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Jerry Dealey

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  1. http:\\dealey.org\sewtroll.pdf is my Paper on the storm drains.
  2. Chris, Thanks for sharing your photo. Not that it necessarily matters, but do you remember what time of day you took it? Were you as far back as you could get? Was the sun shining on any part of you, or were you where the sun don't shine? Just a thought: Maybe Prayer Person had been expecting a coming-down-Houston head shot. (lol) -- Tommy Guys, Based on a shadow study I did a few years ago in Dealey Plaza.... The shadow from the lamp post across the street is a good indicator of the time of day (sun dials, etc. - OLD technology). It is almost 90 degrees across that curb, which is a natural 10 degrees off of N-S-E-W (whole Plaza is). I would say the time of day is about Noon. Respectfully, Jerry Dealey
  3. Guys, As far as the timing of the Hack, I did a search and found where I posted the 1st Hack here on the Education Forum (I though I had), which was in August of 2013. As discussed by Larry, the 1st hack was fixed by Deb. The 2nd Hack came a few weeks later. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20377 Always a shame that we lost almost 14 years of debate/discussion.... Respectfully, Jerry Dealey
  4. "I find Jerry Dealey's experience before, during & after the continuous cyber attack particularly intriguing; Mr. Dealey was not only in the line of fire, he was a target too. Jerry should be the one primarily sought after by interviewers. He was the poor soul catching the fire directed at Lancer." Brad (and David below), It wasn't too bad. Deb was having health issues, so I was happy to take that off of her back for a few years. Mostly, it was the people that Deb got tired of, and told me to Ban that caused most of the trouble. Of course, we don't know for sure who hacked the site, so it may have been some nefarious pro-LN group. However, if the hacker was using the name Dealey, it sounds more like one of those who I had to Ban trying to get me in trouble, as well. Yes, I have attended all of the Lancer conferences, and Deb often sent authors, producers and others my way for interviews. Usually about the status of the "Research Community" at large, and often just for my Dallas/Dealey Plaza expertise. David, Quote: "It seems to me (IIRC) that the old Lancer forum did have a similar "Since Your Last Visit" feature implemented on its forum. Hey, Brad Milch, you seem to have a good memory of the old Lancer layout --- do you recall such a feature being there at Lancer years ago? I think there was." It has been a while, but I think on the main inbound page, there was an option close to the "mode" selection that let you see "new posts/comments". It would list them in sequence, who made them, and what Topic they were part of. That way you could see quickly what New material in the topics you were interested it, and who posted them. But....then again....it has been a while since I have seen the system..... LOL Respectfully, Jerry Dealey
  5. Guys, The Lancer Forum was hacked, and by someone calling him/herself Dealey. Was not me, regardless. Those final messages with cussing and other abusive posts were clearly not me, as anyone who dealt with me for several years will tell you. (Hopefully, they will.) To answer the question though, I think the Forum was hacked in Early 2013, with the 50th anniversary coming up. It was so badly hacked (2nd time) that Deb simply took it down and left it. It had been slowing towards the end anyway, as social media gave people the ability to say anything they wanted, and let the information just slowly scroll away. That allowed for a lot of "hiding behind the keyboard", since it is possible to be almost anyone you want to claim to be on Facebook. As a Moderator, I seldom actually deleted anyone's post (although I might EDIT out some offensive words or slams, but always with an "EDIT" notation. Even when I would occasionally BAN someone, I would leave their posts up so that EVERYONE could see why they were banned, and the offending reasons. I feel that every person should stand behind what they say, and felt their conduct (good and bad) should be left out there for everyone to read! Their reputation is based on what they say, and how they conduct themselves. I also was certain to leave all of MY posts and actions on the system, so that others would know how I was treating the Members! It was not until I read THIS subject that I even knew the Hacker was using "Dealey". It points to a number of people that I did have to BAN, and one that would even call my office and harass me vocally (public figure) every week or so, but I am going to try to keep that information to myself and let those bad times be forgot..... Anything I can do to help the restoration (which appears to be over a year old now), just let me know. Respectfully, (As always) Jerry Dealey
  6. Guys and Gals, Just figured I would let you guys know that the Lancer Forum will be down for a few days. Everything is alright, but we are looking to upgrade the Forum software, after many years. However, we don't want to lose 14 years of threads and topics, so we are having various software people look at it and deciding which way to go. Jerry Dealey
  7. The T F Bowley report, which we have from the recordings, does have a number of Dispatchers (or Officers) calling "78" trying to get a response from Tippit. Additionally, towards the end of the report, there is a Dispatcher saying there is a "...shooting, involving a police officer, 510 E Jefferson.", which is the address of the car dealership that phoned a report in. Presumably, this phone call would have taken place a few seconds before, and the information given to the Dispatcher. Not sure if this is the same phone report, however. TF Bowley did volunteer the squad car number "Number 10", without being asked as Jackson recalls it. J Raymond, I am not sure the phone company kept logs, except for long distance calls that they had to keep a record of, since they had to bill for long distance fees. Local calls were not traced, unless set up to trace the call first.
