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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Thanks, there's more to examine now that we see a few more frames and Tan Man's left hand after turning. The distance between them now looks plausible for a handoff.
  2. Can the .gif of the handoff be stopped so we can be sure that there is an object in the tan coat man's left hand? Also, I've seen personally, from film of events I've attended, that movie camera lenses can create the illusion of a person being closer to another standing in front of him than he actually had been. Just saying.
  3. One reason to subscribe to Time was so that they - Time-Life - Luce et al - had his address. It's just cynical enough to be possible, with Oz smirking at the free subscription as a job perk. Tempting.
  4. Pegler may have said noteworthy things about the Kennedy campaign, having conducted, through the Hearst papers, a decades-long smear campaign against Frank Sinatra.* Any Pegler slur against JFK would have to be examined as a Hearst dictat. *Apologies for previous post - Sinatra actually slugged columnist Lee Mortimer, a Pegler associate.
  5. Greg, how could one aim the thing from its position secreted inside an open umbrella? A dart fired without aiming - combat aiming like the soldier is illustrated doing in the period magazine article about the weapon - could have gone anywhere, and into anybody in the car. I doubt The Umbrella Man could have pin-pointed a flechette into JFK's throat or other vulnerable areas. Was the umbrella weapon designed to hit a seated man passing in an open car, using its downward-pointing ribs? Did it have a target acquiring system? Was it a dart that flew past Connally's left before striking JFK, causing Connally to swat at it with his hat like it was a bee, as we see in Zapruder? Or was that a bullet from the front? * One thing that everyone should notice is that if Errol Morris makes a film or films on the assassination, these works are going to be widely seen and commented on, will be made examples of "conspiracy" investigation, and will be associated with the research community. I'm sure you all know the cautionary tales to add here, though Morris has heretofore been excellent at his metier of using the camera to deconstruct perceived reality. I wish he'd do that the right way for the assassination, for instance examining the film coverage of Dealey Plaza. But, will the research community end up appearing to be a "quantum leap" between perception and reality?
  6. Not to digress, but - 21 brilliant seconds: Watch in fullscreen.
  7. It's bad enough to want the Commission session record destroyed. Oh, terrible.
  8. Curiously, I had the same experience last night. I've seen the Meyers-Posner "Beyond Conspiracy," but I had it on for a moment between channels. What I noticed was that, in the still photo and home movie footage shown of the Oswald-Pic families' reunion...that big-jowled guy purported to be Oswald barely looks like the Dealey Plaza Oswald. Check it in Duncan's post above, at about 28:00. Maybe somebody can put up the complete reunion footage for comment.
  9. Was talking about the guy sitting on the firescape... He MUST have climbed out a window... we assume it was the 2nd floor window below him, OR the 3rd floor and he came down... Might have been a good person to speak to.... DJ I am talking about the guy sitting on the fire escape. I'm suggesting that he's a gatekeeper or diversionary helper to someone firing from the window. People look up - they say, "Nope, the shot can't have come from there, because the guy sitting on the fire escape would have seen or heard something." But what if the guy sat there and didn't notice a thing?...Nothing to see here, folks. That's why I said he might be paired with the shooter, the way the Dark Complected man seems to be paired with The Umbrella Man. Also, Fire Escape Man would be able to keep others from climbing the fire escape and disturbing the shooter. But the trouble with judging whether somebody is actually firing from that window is that there appears to be a cross figure in front of the window, an X-shape made from two crossed pieces of steel on the fire escape landing. One of the arms of this cross appears to be a rifle in a shooter's hand - but perhaps it's not. One of the essays in Murder in Dealey Plaza places the sniper's nest in the window on the floor below the window shown in the posts above, and one can arguably see figures in that window also, source Altgens 6.
  10. If there's a shooter there, then this guy's a gatekeeper for him: "Nah, there was no shot from there - that guy in the T-shirt woulda seen it." Paired with the Dal-Tex shooter as Dark-Complected Man is with The Umbrella Man?
