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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Background stabilized, while initial frames have been lightened:
  2. btw, Wallace didn't see who we refer to as prayerman in Wiegman. He thought Lovelady was Oswald. Nothing is visible in Groden's copy unless you apply some shadow contrast. He did mention the Fritz note.
  3. Nor did I say Bart discovered/created Prayerman. He has done a fantastic job with the Malcolm Blunt documents. "New evidence from these files leads to Prayer Man" That's fine. I stand corrected. My apologies.
  4. The point being, Sean Murphy (imo) should be credited with the importance of Prayerman. I believe it was Robin Unger who found this same person in the Darnell frames at a later time. If that is incorrect, I stand corrected. Credit Below:Bart Kamp
  5. Robbie, That's incorrect. Do some more research and you'll find the appropriate answer.
  6. James, It is not meant as criticism as we know you financed the forum for a long time. Relating to our last fundraiser, if you go back and look at that thread, you listed 10 contributors, 4 others afterward who chimed in and contributed, which equaled a total of approx $1200, close enough to $1000 if that is what you meant. So 14 contributors last round unless there were others un-named. Everyone should keep this in mind when projecting future revenue based on X number of participants.
  7. Thanks James, This is just a guess, but basing it on the info from above it sounds as though the monthly fee from say "the beginning of 2019" has been $120 per month. Jan2019 -Jan2022 = 36 months x $120 = $4320 $4774-4320 = $454 remaining(circa Jan2022) and you realized we were falling behind "big time" with the reserves. $454/120 = good for approx 4 more months after Jan2022, unless more funding could be obtained. I'm not sure how much was raised in the Jan2022 fundraiser, but take that total and divide by 3(equals months after the $454 would have been used up) bringing us to July/August 2022. If you don't have any reserves left, the following would be close to what the monthly charge has been for these past 3 months. After the fundraiser, you gave an estimate of being paid up through April 2024. Based on $70 per month, I assume we raised about 26 months worth(Jan2022-Apr2024) x $70 = $1820 $1820/ last 3 months = $606 per month which would extinguish the fundraising reserve. Just one way of looking at it. Chris
  8. James, Sorry to hear about your predicament, but I'm not sure I follow this clearly. We had a fundraiser in the early part of this year. At that time, supposedly we had raised enough to get us through April of 2024: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27564-i-am-resigning-my-post-in-admin-and-stopping-the-invision-payment/?do=findComment&comment=452432 Moving forward, I then suggested that it might be easier for everyone to contribute in smaller monthly amounts, via automatic payment. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27564-i-am-resigning-my-post-in-admin-and-stopping-the-invision-payment/?do=findComment&comment=452389 Where do we actually stand in regards to our reserve totals? Thanks, Chris
  9. Plenty of names for you from the main stream media: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/06/06/tarrio-proud-boys-seditious-conpiracy/
  10. Risk vs. Reward: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1598594/vaccine-news-pfizer-modern-heart-problems-myocarditis-pericarditis
  11. A court document filed by an accused Proud Boy included '1776 Returns,' a detailed plan for the Capitol riot. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22060615-1776-returns Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team 'command center' for effort to deny Biden the presidency. Bannon, Stone, Powell, Flynn among others. Why is Bannon going to prison? He can't spill the beans on this aspect of the operation. So, believe what you must, relating to the connection between "Don the Con" and these low life thugs, but you're wasting your time trying to convince anyone who has paid the least bit of attention to those 99% of Trump Republicans who have testified before the committee. In this instance, there is no value engaging in a discussion with those that choose naivety.
  12. Bell's segment which includes the limo moving beneath the underpass on Elm St., was not taken from the grass. It was taken from a position slightly to the left of where the photographer took the more modern day photo on the right side of the collage. If Bell was on the grass when the limo was moving beneath the underpass, Bell did not shoot this segment attributed to him.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/york-residents-charged-funneling-chinese-184651987.html
  14. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/olson-memo-trump-election/e59dca011b5db8c5/full.pdf
  15. Better yet, SCOTUS was replaced by: S upreme C ourt R epublicans O ppressive T rump U seless M inions Give em a good kick.
  16. Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because we were able to determine the speed of the camera, and thereby accurately determine the length of time it takes for a specific number of frames to run through the camera at this 18.3 frames per second, and having located these frame positions in the street, we took the farthest distance point we had in the Zapruder film which was frame 161 through frame 313. This was found to run elapsed time from the film standpoint which runs at 18.3 frames a second, runs for a total of 8.3 seconds. This distance is 136.1 feet, and this can be calculated then to 11.2 miles per hour. Mr. SPECTER. Is that a constant average speed or does that speed reflect any variations in the movement of the car? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is the overall average from 161 to 313. It does not mean that it was traveling constantly at 11.2, because it was more than likely going faster in some areas and slightly slower in some areas. It is only an average speed over the entire run. Mr. DULLES. Over the entire run between what points? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Between frame 161 and 313. Referring to my previous reference/posting of 14.94mph: Using this CE884 version which was never officially released for public consumption. z168-186 = 21.6ft/18frames = 1.2ft per frame = 14.94mph z168-171 = .3ft per frame = 3.74mph = Film doesn't show it 14.94mph - 3.74mph = 11.2mph = Shaneyfelt above Put into a different context and repeatedly stated: 10.2ft/.3ft per frame = 34 Zframes = 1.85seconds@18.3fps z133-z486 + 34 = 387frames Chris B's distance of 468ft 486 468ft/387frames = 1.209ft per frame = close enough 1.2ft per frame - .3ft per frame = .9ft per frame x 18.3frames = 16.47ft per sec / 1.47 = 11.2mph = See Shaneyfelt
  17. Steven, Shot with a B/H 414 on full zoom. Starting at extant z133. Approx 425ft traveled in 8.1 seconds = 36mph average https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OwekUiO4-sFyTCRp0vvgQjuxUY33reZd/view?usp=sharing Speaking of averages (weighted) close to 14.89mph 353frames (133-486) 425ft 425/353 = 1.2ft per frame = 14.94mph
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