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Karl Kinaski

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Posts posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. 9 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    So, you think somebody was firing a weapon from on top of the Triple Underpass, eh? Okay.

    No. Jay Watson points with his finger to the painted bushes in front of the triple underpass when he says, at ca. 43min25 sec of your clip " ... he was shot from up and here ..." Indicating the bushes in front of the picket fence ... Watson did not say "he was shot from the triple underpass" ... just watch your clip ...

  2. Quote


    David Von Pein

    "For the most part, however, the first-day television and radio coverage supports a ONE-assassin, THREE-shots-fired assassination scenario. And that is truly amazing if a multi-gun, six-shots-fired killing had really occurred--as so many conspiracy theorists seem to think did happen in Dealey Plaza."


      Yes. When everything and everybody was in the grip of the LN-cover. But at 1h20 Dallas time this day at WFAA a piece of the truth was slipping through ... well ahead of the Ossi and TSDB  tale ... 

  3. Quote


    @ David Von Pein

    Maybe [CTers] think that everybody at CBS, NBC, ABC, WFAA, KLIF, WBAP, and KRLD were all part of an immediate and wide-sweeping cover-up.


    There was no initial Cover up of WFAA. Using a blackboard, starting at 43min05sec at this clip you provided on your Y Tube channel, WFAAs Jay Watson is demonstrating his audience where the shots came from. From the vincinity of the tripple underpass. The TSDB is not mentioned nor painted on Jay Watsons blackbord. No cover up here no TSDB. Shots from the front. Watch your clip. Shooter on the knoll. No cover up. BTW It is ca. 20 minutes past 1 o clock Dallas time when Watson is presenting his blackboard.

  4.  @Pat Speer

     Compared to Myers, Mack in his later years was a much more destructive force to the CTer-case. His friend(of the early days) the late Jack White said of the late Mack, he was switching from CTer to LNter the moment he met Gus Russo. If Myers makes Bela Lugosi, what was Gary Mack when he became boss of the deep state front called 6th floor museum? -- The Voldemord of that Hogwarts Departement of the lone nut, eager to turn each und every piece of CTer evidence into the lone nut tale or dissimissing it as irrelevant or creating such bullshit artist pieces as INSIDE THE TARGET CAR. Compared to Mack, Myers is a small fish. You say, Mack remained open to CT ideas. I say he pretended ... BTW I had to add Gus Russo to my list of suspicious "CT to LN" convertites.

  5. @ Ray Mitcham ... thx for the clarification ...to me that makes Samoluks actions look even more suspicious ...    it escapes me why the ARRB wasn't sending him down to Dallas a second time to do his job which was to wind up the  camera, climb "Zapruders pesdestal and film ... not a very complicated task ...


    @David Lifton

    So you say Samoluk was not playing the fool by pretending he can't tell a cam with batteries from a cam you have to wind up with a wind up key but a genuine fool?
    I don't believe it.
    In the first place: Whoever gave Samulok the Zapruder Type cam why did he not told Samoluk: "That is a type of cam you have to wind up" and why  didn't they provide Samoluk  with the wind up key to wind up that cam?

    The reason why we don't have a Zapruder-reference-film shot by a Zapruder-type -cam to compare it's features with the features of the Zappi-film is ARRB's Samoluk playing the fool. 


    More about the ordnance optics japanese scope that Weitzmann did not see ...

    At (1h7min26 sec) of this video researcher Mark Groubert (in short) said:

    start of summary

    -- The WC claimed, the (ordnance) scope came in the Kleins-package with the Carcano 
    -- In order to find out where Klein's got it they found out from " firm" in Hollywood "that doesn't exist" ... they find a guy who has an optician store who said "Yes I improt them and I sell them to Klein sporting goods and he (Oswald) probably got it(the scope) with the package with the rifle (...) in the process to find out where the scope came from in Hoillywood, the WC was contacted  by an LA lieutnent from the robbery division who said "I know where it came from" leading the commission to that guy with the optician store. His name was Manuel Pena. This was in 1963/64. 

    end of summary

    Now who is Manuel Pena? 
    A man who in June 1968 was promoted to one of the chief investigators in the RFK murder case.


    from this site

     Lieutenant Manuel Pena, who was in control of all “day watch officers” in the Special Unit Senator investigation, and responsible for signing off on every witness interview transcript (many without the name of the interviewing officer), had been in military intelligence in Korea. In November 1967, Pena resigned from the LAPD to work for the Agency for International Development (AID).
    Charles A. O’Brien, California’s Chief Deputy Attorney General, told author William Turner that AID was being used as an “ultra-secret CIA unit” that was known to insiders as the “Department of Dirty Tricks” and that it was involved in teaching foreign intelligence agents the techniques of assassination.

