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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Thanks a lot! What truly amazes me is the fact that my books sell every week (especially my latest from a year ago) and especially how not a day goes by when I do not receive a lot of comments on my You Tube channel. The level of enthusiasm is inspiring! I know the feeling you have well. That said, I am in semi-retirement mode LOL: 5 books in 8 years + many radio/Skype/podcasts + several major conference presentations (all on video/You Tube) + A COUP IN CAMELOT, TMWKK (replayed several times on---get this---NEWSMAX!) and the new JFK ASSASSINATION UK documentary...I feel like I have said and done it all. But, again- whenever I think I am done, I get several (many) messages of enthusiastic interest.
  2. Prolific researcher Bill Adams from California has been MIA since 2000. I suspect Tony Marsh from MA has passed away.
  3. AN EXCERPT FROM MY SECOND BOOK ON THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE “JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA”: 21 H 193- 202: 12/11/63 report from Elizabeth L. Wright-Good---Director, Nursing Service to C.J. Price [Mrs. Wright-Good is the widow of O.P. Wright, Parkland Hospital security chief. Wallace Milam interviewed her on 6/23/93 and Mark Oakes did the same on video in Oct. 11, 1994---besides her belief, shared by her husband, that the shots had to have come from more than one direction, ***she showed Oakes on camera an unfired .38 special, WCC revolver bullet which she said was THE bullet that her husband had attempted in vain to give to “an FBI agent”! She showed the bullet to Henry Wade, which is backed up by Oakes videotaped interview with Wade in May 1992 [although, as Oakes and Good acknowledge, Wade got her name wrong] and, to a lesser extent, Wright’s mention of Wade at 21 H 196. Also, at 21 H 198: “Mr. Wright had somewhere down the line asked me if I could ascertain the path of the bullet-or bullets-determine the path, and FIND OUT WHERE THE INSTRUMENT OF INJURY ACTUALLY WAS” (emphasis added). If this weren’t enough, DPD Patrick Dean was married to the daughter of O.P. Wright by a previous marriage (thanks to Wallace Milam for this information).*** THIS VIDEO: A) Oakes videotaped interview with Wade in May 1992; Oakes videotaped interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Wright-Good, the widow of O.P. Wright; C) Wade on the single bullet theory in 1988 Governor Connally stated in his autobiography called “In History’s Shadow”: “But the most curious discovery of all took place when they rolled me off the stretcher, and onto the examining table. A metal object fell onto the floor, with a click no louder than a wedding band. The nurse picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. It was the BULLET FROM MY BODY, the one that passed through my back, chest, and wrist, and worked itself loose from my thigh”(emphasis added-p. 18;”The Investigator” Feb-May 1994). Corroborating Connally’s memory, from the 11/21/93 Dallas Morning News interview with Henry Wade:” I also went out to see Connally, but he was in the operating room (note the time frame).Some nurse had a bullet in her hand, and said this was on the gurney that Connally was on...I told her to give it to the police, which she said she would. I assume that’s the pristine bullet”(“The Investigator” Feb-May 1994). [Both John and Nellie Connally did not believe that the same bullet which hit JFK hit the GovernorSee 4 H 136,147-149, and 20 H 355]. Finally, Gary Shaw (in the 11/22/93 “Dateline: Dallas” issue) came across this passage from the Warren Commission testimony of Parkland nurse Jeanette Standridge: Specter: “Did you notice any object in Governor Connally’s clothing?” Standridge: “Not unusual” Specter:” Did you notice a bullet, specifically?” Standridge: “No” Specter:” Did you hear the sound of anything fall?” Standridge: “I didn’t” Is THIS “CE399”? What’s going on here?
  4. Agreed! Gordon [Novel David] Ferrie came out of nowhere in 2016 with many outrageous claims that do not check out. I remember searching for any pre-2016 info on him and came up with nothing.
  5. "Interesting" DVD. I haven't seen it, but it just came up in a search I did: Amazon.com: The Rare Interviews of the Last Living Experts on the JFK Assassination : Movies & TV
  6. I can definitely see that point of view, as well.
  7. That is very good speculation; well written, too. My boy, I think you need to write a book yourself.
  8. Thanks! Yes- I tried to write that in a genteel way. As one can see from the 2020 video, David looks amazing; kind of like Terry Bradshaw has aged well because he is bald The 2002 video is interesting because David refers to his forthcoming book...still waiting 20 years later.
  9. And, as a big admirer of Mr. Lifton, I want to address the elephant in the room: Father Time. Although David looks amazing for his age, he IS in his eighties. Here is wishing him many more years. That said, Father Time is not a guaranteed "parent" to any of us. Has he made provisions in the event of his passing that his book and materials will see the light of day? I say this because this highly anticipated follow up to his classic book BEST EVIDENCE has been in the making for over 40 years now. It would be a tragedy if it never sees the light of day. I know David was in contact with me a lot via e-mail a few years back and a fellow researcher says he is actively working on it still. If the lore of a big publisher is over ---if that ship has sailed---I hope David seeks out Trine Day: they would gladly publish it and he would still do very well. Maybe not big time publisher McMillan well, but, with the advent of the net/ Amazon and kindle, it is a much more even playing field these days. Gone are the times that, if you weren't on national television, your book faced the possibility of dying on the shelves. Social media and the net (and kindle) have been an extreme advantage to all.
  10. You can see the video on my channel: search for "Crouch" or RARE: JFK Autopsy Photographs with Mark Crouch and Harry Livingstone 1991
  11. I knew Mark--not real well, but we spoke a few times. He was a former associate of David Lifton who then sided with Harry Livingstone. Mark was very much into the autopsy photos.
  12. Judging by the media push behind Blaine and Hill (biggest book company in the world, big time websites/blogs) + Bugliosi and Posner, we cannot compete. I have sold thousands of copies of my books. Hill and Blaine have sold HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS and have been on mainstream television a heck of a lot more than I. They have much bigger audiences/ weapons at their disposal.
  13. Sadly, I think "they" won. Not only is social media and the net manipulated to censor out alternative views like this, I am seeing more and more Parnell-like comments from regular folks on articles I never saw before up to 2013 or so.
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