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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Yes, thank you - I remember that it was just a sentence or two in that interview, which I've read republished. I'll reread Thank you also, Richard - I haven't read Garrison since the days of Oliver Stone, though I read the Mellen book when it came out. Thanks too, Steven, Jack, Michael, Robert, Jim. Good to collect all the knowledge on that here.
  2. I'll look - but do you think he'd tell tales on himself? He made his connections as a Hollywoodized war hero, and that seems the card he played in later life. Maybe time for a Spartacus page on Guy Gabaldon.
  3. What's good reading material on Guy Gabaldon's associations. other than his WWII record?
  4. What exactly is the origin of the Creation myth here - that Ferrie kept lab mice and bragged of cancer experiments? If it's Garrison's book, I'd like to check it out again and read the original reference. Where was Garrison's office in the Mary Sherman murder investigation?
  5. One of the sharpest criticisms of Adenauer during his tenure was that denazification of the West German govt. had not been accomplished.
  6. You have it backward. Brakes throw people forward (Newton). Gas (acceleration) throws people backward (Newton). Jack Tsk! - too sleepy last night, I guess. Glad I didn't drive.
  7. Occupants of the limo either "duck for cover" after the head shot, or are thrown forward due to sudden braking ? I've seen it questioned as due to sudden acceleration after the stop during the head shot, meaning I suppose that the stop occurs while Connally is turning and writhing, then he flies forward as Greer hits the gas. But I wasn't there and can't judge. Good thread.
  8. Greg, I know you had limited time and opportunity, but did it seem as if JFK was uninjured immediately after he emerged from behind the sign? In the extant Z-film this would be frame 225, with the throat wounded and the fists rising at 226. You may like to listen to last night's Black Op Radio, as the John Costella interview went into discrepancies between the extant Z and the eyewitness reports.
  9. Not to obfuscate - but is the slowing, stopping, and speeding away of the limo - as we see it in the extant Z-film. or as we might posit it - factored into any study of JFK's head movement, Zapruder's camera jerks, etc? Can we learn anything about the motion of the limo from either JFK or Zapruder?
  10. Jack, you probably just need to delete some of your older (or larger) picture uploads.
  11. I wasn't aware of the currency of the Dimona rumor today - thanks.
  12. What jump reaction artifact is evident at c. 226, the throat wound?
  13. I think if you asked John Simkin - another legendary academic in JFK research - if he thought Lyndon Johnson was involved, Simkin would say yes. I think if you asked me, I would agree. I believe Johnson held the authority for Texas's participation in the assassination. But I don't believe LBJ was the ultimate authority - of any part of the assassination. I'm just interested, as an information phenomenon, in why there's lately a rush of Johnson-dunnit books. Why now? Why so many? There'll be others. It was not either the Eastern CIA/CFR/Rockefeller "Yankees" OR the Western Texas/ oil men/military contractor "Cowboys" who killed JFK ... It was the elites of BOTH the Yankees AND the Cowboys who murdered JFK. That is where all the evidence leads me. That means LBJ/CIA/CFR insider elites/Rockefellers ALL involved in the JFK assassination planning, execution and cover up. I've believed this for a number of years. Big Oil controls domestic and foreign policy, and Texas oil is, in the end, small oil, horizontally integrated into Big. And doesn't Big and its derivatives own mass-market publishing? The JFK assassination was about the "Rockfellerization" of American foreign policy. JFK was not following the CIA/CFR/Rockefeller script either in foreign policy or domestic policy. The JFK assassination was a Rockefeller/Allen Dulles coup. It was also a great way to keep Lyndon Johnson out of jail. I agree here too. The endgame was a designedly "unwinnable" war in SE Asia, using Johnson as long as possible, but eventually seating Nixon as corporate representative. RFK had to go because he was Nixon's obstacle, not LBJ's. The increased control exerted by packing Nixon's second admin with family retainers signals that Nixon was somehow judged uncontrollable and being maneuvered out. After Nixon resigned, the resulting "national malaise," as Jimmy Carter later put it, allowed Constitutional amendment permitting the vice-president to be appointed. Then there were presidential assassination attempts.... It's amazing how naked it all was, like seasons that might have passed in Chile. SONY stands for: STANDARD OIL of NEW YORK...an American acronym that has become a Japanese "brand" and has been "positioned" in the market...to give the impression that it is a product of superior (Japanese) quality. In which case they owe me double for that malfunctioning high-end CD player I bought in the 1990s, with the motor that burned out every time it was replaced. If they're going to kill people overseas in the name of "my" democratic ideals, they owe me Macintosh.
  14. Roosevelt knew Joe Kennedy was unscrupulous and worse on Wall Street, and went so far as to say some variant of "Set a thief to catch a thief" when he approved him as SEC chairman. That was during the depression that both families managed to escape with the skirts of their cutaway coats intact if not augmented. JFK would later say some variant of "I never knew there was a depression until I read about it in college."
  15. Since Barr McClellan and Lamar Waldron first published, there have been several "LBJ-dunnit" books, as Forum members have noticed. Jim DiEugenio, myself (in my small way), and others have noted that the long spate of Kennedy family-immorality tales are dubious and disinformation-motivated. Jim has mentioned that the timing of the release of these tales has been linked to pro-conspiracy events such as HSCA, ARRB, etc. So - Why not a similar consideration of the phenomenology of LBJ-dunnit books, and a study of the development of the "facts" over time.
  16. Why the "Dump Johnson" backlash in publishing now? All about the money? More involved? I'm speaking strictly about phenomena, not evidence.
  17. Really - why the intense antipathy for Nixon, when the endgame of the whole JFK-RFK thing was, de facto, to put Nixon in office? Unless the real goal was to maneuver the unelectable Nelson Rockefeller into the chair....
  18. Notice that David Atlee Phillips won't commit, journalism-style, to JFK-RFK knowledge of Castro assassination plots (but he'll raise the question...). Note in Part 10 Phillips equates "a good intelligence officer" with "a good policy-maker."
  19. I'm amazed that conservative-run corporations aren't picking up the advertising slack. Why not, do you suppose?
  20. See link for perhaps the best book on the Lincoln-Seward assassination conspiracy - Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln http://www.amazon.com/Come-Retribution-Confederate-Service-Assassination/dp/0878053484/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299716422&sr=8-1 Manhunt seemed to be a lot of predigested fact and a few new slants wrapped up in a novelistic style. Some popular histories achieve a few new things doing this, but I didn't get that from Manhunt. American Gothic, also in that style but published in the 1990s, gave me more leads into documents and historical persons useful to assessing the Lincoln assassination: http://www.amazon.com/American-Gothic-Legendary-Theatrical-Family-Junius/dp/0671767135/ref=sr_1_30?ie=UTF8&qid=1299859190&sr=8-30
  21. That .gif reminds me that I saw a documentary last night, and noticed for the first time that Dr. Robert Oppenheimer's nose curved to the left, while Dr. Edward Teller's nose curved to the right. So - educational!
  22. There was an excellent photo and research study up at Rich's, on all the sniper/spotter locations surrounding the Lorraine Motel in the MLK case.
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