    FBI agent Roger LaJeunesse claimed that Pena had been carrying out CIA special assignments for at least ten years. This was confirmed by Pena’s brother, a high school teacher, who told television journalist, Stan Bohrman, that he was proud of his brother’s CIA activities.

    In April 1968 Pena surprisingly resigned from AID and returned to the LAPD.

    Chief of Detectives Robert Houghton asked Chief of Homicide Detectives Hugh Brown to take charge of the investigation into the death of Robert Kennedy, code-named Special Unit Senator (SUS) but he specifically designated Lt. Manny Pena to control the daily flow and direction of the investigation.
    close quote

    Here we have a (CIA) guy involved in the cover up of the JFKA and RFKA. 


    2007 Education forum thread about Manuel Pena

    Manuel Pena.png


  8. Since CE 399 is just another prop in the rather boring  OSSI DID IT play, I don't care who's initials are on it.  Or any iniials at all. I am more interested in disapearing initials, for exampel: Judyth Vary Bakers initials on Oswalds Reily Coffee Companie  timecards which are visible on the Ossi-timcards uploaded by the National Archives and dissapeard in the timecard versions uploaded by the Mary Ferell Foundation.

  9. A serious attempt to shot a film with Zappis cam from that pedestal to compare it's features with the odd features of the Zappi-assassination film was made by the ARRB 1997 --and sabotaged by certain members of the ARRB. 

    Quote, David Lifton PIG ON LEASH 2003 

    (Douglas Horne Requests Test with Original Camera 
     Doug Horne knew what needed to be done: that film should be run through 
    the Zapruder camera, in a test conducted at Dealey Plaza, preferably when the 
    lighting was the same, and such test film be compared with the Zapruder film.  It 
    didn’t  take  a  photo  expert  to  understand  why  this  should  be  done:  a  match 
    between the test film and the Zapruder film would be powerful evidence that the 
    Zapruder  film  was  a  genuine  original;  contrariwise,  any  mismatch  might  be 
    probabtive, even definitive, on the issue of whether the film in evidence was not 
    taken by the Zapruder camera.


     Neither David Marwell nor Jeremy Gunn wanted to do any such tests.  (WTF)

