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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. How many of those 30 frames included the image "between the sprocket holes"? Since the answer is ZERO, there is no reason for discussing them. The more pertinent question that needs answering is Croft's lower half, among other items. Let me provide some more info on that area of the film. From wikipedia: In early 1967, Life released a statement saying that four frames of the original (frames 208–211) were accidentally destroyed, and the adjacent frames damaged, by a Life photo lab technician on November 23, 1963. Life released those missing frames from the first-generation copy it had received from the film's original version So, this occurs the day after the original film was processed and three Jamieson copies are created.
  2. I have previously provided the location of Woodward. She was a reporter at the time. Where is the blood description of a prior headshot, as JFK moves past Woodward? Dallas Morning News (Dallas, Texas), 23 November 1963, page 3 Here is an excerpt from her article: Witness from The News Describes Assassination (The following eyewitness account was written by a Dallas News staff writer.) By Mary E. Woodward "Four of us from Women’s News, Maggie Brown, Aurelia Alonzo, my roommate Ann Donaldson, and myself had decided to spend our lunch hour by going to see the President. We took our lunch along – some crackers and apples – and started walking down Houston Street. We decided to cross Elm and wait there on the grassy slope just east of the Triple Underpass, since there weren’t very many people there and we could get a better view. We had been waiting about half an hour when the first motorcycle escorts came by, followed shortly by the President’s car. The President was looking straight ahead and we were afraid we would not get to see his face. But we started clapping and cheering and both he and Mrs. Kennedy turned, and smiled and waved, directly at us, it seemed. Jackie was wearing a beautiful pink suit with beret to match. Two of us, who had seen the President last during the final weeks of the 1960 campaign, remarked almost simultaneously how relaxed and robust he looked. As it turned out, we were almost certainly the last faces he noticed in the crowd."
  3. Who Knows? What is blatantly obvious, is, someone was up on the wall behind the pedestal before the extant Zfilm was finished being filmed. No mention of this person by ANYBODY.
  4. Action!!! In case you didn't see his partner up there: Or, is that just light coming through the trees. LOL
  5. If I was going to apply some matte/mask work to an existing film, I might entertain the idea of creating a pre-molded sculpture to work from. That might then have to be taken into account when judging body movement/position after receiving bullet wounds.
  6. I haven’t heard that brought up in ages. In fact, it’s another method by which to divert attention away from and discredit the alteration of the film. IMO What doesn't make sense is Greer was only traveling 9.72mph from extant z276-z301 well after, at least according to the extant film, shots had been fired and passenger/s had been hit, while also looking backwards at extant z283. Then he looks backwards at approx extant z303(z301-z313 = 7.47mph). So, now he has looked backwards twice while his limo speed is slowing and a headshot occurs. There is nothing on the extant film which shows any erratic driving by Greer before the extant headshot and shortly thereafter. Only a consistent speed preferred by a shooter(your words). Frazier(our resident firearms expert) didn’t appear to agree with a shooter having any problem hitting that melon even at a constant 11.3mph. Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. The time the speed of the moving object was calculated on the basis of an assumed 5.5-second interval for a distance of 90 feet, which figures out mathematically to be 11.3 miles per hour. Mr. FRAZIER - At that range, at that distance, 175 to 265 feet, with this rifle and that telescopic sight, I would not have allowed any lead--I would not have made any correction for lead merely to hit a target of that size. So, I believe it’s safe to assume that any change in speed at or below 7.5mph(extant z301-z313) down to stopping wouldn’t have made much of a difference to a shooter/s. IMO
  7. Landis tells us what the altered film can't show us. That, which would match the HSCA drawing above, a shot/s coming from a location much lower than the 6th floor. A location where a good size piece of brain (would follow the direction of a bullet, traveling southwest, traversing JFK's head) lands near the gutter, some 10ft further down Elm from where the headshot/s occurred. An approx 11° forward nod(a far cry from tilted slightly back) that doesn't concur with the second shot if a connection back to the sixth floor TSBD is to be believed.
