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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Henry, In my gif, imagine putting yellow numbers on the stooping women's rear end in each frame and labeling them 1-4. Compare the distance she moves between 1/2 then 3/4. Now go back and look how far she travels between 2/3. These are four consecutive frames = 1/4 second Panning does not increase her physical speed. Robin's are a copy from the 6th floor museum. I obtained mine from a different source. They are the same in terms of content, but the 6th floor cropped some of the sprocket hole area. In fact, when you acquire a copy with the full sprocket hole images intact, look closely for the edge markings and how often they repeat.
  2. And, just as it was impossible for Jackie to do her instantaneous slide, it is also a good idea to check other films for impossible feats in the same vicinity. Bell gives us Van Halen's version of "Jump". (Excised frames reference of course.) The limo and the "stooping lady" near the sprocket hole in sync. Helps when you stabilize stationary objects and then view the moving objects.
  3. Richard, I believe that is his arm moving downward, if that is what your referencing.
  4. Chris, In the previous gif, are you saying you see the couple in the red box and not the running man? I don't see her legs touching the ground. I see one person in the red box within the gif. I assume then, you believe the running man is in the blue box(#3) in this new collage? The running man being the person who first appears in Z at Z325. Orientation wise, how does that work?
  5. The Bell/Z films have a common action(measuring point) among them. When both vehicles disappear into the underpass shadow. If one compares/plots moving backwards from that point, Jackie in Bell, is in the same upright position that she is in Nix, but after she has sat down in Z at 417. What happened!!! She got back up on the trunk. No Why? Because extant Z after 417 doesn't show it. Whatever altering was done to the film/s was going to show up in some form, at some point. Timing This is the reason Nix is cut at Z411. It's also why it takes Jackie 1/3 second to miraculously slide down into her seat from Z411-Z417.
  6. The Bronson film reverses(loops back and forth) from its end point so you can see the step pattern of the man in the red box. Since you understand the importance of Jackie's hand in both films, try locating that same man(within the red box) in the Z film. Then pay very close attention to his step pattern and compare them in both films.
  7. Iā€™d like to thank everyone for their kind comments. But, it is/was not my intention to fill the financial overseer void. It was, to expedite the election process once we knew the forum was on more solid financial ground for the immediate future. I think this past week provided plenty of time for those interested to express themselves. We had a long, very spirited discussion about the many different options available for setting up - funding, etc etc. Apparently, Sandy has expressed interest in taking over the position. I think Sandy would do an excellent job and has my full support. If there are others that volunteered, I have complete faith the the Admin team will choose who they believe is the most capable for the forums future well being. Chris
  8. Motion is much easier to compare. Jackie's hand should help you with the timing. Right Stride, Left Stride, Right Stride Might take some time to load.
  9. Simple proof. Bell enlightens us. Unless you believe Jackie rose back up (into her same position in Nix) after she amazingly sat down in Z in 1/3second. Might help you realize why Nix ends where it does. Maybe Bronson/Z subtlety next, but un-necessary.
  10. Any person interested in this volunteer position is encouraged to reply here or directly via the Admin/s. I believe the main requirement is that you reside in the U.S. Other concerns/duties can be addressed either publicly/privately. Initial Closing Date: Friday Aug19 Thank you to those who are interested. Chris
  11. I am predicting that Hickey doesn't do what you imagine him doing. It's not too difficult following his movements from the beginning, especially after he turns from looking in Z's direction to straight ahead. The flesh/face tone is quite obvious. Maybe enlarging/rotating the film will help.
  12. I will initiate this later today unless a prospect is already in the works.
  13. Sandy, I think most of us agree with you on this sentiment. But, there is enough money (using only the $5 contributions) to pay for September. Before we start the larger donation drive(hopefully), I encourage the Admins to select the new financial overseer and set up all elements related to payment methods first.
  14. Great. Hopefully, this gives the future "financial overseer" a clearer picture of the situation. Would you care to start a new topic asking for volunteers (publicly/privately) interested in the "financial overseer" position? Have it posted through Monday and have the Admins make a selection by Thursday. Thanks, Chris P.S. The fundraiser for those who would like to contribute either in one lump sum or on a monthly basis should follow the selection of the financial overseer. I would assume once that person is chosen, you will collaborate with them to set up the donation(Paypal???) & Invision method of payment moving forward.
  15. James, One week has passed. Can you provide the total number of members (not by name) who contributed $5 only. Plus, the total number of members(not by name) who gave more. Lastly, what is our total collected, as of now. Thank you, Chris
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