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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. No idea. Hopefully IPS can tell John what happened.

    It said "server not found " in UK yesterday for about 2 hours mid afternoon, I got depressed with nothing to read and thought about going to McAdams site.But the mouse refused.So glad I got a mac.

    I would watch the weather channel before "going to McAdams site".



    I agree McAdams is infinitely more predictable.



  2. But tell you what. Why don't you show us the top of the fold in Croft and Towner at its hightest point....


    Why are you trying to waste my time?

    You can see just like I can where the top of the bunching is in Croft and Towner

    No need for me to post pictures and draw a line for you

    Cliff has posted pics of Croft and Towner with a line drawn to the top of Croft and Towner, I agree with Cliffs positions

    Nothing you can say or do can make that minor bunching in Croft and Towner explode into a massive 3+ inch fold seconds later in Betzner

  3. I do? Can you please show us all exactly were I said that. You would never misquote me, would you?

    You didnt say that, but you did say that in Towner and Croft we see the same kind of bunching

    No matter how much I look at Croft and Towner I cant see a 3+ inch fold, in fact I cant even see a 1 inch fold, all I see is a very small amount of bunching

    So my question to you is how did his jacket go from a small bunching of fabric in Croft to a huge 3+ inch fold in Betzner just a second or two later?

    It cant happen Craig

  4. So anybody who claims (like you) that the Zapruder film is altered go against all evidence.

    Francis Coli

    Do you know what evidence is?

    I dont think you do

    Send me 9 more emails and I will tell you what evidence is

    Yea Dean why don't YOU post some of that "evidence" that the z film is fake. That should be a laugh a second!

    How far away is your bookshelf Craig?

    Do you live in a 1000000sq ft home?

    Did you break both of your legs?

    What is stopping you Craig?

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