, is the rule here for everyone. JWK
  19. For what it's worth, I was good friends with Danny Arce back around 1977 when we both worked at Cooper Airmotive in Dallas. We were both quality control inspectors with our desks only a few feet apart. He was also our union rep. He told me at the time that he worked in the TSBD with LHO, and while I was mildly interested in the assassination at the time, I didn't know enough about it to know who he was, and chalked it up to any number of other people I've talked to that had "some connection" to the players. I sure wish we had the internet back then. He did tell me that he, LHO, and their coworkers were up on the 6th floor, and when everyone went down in the elevator, they asked him if he wanted to come down with them. LHO said something like "I'll be down in a couple of minutes. Send the elevator back up, will you?". Maybe not an exact quote. I'm drawing on memories that are almost 30 years old. I worked with him for about a year, and he never did anything out of the ordinary. He came to work every day, was friendly, and struck me as just a good working stiff like myself. He never talked politics or anything other than everyday things. JWK
  20. If I remember right, Kennedy was tight with the "Rat Pack" in general, and with Lawford in particular. The assassination problably shook them all up. When Sinatra got wind that LHO may have watched "Suddenly" right before the assassination (whether it was true or not), he pulled the film. I might have done the same thing if I was in his place. The film was done 9 years before the assassination, and I really don't see what there would be to hide. Besides, the entertainment value of the film would have gone down since the event had actually happened. "The Lone Gunmen" pilot about flyng a remote control plane into the WTC was entertaining when it was first broadcast in March 2001. After 9/11, it became interesting, but not entertaining. Also, look at Vaughn Meader's career after 11/22/63. I've always considered him the "4th victim" of that day in Dallas. JWK
  21. Other than what's on the IMDB, I don't know anything about the film and who financed it. I haven't even seen it for quite awhile. According to the IMDB, Libra Productions Inc. was the production company. They only did one other film, a western, in 1957.
  22. I stumbled across some talk that LHO watched the 1954 film, "Suddenly" a few nights before the assassination. Does anyone know this to be true, or is it just an urban legend? It's been years since I've seen this movie, but from what I remember, it has some similarities to what happened in Dallas 9 years later. Sinatra even had the film pulled from circulation after the assassination, during which time the copyrights expired and the film entered public domain and was again available. I'm guessing that the TV listings for the week or two prior to 11/23/63 should be available somewhere, or has this already been discussed and busted (or verified)? JWK
  23. I was thinking the exact same thing, Jack. Now we will have to watch the transfer to see if anyone pops out of the mob of reporters to "save the (remaining Ramsey) family any more grief". JWK
  24. Remember that many members reported virus problems just a month or two ago. It's very possible that a small program was loaded, unknowingly, to allow unauthorized access. Normally, Norton, McAffee or other major virus prevention programs would catch this. HOWEVER, it would be interesting to find out of these major virus protection companies have ever been approached by the US Dept. of Homeland Security to "allow" some of their stuff through their systems in the name of "national security". I would strongly suggest that if anyone has anything in the way of documents, photos or anything else valuable, they make copies to a removable zip drive, CD, DVD or similar storage device that can't be accesed. JWK
  25. John... The interviewer's name was Jay Watson, and he was main reporter of the assassination for WFAA and the first one on the air with the news. The interview was done live, on the air. And yes, unless Zapruder was outright lying, he said the film was in his camera, and he had brought the camera with him to the studio. He even pointed to it offscreen. The reporter then said that they were going to work on getting the film processed asap. Note: WFAA had no capability to develop 8 mm film and so it was taken to Eastman Kodak who agreed to process it immediately. The camera/film comment came at the end of a very short interview with him where he described what he saw. I don't think the entire interview lasted 2 minutes, and took place at 2:30pm central time according to Gary Mack. Right after the interview, Zapruder and Sorrels left in a Dallas squad car for the Kodak labs near Love Field and had the film processed right away. It's actually a pretty famous interview. Just Google "Zapruder interview" and you'll see. EDIT: I just found the transcript at http://www.jfk.org/Research/Zapruder/Transcript.htm JWK
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