  11. What was Dickey doing for us in Vietnam?
  12. Where is the park in relation to Dealey Plaza? Across the Trinity River, SE of Dealey, in South Dallas.
  13. Beveled inside the car or beveled on the outside? Actual through-and-through hole? In his opinion, impact from a bullet fragment or from a full slug?
  14. The Coroner specifically ruled that it could not be regarded as suicide "because she didn't have sufficient presence of mind to take her own life." I think this is a legalism allowing a prosecutor to lodge a murder or manslaughter charge if evidence eventually permits. With all respect, Paisley could well have been "suicided," but could a guy who'd seen all the elephants - KGB, CIA, etc. - be "brainwashed" by an Agency project group? Surely he'd see that coming. Involvement with Lifespring would make being "suicided" more plausible as suicide under investigation, though.
  15. I'm on Groden's side, but I've also seen in documentaries the class of dodgy freaks who hawk pix and theories in Dealey. What can the research community do - in and out of the Plaza - to separate Groden from this ilk? That may be a way to save him from his oppressors.
  16. Is "Donald Norton" a floating alias used by several persons, like "Maurice Bishop" and "Lee Oswald"?
  17. Some say otherwise, and I took refuge in the conditional, only omitting the second, complementory had : "If the limo had stopped and JFK stood up or got out to shake hands..."
  18. Kathleen Collins put up a suspect "Corham building" sniper photo at this thread, first post. It's actually the building to the right of Corham motors, figure seen just above the limo flag. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18289
  19. Lou d'Almeida later involved with the New York Gauchos basketball team, and other activities. "In New York, Gauchos founder Lou d'Almeida dropped out of the picture after he became the subject of a child-molestation probe in 1996; charges later were dropped. Around that time, it also was revealed that d'Almeida had pleaded guilty in 1971 to criminally negligent homicide in the shooting death of Gerald Gerardo, a 20-year-old diver and acquaintance of d'Almeida." http://apse.dallasnews.com/contest/2001/writing/over250.enterprise.first2.html
  20. I regret burdening the Forum with my comments. Moderators, am I allowed to request that this thread be closed? If not - Harry Dean, would you make that request?
  21. Ron Ecker, on 07 October 2011 - 01:20 PM, said: Didn't someone along the route try to warn JFK or say something to him, but was kept away from the limo? I don't remember the details (if there were any), but I would love to see video of that. Take a look through past threads. We've had discussion of credible period reports that a teenaged male in uniform ran out among the motorcade vehicles and was subdued by Secret Service. Use "Civil Air Patrol" as a search term. In a couple of these threads I've questioned whether the subject was wearing a CAP uniform.
  22. Well, Harry knows the already demonstrated connection between the LDS church and the John Birch Society, and shares my response to this historically seditious faith. At this point in my life, I can not speak, holistically or relatively, with indulgence toward the churches of Salt Lake or Rome, though I am a Christian raised Catholic. I think enough past threads on this forum have explored the involvements of the LDS church in unsavory twentieth-century events. I don't want a Mormon president - is this prejudice or caution, paranoia or preference? And I especially don't want one for president who speaks of corporations as congresses of individuals exercising their individual rights to Jeffersonian happiness, when the individuals among their leadership cannot be prosecuted for the economic mess we're suffering now. Tom Scully, in his recent Obama posts, feels his outrage where he prefers, and so do I. I have no lesser grounds to do so. I respect you, Greg (and Tom), and I'm just venting. But I feel it's worthwhile venting under the political circumstances.
  23. Not to distract from that thought, but I've always wanted to see footage, if any exists, of the stops that the motorcade made during heavy crowds in the Dallas streets before Dealey - the places where JFK stood up in the car, and allegedly once stepped out of the limo. Where were the following vehicles then? What did the Queen Mary SS men do? If the limo had stopped and JFK stood up or got out to shake hands, you'd think there'd have been still photos snapped, at least.
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