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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I believe that is Norman standing next to Williams per Williams testimony. chris
  2. Same frame at 3 different sizes. Oversharpened and then blurred a bit. I do not know if this is the frame Duncan used. Hopefully, it is not. Click to view at full size. chris
  3. A different perspective. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/TownerWiegman.gif Wiegman over Towner. Is the smoke in Wiegman actually the illuminated (orange) part of the tree seen in Towner, and not smoke at all ? chris
  4. Yes, David, it would be nice if Christian would weigh in on this. --Tommy Big Frame-by-frame Breakdown of Tan Jacket Man In The Parking Lot clip (plus the film clip itself). Great work by Greda Dunkel at the JFK Assassination Forum! http://www.iimmgg.com/image/fc9a54c65c1b3241a5de760d5ce1a9de --Tommy Prior to the Long coat/ TJM/Signal, the IBM looking guy with glasses seems to be in more of a hurry to take his 2 friends in front of TJM Nice catch, Ian. But we've got to be careful. Members who think it was just a coincidence will start thinking that we're Conspiracy Theory Nuts or something. LOL --Tommy Thomas, I don't necessarily think the actions you have alluded to, are coincidences. But, your original discovery that TJM hands something off with his left hand is still in doubt to me. Did TJM have more than one item in his left hand when he made the exchange? Did he receive something in the transfer? What ends up in his left hand? Why risk an exchange with multiple items in hand? At the beginning of the clip, the item in hand appears dark, is a shadow causing this? When in the end, a lighter object is what I see. Just some troubling questions for me. chris
  5. Thomas, The footage from Sean' s thread shows someone on the South side of Elm St, up towards Main St, on the grass. chris
  6. Thomas, http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/3-3.png It appears that the object sticking out from his left hand (red arrow) is in the shape of a full or half hook. It looks like an umbrella handle to me. His left hand is clinched, with knuckle's pointing out toward the cameraman. The black area I pointed to earlier could be part of an umbrella. Very interesting!!!! chris
  7. Great work, Chris! Well, I guess that proves it. Blue Coated Cuban-Looking Man just didn't like the dope TJM was dealing. (Or maybe TJM was getting his car keys out of his pocket early...) Couldn't be the shadows, could it? --Tommy P.S. Could you or John Dolva or somebody please isolate and post the last frame or two? Thanks! P.P.S. I've heard it all now. "He couldn't have handed him anything because both of his hands were in his pockets." "He didn't pass by the other guy close enough to make a hand off." "He did pass by close enough to make a hand off but he didn't have anything in his hands." "He did pass by close enough and he did have something in his left hand, but, because there's something dark (probably a shadow) on his left hand in the last frame, he evidently decided at the last second to keep some of it for himself or to just not give the darn thing to the other guy!" Would someone please give me a freaking break? bump Thomas, The last 2 frames. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/1-11.png http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/2-2.png chris
  8. You're right, Ray. The guy in the blue jacket takes a half step to his left and leans towards Tan Jacket Man. Wes Riddle on the JFK Assassination Forum thinks Tan Jacket Man put something in Blue Coated Cuban-Looking Man's jacket pocket. These guys were professionals. The more I look at this clip, especially the un-cropped versions, the more I see an intricately-choreographed ballet being performed with by many "dancers". It's interesting to watch all of the people who go into motion when Long Coat Man gives Tan Jacket Man "the signal". Even the three guys walking from right to left in the foreground as they very nearly block Robert Hughes' camera's view of "the hand off". Etc, etc --Tommy Tommy Blue jacket/white slacks is seen in other films .I think it starts with a signal from the cop.Do you know who shot this film?. Ian, Yes. It was shot by Robert Hughes. I wish I knew how to post the slow motion/freeze frame version, but I'm technologically disadvantaged. You can view it by clicking on the links I've posted in some of my earlier posts on this thread, above. Maybe John Dolva or Chris Davidson or somebody can post the slow motion/freeze frame version here? The same scene is shown on YouTube at normal speed but un-cropped format. That's where you get an idea of the intricate ballet involving lots of people taking place. The Long Coat Man (the "cop") gives Tan Jacket Man a signal that puts TJM and several others in "action mode". Or maybe TJM gives Long Coat Man a signal and Long Coat Man's acknowledgement of it puts everyone in motion? --Tommy Thomas, Here's the entire footage. Give it time to load/play, it is a huge gif. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Untitled1-3.gif I've slowed it down and stabilized it, somewhat. Once again, please look at the last frame. I have inserted a red arrow pointing to what appears to be a black object near or in his left hand. chris