  8. Why don't you locate my original posting with the gif above, where I'm pretty sure I described that I attached the Photoshop adjustments in the gif, if it wasn't obvious enough to begin with. What do you think the "OK, Cancel, Load,Save, Preview" buttons represented? Maybe if you would show everyone the entire gif I posted, which included the curves dialogue box attached to those buttons, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  9. Directing your attention to the 2:05 mark of the video for his thickness description of the Harper fragment:
  10. Claude, Those are possibilities. Personally believe the extant z313 shot is from behind(head moves forward in a similar fashion) using the execution video as a comparing tool. At least one shot from the Elm St extension. The execution video shows no backwards movement. That person is hit in the head at least two times and possibly three. Granted, he does lift up, but never moves backwards, just falls over to the side. Dead weight. (No pun intended). There might be a rope restriction argument in there, but I just don't buy it right now. If there is another execution video(headshot/s -person sitting down) more representative of what we see in the extant Zfilm than what I have posted, hope someone will provide it. I have not seen one. Consensus? I don't know. You could try starting a new topic and asking for input, it might give you a better idea of where individuals stand.
  11. What are you talking about. Are you under the impression that the lightened circle, within the shadow area, around PM, is a camera flash? Do you not understand that it was created by selecting that area and using lightening techniques in Photoshop. Or, do you actually think the white object near the face is a camera flash? Neither are a flash. See gif below. Now, I did say at some point I thought the object near the face might be a camera or a mug or a ??? who knows.
  12. Elev 430.2(southside annex road curb) - 418.48(extantz313)= 11.72ft - 4.1ft(JFK head height) = 7.62ft + 4.38ft(XP100 Barrel above street) = 12ft
  13. In his own words: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GNQeypf_bjwXLNnhsYu3eqWAbiOOyBoC/view?usp=sharing
  14. Puzzle Pieces: Two shots in one. 13.54"(10 + 3.54) converted to elev = 1.12ft which is (more than likely) what they used for their elev from "rifle end to windowsill" (see graphic above) And, 3.54" converted to elev = 3.54/12" = .295 x 18.3ft = 5.4ft farther west down Elm St.
  15. Possibly, some icing on the cake. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/two-jan-6-organizers-coming-025927382.html
  16. Out from the shadow he comes. Anyone care to identify him?
  17. Breaking it down some more: Besides the heads initial forward movement, he reaches maximum lift in four frames from impact, before the next shot hits. That's with a rope restriction. Don't know if he would have moved higher without it. Since this was a war crimes execution, it appears to be a 24fps movie back in the 1940/1950's era. Converted: 18.3/24 = .7625x4 24 = 3.05 frames post impact.
  18. The stairs are a little more than 50ft past extant Z313. Station# 465.3 - 517.5 = 52.3ft If Harper showed the location some 100ft farther down Elm, please provide the documentation for this. Because, somewhere from 1969 until a more recent video(where he is walking to the discovery location), he places his find approx 10ft farther down or over from the extant z313 location. I posted that video awhile back showing Harper stopping to describe his discovery, a LOS can be drawn back to the Bronson flash. Which is between 5.5ft and 11.1 ft after the extant z313 shot.
  19. Slowed down and complete, without the opacity layers.
  20. Apologies for the graphic nature of the gif. Layered in 25% opacity increments.
  21. The object traversing Clint(red line through it)) is (more than likely) the altered remnants of Croft's wife's skirt(if that's who's next to him at extant z184) having backed up, out from the street. By the time extant z212 rolled around they were separated by plenty of spacing. That, and it would be impossible for Croft's wife to appear in front of Clint as she is physically behind him. I copied Croft and skirt from the first frame(z184) and inserted him for comparison(position/size/remnant) towards the end.
  22. Perhaps breaking down extantz313 into an elevation context would help some realize the important role 10 inches plays in the charade. The difference between 3.27 and 4.1ft.
  23. Do we really need more corroboration on this, after what's been provided? What possible motive could there be to present false information? Think "station wagon".
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