    Marwell  looked with  complete  disdain  at  the  notion  that  the  Zapruder  film 
    might  be  a  forgery.    He  said  he  had  experience  in  college,  either  on  the 
    newspaper or in a photography club, with contact printing, and he just didn’t see 
    how the film could be inauthentic. He kept bringing up the small size of an 8 mm 
    film, saying: “You’d need engraving tools.”  As Doug observed later, he simply 
    failed to inform himself about optical editing technology.   
    Gunn was a different matter. When Marwell left the ARRB, and the problem 
    was  passed  to  Gunn,  the  problem  was  political.    Gunn  did  not  have  good 
    relations with the five Board members, who—Doug tells me—thought of him as 
    a closet assassination buff (and he was, in some ways).  The Board members were 
    essentially conservative, and Gunn knew they would never approve doing a test 
    in  Dealy  Plaza;  that  their  fear  would  be  a  New  York  Times  headline,  “ARRB 
    Suspects Zapruder Film Forgery”. 
    Doug thought their fears were completely exaggerated. It was well within the 
    rights of the ARRB to investigate the provenance of any assassination record, and 
    “record” could be more important that the visual record of the Zapruder film? 
    When Marwell departed as Exec Director to take outside employment. Gunn 
    became Exec Director as well as General Counsel. This was the autumn of 1997. 
    One day, Doug locked horns with Gunn on this issue.  
    “I  insisted  on  a  film  test  in  Zapruder’s  actual  camera  in  Dealey  Plaza  on 
    November 22 at 12:30 PM,” recalls Doug. 
    Gunn was cold, austere, distant, even hostile. 
    “What are your reasons for wanting to do this test?” he said. 
    “Film authenticity,” replied Doug. 
    “And  I  said  that  the  best  way  to  test  inauthenticity  would  be  to  see  if  the 
    intersprocket sprocket image looked the same or not  as the intersprocket image 
    on the film at the Archives.   That’s exactly what I said.” 
    “He then completely astounded me by saying ‘Can you give me a reason to 
    conduct this test that has nothing to do with authenticitiy?’” 
     “I  was  floored  by  his  question,”  recalls  Doug,  “And  I  said,  I  literally 
    exploded: ‘I can’t believe you’re asking me that question. That’s ridiculous. The 
    only reason to do this testis authenticity.’ 
    Gunn said : “Let’s call Rollie and put it to a vote.” 
    And  so,  right  on  the  spot,  he  called  Rollie  Zavada:  How  did  he  feel  about 
    conducting  such  a  test—using  Abe’s  camera,  upon  the  white  pedestal,  on 
    November 22, at 12:30 PM? 
     “I’ve already shot test film in Zapruder type cameras,” replied Rollie, “and 
    the  only  thing  that  Doug  is  proposing  that’s  any  different  is  to  do  it  on 
    November 22, at 12:30 P.M. 
    Then Rollie delivered the coup de grace: “I see no reason to do this test with 
    Abe’s original camera; it would be good enough to use any camera of the same 
    make and model.” 
     “And at that point, I knew I’d lost,” recalls Doug. “I was devastated. Really, I 
    Gunn immediately. proposed a compromise. 
    “We’ve  got  Tom  Samoluk  going  to  Dallas  on  other  business  around 
    November 22 [1997]. Can you send us a Zapruder type camera filled with film, 
    and we’ll conduct the test that Doug wants, which is to shoot it on 11/22 at 12:30 
     “And Rollie said, ‘Sure, I’ll do that.’ 
     “They thought they were doing a good thing,” says Doug. “I was extremely 
    disappointed,  because:  (1)  A  film  pro  wouldn’t  be  conducting  the  test;  (2)  it 
    wouldn’t be Abe’s camera.”   
    Doug says that he knew that if Zapruder’s actual camera wasn’t used, then 
    whatever anomalies were discovered would be attributed to a camera-to-camera 
     “Those  were  all  the  things  running  through  my  mind,  so  I  was  very 
    disappointed,” recalls Doug. 
    But it wasn’t over—yet. 

    Samoluk Goes to Dallas  

    But let‘s return to Samoluk in November, 1997. It was November, 1997 when Samoluk went to Dallas, tasked with the job of taking  pictures  from  Zapruder’s  perch  on  November  22,  something  he  really didn’t  want  to  do,  because  Dealey  Plaza  can  be  a  zoo  on  assassination anniversaries. 
    Meanwhile, Rollie had sent a camera via Federal Express; it was loaded with film,  and  with  directions,  in  a  box  to  the  ARRB  in  Washington;  and  now,  in Dallas, Samoluk retired to his hotel room, and opened the box. He pulled out the camera, pressed the trigger, to make sure it would run, and nothing happened.  He tried again.  Nothing.  Experimenting a bit in the hotel room, Samoluk became convinced that the camera was jammed, and gave up on 
    the project. 
    Upon returning to Washington, Doug ran over to him when he appeared at 
    the ARRB offices, and asked excitedly (“like a puppy dog,” recalls Doug): “Did 
    you conduct the test?” 
     “With a sheepish look on his face,” recalls Doug, “he replied, ‘No, I didn’t, 
    the friggin’ camera jammed.’” 
     “What do you mean it jammed?” said Doug. 
     “Well, either it jammed or the batteries were no good!”, replied Samoluk. 
     “What do you mean, batteries?” said Doug, growing increasingly upset. “This 
    camera doesn’t have batteries, you wind it with a  big gigantic key that is on the 
    side of the camera.” 
     “And his jaw dropped open, his eyes got big, he got this ‘oh dooky’ look on his 
    Doug called Rollie and confirmed that there were no batteries, and that Rollie 
    had not wound the camera before he sent it to the Review Board.  
    Rollie  had  sent  a  long  list  of  operating  instructions;  but  nowhere  did  it  say 
    ”Wind the camera.”  
     “This  was  keystone  cops,  man,  USG  style,”  says  Doug,  reflecting  on  the 


    Close quote

  10. Helms at 31min46sec raising his voice:

    "I assured Mr Gray that the CIA had nothing  do involement with the break in. (Watergate.)  No involvement whatever. And it was my preoccupation consistently from then to this tiume to make this point and to be sure that everybody understand ... it dosen't seem to get across very well for some reason that THE AGENCY HAD NATHING TO DO WITH THE WATERGATE BREAKIN! --- I hope all the newspapermen in the room hear me clearly now."

