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Chris Newton

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About Chris Newton

  • Birthday 10/24/1959

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    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    solving puzzles

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  1. Chris: I'm sending this as a private message to avoid cluttering up the thread. Previously I raised a question about the source(s) for the statements made in  the following quote: "

    QUOTE While interviewing Marina Oswald on 11/27/63 the United States Secret Service noted that at exactly 9:27 PM [Huh?]  the translator for Marina Oswald, ATSAIC Gopadze remarked to FBI Special Agent Hosty that Marina Oswald recognized him [where is this stated?] as the FBI Agent who interviewed her on 10/27/63 and in response FBI SA Hosty confirmed that he did interview Marina on 10/27/63.  [Again, where?] The USSS thought this event remarkable enough to write a separate memo about this incident on 11/30/63. [What "separate memo" are you referring to?] UNQUOTE

    Could you please address these questions, because I am getting the feeling that I am missing a document, or something along those lines.  (I realize that you perhaps have already supplied this, and this confusion on my part may be my error. In any event, please do address the question(s) --and feel free to email me directly at:




    1. Chris Newton

      Chris Newton



      No problem. Sent you an email this morning from cnewton2506@me.com

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