  8. -----Original Message----- Jerry, there actually is some interesting dialog on the Ed forum about a figure right outside the front door of the building back in the shadows, not to stretch things but figure might be holding a soda bottle. In regard to that someone posted the following and to me it sounds like the front entrance...but you are far better at this than I, what do you think? Larry Hancock --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larry, I have now come to the conclusion that the figure in the shadows is either Bill Shelly or Buell Frazier. Frazier spoke recently at the sixth floor, and stated that he had the "best seat" in Dealey Plaza, completely in SHADE. (I wish I had thought to take that frame from the film and ask him to identify some of the people.) But none of the other persons on the front porch look like Bill Shelly, nor Buell Frazier. Yes, the glass door entrance was one of two. In between was a small lobby, with the passenger elevator, a cigarette machine, stairs that only went to the 2nd floor, and a small storage closet under the stairs. This could be called a lobby, entrance, or "vestibule" (I guess). Inside the 2nd glass doors, was the "will call" counter. We have lots of photos of all of these areas. Pierce Allman was the individual that got directions to the telephone. He was a radio newsman, and still lives. (I bump into him at the Sixth Floor, from time to time.) We have the audio report that he phoned in from inside the building, and he is apparently very out of breath. His entrance would likely be about 12:33 which was about the time that Oswald would have left, as it would have taken Pierce a few moments to react, gather his thoughts, and make his way from wherever he was to find a phone. Mrs. Robert Reid, who was out in front of the building, came in and went up the stairs, to her desk in the back of the office on the second floor. She is the one who encountered Oswald, carrying a coca-cola, as he crossed the secretary's office space on the 2nd floor. Again, neither I, nor anyone else, can put Oswald on the 6th floor with a rifle. However, I cannot put him anywhere else either. Carolyn Arnold (allegedly) said on her Nov. 28th statement to the FBI, that she thought she saw Oswald by the first door. On her April 1964, FBI statement, she allegedly said she did not see Oswald that day. (We know how accurate the FBI is, right? But if they were going to alter the statements, why would they alter the first one to say by the front door?) In 1975, Earl Goltz (Dallas Morning News) reported that Carolyn said "2nd floor lunchroom", and that she was shocked that the FBI quoted her as she did. Oswald supposedly told Fritz that he was in the 1st floor domino/lunch room, having lunch, and a "couple of the boys" walked through. "Junior" and the other name he did not know. Now, I have had people tell me that he was either really there, or he must have been Psychic to know that they walked through. But it could have simply been an "educated guess": based on the fact that those workers played Dominoes in that room every day for lunch, for the 5 weeks that Oswald was a worker there... More importantly, they STORED their lunches in the window of that room! If it was their lunch hour, and they wanted to eat, they would naturally "walk through". Barry Earnest' book, "The Girl on the Stairs", contends that Vickie Adams and Sandra Styles would have seen Oswald, if he had taken the stairs down from 6 to 2. At least they would have "heard" him, as those stairs make a lot of noise. (He was not wearing high heels, and they were, so I think if he was ahead of them, they would NOT have heard them. However, they knew the building, and I was not there.) Their manager, Gardner, was watching the stairway area from the time Styles and Adams left, up until she saw Baker and Truly going up, and SHE also did not see Oswald going down. Based on this Casey Quinlan and others contend that he must have been on the 2nd or 1st floor. None of these people say ANYONE going down those stairs. Jack Doherty was using the elevators, and Baker and Truly were aware of the elevators from the 1st floor, although Doherty did slip the west (automatic) elevator past them at some time. The fire escape was on Houston street, where hundreds of people were. Yet these are the only 3 ways to access or egress the 6th floor. But if there was ANY shooter on the 6th floor, would they not also be subject to the same limitations as Oswald? (Maybe Mr. Scott "beamed" the shooters out of there?) Again, I cannot put Oswald on the 6th floor with a rifle. But I can't conclusively put him anywhere else in the building, and if ANYONE was on the 6th floor firing (or pretending to fire), they would also have the same problem exiting the 6th floor, without being seen by the others. (I don't get on the Ed forum very often, but I guess I should paste this text into the discussion. FWIW) Jerry Dealey
