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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Only the fringe of the fringe of conspiracy theorists believe that the Zapruder film was altered.

    Thats not true

    I believe the Z-film was altered, at the same time I do not believe in 80% of the conspiracy theories that exsist among researchers

    And trust me, it has been my main area of research since I read "Bloody Treason" in 1997, so im not just claiming alteration for the hell of it

  2. 23 Umbrella man: Evidence of conspiracy R.B. Cutler 1975 s.n. (1975)

    Are you kidding me!?

    Do you own TUM Robert?

    I dont think that you do, because if you did it wouldnt be on your worst books list

    I do own Cutlers TUM, and while I do not agree with Cutlers TUM theory, the plats and the tracking of TUM and DCM alone make the book a valuable resource

  3. That cant be 3+ inches in Towner and Croft

    Sure it can. The fold is as large as the jacket collar in all three images....3+ inches of fabric in the fold.

    No way

    Are you looking at different pictures Craig?

    How could you come to the conclusion of 3+ inches of fold belowthe jacket collar?

    There is no way thats 3+ inches of fabric fold Craig

    I see you are visually and math impaired.

    In all the images the top of the fold extends above the jacket collar.

    The jacket collar is 1.25inches. 2 times 1.25" equals 2.5' of fabric (both sides of the fold).

    There is a return at the the bottom and top of the fold (where he fabric actually creases)>I measured a number of such creases and the smallest I recorded was .25"

    .25" times 2 equals .5"

    2.5" plus .5" equals 3"...add uncertanity and you get 3 + inches of fabrinc in each fold.

    See how easy that is deano...

    All the math in the world cant make that 3+ inch fold a reality Craig

    My eyesight and math are in good working order

  4. That cant be 3+ inches in Towner and Croft

    Sure it can. The fold is as large as the jacket collar in all three images....3+ inches of fabric in the fold.

    No way

    Are you looking at different pictures Craig?

    How could you come to the conclusion of 3+ inches of fold belowthe jacket collar?

    There is no way thats 3+ inches of fabric fold Craig

  5. Craig answer me this

    How could the fold/bunching increase so much over the very short time frame between Towner and Betzer?

    If you can answer that question then I will play ball and try to re-create what we see in Betzner

    It did not increase. There is a 3+inch fold of fabric in Towner, Croft and Betzner.

    No way

  6. Dean : we all do.

    But try not to pay retail for it.

    I really dont want to give McAdams my money Jim, but just like "Reclaiming History" I showed up when Barnes and Nobel opened the day it came out and bought it

    I will do the same with McAdams book because I have to read it right away as soon as its avalible

    Its just a habit, I would rather pay full price to read the book right away then wait until the price drops

  7. When do yo plan on answering the question?

    So jim,

    What kind of fabric arrangement caused the dark artifact seen in Betzner?

    Jim, don't bother.

    Craig can't address the topic of the thread. The Towner photo is like garlic before

    a vampire to Craig.

    Craig can't refute the information in this photograph, in which John F. Kennedy

    demonstrates the kind of fabric arrangement which created shadow below his collar-line.

    Please note that JFK's posture in this photo is very similar to Betzner.

    Craig Lamson is a fraud.

    That picture is perfect Cliff!

    It shows the artifact in Betzner and JFK is in a simalar position in Betzner

    I back you 100%

  8. Dean you coped out, you (like Don) seem not to have read the chapters that so offended David and me but rather seem content to take Fetzer's word for it that he is innocent of all charges. But if you cant muster up the courage to read garbage Fetzer read on air and strongly endorsed ask yourself why he continues to dodge the bullet regarding it.


    If Jim is the big time Jew hating anti-semite who thinks that the Jews are behind 9-11, WWII, Stock Market Crash of 29, and on and on then wouldnt he come out and say, yes I am an anti-semite and the Jews are behind 9-11 and everything else, I also back up my website and my fellow anti-semitic friends

    You see Len I ask first, then look into it later, I am going to listen to and read all the links and posts today and find out for myself the things you and David are talking about

    If you think of any other website or any links please post them so I can look into it today

    Thanks Len


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