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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Wow! And, as I noted a couple years ago, from roughly 1998-2013, if you typed "Secret Service JFK" or anything remotely similar in Google, my articles and websites came up in droves. SINCE then, almost nothing comes up but Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill info (thanks to their two big media blogs, etc.).
  2. Someone just commented on my You Tube channel "Vince!! Check it out: all the videos that featured Doug Horne---at least 18 at last count---are all gone; wiped out. What makes this especially troubling is the fact that they were on different channels. Is he alright?" I know Doug was on A COUP IN CAMELOT (as was I, David Mantik and Barry Ernest, among others; DVD, Blu ray and Amazon streaming still available) and, of course, is on the Oliver Stone documentary JFK REVISITED. Does anyone have any info? As a side note, I do know that he was wounded by criticism of his lengthy part in A COUP IN CAMELOT and disappeared for a while, deleted his Facebook and turning to FDR instead. Did something happen this time around to make him (or someone) delete his videos? Douglas Horne - IMDb A Coup in Camelot (2015) - IMDb
  4. RARE: Governor John Connally about the HSCA plus Jim Baker (!) 9/6/78 Kennedy assassination (JFK)
  5. ***BREAKING NEWS*** Singer Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday) at Parkland Hospital 11/22/63 Kennedy assassination JFK- PHOTOS and possible video discovered [video may---may--include his friends; at the very least, they were there and nearby] + BONUS: Bill Paxton in Fort Worth 11/22/63 and actual Beverly Oliver photos 11/22/63 ***special thanks to DENIS MORISSETTE and SEAN COLEMAN***
  6. RARE: more on the HSCA shooting recreation 8/18/78 Kennedy assassination (JFK)
  7. Thanks so much! Joe, please check out the video I just posted- to my knowledge, the elevator view from the TSBD was never shown before. I did not know that someone riding the elevator WOULD HAVE BEEN SEEN ON EVERY FLOOR!
  8. UNIQUE AND ULTRA RARE views of TSBD elevator (***12/5/1977: AMAZING!***), nearby roofs, jail (***wow***)- news footage 1964-1980
  9. Thanks! Much appreciated. I agree- apart from the mistake about the film, the Mauser issue is still alive.
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