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Vince Palamara

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About Vince Palamara

  • Birthday 06/25/1978

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    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    The Secret Service, JFK, Presidential history, the Steelers, music (Playing guitar)

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  1. Vince: I have long admired your work. I wanted to raise a point which you and others have commented on regarding the motorcade route. It has always seemed to me that the planning of the route was actually based on one thing above all else, and that was the selection of the venue for JFK's lunch address. My sources are quite good on that and I've never discussed this, though I plan to write about it in my book. Were it not for the choice of the Trade Mart, the route through Dealey Plaza would not have happened. However, I've always known that the entire plan for the assassination (though there were several) was overseen by the most powerful men in and out of government. Therefore, when I learned of the details of how the Trade Mart was selected, even over the objections of JFK's staffers, I thought that pretty much dictated the route. Once that was set, despite the route that might have been (i.e. from Main to Industrial etc.), it was easy for individuals in key positions (i.e. Secret Service) to make the route work for the ambush. I'd like to know what others think. -- SJ

    1. Vince Palamara

      Vince Palamara

      Thanks so much, Steve! I am looking forward to your book; excellent.

      I agree with your premise...and the fact that the Secret Service would make the route work for the ambush.

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