    And seconds after that statement the old fox is twinkling to somebody in the audience.  32min17/18sec ... indicating that the contrary was the case ... lol ... Nixon tried to threaten the CIA with his knowledge about the "dirty tricks departement"  instead the CIA forced him to resign by a breakin designed to fail ... it was the second succsessfull coupe d' etat within 10 years ...


    JJJ Helms Watergate Hearing 32min10sec Helms twinkling.png

  11. @Pat Speer

    McHugh didn't conspire against his boss he simply lied about the grey navy ambulance at Bethesda which never got from the Bethesda Tower to the Bethesda morgue in walking pace escorted by some walking  honor-guard. (McHugh's words)

    His fairy-tale starts at 0min20sec.


    The ambulance suddenly started from the Tower with high speed into the dark turning out it's lights maybe to dislodge the truck with the honor-guard men under Lt. Bird. (acc.to Hubert Clark member of that honor-guard on that truck and eyewitness. )

    Hubert Clark interview. Story of ambulance chase starts at 23min





  12. @Joseph McBride. Thx for the clip. I knew the clip but was not aware that it is the same McHugh.  That illustrates that JFK and McHughes weren't in love which each other. Apropos love, I digged up another - rather juicy - aspect of the Kennedy-McHugh relationship.

    Quote,  L. Fletcher Prouty, letter to Jim Garrison (6th March, 1990):

     Lansdale and his Time-Life and other media friends, with Valenti in Hollywood, have been doing that cover-up since Nov 1963. Even the deMorenschildt story enhances all of this. In deM's personal telephone/address notebook he had the name of an Air Force Colonel friend of mine, Howard Burrus. Burrus was always deep in intelligence. He had been in one of the most sensitive Attache spots in Europe...Switzerland. He was a close friend of another Air Force Colonel and Attache, Godfrey McHugh, who used to date Jackie Bouvier. DeM had Burrus listed under a DC telephone number and on that same telephone number he had "L.B.Johnson, Congressman." Quite a connection. Why...from the Fifties yet.?

    Godfrey McHugh was the Air Force Attache in Paris. Another most important job. I knew him well, and I transferred his former Ass't Attache to my office in the Pentagon. This gave me access to a lot of information I wanted in the Fifties. This is how I learned that McHugh's long-time special "date" was the fair Jacqueline...yes, the same Jackie Bouvier. Sen. Kennedy met Jackie in Paris when he was on a trip. At that time JFK was dating a beautiful SAS Airline Stewardess who was the date of that Ass't Attache who came to my office. JFK dumped her and stole Jackie away from McHugh. Leaves McHugh happy????

    At the JFK Inaugural Ball who should be there but the SAS stewardess, Jackie--of course, and Col Godfrey McHugh. JFK made McHugh a General and made him his "Military Advisor" in the White House where he was near Jackie while JFK was doing all that official travelling connected with his office AND other special interests. Who recommended McHugh for the job?


    close quote



  13. Quote WC testimony of Mrs Donald Baker
    Mr. Liebeler.
    As you went down Elm Street that you saw this thing hit the street--what did it look like when you saw it?
    Mrs. Baker.
    Well, as I said, I thought it was a  ftrecracker. It looked just like you could see the sparks from it and I just thought it was a  firecracker and I was thinking that there was somebody was  fixing to get in a lot of trouble and we thought the kids or whoever threw it were down below or standing near the underpass or back up here by the sign.

    Link to a 2012 thread FIRECRACKER

  14. To get an authetic picture what kind of deep state stiff Ruth Paine was (and is), listen to this:

    1963 SS Interview of Marguerite Oswald. Part 3.

    Regarding Oswald Ruth Paine was lying and throwing around disinfo from the start ... several hours after LHO was arrested (friday night 22.11.1963) she told two strange acting men from LIFE magazine in her apartement Oswald get home from Russia by using his savings. Marguerite Oswald was there and interrupted: That's not true, Mrs Paine. 6min 05 sec.

    The LIFE men were acting in a strange way because they were only interested in Ruth Pains statements about LHO and ignored his mother who was sitting there and witnessing Ruth Paines false statements about her son completely. But Marguerite was fighting back interrupting the Paine-LIFE men Q&A game.

    At one point Marguerite said: ... I do not like this. I ve gone hrough publicity before, when Lee supposedly(sic) defected ...

    Ruth Paine was (and is) a geyser of disinfo. And Marguerite Oswald recognized it at night on November 22. 1963 ...

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