  9. Chris, I'm not following your last point. He had the umbrella up in time to see Kennedy but why do we assume that he immediately made visual contact with the limo? He was pumping and twirling the umbrella, consistent with Rosemary Willis saying he seemed more concerned with the umbrella than shots ringing out. Cliff, http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Witt1.png Top red box corroborates RoseMary's description of Witt's actions. Middle box describes shots before Willis at 202, as he is already at the retaining wall by then. I believe RoseMary said she noticed shots about a second or two after she stopped filming. Myers has RoseMary's film ending 8/10 second before Z starts at 133. Z133+36(2 sec.)=169-(.8 x 18=14frames)=Z155=Z film damage. Lower box coincides with Willis at 202 and thereafter, along with Bronson/Z. chris You're getting your young girls confused, Chris. The film was taken by Tina Towner, not Rosemary Willis. OOPS!!! Brain Freeze. Thanks Pat, Corrected in the original post now. chris
  10. Chris, I'm not following your last point. He had the umbrella up in time to see Kennedy but why do we assume that he immediately made visual contact with the limo? He was pumping and twirling the umbrella, consistent with Rosemary Willis saying he seemed more concerned with the umbrella than shots ringing out. Cliff, http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Witt1.png Top red box corroborates RoseMary's description of Witt's actions. Middle box describes shots before Willis at 202, as he is already at the retaining wall by then. I believe Tina Towner said she noticed shots about a second or two after she stopped filming. Myers has Towner's film ending 8/10 second before Z starts at 133. Z133+36(2 sec.)=169-(.8 x 18=14frames)=Z155=Z film damage. Lower box coincides with Willis at 202 and thereafter, along with Bronson/Z. chris
  11. David, Here is the pertinent part slowed down. In the very last frame of this sequence and the footage itself, does he still have something dark in his left hand? http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Untitled2-3.gif chris
  12. Mark, Views from both windows. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/views.png chris
  13. Jim hit the nail on the head and this is how I have always felt about the issue with Witt Did he really think that JFK would see him with the Umbrella and connect that to his father and Chamberlain? No way, thats ludicrous Not only that the movements that Witt describe himself making that day in Dealey Plaza do not match what we see in the photos and film taken that day Witt is NOT the Umbrella Man Dean, his actions match what Rosemary Willis described. Witt went to Dealey Plaza to have some fun. He wanted to mock JFK and his audience consisted of himself. The bigger issues here are the likelihood JFK was struck with blood-soluble rounds, and Tink Thompson's debunked "cautionary tale." Witt to the HSCA: I think I went sort of maybe halfway up the grassy area (on the north side of Elm Street), somewhere in that vicinity. I am pretty sure I sat down....(When the motorcade approached) I think I got up and started fiddling with that umbrella trying to get it open, and at the same time I was walking forward, walking toward the street....Whereas other people I understand saw the President shot and his movements; I did not see this because of this thing (the umbrella) in front of me....My view of the car during that length of time was blocked by the umbrella's being open. Cliff, Dean is correct in that Witt's description does not match any of the films or photo's. Bronson, Willis and partial Z show the umbrella raised over his head. If Willis is at approx Z202, and his photo shows the umbrella above his head, then at Z212, less than a second later, the umbrella in Z is rising and being rotated somewhat. Once again, not enough time to accomplish what Witt has described. Of course, that doesn't mean Rosemary is wrong in her description, either. Perhaps Witt's action's described by RoseMary, occurred earlier than what we see in the photos and film. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Umbrella-2.gif Also, I'm not so sure about the description of the umbrella as either 8/10 spoked. But, if you take what's shown in the extant Z in regards to the umbrella, flop it horizontally, rotate it 3 degrees CCW, and make it symmetrical, it appears to be 10 spokes. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Umbrella-3.png chris
  14. Hi Daniel, Here's what it looks like if you stabilize the light post, somewhat. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Z-3.gif chris
