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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. I was expecting such a reaction on your part.

    Indeed, as I learned a few years ago, people are rarely grateful for a demonstration of their credulity.

    Well, I don't blame you. It must be really hard to try to defend ludicrous conspiracy theories against all evidence, and being held up to ridicule (and deservedly so) by reasonable people every time you turn your computer on...




  2. A traveling matte is when you can actually move that background to make it seem like its in motion. Say for example, when the first spaceships arrive at Devil's Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Very difficult to do. Although they did do it well. But recall, this is 1976. With a budget of 18 million dollars. And Trumbull and several other talented people, are working in front projection. Which was rarely used at the time and is a difficult process.

    My favorite Matte work in a film is by far from "Ghostbusters"

    This Youtube clip kind of sucks to see the Matte work, but here it is

    But they created a 360 degree Matte of New York City all around the stage, the skyline looks real, with blinking lights, amazing looking buildings, as well as the changing sky, and the top of the building that they are on

    I am not using "Ghostbusters" as proof of alteration, just stating that I love the Matte work

  3. Hello Chris,

    Using your definition of alteration it would appear that the film clip you posted is unaltered.

    It seems to be a simple stop frame animation where the camera stopped, the physical content of the scene is changed and the film is started to record the new physical reality.

    When the film is played back it appears as though a mysterious transformation has occurred in a moment but what the film doesn't show is the time interval where an assistant stepped into the scene and removed the the fake nose.

    It's not the film that has been altered in this instance, it's the scene that's changed. The film maker plays on your assumption that filming was uninterrupted and in real time.

    But no frame was altered, moved or added - that's exactly what the camera saw while it was recording.

    Assuming that the motorcade wasn't stopped along Elm to add or remove elements from the scene it's hard to see how stop frame animation could have played a role in the Zapruder film.

    Best to you,


    Jerry if a single frame was removed from that 1928 film then that means that its altered

    Im positive that the 1928 film has had many frames removed

    Just like the limo turn being taken out of the Z-film

    If a frame(s) have been removed that means the film was altered

  4. That is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard

    If you have NEVER done anything even similar how can you know if what is being described...AND WHAT YOU CLAIM TO "BELIEVE", is really correct?

    It's not ludicrous at all. It's a technical problem. If you don't have the proper techincal background, how can YOU properly judge what it is you are reading?

    Unless of course your just "BELIEVE"


    So in your world I would have to be a Supreme Court Justice to know how the Supreme Court works?

    See how silly you sound

  5. ...

    But, as a matter of fact, all experts and specialists who have tried to analyze the Zapruder film, WITH TOP-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, have found NOTHING, absolutely no trace of alteration.


    /François Carlier/

    oh Francois, you silly goose you, you haven't an iota of (circa. 1963) technical film lab knowledge. Posting the above utter nonsense is an embarrassment to decent lone nut discussion concerning the subject. So sit down and watch Lamson get his due....

    p.s. the alleged in-camera Zapruder film is SUSPECT suck-it-up, son.

    Yeah, sure ! And Elvis Presley is alive, too.

    Keep dreaming.

    /François Carlier/


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