  9. Guys, Don't usually come out here, although I do on occasion. Just a couple of comments from a Moderator on another Forum. John owns the Forum. He is entitled to grant or deny access for anyone he wants. If you do not like that, you are always welcome to create your own Forums, and do whatever rules you want. (I can even show you sites that will host them for free.) A Forum can be pre-approved postings, or open. Open Forums run the risk of inappropriate posting being made before the Moderator can see them, or object to them. Therefore some inappropriate material may appear, although the offender may be warned or banned after the fact. A Blog typically only has postings that have been approved and put into place by the owner. This often means that you will only see information the owner agrees with, and not diverse opinions. Social Media (such as Twitter or Facebook) has slowed many of the Forums. As it is open to almost anything, at least ONCE. John has full rights to only invite and tolerate people who follow his rules. He owns the Forum, and has stated what the rules are. I think he fairly only bans people who violate the rules; however, since it is HIS forum, he can do whatever he wants. As always, if you don't like the rules of someone else's Forum, you can start your own, and try to get people to show up. OK. Back to Lancer. Respectfully, Jerry Dealey
  10. William, It was not a statement I made. She is actually quoting YOU. http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=55842&sub_topic_id=55848&mesg_id=&page=#55890
  11. Guys, Ken Holmes, owner of Southwestern Historical Tours, passed away Sunday night. Many of you will remember Ken, as he has been involved with the NID Conference for every year. He has also given many tours of the JFK Assassination, along with Bonnie and Clyde, Texas History, Dallas: Then and Now, and other tours. For many years, I have helped with the JFK (and other tours). He has been extremely ill the last couple of years, and simply succumbed to that illness, in his sleep overnight. He has a son, Jason and a daughter, Kristen. He just turned 60 back in May. Anyone who has scheduled a tour for the future with Ken, Freda Dillard and I will attempt to fulfill those tour commitments. The service will be Friday, at 11:00 AM. It will be a Graveside service, at Grove Hill Cemetery, here in Dallas, TX. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you send donations of "Badge of Honor" memorial fund, for fallen Law Enforcement officers, in Ken Holmes' memory. https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/ExpressDonation.aspx?ORGID2=200460095 About midway down the pay you can specify "Dedication or Gift" where you can put in Ken Holmes.
  12. Well, well.... I don't get out here often, but do on occasion. I assume Ralph that everyone trusts you as the source of what I believe, much more than trusting me! Another of your fantasies? I put my reputation up against anyone in the Research "Community" based on what I have written and done over the years. Naturally, I assume that since YOU are the source of what I believe, everyone knows how reliable you are. But since you know me better than I know myself, you no longer have to listen to me on Lancer. I normally do not ban people just because of their opinion of me, but everyone out there would be thrilled to have seen you gone long ago. Instead, I gave you plenty of opportunity to post, explain your opinion, support it and interact with the other. Since you know EVERYTHING, you no longer need to be on Lancer, where we try to discuss and debate like adults. My apologies to the EF, and its Moderators..... but he is ALL yours. Not Respectfully (since you do not deserve Respect), Jerry Dealey
  13. Thanks Bernice! Now, a question for all forum members: Does anyone know if the Elm Street Extention was the only way to enter and exit the parking lot by car? Thanks --Tommy PROBABLY, SURPRISED THE ANSWER IS NOT WITHIN THE LANCER THREADS ON SUCH, THE RR TRACKS WOULD BE IN THE WAY, TO SIMPLY RUN OVER THEM I WOULD THINK, AND AS WE KNOW THERE WAS A EMBANKMENT ON THE OTHER SIDE,recall the coat found down the embankment and some info somewhere about a car parked down there, also no road leading out ever mentioned...as far as i know, PERHAPS SOMEONE WILL HAVE THE POSTED INFO HANDY..B..sorry darn caps thought i unlocked them... (Sorry. I don't check out here as often as I should.) No. There was also a dirt road that ran next to the tracks, on the north side of the TSBD. It ran over to Houston St., which in Nov 1963, was being made into a curved paved street to Ross. They opened the curved Houston St. to Ross in Dec '63.
  14. Guys, It is being discussed in the education forum, and was discussed at the conference. Gary Mack pointed me to the A. Jack Jernigan film for these captures. These are on Stemmons Freeway, with the Trade Mart in the background. If the President had stopped at the Trade Mart, he would have exited prior to this point. At 1 Minute 38 seconds, you can see a series of yellow marks on the curb, on the northbound side of Stemmons. There are only about 3 of them, before Jack raised his camera higher to film the Trade Mart. I will keep looking, but it does imply that the Dallas streets dept would paint these where vehicles were not supposed to park. (Not sure how to insert on this forum, but the photos are in the JFKLancer.com forum.) - Jerry
  15. The Zambodian Great Council proudly announce JD as the Court Jester of The Land of Zambodia.

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