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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. THIS part of Robertson's article sticks out to me: The documented bone loss in the rear of the head is in actuality higher than in Dr. McClelland’s diagram
  2. I witnessed something myself, Pat. During the June 1991 Third Decade conference, many of us went to a local bar/restaurant and this young (21 tops) waitress became the apple of Harry's eyes (Harry was a paunchy and old looking 51 at the time). He gave her his card and one of his books. She was polite but it was extremely obvious she wasn't interested and viewed him as an "old guy." Harold Weisberg wrote of a similar incident in his unpublished manuscript denigrating several from the research community.
  3. I know Harry Livingstone had some scathing things to say about her in KILLING THE TRUTH (1993). That was the book that turned the research community off to Harry. Despite having two best-sellers (one of which was a best-seller twice [High Treason]), Harry was never invited to any major conferences and was treated like a pariah from then on. I personally witnessed when he showed up unannounced at COPA 1996 and researchers were in panic mode. Some of them (grown men) were literally running for cover! Harry showed up at the dinner that night honoring his nemesis Robert Groden and, to our astonishment, he behaved himself. But back to the subject at hand: Harry thought Mary was evil.
  4. Yes, he did- his second, third and fourth LOL. Not only did he admit in that video above getting rid of everything but a few token items in 2005, he is talking about finding a diary now...hmmm-is it fabricated? Will it "reveal" something to confirm official history (conveniently)?
  5. Clint Hill and his wife are coming out with a FOURTH book (fifth overall if you include the one she did with Blaine): $$$$$$$$$$$ (I guess he didn't burn everything in 2005 after all* [see video below)] https://people.com/politics/jackie-kennedy-secret-service-agent-clint-hill-announces-book-about-their-travels/?fbclid=IwAR1zMysD-Zio9G-Nouod3zVftZhlC6ZbINvuLXi2KRDNleSAGX-hDS0Qbzo
  6. David- you were there with Sanford Unger and a reporter, right? I saw that a while ago.
  7. Jean Hill has been a much-maligned witness thru the years, but her first-day story (and the essence of what she espoused from the get-go) is solid. Includes an excellent confirming detail from researcher Wallace Milam on 11/22/1993.
  8. Fair enough, but it is a definite possibility to consider. For many years, the thought never even entered my mind to check the trunks. Circa 1963 in those pre-Watergate times and so forth (more naive country, less cynical, etc.), would people running behind the fence have even considered that as an option for a gunman to hide/escape?
  9. Open car trunk-jump in trunk. A confederate drives you away later (or you somehow are able to get out on your own if that is possible- it is in some modern vehicles).
  10. Like I have always demonstrated, they had the resources to guard building rooftops and place agents on the back of the limo (and bracket the limo with many motorcycles) during a TWENTY EIGHT MILE motorcade (JFK's longest domestic motorcade, just a little shorter than his longest that received the same security measures: Berlin June 1963) four days before in Tampa on 11/18/63, yet they couldn't do this for an ELEVEN MILE motorcade in Dallas???
  11. Brandus is something else---he reached out to me last year about his forthcoming book and was all nice and friendly. I assumed that his book was going to be pro-conspiracy from the way he was ingratiating himself (shades of Posner with Weisberg).
  12. Very interesting connections. The parent company, Simon & Schuster, published the Blaine and Hill propaganda.
  13. Yet another Oswald-did-it book. The bold part is what made me respond with a video: John F. Kennedy’s fascination with death—particularly his own—and Lee Harvey Oswald’s love of violence and desire for fame made November 22, 1963 practically inevitable.With new details from the very latest documents declassified by the CIA and FBI!The so-called “crime of the century”—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—was almost preordained to happen. Like all presidents from decades before him, JFK played it loose with security—open cars, Secret Service agents at a distance, and a desire to be seen. Yet conspiracy buffs are certain the security setup on November 22, 1963 was unusual and suspicious. It wasn’t.And what of Lee Harvey Oswald, the drifter, the vicious wife-beating, fame-seeking narcissist? Everything in his background—dating back to his violent, disturbing grade school years, including his stated desire to murder President Dwight Eisenhower—defines the real Lee Oswald. The Oswald that conspiracists rarely talk about—the Oswald who was perched in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository as JFK drove by—was headed for this moment of infamy years before he pulled the trigger.In Countdown to Dallas, author Paul Brandus tracks the backgrounds of both Kennedy and Oswald, the very different era in which they lived, and the incredible string of circumstances that brought them together for a few fateful moments in Dallas.
  14. Jim, OUTSTANDING job on the documentaries (both 2 hour and four hour versions)! It is THE best one ever made by a country mile. Everyone was snapping photos of Oliver Stone in Dallas a couple years back. That is cool and all, but I was saying "Look!! There's Jim DiEugenio!!"
  15. Very interesting! Yes, at first I chalked it up to a hereditary problem because, like I said, he sounds like Rose Kennedy. I am sorry he has vocal chord problems. I will say this: I can understand everything he says and coming from him adds more weight.
  16. It is no longer listed as a title at Trine Day's website and the author's name does not appear in a search there- I wonder what happened? The book was just released 10/29/21. That said, it wasn't setting the world on fire (only one bad review and frequently in the millions in rankings, not a good thing for a new title). I have it and, truth be told, I was disappointed: not the greatest writing and it did not provide "a point-by-point refutation of Vincent Bugliosi's book Reclaiming History" as advertised. In fact, the book was advertised at 480 pages, yet it only clocked in at 270. At Amazon, the cover is now gone, as is the author's photo: Reclaiming Reality: Vincent Bugliosi and the Dallas Conspiracy: Donges, Gregory S.: 9781634243780: Amazon.com: Books The cover used to look like this:
  17. Wow--he does: What happened to Robert Kennedy Jr's voice and when did it change? (thefocus.news)
  18. I agree! While I enjoyed the two hour version at the time (I saw it twice), I watched all four episodes back to back today and I loved it. Episode 3 was my favorite. I love the medical evidence and all the nuts and bolts of the case. While I respect the foreign policy stuff, it leaves me a little restless and cold- I want to get back to the evidence! On another note... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ROBERT KENNEDY JR.'S VOICE? He sounds like the late Rose Kennedy. I do NOT mean to sound disrespectful; just wondering. It sounds almost like a paralyzed vocal chord or (as my wife said) like he is always very emotional when he speaks. I hate to say this, but it distracts from his message.
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