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Chris Davidson

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About Chris Davidson

  • Birthday 01/03/1964

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    San Diego
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    Sports, History and True Crime Investigative Shows

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  1. Hi Chris. These are the actual measurements made of the entrance steps of the TSBD, made at my request some years ago by existing TSBD  staff . Hope they are of some help.


    If they don't transmit properly. email me at ray.mitcham@btinternet.com and I will send them via email.





    TSBD Steps measuremnt.pdf

    1. Chris Davidson

      Chris Davidson

      Thanks Ray,

      Your total (50inches) over 7 steps is 1 inch higher than my recreation steps.

      The height relationship between Frazier and PM seen in Darnell, pretty much matches my wife and me, via my recreation photos.

      So, someone standing 1 step below the landing(as my wife is) would work.



      I did move ourselves up to the top landing (7ft in depth), and took photos of my wife and me. Will post those eventually, so one can get an ideal of the drop-off in human size at 3 and 6 ft increments from the landing front edge.





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