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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Jim and all, Click on the "Click here to start download from sendspace" link to download files. http://www.sendspace.com/file/x362wp http://www.sendspace.com/file/dd0d9g They are now in gif format. I'm not sure why, but some of these gifs I post directly to the forum, do not play at all, even though I use the same process. chris P.S. Jerry, thank you for the suggestion to others.
  2. A better quality version of Bronson would be nice. This is Groden's version and a partial from another JFK documentary. Stabilized of course. chris P.S. Looking for Clint in either version!!!
  3. This is Bronson's photo superimposed over his first film frame of this sequence. The limo position is within the red boxes along with the woman in the foreground. She is "in stride" in both film frame and photo. Note her distance traveled between frames. There is an approx. difference in time of 4.5 seconds between frame and photo. Z 230-310. imo chris
  4. Same method as previous posting. Stabilized for archiving. Lovelady in front of the TSBD. chris
  5. This is actually a .flv file. If you have troubles playing it, try changing the extension from .mov to .flv Stabilized to show Lovelady's reaction to the camera. Speculation by me. Watch the detective notice the camera first, before Lovelady reacts. Speculation by me. Lovelady's head turns toward Oswald then back toward the camera (look at the direction of his forehead) then downward quickly. imo chris
  6. Jim, My answers to your questions are obvious. No and No. chris
  7. Jim, I do believe the film is altered. But, some of the examples you provide are highly subjective. imo Here are a few for comparison with the brakelight anomaly. chris
  8. Greer and Kellerman in unison. Their movement is Forward then Backward, then cycle cop closes in a hurry, then headshot, then forward in unison. chris
  9. I think Kellerman's movement might be of more interest in this sequence. At least in relationship to the head shot and Hill's reaction thereafter. And the obvious limo slowdown in this extant version. chris
  10. Assuming no cuts in the video. You could also refer back to the video from post #1. At 2:55 into it, Oswald's name is mentioned. At 9:43 into it, the reporter says JFK has been dead for 1hour and 49 min. I believe he was pronounced dead at 1P.M. Dallas time. So, 9:43 - 2:55 = approx. 7 minutes. 1P.M. + 1hour/49 min = 2:49- 7 min = 2:42 P.M. Dallas time. Another Math problem. chris
  11. James, Duncan MacRae posted this link on his forum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYqguO6LSIM&feature=player_embedded It might be of some use to you. chris
  12. http://www.mejuba.co...6/show/original At the bottom right hand side of the graph is the WC calculations. Their average speed for the limo is 11.15 MPH over 136.1ft in152 frames (161-313). Using Graph5 in my previous posting should help explain the importance for the rest of these calcs. No coincidences in any of this. chris
  13. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/6002315/show/original MPH up to frame 161. Last 2 entries. Difference between 7.41 and 13.39 MPH = 5.98 MPH. 2.24+3.74= 5.98MPH ----> Refer back to Post #7 Vehicle Speed Analysis Chart for the importance of this. Limo speed change of 5.98 MPH in 12 Zframes or .65sec. This is what occurs with math when you try to hide distance traveled/the real street position of JFK, in relation to a pre-conceived plan. chris
  14. What actions occur before the extant 313 headshot? Jackie and Nellie react simultaneously to their husbands. Greer's headturn back to JFK, occurs immediately after Jackie and Nellie and before the headshot. The motorcycle cop has gained plenty of ground, limo has slowed down tremendously. Connally is yelling out something. Check his testimony about what and when he said it. What is the position of John Connally's right hand to his left thigh in this sequence? Kellerman puts his left hand up to his ear/face. All indications of a major external stimulas before the extant 313 headshot. imo This sequence is approx extant Z280-313 @ 18fps chris
  15. You might take note of the 2 right hand columns. Using the frame count and distance traveled starting from Station C, the next column would lead you to a MPH entry, if one was inclined to do the simple calculations using 18.3 frames per sec as their timer. The brackets reflect the WC measurements/distances assigned to Station C, Position A, and Z161. Please keep in mind, the measurements according to the WC, are supposed to represent JFK's physical position in the limo. chris P.S. Knowing the physical position of Tina Towner and Zapruder while filming, allows one to use both films (LOS) in determining JFK's position within the limo in relationship to landmarks within Dealy Plaza. The Towner landmarks would be the corner of the County Records building. The corner of the Dal Tex building. And, the traffic signal post on the corner of Elm and Houston which can be seen in the background of Z's film.
  16. Hi James, Besides Connally speaking in this sequence, see what other conclusions you might draw from the rest of the action involved. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/5959833/show/original chris
  17. I wonder if the LineOfSight plottings on the the West plat had any correlation to the relationship between "Stemmons sign and target point distances" on Elm St. Somewhere near 15ft!!! Geometry, Photography, Parallex http://www.mejuba.co...0/show/original http://www.mejuba.co...5/show/original chris
  18. Sometimes, a comparison among multiple documents will render an obvious problem. For instance, if you align Myers and Don Roberdeau to Drommer/West, you'll notice that where Myers has the limo in Towners last frame, that = Roberdeau's limo position of Z133. Since Myers states a .82sec or 15 frame difference between the end of Towner and the beginning of Z, this creates a problem for someone. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/5869790/show/original chris P.S. John, I'll check with Tom first.
  19. You can always use landmarks for measuring distances. Especially if you have West's measurements from 1963. For instance: The signal-light pole and the County Records corner. Draw a line of sight from the Z pedestal to the light pole. Use the front right end of the limo to establish the intersecting point. In this case, Zframe136 appears to match. Now it is possible to attach a station # to that frame, in relationship to where JFK within the limo is. Of course, without the combination of the SS/FBI/Drommer plats combined, it would make things quite difficult to plot. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/5863282/show/original chris
  20. An example would be: Distance from Station C to Z161 = 94.7ft. Distance from Sniper's nest to Z161= 79.2ft Difference of 15.5ft Total frames from Station C to Z161= 133 referring to GRAPH2 133frames/18.3 frames per sec = 7.267 sec 94.7ft/7.267sec = 13.03 ft per sec = 8.86 mph 79.2ft/7.267sec= 10.89ft per sec = 7.41mph 8.86-7.41= 1.45 mph difference If you input 132 frames (a 1 frame difference) at 79.2ft you end up with 7.36mph or a difference of 8.86-7.36 = 1.5mph. Remember this document: http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/4484767/1 What is the difference in speed between 3.74 and 2.24 mph? chris
  21. Start with Station C !!! 18.3 frames per sec !!! The WC gives you distances for Station C, Position A and Z161. Why do you think they don't give you a distance/Station # for Z133!!! Hint!!! Think in terms of instantaneous speed. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/5845176/show/original chris
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