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Ed LeDoux

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About Ed LeDoux

  • Birthday August 13

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    JFK & political assassinations.

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  1. Bart,


    Of course I thought the site was buggy.

    I could still log in, view posts, add to my feed... just couldn't post. (essentially silenced unknowingly)

    My account showed no points or restrictions, still does.

    Yet when I attended to contact admin through the site there was never a reply. I tried posting for assistance on my feed/status... nothing.  Weeks passed.

    Since I knew Kathy Beckett was an admin I looked for her email, etc.

    I could only find her on Facebook and sent message. Nothing.

    So I then went to her posts and replied under them to contact me.

    I had to hunt her down!!

    She then whinned about me posting on her birthday status.

    Oh well, perhaps answering the forum's "telephone" when its ringing off the hook... nah she wanted me to remove my messages on her FB page... not happening till my account is restored.

    Lump it. Its not I that runs a cheap show.

    In fact Kathy did a search, and asked me about just such a statement by me on ROKC.

    I told her that ignoring paying members or stifling debate is her own fault.  She defers to Gordon...

    A Cheap Show indeed.

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