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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. I demand that the moderators put Francois Carlier on moderation (or better still, ban him from the forum). I refuse to accept veiled threats.

    Stop being silly you were not threatened he wrote

    Laverick, you're beginning to get on my nerves.

    It's easy to insult people through a computer. Weak people do that !

    I'd like to see you talk in front of me !


    So if you were in a bar and said something rude about another person in the bar under your breath and they said to you "I'd like to see you say that to my face"

    You would not consider that a threat?

  2. Groden is a collector, where he has gone out of his way to gather JFK memorabilia, the most important of which concern the Zapruder film. If the film is a fake--and there can be no doubt about it for those who study the evidence seriously--then the value of his collection, not to mention research of his based upon the assumption that the film is authentic, takes an enormous hit.

    Very well said Jim

    I agree with that 100%

  3. And even WITHOUT the two "Poe" shells, Oswald's guilt can be conclusively established

    Oh really?!

    Hey DVP was Poe lying when he said he marked the shells?

    If he is not lying can you please tell me where those shells are today?

    Or you can just post a picture of the Poe marked shells

    Take your time Dave, I wont rush you

  4. Dean:

    Gary Mack stepped up to the plate with the MC ammo "index card" that everyone and the WC had somehow overlooked. Remember? And Francois was so eager to throw it at me that he used it without checking it first. Which is something you have to do with Larry Dunkel/Gary Mack ever since he switched sides and went over to Dave Perry and the Sixth Floor cover up.

    Believe me, after reviewing his two Discovery Channel debacles, ITTC and JFK: The Ruby Connection, I know you can't trust anything the guy says without looking it up. Francois didn't.

    Gary Mack is kind of like the Mighty Casey in that regard.


    I agree with you on all points about Gary-Larry Mack-Dunnkel

  5. I am not academically qualified to discuss the evolution of an idea. Jim is, and I ask that he

    discuss this, as it relates to the misunderstanding younger researchers (and even some

    older ones) have about CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

    Many here have no notion how to approach study of an idea from recognition of it till

    it becomes a known fact. They do not know the difference between a theory and

    a settled theory. They mistakenly call proven facts "theories".

    We need a list of SETTLED THEORIES AND FACTS in the JFK case so we do not keep

    repeating them endlessly.

    Jim...please do this and cite examples. I have seen you do it before in your cognitive

    studies, but do not know where to access it.



    Well, it's very easy.

    All you have uttered these past years are useless, nonsensical, ludicrous theories that deserve to go directly to the trash !

    Now, let's deal with the rest...


    Frank is so weak


  6. Yes, I did say that I didn't want to have anything to do with four people (including you), because I had found that they had a bad attitude.

    Your first post on this forum had the worst "bad attitude" I have ever seen in my entire life

    Now you claim that your going to ignore the 4 of us because we have a "bad attitude"

    You are losing your mind Frank

  7. So as I suggested earlier, Oswald ordered the 36” rifle but, probably due to Klein’s running out of stock, he received the 40” model instead.

    What amazing speculation on Garys part

    Its too bad Gary couldnt post that himself so I could rip him a new one

    Come on Gary, step up to the plate

  8. No Dean, the FBI would never try and intimidate a witness. Not Mr. Hoover.


    I cant believe DVP backs Hoover and the FBI

    When the FBI caught Doc Barker back in the 1930s they beat the living hell out of him for two days straight trying to get info on the rest of the Barker/Karpis gang

    Watch DVP come back and say Hauptmann got a fair shake from the FBI and that they never harmed a hair on Doc Barkers body

  9. More on VB's flawless FBI:

    "In the famous Lindbergh kidnapping case, Hoover had his longtime assistant—some would say his flunky—Charles Appel say that Bruno Hauptmann's handwriting matched the samples on the ransom demands. Even though Hoover knew that Hauptmann's fingerprints did not match "the latent impressions developed on the ransom notes and the ransom money." Hoover later wrote that he harbored serious doubts about the state of the evidence against Hauptmann. And Charles Lindbergh indirectly commented on Hoover's role in that case by saying that, if not for the FBI's role, Hauptmann would have never been apprehended, brought to trial, and finally executed. Hoover always resented Lindbergh for making that revealing remark. (ibid, p. 163)


    No doubt in my mind that Hauptmann was railroaded by the FBI like no other man in history

    The same Hoover led FBI who DVP says can do no wrong and would never ever tell someone to "Shut Up"

  10. The Moderator that I trusted the most and who held many of the same theories as myself and others in my group was banned

    He was never replaced

    I think he should have been replaced by a new mod that would be able to have a voice for the members who shared his views on the assassination

    Just my opinion, I have no problem with any mods at all, just always felt a little safer when the mod who was banned was an active member/mod

  11. In fact, anyone who uses quotes from Bugliosi's book on the Internet is technically breaking the law, because I've noticed that VB's "Reclaiming History" is one of the very few books that I own that doesn't allow ANYTHING (not even a single sentence) to be copied and reprinted without the express permission of the publisher, W.W. Norton.

    Im shaking in my boots

    If I ever post a passage from RH I will mark the time of the post so we can clock how long it takes the Swat Team to break down my door and arrest me and my family for quoting VB :rolleyes:

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