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Joel D. Gruhn

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About Joel D. Gruhn

  • Birthday 09/11/1947

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    Minneapolis, MN, USA
  • Interests
    1. George W.Bakeman's presence at Bethesda.
    2. The Ford station wagon observed by Lee Bowers.
    3. Participant stories as told within the family.

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  1. That's right. O'Donnell believed shots, or at least audible gunshot sounds, had been fired from the GK. Beyond dispute, many earwitnesses placed audible gunshots as coming from the GK. In addition, many witnesses (including law enforcement officers and veterans) smelled gunsmoke in DP, in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA. Others placed gunshots as coming from the TSBD. Of course, you can have audible gunshots coming from both locations, thus creating confusion. There may have been other gunshots, from weapons using silencers. ----------- I have read that the primary concern of a sniper is exfiltration after firing. The GK is very exposed to DP. Wouldn't an experienced planner/sniper want to have an accomplice plant a few squibs on the GN to make smoke and sound, to distract the crowd? There is evidence that the CIA used squibs in Saigon to redirect attention during Buddhist protests. Wouldn't an experienced planner/sniper want to use the advantages of height and concealment offered by the buildings behind the limousine? We do have evidence of James Tague's injury and testimony. What evidence do we have for assuming that the sounds and smells from the GN came from a firearm? Joel G
  2. Some years ago I contacted the main Dallas library, who had a nominally priced reference/research service, who Xeroxed a few pages regarding one Stuart R. Martin for me from the 1963 City Directory. It only cost a few $$. Richard, I am an Ancestry member. If you want me to look up anything there, I'd gladly assist. Feel free to drop me a message here Joel D Gruhn
  3. Gil, interesting post of yours dated Feb 11.  I'm curious about your mentioning of a group called ETEC pronounced Itek.

    For what it is worth, there is another Itek, a company which designed and manufactured ultra high-resolution aerial reconnaissance cameras for the CIA,  who basically was their only customer. They made the cameras for the U-2 and the first recon satellites, to include the CORONA camera.  Please check out the rather complete summary of the Itek's history at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itek if you are interested.

    Sorry if this is a digression. My background is in optical physics. I designed two ultra high resolution cameras for micro photolithography with custom lens systems designed by Tropel. The lenses were based on the similar optical systems they supplied for the primary enlargers used to magnify the output from U-2 and satellite imagery. I have a friend who worked with Itek at their maintenance facility at Moffitt Field in the '70's who verified this relationship.

    Seems like a small world. 







  4. Paul, on C A Evans, the memo author: From the New York Times 12/12/1964 WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (AP)—Courtney A. Evans, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, will retire from, the bureau at the end of this month. Mr. Evans, who has been with the bureau for 24 years, is an aide of J. Edgar Hoover, the bureau's director. The sandy‐haired, mild‐mannered Mr. Evans is one of the F.B.I.'s more widely known men. He is known to the business world as the bureau's expert on matters financial—embezzlements, bankruptcy, confidence rackets, defalcations, and the threat of organized crime to business. For three years he has directed the wide‐ranging operations of the bureau's special investigative division. Joel
  5. Joe, Joel Gruhn here, Barrington RI.

    Interesting point you make about the makeup of autopsy participants in the Dorthy Kilgallen thread.

    I know of a similar story. If you would be willing to discuss, please reach out to me at joelgn@yahoo.com.



  6. For what it's worth, I had a left lower molar removed in ~ 1965,. behind it there were two molars and a wisdom tooth (also removed shortly after).

    The rear two molars tipped forward until there was  contact and have been perfectly stable for 50+ years. I think this is normal.

  7. yes, excellent. Please let us know what you need in terms of financial support. Joel Gruhn
  8. Hi Joel, I don't know if I answered this before but when I finally got Adml. Bruton's phone number in DC area and called it, his daughter answered the phone and said he had died and she was cleaning out his effects. I asked if there was anything to do with Collins Radio and she said no. That was in the 1980s. Email me bkjfk3@yahoo.com

  9. Hi Joel, yea, I don't think the sub commander is the guy we're looking for. It's Gordon S. Campbell, who officially died in 1962

  10. Bill - re g campbell...

    Sorry but I am confused. Isn't the ex sub commander buried in Arlington with a death year of 2000? maybe I missed somethhing in this thread.


  11. b, didn't peek first Please select one of the responses below Choice A [ 3 ] [42.86%] Choice B [ 1 ] [14.29%] Choice C [ 3 ] [42.86%] What is wrong with B?
  12. Jack, there is an add-on to IP Board (the message board software used here) that provides a photo gallery - exactly what you want. A full description is at http://www.invisionpower.com/products/gallery/ cost is ~ $65; it could be a central place for many photos galleries. Having it an integral part of the board software would, in my humble opinion, make it easier to moderate. I am wondering if we need to pass the hat. Joel D. Gruhn
  13. I don't agree with much of what Peter wrote, but I must defend his presence here. If a you work on your home, and thereby increase the value of your property, that increase is often referred to as "sweat equity" In the case of an open forum of ideas, that sweat equity is the sharing of research by members, and their objective commentary on the subjects at hand. IMHO I know of no other web forum where the moderators routinely fall back on justifications of "ownership". Yes - they own the server, and put up with complaints, and I respect that. But does that make it wise or legitimate to erase another person's intellectual effort utterly? retroactively? without 5 minutes warning? without allowing the author to move his work to a more stable and tolerant venue? There is real value in the contributions made by so many qualified people here. I am grateful for the stunning knowledge and effort shown on these pages. What respect does it show to all who contribute to see an active contributor's efforts disposed of unilaterally? The subject of this forum, the JFK Assassination Debate, is likely to inflame passions and stimulate political arguments. If we cannot all agree with the point of view of each post or contributor, can we not at least make this forum safe for diversity? Going forward, we can make this forum more valuable by valuing the diverse, sometimes polemical, "sweat equity" of all contributors.
  14. not to mention Tosh Plumlee... add a score more, who in frustration will simply decide that they have better things to do. We had a valuable and unique place here to share ideas.
  15. Forum: 1. A public meeting place for open discussion. 2. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website. I have to agree, Len. A moderator must be moderate and accept that everyone is not going to always agree in a spirited debate, and be able to temper his/her defensiveness. The threads were disappeared, which to anyone would feel like like censorship rather than an open forum. My two posts were whisked away - and they were not critical of any specific individual, any more than this one is. I think someone is perhaps feeling a little hyper-sensitive, and if that is the case they are MORE likely to get criticism for combining censorship with a total lack of transparency. I guess we are not suppose to question authority. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell Joel
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