  15. Excellent work as usual! However! One should refer to this as being the Warren Commission re-enactment. Although many of the "players" actually came from the SS as well as the FBI, this assassination re-enactment was under the primary direction of Arlen Specter, who was assisted by FBI photograph expert Lyndal Shaneyfelt. The "true" FBI assassination re-enactment was conducted on 2/7/64, although they certainly went out of their way in attempt to make it completely disappear from the record. And, if it is of any assistance to anyone in resolving a few of the issues of confusion, the FBI, during their assassination re-enactment of 2/7/64, utilized the "Queen Mary". HMMMMMMMM! Same actors, same stage props, certainly adds to the difficulty to recognize exactly what photographs were taken on 2/7/64 vs those that were taken later on 5/24/64. Tom P.S. Usage of the "Queen Mary" also allowed Lyndal Shaneyfelt to invent the "ADJUSTED POSITION" in which the aiming point (on the JFK stand-in's head & back) was actually 10-inches higher in elevation than was the true aiming point elevation and angle which would have held true had they actually utilized the Presidential Limousine. This wonderful little "sleight-of-hand" manipulation was long ago discussed here, and from various email correspondences, I am glad to see that some caught on to how the "ADJUSTED POSITION" aided in the Warren Commission's phony assassination re-enactment. Hi Tom, Hopefully, not all of 2/7/64 disappeared. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Seat-DoorComparison.png chris
  16. Thomas, LBJ coming out of Parkland. Top photo was altered by the TV program. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/lbj.png chris
  17. Pat, That is from: "The Day The Nation Cried" video. chris
  18. Thanks for being patient. Frame 241 and 242 scanned. chris
  19. Life Magazine Nov25, 1966. Comparison of Life Mag frame 242 vs Zfilm frame 242. The relationship between the lower sprocket hole and SS front bumper is incorrect, between the two. There are a couple of other differences between the two, that might be for a later discussion. A closer match is Zfilm frame 243 to Life Mag frame 242. But that's incorrect because all other elements do not align. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/242.png chris P.S. Sorry about posting a photo from the magazine. I think it will suffice for now. If someone could scan and post that frame from Life, much appreciated. Otherwise, I'll post it when I gain access to a scanner.
  20. Pat, I concur. Here is a photo collage of the Chism's. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Chisms.png Landis was long gone before the Chism's started their movements. There is a photo of the "child exchange" between Mr/Mrs Chism, I just don't remember who took it. chris P.S. Back to Greg, no more Chism interruptions from me.
  21. Greg, Landis' complete statement for this point in time. "My immediate thought was that the President could not possibly be alive after being hit like he was. I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road. I did not notice anyone on the overpass, and I scanned the area to the right of and below the overpass where the terrain sloped towards the road on which we were traveling. The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. He was bent over while running and I started to point towards him, but I didn't notice anything in his hands and by this time we were going under the overpass at a very high rate of speed. I was looking back and saw a motorcycle policeman stopping along the curb approximately adjacent to where I saw the Negro running." I'm pretty sure the only person Landis could be describing is: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Moorman-2.gif according to the extant films that are available. chris
  22. Hi David, If Muchmore was standing next to Bond, which I believe she was, this might give you an idea of her FOV. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/BOND-1.gif chris
  23. Sorry Patrick, I don't see that. I would like to see that scene in slow motion. I cannot tell whether that bullet came from right or left, but to me it looked like the kidnapper was driven backwards by a bullet from somewhere in front. Recall the Gary Mack program, INSIDE THE TARGET CAR? IN that program you can clearly see that IN EVERY INSTANCE the "skull" was driven in the same direction as the bullet. In that program the skulls are always driven forward by a bullet from behind which proves to me that since JKF was driven backwards, he must have been shot from the front. Raymond, Slow Motion. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/headshot.gif chris
  24. Quote: I did not notice anyone on the overpass, and I scanned the area to the right of and below the overpass where the terrain sloped towards the road on which we were traveling. The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. He was bent over while running and I started to point towards him Chris. Could Landis be refering to the SOUTH knoll area. ? This Zapruder frame shows two men running (left to right) from Landis POV as he looks back. Robin, I'm sorry I didn't supply the whole statement originally. I'm pretty sure Landis is talking about the steps on the north side of Elm, after the shots occur. In that instance, the guy in Muchmore would have been traveling left to right, up the stairs, toward the wall in relation to Landis' orientation and his description would be correct. chris
  25. Richard, Thank you for supplying the rest of the statement. I agree with you that from Landis' position on the SS car, he is describing the north side of Elm. The only african american on that side is the man in Muchmore. The only cycle cop that ends up adjacent to that man on the north side of Elm is this guy: I see a big timing problem with this. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/curb-1.png chris
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