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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Pat---ok, the silence is deafening LOL: WHAT DOES JIM DIEUGENIO HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ALL OF THIS? One is reminded of the JFK movie----right around the time of its release, those police records came out showing that the three tramps...were merely three tramps. That said, despite the flaws, the JFK movie, warts and all, is great and achieved a lot (including the JFK Records Act and ARRB).
  2. Thanks! No-that is it. Thank God I did what I was able to do, as the DVDr literally disintegrated! This happened to me a couple times in the past (one was a music DVDr). The great news- the head wound location was "the big reveal" and I obtained that. There wasn't anything else he said of major importance.
  3. Pat, you are going to break Tracy's heart with this- so true: "Whether or not Todd's initials are on the bullet is on the other hand a minor data point that proves nothing in and of itself." That said, that "E" and "T" look mighty big (and awkward) to have been missed by ANYONE all these years. A clumsy, awkward late addition?
  4. Pat, do you believe that huge E and T were there all this time and everyone missed it? It seems hard to believe.
  5. Fair enough. I must admit that I see the "ET" right away and am stunned others who saw the bullet in person missed it...if it was truly there for many decades.
  6. I see the "ET" and, beyond the questions of why others allegedly missed it and the notion that it was added later, even if (if) one concedes this point, there is a whole lot more to the chain of custody of CE399 and other related matters than just this. One is reminded of those who "exposed" the three tramps as just tramps in the movie JFK, as if that debunked the entire movie and all of its many components...epic fail. There is a whole lot to the two and four hour versions of Stone's new doc far beyond just this one component.
  7. ***[NOTE: the first one minute and 52 seconds are mostly silent with a little segment (11 to 28 second mark) with sound; the sound kicks in permanently from 1:51 until the end of the video at 7:58***] Dr. William Zedlitz and the JFK assassination: my exclusive major medical evidence discovery
  8. The one that cracks me up is when the reporter shouts to Oswald "You don't have to sport! Knock it off!" When Oswald denies shooting anyone; different clip.
  9. Loop it over and over at the 4 second mark. I have heard that for decades now.
  10. He doesn't say "behave yourself" LOL! He says "We can't hear anything."
  11. Fantastic article, Jim! I am honored to have helped. One thing caught my eye, among others: "...investigator Dave Montague got in contact with former Lt. Stephen Weiss, who was with that detachment in 1963 but was now retired. He told Montague that Colonel Robert Jones had requested they get in contact with the Secret Service and offer them supplementary protection for President Kennedy in Dallas. Weiss was surprised that the Secret Service declined. He said the word was that a man, who’s name phonetically sounded like [Forrest] Sorrels, declined the offer. (ARRB memo, p. 1) [emphasis added]." From my book Honest Answers, pages 132-133 : "Published for the first time ever, these disturbing comments about the Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas Secret Service office, Forrest Sorrels, who rode in the lead car, the vehicle directly in front of Kennedy’s limousine on 11/22/63 and who helped plan the motorcade route. The FBI got a call on 11/27/1963 from a woman who had heard a recent speech by Forrest Sorrels at her Lady’s Club. She told the FBI that Sorrels was “anti-government, against the Kennedy administration, and she felt his position was against the security of not only the President but the United States." [reprint of actual doc in the book] "In light of this disturbing report about Sorrels, the following report, also published for the first time ever, is also troubling- Sorrels told the FBI on 11/20/63 that he did not anticipate any trouble for the upcoming trip to Dallas and did not take up the FBI’s offer of assistance." [reprint of actual doc in the book] From page 160: "Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels inexplicably told the FBI (agent Alfred D. Neeley, to be exact) the following: Mr. Forrest V. Sorrels … advised that he was at the Parkland Memorial Hospital when President Kennedy was brought to the hospital and said that he remained there until his body was taken to Love Field. Mr. Sorrels stated that there were no photographs taken of President Kennedy at the Parkland Hospital. He stated there were no photographs taken of him as he was being taken into the Parkland Hospital on a stretcher. [Emphasis added] (2/27/64 FBI interview (CD 735, page 12); see also Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams (2011 edition), page 144) Sorrels made this bizarre statement, yet there is seemingly no question that he went back to Dealey Plaza soon after arriving at Parkland Hospital. (7 H 332-360 and 13 H 55-83: testimony; 7 H 592: affidavit) Indeed, Sorrels also told the HSCA: He believed the President was dead before he arrived at the hospital. After arriving at Parkland Hospital, he decided that he could be of more help back at the scene of the shooting." (3/15/78 interview with the HSCA (RIF#180-10074-10392). ---------- There's a little more to Sorrels, but this says a lot.
  12. Thanks a lot, Joe! much appreciated. I have good genes from my mom and dad (I also do not smoke or drink or do drugs). I am married but no kids, so no stress hahaha We live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA near the Montour Trail.
  13. Yes---it seems to be a "maybe." It could also have been a false story started in order to grant federal jurisdiction, even briefly, so the feds (FBI/Secret Service) could take the body illegally and other matters they normally would not be able to do (the murder of a president was NOT then a federal crime, but the murder of an agent WAS!).
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